Meet The Leader

Chapter 676: the beginning of the war

Outside Guanzhong City, it was located in the center of the Three Kingdoms, and the prosperous Guanzhong City was now dead silent, with almost no businessmen.

The merchants who travel to and from the land of the Three Kingdoms are not idiots. There is a lot of turmoil in the rivers and lakes. No one knows whether Chu Xiu can escape this disaster. At this time, he has even risen to the battle between the righteous martial arts and the hidden demons. In the end, even the powerhouses in the realm of real fire will take action and smash the punishment hall in Guanzhong directly. At this time, they still go to the punishment hall in Guanzhong, which is simply courting death.

Of course, according to people familiar with the matter, this battle has even been shot by a powerhouse in the realm of the real fire. It was Wei Shuya, the first Xuyun of the Daguang Temple's Delusional Temple, and the hidden demon. However, because there were no witnesses, he was arrested. Most people think it's a rumor.

Some of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall warriors standing at the head of Guanzhong City all had solemn expressions on their faces.

Those who should have escaped have already escaped, and those who have not escaped are not loyal to Chu Xiu, but to the entire Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

As for some people, they are reluctant to give up their position and status.

Chu Yuansheng was also standing at the head of the city, he looked sad, looked at Chu Xiu and said, "You said, you wouldn't lie to me, what's going on now? This is your hidden demon lineage and the whole righteous path. The grievances between the sects, but now the entire Guanzhong punishment hall has been pulled in, if you lose, the entire Guanzhong punishment hall will be destroyed!"

Chu Xiu said lightly: "Brother Chu, don't be stupid, don't you understand now? The time when the Guanzhong Punishment Hall is truly neutral has passed, and the Guanzhong Punishment Hall must find a backer.

Either it's upright or it's a devil. Even if I'm not in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, without the Hall Master Guan, do you think the Guanzhong Punishment Hall can keep its foundation? In the end, you still have to choose a side.

Is it to take refuge in me, or to take refuge in those righteous sects, Brother Chu, are you really not sure about this? Others don't know what happened to Lord Chu Kuangge in the past, don't you know? "

Chu Yuansheng sat down slumped, because he really knew the virtues of those sects.

Among the people who were offended by Chu Kuangge in the past, there were actually more people in the sect of the righteous way than the people in the magic way.

In the old days, the Hidden Demons were extremely low-key and would hardly conflict with Chu Kuangge.

And the Ming Demon lineage is not very high-profile, and under the suppression of the entire Zhengdao martial arts, it is almost not arrogant to the point of going out to do things all day.

Only those so-called righteous sects have done a lot of arrogance and bullying, and they were blocked or conflicted by Chu Kuangge, and the two sides forged a lot of hatred.

"Then are you sure you can survive this time?" Chu Yuansheng looked at Chu Xiu with expectation.

At this time, he regretted taking over the position of the head of the hall.

In fact, to put it bluntly, Chu Yuansheng's nature is not bad, but he is a little over-the-top, and he himself has no ambition and no great ambition. If Chu Xiu did not use the Dafa of Inner Demon Wheel to influence Chu Yuansheng, Chu Yuansheng would not be able to. Promised to take over the position of the head of the hall.

If he didn't have the position of the hall master, he could have left the punishment hall with his family property at this time, but now he has to accompany Chu Xiu to die together, which is not a good feeling.

Looking ahead, Chu Xiu said lightly, "Certain? Except for God, no one dares to say that they have absolute certainty in everything they do."

Just when Chu Yuansheng was about to say something, the warrior standing on the top of the city suddenly shouted nervously, "Come on!"

Everyone was startled and quickly looked down, but what was surprising was that there were only dozens of Taoist priests who came, not from the Eastern Qi Alliance.

This time, it was Xu Yangzi of Chunyang Daomen who brought people here. He didn't wait for the people from the Eastern Qi Alliance to come together, but brought people alone first.

Seeing this scene, even Chu Xiu had a strange look on his face.

I've seen people who are stunned, but I have never seen someone as stunned as Xu Yangzi. He didn't even care about the faces of so many forces in the Eastern Qi Alliance. With him?

And this Xu Yangzi doesn't know whether he is arrogant or conceited. He thinks that with his martial arts master, dozens of disciples of pure Yang Daomen can destroy Guanzhong Punishment Hall and kill him Chu Xiu? Just a joke!

Xu Yangzi looked at Chu Xiu standing at the head of the city, and a complex color flashed in his eyes.

His senior brother died in the hands of this junior, and his fame was gone, Xu Yangzi naturally wanted to swallow Chu Xiu alive.

However, their pure Yang Daomen have eliminated demons and guards for so many years, and they have even sacrificed their own strength. As a result, after Zhen Yangzi died, most people in Jianghu just gloated on misfortune, which made Xu Yangzi feel a little chilled, and did not know that he had been through all these years. Is doing all this right or wrong.

But then Xu Yangzi threw these things behind his head, he looked at Chu Xiu at the head of the city, and said coldly: "Chu Xiu, you know what situation you are in right now. On behalf of Chunyang Daomen, those who came to eliminate demons and defend the Dao were only here to report personal grievances!

Senior Brother Zhenyangzi died in your hands, how dare you fight with me today and settle your grievances? If you win, the grievances between you and my Chunyang Daomen will no longer have anything to do with it. This time the Eastern Qi Alliance will take action against you, and my Chunyang Daomen will not intervene.

If you lose, then naturally there is no need to say much, and you can't afford to lose now!

Do you dare to deal with this battle? "

Xu Yangzi got rid of the trouble of looking for Chu Xiu from the Eastern Qi Alliance alone. In fact, it wasn't that he didn't want to run to find death, and he naturally had his calculations in it.

In the past, Zhenyangzi was killed by Chu Xiu in Xiaofantian, which also led to a sharp drop in the prestige of their Chunyang Daomen in the rivers and lakes. The martial arts masters who were said to be Chunyang Daomen were not even as good as junior martial artists, and they were completely ignored. At the beginning, Zhen Yangzi was actually killed by Chu Xiu and Li Feilian.

So this time, Xu Yangzi not only wanted to take revenge for his senior brother, but also wanted to use this matter to restore the reputation of their pure Yang Daomen.

Didn't you say that the martial master of my Chunyang Daomen is not as good as the junior martial artist? Well, he will defeat Chu Xiu one-on-one in front of everyone. In this way, it is better than any words to refute, so the question now is whether Chu Xiu will answer or not.

In Xu Yangzi's view, Chu Xiu would agree.

Chu Xiu agrees now, it is enough to face himself alone. If he does not agree, if Chunyang Daomen joins the Eastern Qi Alliance, Chu Xiu will have to face more opponents.

Chu Xiu squinted at Xu Yangzi, and suddenly burst out laughing.

Xu Yangzi frowned and said, "What are you laughing at? Are you agreeing or not agreeing to this matter?"

Chu Xiu laughed and said, "I'm just laughing at some people who take it for granted.

Xu Yangzi, you people of pure Yang Daomen are not good at moving their heads. Since they are not good at this thing, don't use it, otherwise, it will only laugh at you!

Do you want to beat me on the spot, and then rectify the name of your Chunyang Daomen? "

Xu Yangzi's brows furrowed deeper, as if he did not expect that Chu Xiu would see through his thoughts so easily.

Facts have proved that how long you live has nothing to do with how smart your brain is.

People like Xu Yangzi, who grew up in Chunyang Daomen since childhood, have long since developed a simple and direct character. He wants to play with Chu Xiu, who is at the bottom of the rivers and lakes. The eyes are still tender.

Xu Yangzi snorted coldly: "So what? You dare not agree?"

Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "Why should I agree? Xu Yangzi, if you came alone to find death, don't blame me, do it!"

When the voice fell, Chu Xiu's figure fell directly to the head of the city, and behind him, Mr. Lu from the Demon Sect of No Phase, as well as Chu Wuji, Mei Qinglian, and others all shot one after another, attacking Xu Yangzi.

In an instant, the monstrous demonic energy rushed into the sky, and Xu Yangzi's complexion suddenly changed: "Chu Xiu! If you do this, aren't you afraid that I will never die with Chunyang Daomen?"

Chu Xiu just sneered and didn't speak.

Since he killed Zhenyangzi, he and Chunyang Daomen have been Even if he really solved Xuyangzi one-on-one, and Xuyangzi kept his promise, but it does not mean Other people from Chunyang Daomen also kept their promises like Xuyangzi and didn't come to trouble him.

Therefore, once someone from the Chunyang Daoist sect finds trouble with Chu Xiu again, with Chu Xiu's character, he will never give in, and he will form a deadly vengeance at that time. Therefore, it is better to kill him now. good.

Xu Yangzi clenched his teeth violently, and pure Yang Qi burst out all over his body, the pure Yang Dao Sword in his hand shone with dazzling brilliance, and the majestic blood energy merged into the Dao Sword, wanting to fight Chu Xiu and others.

But on Chu Xiu's side, the three of them are all martial masters who are not weak. Chu Xiu's strength is even more than most of Yuanchao's martial arts masters. Just after the fight, the pure Yang Dao sword has been smashed abruptly!

But at this moment, a dazzling sword light suddenly fell, and the incomparably hot pure yang sword qi killed everything.

Chu Wuji, Mr. Lu, and Mei Qinglian were all martial artists who only practiced magic arts, so the pure Yang sword energy was extremely lethal to them, and it even forced them to retreat.

Only one Chu Xiu could resist for a while because of his fellow practitioners, Taoism, Buddhism and Demons, but he was repelled by the pure Yang sword energy.

There was silence in the field. In front of Xu Yangzi, a sloppy middle-aged Taoist priest held a long sword with a simple shape and a Taoist pattern on it. Yangzi smiled and said: "Senior nephew Xu Yangzi, what can I say, your Yintang is black, I'm afraid there is a bad omen in your body.

Uncle, I am very worried about you. The pure Yang sword of the ancestors was specially invited to save you. How about you? Are you moved? "


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