Meet The Leader

Chapter 677: retribution

ps: Thanks to the book friend who gave the most troublesome name for the reward of 20,000 starting coins

Xu Yangzi looked at Xiyunzi in front of him in a stunned manner, and said hesitantly: "Xiyunzi... Uncle, why are you here? And your strength..."

The Yuyunzi in front of him is just like the one in his memory. Although the appearance and personality are exactly the same, what the Yuyunzi in front of him reveals is already the strength of the peak of the True Core Realm, far exceeding that. he.

There is also the Chunyang Sword in the hands of Xiyunzi. This sword seems to have nothing special except for being simple, but this sword is the sword Chunyang of Lu Chunyang, the ancestor of Chunyang Daomen in the past. It ranks among the famous in the world. The fifth place in the swordsmanship requires extremely pure pure Yang Gangqi to be able to drive it.

In Chunyang Daomen, only the headmaster of this generation of Chunyang Daomen is qualified to drive the Chunyang Sword. Xu Yangzi never thought that Xiyunzi could also drive the Chunyang Daojian.

Looking at Xu Yangzi who was stunned, Xiyunzi said lightly: "I said, nephew Xu Yangzi, don't you really think that my cheap master accepted me as his apprentice before his death, just because I was smart, smart and honest Cute, right?

After all, I have called your nephew for so many years. At the critical moment, I still have to rely on my uncle to support me. "

Chu Wuji looked at Xi Yunzi and said solemnly: "It is said that the previous generation of Pure Yang Daoist headmaster found a genius born with pure Yang Dao body and accepted him as a disciple, but there has been no news, that person should be you, right?

Your pure Yang Daomen lineage is really long and fortunate. Even though you have already declined, you can still find your existence. "

Xiyunzi shook his head and said: "The sun and the moon are both cloudy and sunny, let alone a sect, I feel that it was my luck that the cheap master accepted me back then, at least I don't have to be a whole day. The little servant who served tea and water to people and looked at people's faces.

Of course, in addition to not being able to be close to women and breaking Yuanyang, otherwise it will damage the pure Yang Dao body. "

Xiyunzi turned his eyes to Chu Xiu and sighed: "I have no hatred with you, nor with you in the same vein as the hidden demon, but as a person of the Pure Yang Daomen, the hatred of the sect is naturally the same. became my hatred.

I was too lazy to do it at first, but now that I have appeared here with the Pure Yang Sword, let's do something about it.

People of Pure Yang Daomen can never die in vain. Although Zhenyangzi is indeed paranoid, he is also a person of my Pure Yang Daomen after all.

Chu Xiu, you don't believe what Xu Yangzi said just now. Now you can also fight with me. No one will go against what I say, given my position in the Pure Yang Daomen. "

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows and said, "But what if someone really violated your order?"

Xi Yunzi spread his hands and said, "Then I'll tell the senior teacher to go. I don't know how to respect the old and love the young. How can this happen?"

Chu Xiu squinted his eyes, he couldn't understand Xi Yunzi now.

This person seems a little out of control, but his strength is unfathomable, and although he is pressing them step by step, he does not actually have too much murderous intent.

Chu Xiu gave Chu Wuji and Mr. Lu a wink, but the two of them were also confused.

Although they have heard that there is such a person as Yuyunzi in Chunyang Daomen, they only heard that, even before today, they didn't even know Yuyunzi's name, and they didn't even know Yuyunzi's temper at this time. How's the temperament.

Just when Chu Xiu was thinking, a large number of warriors emerged on the official road outside Guanzhong City, and as some of them were mobilized, they were densely packed. At least there were thousands of warriors who directly surrounded the Guanzhong execution hall.

Xi Yunzi casually spread his hands and said, "Look, even if you want to agree now, I'm afraid you won't be able to agree."

Xiahou Zhen saw that both Xiyunzi and Xuyangzi appeared here, but they didn't react.

It's fine for Chunyang Daomen to come first. As a result, for so long, it seems that there are not many traces of fighting. What are these guys doing?

But Xiahou Zhen didn't care so much at this time, he directly shouted: "Encircle Guanzhong City, the demons and demons, don't let one go!"

Xiahouzhen's organizational ability is still good. The warriors who came to join the alliance were all re-formed by him into small teams. At this time, the order was very neat.

Of course, the only people he can order are the people on Xiahou's own side, as well as some warriors from small forces. As for people like Cheng Tingshan and others, even if he wants to order, he will not order.

Looking at Chu Xiu, Xiahou Zhen also revealed a hint of hatred in his eyes.

He had always thought that his son had died in the hands of Lin Ye, who belonged to the hidden demon lineage, but he couldn't find anyone to take revenge, so he could only give up.

It was not until Chu Xiu's identity was exposed that he knew that the enemy was so close to him!

It's just that Xiahou Zhen is not Nie Renlong, but his heart is much harder than Nie Renlong.

Although Xiahou Wujiang was the most outstanding of his sons, his son's death was still more important than his own power.

This time, he tried his best to launch the Eastern Qi Alliance. In fact, 99% of the reason was because he wanted to enhance his reputation, enhance his position in the Xiahou clan, and avenge his son, only occupying a very small part.

Xiahou Zhen stood up and said coldly, "Chu Xiu, when you used to be reckless and murdered innocents indiscriminately, did you ever think that you are today? The cycle of cause and effect, retribution is not good. Now your retribution is here!"

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows and said: "Xiahou Town, you guys always like to play these hypocritical things before the fight, put yourself above the righteousness, and make yourself so noble. Quite a lot, you Xiahouzhen dare to pat your conscience and say that you have never done a single evil thing? It's ridiculous!"

Xiahou Zhen sneered: "Sharp teeth and sharp mouths!"

After speaking, Xiahou Zhen turned his gaze directly to Chu Wuji, and said solemnly, "You hidden demons have been hiding in the dark for so many years, and everyone's well water does not violate the river water.

But this time Chu Xiu has done so much, I can't tolerate it!

Chu Wuji, you are a sensible person, hand over Chu Xiu, your hidden demons will leave the Guanzhong torture hall, and everyone still does not commit river water. Vitality is hurt! "

On the side, Xi Yunzi was also leaning on the Pure Yang Sword, and said with a smile: "That's a good thing to say, it's boring to fight and kill, everyone, sit down, drink and have a good discussion, okay?"

Everyone present looked at Yu Yunzi with a strange look on their faces. Where did this strange flower come from?

Even if the details of Xiyunzi are in Chunyang Daomen, other than the current Chunyang Daomen headmaster, no one else knows, let alone outsiders, even Chu Wuji only vaguely heard some rumors, but I don't know Yuyunko's name.

However, although everyone present did not know the details of Yuyunzi, the martial arts master of Chunyang Daomen would definitely not be weak.

Xu Yangzi frowned on the side. If it wasn't for the fact that Xiyunzi showed his extremely powerful strength and saved him, he would even have the heart to scold people now.

Now Yuyunzi's style is simply disgracing their pure Yang Daomen's face.

That is the pure Yang sword, the most precious divine weapon of the pure Yang Daomen, and it ranks fifth in the world's famous swordsmanship, but it turns out to be held by Yuyunzi like a crutch.

Xiahou Zhen glanced at Xi Yunzi, he didn't understand the details of this guy, so he didn't care about him.

He asked the hidden demon lineage to hand over Chu Xiu, not because he didn't want to fight and kill, but because he didn't want to lose too much on his side.

After all, although he is an alliance, the Xiahou Clan's disciples still occupy the majority.

Besides, Xiahou Zhen also wanted to gain the reputation of being a soldier who would be defeated without a fight.

Chu Wuji smiled and said, "I am indeed a sensible person, and it is precisely because I am a sensible person that I know that this time, my hidden demon lineage cannot retreat, nor will it retreat.

Since when did my Hidden Demons give Jianghu people the impression that they must be lurking in dark corners?

Xiahou You should know that this matter was not a grudge between Chu Xiu and you from the very beginning, but involved the entire Hidden Demon lineage. Do you think I will retire? "

Chu Xiu stood up with a hint of coldness in his eyes and said: "Xiahou Town, don't talk about those useless nonsense, your speed is too slow, I have been waiting for you for a long time, if I had known that your speed was so slow, I will personally take someone to Dongqi to find you."

Chu Xiu pointed to his head and sneered: "Don't all of you here want my Chu Xiu's life? My head is here, but I want to see who has the life to take it!"

Xiahou Zhen didn't say anything yet, but a person beside him stepped out and said coldly, "I'll get it!"

In an instant, the whistling sword energy erupted, turning into a sword energy that swirled and danced in the sky, lingering around Shen Bai's body, and as he walked towards Chu Xiu step by step, the sword energy directly rolled down!

Seeing Shen Bai's sudden attack, Xiahou Zhen was also a little caught off guard.

However, the Hidden Demon did not retreat, and there was no other choice than to fight, so Xiahou Zhen waved his hand directly and shouted: "Do it!"

As soon as the words fell, the warriors around him had already rushed up, and at the same time, the gate of Guanzhong City was wide open, and the warriors belonging to the hidden demon lineage and the warriors under Chu Xiu were all dispatched, and they were not afraid of death.

However, the Hidden Demon Lineage and Chu Xiu's side, as soon as they played against each other, had already experienced a slight decline, and they looked somewhat unstoppable.

There were originally a lot of people in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, but there were not many people who were truly willing to die for Chu Xiu, except for him in the Kansai region.

Therefore, Chu Xiu could only transfer other people to other places in Guanzhong to guard, leaving only his henchmen on the scene, but the number and strength still fell behind.


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