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Chapter 669: destruction

Being able to kill a martial arts master of Nie Renlong's level was enough to make Chu Xiu proud.

But after the killing, Chu Xiu's physical strength was really overdrawn to a limit, Mei Qinglian didn't support him, I'm afraid he would really fall to the ground.

Relying on Mei Qinglian, Chu Xiu strongly supported his spirit and said: "No need to chase, give everyone half an hour to clean the battlefield, and then immediately leave Beiyan at the fastest speed!"

With Nie Renlong's death, Juyi Village was destroyed, and the contents of Juyi Village naturally belonged to Chu Xiu and others.

In fact, a force like Juyizhuang that has no time to accumulate background does not have many good things, at least Chu Xiu is not very attractive.

However, his subordinates and the people from the hidden demon lineage are very interested in these things, so let them search.

If the superiors are unrelenting and stingy to the extreme, then don't expect others to work hard for you.

At this moment, Liu Hongye clutched her chest in shame and walked up: "Sir, forgive me, I'm useless."

To tell the truth, Liu Hongye didn't deliberately release water before to kill Chu Xiu, but he was really no match for Fang Datong.

He is now a grasshopper on a rope with Chu Xiu. Chu Xiu is dead, and he has no good fruit to eat.

Chu Xiu didn't care about Liu Hongye.

When he played against Nie Renlong before, he always paid attention to the movements on the side, and he also knew that Liu Hongye didn't do it on purpose.

Chu Xiu waved his hand and said: "You don't need to apologize to me, your own strength is weak, if he is killed by someone in the future, you should apologize, but it is actually yourself.

After this incident, there are quite a few secret scriptures in Guanzhong Punishment Hall, you can use them for reference. "

In fact, there are quite a lot of exercises in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. In the past, when Guan Siyu was there, they were basically used as rewards for some outstanding martial artists.

But now that Guanzhong Punishment Hall is under his control, it is natural that Chu Xiu will give it to whomever he wants.

After the Juyi Village was thoroughly searched, Chu Xiu left Beiyan immediately with the people.

Of course, to be precise, Chu Xiu should be carried away from Beiyan. After all, he doesn't even have the strength to walk now.

At this time, in the Northland, Xu Yun's fight with Wei Shuya had ended.

With the two sides as the center, the area within a radius of several hundred meters has been completely smashed, and it is almost impossible to see what it looked like before.

Xuyun stood there motionless, his expression still calm and said: "Old Wei, are you still going to continue fighting? Life and death, I dare, you dare not."

Although Wei Shuya was also standing there, compared to Xu Yun, his face showed a hint of fatigue, and even a morbidly pale complexion, but at this time there was no need to shoot again.

Shaking his head, Wei Shuya said: "It's wrong, it's just desperate, I have never been afraid of it, if I was afraid, I would have been afraid of it when I was on the Jiutian Mountain.

But you are right, there is no need to fight anymore, let's go. "

As soon as he waved his hand, Wei Shuya called directly to Chu Wuji, who was fighting with Xu Du, and the two left immediately.

Xu Du didn't stop him either, he just stood beside Xu Yun and asked, "Senior brother, who is stronger between you and Wei Shuya."

Xu Yun didn't answer Xu Du directly, he just said: "Unfortunately, Wei Shuya is already old.

The times create heroes, his era has passed, and when he broke through the real fire refining spirit, he was already too old. "

Xu Du nodded clearly. He understood what Xu Yun meant. In the battle just now, Xu Yun was stronger.

If Wei Shuya could step into the realm of real fire refining when he was young, he could still fight Xuyun, but now, after all, he has passed the peak.

Of course, there is nothing to be proud of about Xu Yun, and there is really nothing to be proud of when fighting against an old man who has already entered the stage of qi and blood decay.

"By the way, senior brother, should we go after Juyi Village?"

Xu Yun shook his head and said, "No need to go."

Xu Du said in surprise: "Why? After defeating Wei Shuya and others, we don't have to go?"

Xu Yun said lightly: "We have been delayed for so long, if Chu Xiu wins, we can only collect the corpse when we go.

On the other hand, if Chu Xiu loses, it would be meaningless for us to go there. If there is no accident, no matter whether we win or lose, false words will bring people back. "

Xudu laughed and said, "Senior brother, do you trust that kid with false words so much? He can bring people back no matter whether he wins or loses?"

"Among the first of the six martial arts academies, I am most optimistic about the false words, and he will also be the most promising warrior in the temple to step into the realm of real fire.

Vajra's anger burns in the fire of the heart. Although the power of the practice of the Vajra Academy is great, it is easier to commit anger.

But as you can see, the false words successfully suppressed his anger, restrained his anger, and acted calmly, unlike the warriors from the King Kong Academy.

On the contrary, it was Bodhidharma's vain deeds, and his anger could not be suppressed. If he was allowed to continue like this, he would die in his anger sooner or later. "

Xudu touched his bald head, hehe said with a smile: "The most promising warrior in the temple to step into the realm of real fire, shouldn't it be me? Senior brother, you are underestimating me."

Xu Yun glanced at him and said: "You don't count, if you are willing to use the normal sudden method to break through the real fire and refine the realm, are you still using it in the real core realm? You are afraid that you will be able to reach this realm long ago. "

Xudu laughed twice and didn't say anything.

At this time, Pang Hu was covered in blood in the snow city in the extreme north. Although Bai Hantian on the opposite side was much better, his own consumption was also huge.

Pang Hu's strength is not weak, but he is only a bandit after all, but he is not as profound as Bai Hantian, the city lord of the extreme northern snow city, and he is still at a disadvantage when he really fights.

Bai Hantian looked at Pang Hu and frowned, "Aren't you going to get out of the way?"

Pang Hu let out a long breath and waved his hand: "Withdraw!"

After resisting Chu Xiu for so long, Pang Hu has done his best. If he fights again, he will really bury the entire Qilian Village here.

Seeing Pang Hu withdraw, Bai Hantian was not very happy.

Heavy damage to Pang Hu, his own consumption is not small, need to recover.

The most important thing is that I have been late for so long. What happened to Juyi Village?

Bai Hantian didn't dare to delay, and he didn't care to recover his strength, so he immediately sent people to Juyi Village.

At the Huangfu family, Xiang Wu was still fighting with Huangfu Patriarch at this time.

Xiang Wu's own strength is indeed quite astonishing, even if he is fighting against a powerhouse like Huangfu's ancestor, who is in the realm of real fire, he is only slightly disadvantaged.

Of course, there is a reason why Huangfu's ancestors didn't kill him.

After all, Xiang Wu was only besieging his Huangfu clan, not exterminating it, and Huangfu's ancestor also knew Xiang Wu's position in the entire Beiyan royal family. If he dared to kill Xiang Wu, he would be with the entire Beiyan court. Tear the skin, never die.

So when it hit this level, Huangfu's ancestor simply stopped, snorted coldly, and asked all Huangfu's people to go back. In this matter, their Huangfu's did not interfere.

Xiang Wu didn't seem to be enjoying himself at this time, and shouted at Huangfu's ancestor: "Hey, don't fight anymore? Just leave? Fight for a while?"

To be able to play against a powerhouse like Huangfu Patriarch, who has stepped into the real fire refining spirit realm, is of great benefit to Xiang Wu. He has not had enough fun at this time.

However, the ancestor Huangfu ignored him and took people back to the Huangfu family, closing the door.

Xiang Wu shrugged helplessly and led troops to besiege the Huangfu clan. He had done too much. If he attacked the Huangfu clan again, it would be equivalent to tearing his face. His Majesty would not tolerate him if he let him go. this kind of thing.

All the forces that came to support Juyi Village were stopped halfway, and only one Extreme North Piaoxuecheng was still insisting on coming.

But before the people from Piaoxuecheng in the extreme north came to Juyi Village, they met the disciples who escaped after the collapse of Juyi Village.

When Bai Hantian heard the news, with a look of disbelief on his face, Chu Xiu actually killed Nie Renlong, destroyed Juyi Village, and made their so-called Devil Slayer Alliance completely vanished before they succeeded.

Especially for Nie Renlong's death Bai Hantian is even more unacceptable.

When he was young, Bai Hantian had already had some competition with Nie Renlong. The two had actually fought in secret many times, especially the last time, when Nie Renlong died of his son, he had already been enchanted. Death, but now he obviously has the advantage, but he died like this?

But when Bai Hantian came to Juyi Village and saw the corpses all over the ground, especially Nie Renlong's corpse, even if he didn't believe it, he had to accept this reality.

With a sigh, Bai Hantian said solemnly: "Come here, sew up Nie Renlong's body and then restrain it, clean up this place, bury Nie Renlong in Juyi Village, excavate the mausoleum, and bury it in a beautiful way."

Bai Hantian and Nie Renlong are definitely not good friends, but seeing the people who competed with him in the past end up like this, Bai Hantian is also a little complicated.

People die like lights go out, and there is no need to revisit those grievances in the past. He collected the body for Nie Renlong, which can be regarded as the final settlement.

The matter of Beiyan is so big that all parties are watching it all the time, so in less than a day, it has spread throughout the entire Beiyan Wulin.

Chu Xiu raided Juyi Village and killed Nie Renlong. Powerhouses from all sides intercepted the reinforcements, and even the Beiyan court intervened. The entire Beiyan Wulin was messed up, making people a little unclear and confused.

But the only thing everyone can be sure of is that Chu Xiu is not easy to kill!

Don't look at him now as if he is in danger like a tired egg. He may be completely destroyed the next day, and he has become a record of the righteous martial arts in eliminating demons and defending the road, just like the five heavenly demons in the Nine Heavens Mountains in the past.

But to get rid of Chu Xiu, how much will it cost to pay, this really needs to be weighed.


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