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Chapter 678: Fight against the heroes

Shen Bai hated Chu Xiu deeply, but Chu Xiu didn't have much impression on Shen Bai.

Since he stepped into the rivers and lakes, the number of people who died in his hands could not be counted, let alone one who only shot once, was then abolished by him.

So it wasn't until Shen Bai stood up to take action that Chu Xiu was stunned for a moment before realizing who Shen Bai was, and at the same time a look of shock appeared on his face.

In the past, Shen Bai was abolished by himself, but how long did it take? The opponent not only recovered his cultivation, but also practiced such a powerful swordsmanship. How did he do it?

Chu Xiu didn't have time to delve into it. The endless Buddha's light burst out around him. The golden Buddha's light was as hot as fire, bursting with boundless and endless power. The shadow of the Great Sun Tathagata appeared behind Chu Xiu.

Change the day!

The sound of the Buddha's voice and Sanskrit chanted sounded, the boundless Buddha's light came in like this, the sword energy melted, and everything was blocked by the Buddha's light. The boundless majesty even made the 'Laughing Maitreya' below change his expression. He even thought that he was facing the first of the six major martial arts schools in Daguang Temple.

In front of the pure power martial arts like Sun-changing Dafa, Shen Bai's complexion did not change, but his heart was faintly shaken, and his eyes showed a look of astonishment.

With just one move, he had already discovered that he was inferior to Chu Xiu in terms of strength.

The sword skill of Wanjian Guizong is indeed extremely strong. He realized it by chance, but it was only an entry, and it was still far from Dacheng.

But no matter how strong martial arts are, they also need strength to support. With Wanjian Guizong, his explosive power in an instant is enough to kill a new martial arts master like Xu Beigui, but he can't deal with some people with strong strength.

Chu Xiu stepped out, and the Buddha's light all over his body dissipated. With an understatement, the Buddha's light turned into a demonic energy, and the Heavenly Judgment and Killing Immortal Fingers fell, and black ripples loomed in the void. Qi Murderer is dead.

Bai Hongjian protruded out, and countless sword qi swirled and danced around Shen Bai's body, so densely packed that he couldn't even see Shen Bai's figure, standing in front of him to help him resist the power of Chu Xiu's finger.

Ten Thousand Swords Guizong, ten thousand kinds of sword skills are unified, and the changes are endless, but under the power of Chu Xiu, countless sword qi is also constantly dissolving under that silent finger.

Shen Bai's brows were deeply wrinkled. This was completely different from what he had imagined. Chu Xiu's strength was somewhat beyond his expectations!

Having been in seclusion for so long, Chu Xiu, a former opponent who fought on the rivers and lakes, gained more power than him.

At this time, when Shen Bai faced Chu Xiu, he even had a sense of powerlessness that Chu Xiu had when facing Zong Xuan in the past.

At the beginning of the battle between Chu Xiu and Zong Xuan, in the early stage, he could use his powerful martial arts and explosive power to fight against Zong Xuan, but in the later stage, Zong Xuan's profound strength on top of the power background was able to drag Chu Xiu to death.

But now Shen Bai is even more disadvantaged when facing Chu Xiu.

Chu Xiu's strength is deeper than his, but his explosive power is also not weak!

Shen Bai's whole body's sword intent has been elevated to the extreme, and ten thousand sword energies are circling and impacting around him.

At this time, the bottom was also a group.

Chu Wuji made the first move and stopped in front of Yuyunzi.

This person's strength is unfathomable, and there is only one Chu Wuji who can stand shoulder to shoulder with him in front of his own cultivation.

Moreover, Yuyunzi still holds the Pure Sun Sword in his hand, and the threat is the biggest one among these people present.

Seeing Chu Wuji who was killing him with murderous aura, Xi Yunzi shook his head helplessly and said, "I'm just a spectator, what are you doing against me?"

However, he said so, but he still held the Pure Yang Sword and faced Chu Wuji.

Mr. Lu followed Chu Xiu to stop Zhen Yangzi, while Mei Qinglian confronted Xiahou Town.

Xiahou's divine magic was extremely evil, but when he met Mei Qinglian's concubine Dafa, it was restrained and could not exert much power at all.

Liu Hongye, who was hiding in the dark, made a sneak attack on Cheng Tingshan, but in turn was suppressed by Cheng Tingshan with several moves, and fell directly into the disadvantage.

Speaking of which, Liu Hongye was the most unlucky person under Chu Xiu.

Although he is a new martial arts master, he is not that weak.

But among the people who couldn't stand Chu Xiu's offense, there was almost no weak person. All of them were martial arts masters from the big faction, and some were even famous people on the Billboard. This was very embarrassing. Not to mention helping Chu Xiu, it would be good to be able to guarantee that he will not die.

On the other hand, there were a large number of people at the Eastern Qi Zongmen. Wang Shuangjun and Chi Jian, who came on behalf of the prince, looked at each other and directly attacked Chu Xiu!

With the three of them working together, is it possible that they are no match for Chu Xiu?

The two long swords behind Wang Shuangjun shone with a scorching masculine aura, which was different from the pure yang qi of the pure Yang Daomen that reached the sun. The sword qi on Wang Shuangjun's long sword was mixed with a touch of heat, and the power to suppress demons and punish evil was also present. Just as powerful.

Chi Jian squeezed the Buddha's seal in his hand, and the Buddha's light of all paths bloomed, turned into a hand-print, and slammed it down towards Chu Xiu!

The three of them joined forces to strike, one was Shen Bai, who was not inferior to the martial arts master, and the other two were not unknown people in the arena. Chu Xiu's pressure instantly increased to an extreme.

Martial Dao masters besieging warriors in the unity of heaven and man, this kind of thing is simply a joke on the whole rivers and lakes.

But just based on what Chu Xiu has done now, who would really regard him as a warrior of the unity of heaven and man? Therefore, Wang Shuangjun and others did not have the slightest burden to take action.

In an instant, Chu Xiu did not retreat but advanced, the human puppet appeared in front of Chi Jian, the incarnation of the hungry ghost crawled out of it, opened his mouth, the power of the hungry ghost swallowed everything, and the endless Buddha light was swallowed by it. , not only was not affected, the incarnation of the hungry ghost actually hiccupped, and the gaze that looked at Zhijian became even more greedy.

At the same time, Chu Xiu's inner demon rotation Dafa was performed to the extreme by him. The soul-suppressing ghost song played, and a wave of evil forces impacted Wang Shuangjun and Shen Bai, causing the two of them to groan suddenly, and their body speed slowed down. stand up.

Neither of these two people had practiced the Yuan Mystery Method, so their resistance to the Yuan Mystery Method such as Soul Requieming Netherworld Song was somewhat weaker.

Taking advantage of this momentary delay, Chu Xiu squeezed the colorless Ding mudra, mustard seed Xumi, and the universe reversed!

Under the palm print, everything is twisting and spinning, the ring is transformed into Xumi, the universe is empty, the five aggregates are empty, and within the great mudra of colorless concentration, all the power is dissipated!

In Chu Xiu's own opinion, it took him so much effort to take action just now, but in the eyes of outsiders, it was only a short moment, but in fact it was extremely dangerous.

At the same time, the three were repelled. Just when Chu Xiu was about to breathe a sigh of relief, a ripple appeared in the air. It was only a very small ripple, but it was suddenly noticed by Chu Xiu.

In an instant, Chu Xiu didn't hesitate, the Emperor's Wang Qi technique was used to the extreme by him, and what he saw turned out to be an incredibly powerful sword energy!

No one could imagine that such a powerful sword energy would be hidden under such seemingly inconspicuous weak fluctuations.

If it wasn't for Chu Xiu's very sensitive perception, and the technique of Wang Qi, he would have been seriously injured under this sword.

Just when Chu Xiu was about to use the speed of the inner binding seal to dodge in advance, a figure suddenly stopped in front of the sword. The long sword was lightly tapped, as if it was breaking a face, and the tip of the sword shattered the void ripples. The air was like a mirror, and it suddenly shattered.

The figure standing in front of the sword energy was holding a long sword, and there was rarely a solemn expression on his face, Fang Qishao!

A voice said with anger: "Fang Qishao! What are you going to do? The sect has already closed you in confinement, how dare you run out?"

The first seat of the Sword King City-shaped sword hall, the 'invisible sword' Bai Qian's figure loomed from the side, with anger on his face.

On the rivers and lakes, only Bai Qian's invisible sword can be so dangerous. The sword qi is hidden in the sky and the sky, making it impossible for people to detect it. If it wasn't for Chu Xiu's ability to look at the qi of the emperor, this invisible and intangible sword is estimated to be Only when it falls on him can it be discovered by Chu Xiu.

The Sword King City itself has a grudge with Chu Among the disciples of the Sword King City, Fei Mo, the martial artist of the previous Dragon and Tiger Ranking, was abolished in Chu Xiu's hands.

This is not a problem. After all, Fang Qishao and Chu Xiu made good friends in the later period. Although Sword King City is domineering, it will also give Chu Xiu a face, and it is okay to expose this matter.

But in Xiaofan days, Chu Xiu openly killed Lin Kaiyun in front of everyone, which is absolutely intolerable in Sword King City.

Not to mention that Lin Kaiyun was originally the most handsome figure in this generation of Sword King City, second only to Fang Qishao. Just because Chu Xiu repeatedly killed their Sword King City people, this was something that Sword King City would never tolerate. .

With Sword King City's behavior, they didn't care whether Lin Kaiyun wanted to kill Chu Xiu first, and then he was killed by Chu Xiu.

In Sword King City's behavior, even if Chu Xiu was a victim, he couldn't kill Lin Kaiyun first.

Lin Kaiyun's fault, whether to kill or scrape is naturally up to his Sword King City to decide, but you, Chu Xiu, are not qualified to come to trial!

It's just that after Xiaofantian, Sword King City itself encountered some problems, so there was no time to go to Chu Xiu's troubles, and the top seven young masters were also secretly blocking, this matter made Sword King City temporarily let go.

But this time, Chu Xiu revealed his identity, which was equivalent to courting his own death, and Sword King City had no reason not to act.

Although Fang Qishao was also involved in this time, the Sword King City couldn't let Fang Qishao come here.

Therefore, the Sword King City directly punished Fang Qishao for confinement. Before this matter passed, Fang Qishao was not allowed to leave the customs.

As a result, Bai Qian did not expect that, for Chu Xiu, Fang Qishao would dare to disobey the order of the sect and run out of the gate without authorization to stop him.


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