Meet The Leader

Chapter 675: 1 sword amazing

In all fairness, Shen Bai's reputation on the rivers and lakes is actually not that big.

Canglan Sword Sect has been in decline for so long, and only Liu Yuanyuan still has some reputation left in the rivers and lakes, and the rest, whether it is Shen Bai or others, can only be regarded as nameless people.

Seeing such a warrior who was wearing filial piety and only had the level of harmony between man and nature take the stage to challenge, Cheng Tingshan frowned and scolded: "Which junior is here to make trouble? Haven't your parents taught you how to be superior and inferior? Disciple I don’t understand, is Master still ignorant? Go on, don’t make a fool of yourself!”

Hearing that Cheng Tingshan actually mentioned his master, a cold light suddenly appeared in Shen Bai's eyes.

However, the expression on his face still did not change in the slightest, he just held his sword and said solemnly: "You didn't seem to say before that you can't participate in the competition in the realm of the unity of heaven and man. Could it be that Senior Cheng dare not even face the challenge of a junior?

In the Xia Canglan Sword Sect... the new head, Shen Bai, please ask Cangjian Villa, Master Cheng Zhuang to enlighten me! "

At this moment, Shen Bai did not challenge Cheng Tingshan as a junior, but as the head of Canglan Sword Sect.

Cheng Tingshan frowned and said, "Are you the new head of the Canglan Sword Sect? What nonsense! Where is Liu Yuanyuan?"

Shen Bai said in a deep voice: "The master has passed away, so I am the new head of the Canglan Sword Sect. Isn't this qualification not enough to challenge you, Master Cheng Zhuang?"

Hearing that Liu Yuanyuan was dead, everyone present was in an uproar, but Cheng Tingshan's eyes showed a touch of disdain.

In all fairness, Liu Yongyuan was a man, and even Cheng Tingshan did not dare to do anything with him when he was at his peak.

But now that Liu Yuanyuan is dead, the Canglan Sword Sect has not even reached the point where a martial artist of the unity of nature and man is promoted as the head. This is simply a joke.

Right now, Canglan Sword Sect can still be ranked among the seven sects and eight factions, entirely because of the existence of Liu Yuan. As a result, as soon as Liu Yuan dies, it is estimated that Cang Lan Sword Sect will soon be removed from Jianghu Song Jue.

The new head of the Canglan Sword Sect may have a good talent, but he is still too young and inexperienced.

At such a time, if you don't hurry up to hide the news of Liu Yuan's death, and go into a low-key retreat to the true alchemy realm of martial arts, he even ran out everywhere and took the initiative to spread the news of Liu Yuan's death.

Cheng Tingshan snorted coldly, "If Liu Yuanyuan was still alive, he wouldn't let you do such a stupid thing.

For the sake of you being just a junior, I will give you a chance to retire. "

Shen Bai shook his head and said, "Sorry, I don't want this opportunity."

There was a trace of anger on Cheng Tingshan's face and he said, "Shame on you!"

As soon as the words fell, a long sword in Cheng Tingshan's hand was unsheathed, shining with dazzling brilliance.

The long sword in Cheng Tingshan's hand is a magical weapon. Xingyun, the forty-fifth most famous swordsman in Jianghu, is much stronger than Bai Hong in Shen Bai's hand.

There are one hundred and eight famous swords in the world, and half of them are kept in the Tibetan Sword Villa.

Shen Bai closed his eyes slightly. This was his first battle on behalf of the Canglan Sword Sect in the arena. Even if he had to face a strong man on the list, the owner of Cangjian Villa, Cheng Tingshan, he couldn't be defeated!

If Chu Xiu can kill Nie Renlong, then he can also defeat Cheng Tingshan!

With this decisive mood, the white rainbow sword in Shen Bai's hand was already unsheathed.

It was such an understatement of a sword, but it contained Shen Bai's extreme effort, which made his complexion faintly reveal a morbid pallor.

As the sword stabbed out, many sword-wielding warriors present found that the long sword around their waists was trembling, out of their control, and flew towards the arena.

In addition to the existence of the martial arts master realm that can suppress their weapons, the rest of the sword-wielding warriors can only watch the long sword in their hands fly away, circling around Shen Bai.

The sound of countless swords resounded through the heaven and the earth, and thousands of long swords were in the air, densely spinning and dancing. As Shen Bai's sword fell, countless long swords mixed with ten thousand swords energy, and attacked Cheng Tingshan in a continuous manner. Come on, that power is so terrifying that it makes one's scalp tingle.

Cheng Tingshan is also very frightened, what are these things?

The sword stance in his hand quickly changed from the previous attack to the defense, but he was attacked by the countless long swords and sword energy, causing him to retreat step by step.

Cheng Tingshan's strength is still strong. Previously, Xu Beigui was under the powerful sword energy of Wanjian Guizong, and he couldn't even resist, so he was instantly killed.

Holding the long sword, Shen Bai suddenly took a step forward. Countless long swords condensed into a huge sword with a size of 100 meters under the gathering of emptiness sword energy, and slammed down towards Cheng Tingshan!

There was a loud noise, and the arena was directly smashed to pieces. Cheng Tingshan's figure stepped back several dozen feet before he stopped.

On Cheng Tingshan's Star Meteorite Sword, a slight crack appeared, and Shen Bai's blow just now almost shattered his Divine Weapon Star Meteor Sword!

Shen Bai put away the long sword with a pale face, and said solemnly: "Master Cheng, let it go."

Everyone present was stunned when they saw this scene.

With one move, this Shen Bai defeated Cheng Tingshan with one move. This strength is too terrifying. When did such a character appear in the Canglan Sword Sect? This person is afraid that he can rival the top three existences on the Dragon Tiger list!

Ying Bailu on the side also looked at Shen Bai curiously. To be honest, he has only seen two people whose explosive power can reach the realm of Shen Bai, one is Zhang Chengzhen, the other is Chu Xiu, even Zong Xuan is worse Some.

Since Canglan Sword Sect has such a genius, why didn't he bring it out earlier? If this Shen Bai appeared in the rivers and lakes in Xiaofantian, it is estimated that at this time, he would definitely be able to rank among the top three powerhouses on the Dragon Tiger List.

Ying Bailu was just sent out to be a mascot this time, and he had no intention of making a move at all, but he didn't expect to have such an unexpected gain.

This is Shen Bai, but it is much more interesting.

Of course, Cheng Tingshan, who was blown away at this time, didn't feel interesting at all.

He threw the star meteor sword in his hand back into the space secret box, and took out a long sword. It turned out to be a magic weapon, and everyone present was jealous.

Some people are even thinking, if they kill Cheng Tingshan, will they be able to get everything in the Cheng Tingshan space secret box.

In fact, Cheng Tingshan's failure was just a mistake. He didn't expect Shen Bai's strength to be so powerful.

So without checking, he even took the lead, and it was too late when he returned to defense, which is why he was so embarrassed.

Just when Cheng Tingshan was about to take another shot to find the place, Xiahou Zhen sneered and said, "Cheng Tingshan, I would like to admit defeat, but you lost this game.

If you don't win once and then fight again, you're going to be a rogue here regardless of anything?

You can be shameless at Hidden Sword Villa, but this time my Eastern Qi Alliance can't afford to delay time! "

Although I didn't say in the previous competition that being kicked out of the ring was considered a loss, but in front of everyone's eyes, Cheng Tingshan was blown away by Shen Bai's sword and fell to the bottom of the ring. Very messed up.

Cheng Tingshan's face turned red. He was the owner of Tibetan Sword Villa and a senior in Jianghu, but today he was defeated in public by a junior Shen Bai.

Everyone present doesn't care whether you Cheng Tingshan underestimates the enemy, or whether you still have trump cards that you haven't played, anyway, in their eyes, you Cheng Tingshan is defeated.

With a heavy snort, Cheng Tingshan stepped aside and sat down with a dark face.

Xiahou Zhen laughed and said: "I didn't expect that there will be such a handsome character as Xiaoyou Shen Bai in the Canglan Sword Sect. Although the head of Liu has passed away, the spirit of heaven will be gratified.

Shen Xiaoyou won this round, who will come next? "

At this time, Shen Bai suddenly said: "I am not here to compete for the leader of the alliance, and with my seniority and experience, I am not qualified to be the leader of the alliance.

Since Patriarch Xiahou is the initiator of this alliance, he has lost so much energy, so he should be the leader of the alliance. "

If Liu Yuanyuan sees Shen Bai's performance today, Liu Yuanyuan's spirit in the sky will definitely be very In the past, Shen Bai was taciturn, acted simply and rudely, and usually did not consider the consequences, but now Shen Bai is Learn to do things with the mentality of a real master.

The Canglan Sword Sect itself is weak, and Shen Bai is a junior. Although he is strong enough, in a real fight, everyone present may not necessarily lose to him, and Cheng Tingshan just lost to an underestimated enemy.

Therefore, if he insists on competing for the position of the leader of the alliance, Shen Bai may not have a good end.

On the contrary, like now, as soon as he appeared, he used his strongest strength to defeat Cheng Tingshan, won everything from everyone present, and made a name for Canglan Sword Sect, and he took a step back, and he also won the favor of Xiahou Town, why? Happy but not?

Sure enough, upon hearing Shen Bai's words, Xiahou Zhen suddenly showed a hint of joy.

The patriarch of the Lu family stood on the side of Xiahou Town, and when he heard this, he immediately stood up and echoed: "Head Sect Shen is right, Brother Xiahou is running around for the alliance, and that's why we are all gathered here. Here, when it comes to the level of understanding of the alliance, everyone present is not as good as Brother Xiahou, and it is indeed too much to let someone else be the leader of the alliance at this time."

As Cheng Tingshan was humiliated and severely injured, no one stood up to oppose anything. The one who was present was Cheng Tingshan.

The rest are either undecided and ready to watch the fun, or they really have a grudge with Chu Xiu. It doesn't matter who is the leader, they just want to kill Chu Xiu.

So in this way, no one stood up against anything, only Cheng Tingshan still had a dark face.

Xiahouzhen showed a smile, stood in the center and cupped his hands: "Fortunately, you have raised your love and become the leader of this alliance. A certain will lead you to kill Chu Xiu's demonic demon, destroy the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, and restore Jianghu's clarity!"


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