Meet The Leader

Chapter 668: help me

The Djinn Gang has remained tepid until now. Although it has not declined, it has not developed much. This has a great relationship with Fang Datong's personality.

This person is indeed not decisive enough, some indecision means.

At this time, he had already joined the Demon Slayer Alliance, but at this critical moment, he was threatened by Chu Xiu and hesitated.

The Heavenly Demon Dance in Chu Xiu's hands was slashed one after another with monstrous surging demonic energy. At the same time, the inner demons turned Dafa and turned into a soul-suppressing and haunting song, constantly harassing Nie Renlong, and gradually weakening Nie Renlong's strength.

It was the limit of Chu Xiu's ability to fight against a long-established martial arts master like Nie Renlong with the unity of heaven and man.

But in the brief moment of Fang Datong's hesitation, Nie Renlong already had several wounds on his body.

Seeing this scene, Fang Datong gritted his teeth and punched Chu Xiu.

As Tong Nie Renlong said, he has no way out. Regardless of whether what Chu Xiu said is true or not, he can only bet one game right now, betting that Nie Renlong will win and Chu Xiu will die!

"kill him!"

Nie Renlong did not retreat but advanced with a seriously injured body. He used Qiankun Lingyun's hand to the extreme. The yin and yang two qi gathered in his palm, directly entangling the Tianmo Wu in Chu Xiu's hand, and even made him unable to escape.

Seeing that Fang Datong's punch was about to fall, a black figure suddenly appeared behind Chu Xiu, opened his mouth, and a ferocious hungry ghost roared out. come!

Fang Datong had been fighting fiercely with Liu Hongye before. Although his strength was stronger than Liu Hongye, he did not dare to be distracted to pay attention to other battles when he was fighting fiercely with a martial arts master, so In fact, he did not fully see the fight between Nie Renlong and Chuxiu before.

At this time, seeing this evil thing appearing in front of his eyes, no matter what power it can swallow, he even wants to swallow himself, Fang Datong subconsciously prepares to retreat, and then find a way to repel it.

However, Fang Datong's withdrawal caused Nie Renlong to spit out a mouthful of blood.

The seven points were due to the excessive use of strength, which affected the internal injury, and the three points were given to him by Fang Datong.

At this moment, Nie Renlong finally understood a truth, relying on others is worse than relying on himself. The so-called alliance seems to be powerful, but a group of idiots are dragging their feet there, and those who kill themselves will always be their own people.

At this critical moment of desperate struggle, Fang Datong even chose to return to the defense cautiously, which is simply cowardly.

It doesn't matter if he leaves, but he has trapped Nie Renlong here, but he is already at the end of the shot.

Of course, Fang Datong's move didn't mean to deceive Nie Renlong, it was his nature, and it was a subconscious reaction.

Don't look at Fang Datong, who looks tall and mighty, and his nickname is also the extremely fierce giant spirit general.

But beneath his sturdy appearance hides an extremely sensitive and careful heart.

Once there is any trouble, he will choose the safest way, and be cautious to the extreme.

It's a pity that his cautiousness this time has killed Nie Renlong.

In that instant, Chu Xiu gathered the last trace of his Primordial Spirit power and turned it into a soul-destroying arrow and shot out. At such a close distance, even if Chu Xiu didn't use the Heavenly Son's Qi Technique to lock Nie Renlong, Nie Renlong would not be able to escape. dropped.

The primordial spirit was severely injured, and Nie Renlong snorted, but he managed to hold on, and he did not lose his consciousness. Instead, the energy and blood all over his body condensed into his abolished arm, and he slashed it with a vertical palm. The burst of blood energy was like a giant Like a blade, it crashed down towards Chu Xiu!

The primordial spirit was severely injured, but Nie Renlong was able to stay awake with his own willpower, and he could even use his own power to control the power of qi and blood. This kind of tenacious state of mind was indeed terrifying.

And for Chu Xiu, the big enemy, Nie Renlong had deliberately learned about his various details.

He knew that Chu Xiu had the magic blood in his body, and without enough strength to suppress the boiling of blood and blood, burning blood essence was almost equivalent to suicide.

So he actually came up with this method to fight Chu Xiu for the last time, and it was considered to be trying his best.

If Nie Renlong didn't die this time, he would be able to recover if he burned his blood essence, but he gathered all the qi and blood from his whole body into one arm, and finally burst out. Yes, but from now on he can only be a wretch.

In the face of Nie Renlong's blow, Chu Xiu's figure hurriedly retreated backwards, but Nie Renlong's right hand suddenly grabbed, and the space around Chu Xiu seemed to be locked. Blocking slowed his movement.

How strong is the power of all the qi and blood of an extraordinary martial master? Chu Xiu didn't know this, and it was estimated that few people in the arena knew about it. After all, not many martial arts masters of Nie Renlong's level could fight to this level.

At this moment, a lot of things popped up in Chu Xiu's mind.

In fact, he still has a lot of cards, but for these cards, even Chu Xiu himself is not sure how strong they can be.

But in this situation, Chu Xiu didn't have 100% confidence to survive Nie Renlong's fatal blow, so Chu Xiu didn't have time to think about it. Mountains in general.

Chu Xiu was immersed in a strange state. This was a martial art that he could not master. Even in the past, he was stimulated to vomit blood just by looking at it.

Even now Chu Xiu is not sure to fully grasp it, but he just wants to borrow a trace of the charm of this type of martial arts, he only needs a trace!

When the knife was cut down, the knife intent was surging, the knife momentum was turbulent, and the knife force was vast and surging, as if a tsunami ripped apart the sky and devoured everything.

Swallowing the sky and destroying the earth, breaking the sea!

Everything in front of him seemed to be divided into two halves in front of Chu Xiu.

The vitality of heaven and earth was torn apart by the sword qi, and could not heal for a long time. Also torn by this sword was Nie Renlong's body!

Almost in an instant, Nie Renlong was dead, his body was neatly split in half, and a large stream of blood flowed out until his body fell to the ground.

This final blow, before he could even cast it out, was already beheaded by Chu Xiu, and Nie Renlong didn't even rest his eyes!

The power of this knife is somewhat beyond Chu Xiu's imagination, and the power is also beyond Chu Xiu's imagination. This is not a power that people can control at all, but the mighty power of heaven and earth!

No wonder it is said that people who have obtained this practice method have almost no good endings. Controlling this sword method with the power of the world with human body is itself the power of stealing the sky. It's normal.

Although Chu Xiu wasn't ready to die at this time, after this knife, faint cracks appeared all over Chu Xiu's body, like a broken porcelain doll.

Even fellow cultivator Chu Xiu could not withstand this powerful force.

Blood seeped out from those cracks, making Chu Xiu seem to have been fished out of the blood tank at this time, which was very terrifying.

Turning to look at Fang Datong, a smile suddenly appeared on Chu Xiu's face. His whole body was blood red, only his teeth were extremely white, but it gave people a feeling of extreme awe.

"Sect Master Fang, you made the wrong choice! People have many choices in their life, but some choices are related to one's life and wealth. It's a pity that you made the wrong choice!"

When Fang Datong saw this scene, he turned around and ran away without saying a word.

He couldn't blame him for being timid, but he knew the gap between him and Nie Renlong.

Now that even Nie Renlong is dead, the alliance must have disbanded. If he doesn't go back and figure out how to deal with Chu Xiu's revenge, is he still here to find death?

But at this time, Fang Datong didn't know that Chu Xiu even struggled to move a step. He just tried to force it. He didn't expect Fang Datong to be scared away so easily. There are dozens of other kinds of Chu Xiu. The prepared means of coercion have not been used.

Of course, this can't blame Fang Datong for being timid. His own personality is extremely Even if Chu Xiu sings an empty city plan in front of him at this time, it is estimated that Fang Datong would not dare to test it.

At this time, when Nie Renlong died and Fang Datong fled, this was a devastating blow to the Demon Slayer Alliance, especially those small forces with insufficient strength, who were not in the mood to fight again and fled one after another.

Yan Huainan, who was fighting with Mr. Lu, saw this scene, sighed helplessly, turned around and retreated.

Yan Huainan was still a little emotional about Nie Renlong's death.

The land of Beiyan is not as big as that of Dongqi, so the outstanding characters of Beiyan Wulin almost all have some intersections. Although Yan Huainan and Nie Renlong are not friends, they are not enemies, and they know each other very well. .

Nie Renlong had the ability, strength, and ambition, but unfortunately he died here because of bad luck.

The alliance was initiated by Nie Renlong. If he died at this time, even if there were still people from Daguang Temple, he would be no match for Chu Xiu and the others. He was worth retreating for the time being.

However, Yan Huainan escaped, and Mr. Lu was still a little unhappy.

Seeing that everyone in Juyi Village was defeated and retreated, the false words had to grit their teeth: "The warriors belonging to the Daguang Temple, withdraw immediately!"

False words are not false deeds. Although he is unwilling at this time, he still has some sense of reason. If he fights again, it will not be a demon, but a death sentence.

The people in Juyi Village were completely defeated. After all the people in the right way were defeated, even the people on Chu Xiu's side couldn't believe that they actually won.

Mei Qinglian walked slowly, with a little surprise on her face: "I really guessed wrong, you are not gambling, but you are really sure."

Chu Xiu sighed, and turned his face to Mei Qinglian expressionlessly: "Help me."


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