Meet The Leader

Chapter 679: between 2 difficulties

Stopping in front of Bai Qian, in fact, Fang Qishao is also very tangled now.

His friends are not many, Chu Xiu is one, so Fang Qishao really does not want Chu Xiu to conflict with Sword King City.

If ordinary small sects can have disciples with the strength of Fang Qishao, then it must be what Fang Qishao said, and this little grudge can be completely exposed.

But what level of sect in Sword King City? One of the five major sword factions, it has dominated the Western Desert for thousands of years, and even has the strength to compete for the top of the five sword factions. There are countless masters and powerhouses in the sect. For a sect at the level of Sword King City, face is very important.

In some trivial matters, Sword King City can try to rely on Fang Qishao, but in this kind of matter related to Sword King City's face, Fang Qishao's words are not very useful.

The sword king city gate Fang Qishao was in confinement, in fact, he was afraid that he would fall into a dilemma, but he did not expect Fang Qishao to come anyway.

Looking at Bai Qian, Fang Qishao shook his head and said, "The first seat, I won't talk about the right and wrong, you are doing something to Brother Chu now, if Brother Chu doesn't die this time, it will definitely be the leader of my Sword King City in the future. enemy.

I don't understand one thing very much. For the so-called face, I forged a future enemy. Is it worth it?

You have also seen Brother Chu's strength and potential. Whether as a friend or an enemy, I dare to say that his future achievements will not be weaker than Zhang Chengzhen. "

Bai Qian said coldly: "So what? If you hadn't stopped him just now, Chu Xiu would have already died, and there is no future!"

Fang Qishao smiled bitterly and said, "Brother Chu won't die, the first seat, stop it, and give me a face, okay?"

Others don't know the Heavenly Son's Wangqi Technique, but Fang Qishao, a fellow practitioner of Karma Kendo, knows it.

Even if he didn't intercept Bai Qian's sword just now, Chu Xiu would still be able to dodge with his strange karma technique.

Fang Qishao took the initiative to intercept before, just because he wanted to play a rounder, he helped Chu Xiu to stop Bai Qian, this matter is over, and Sword King City will have one less enemy in the future.

Although Fang Qishao is usually a little awkward, it doesn't mean that he really doesn't understand the world.

It's just that Bai Qian didn't seem to see his subtext, and thought he was defending Chu Xiu, but Fang Qishao was actually defending it, and it was also the Sword King City!

Having practiced Karma for so long, Fang Qishao did not understand such things as divination, but he had a vague understanding of karma, or a very strange feeling.

He could feel that if Sword King City really took on Chu Xiu's death feud, then the consequences of Sword King City in the future would not seem to be so good.

Bai Qian waved his hand and said coldly: "Seven young masters, I can rely on you for normal things, even if you stole the sword embryo of Xingjiantang to exchange for wine, I will not punish you.

But this matter is related to the face of the entire Sword King City, and it is no longer something you can intervene in.

Whether it's me or the other elders in Sword King City, we didn't force you to fight with Chu Xiu, just to take care of your face and not let you fall into a dilemma, but you yourself, don't know what to do! "

Bai Qian's words are serious enough. At least for so many years, the elders of the Sword King City's division have reprimanded Fang Qishao, and they are only angry at him for being nonsense, but they have not said such heavy words.

At this time, Chu Xiu also shook his head and said: "Brother Fang, let's go, the sect is the sect, you are you, the karma between me and Sword King City is naturally resolved by me and Sword King City, you don't need to intervene in it.

Besides, you have already seen the situation. There are so many people who want to kill me right now. "

To be honest, Chu Xiu was still very moved that Fang Qishao was able to achieve this level.

Most of the people in this arena have many friends and brothers, but in fact, except for the Loose Cultivators, most of them are sect or family-oriented.

Fang Qishao was sandwiched between him and the sect, and did not choose to stand on the side of the sect as his enemy. In fact, it was not bad. Now that he can stand here and speak for him, he is doing his best.

Fang Qishao shook his head, didn't say anything to Chu Xiu, but took a deep breath and said to Bai Qian: "First seat, since you want to save face for Sword King City, well, this face is up to me.

Brother Chu killed the disciples of the younger generation of my Sword King City. You, the elder of Sword King City, took action and besieged Brother Chu with others. This will inevitably make other Jianghu people say that my Sword King City is bullying the small and does not obey the rules. "

Saying that, Fang Qishao also cast a glance at Wang Shuangjun and the others and said, "Other people are shameless, but I still want Sword King City."

There was a trace of anger on Wang Shuangjun's face, and even the maddened smile that had always been on his face, the smile gradually disappeared at this time, but he didn't dare to say anything more.

Wang Shuangjun was only a loose cultivator. Even if he is a prince now, it does not mean that he is a member of the Eastern Qi court.

Chi Jian's own strength may be good, but his Da Prajna Temple is also incomparable to Sword King City, not even one of the four sword halls in Sword King City.

Even if Fang Qishao mocked them in front of them, they didn't dare to say anything, but Shen Bai felt that it didn't matter.

Since Shen Bai left the customs, he saw the scorching state of the world and the death of his master, and his mentality has changed a lot.

If it is replaced by the previous Shen Bai, after exiting the customs, he will definitely go to Chu Xiu for revenge, fight him in a fair one-on-one battle, and kill him to wash away the shame.

But now Shen Bai is only looking at the results, regardless of the process, as long as he can kill Chu Xiu and help the Canglan Sword Sect raise its prestige, he doesn't mind besieging Chu Xiu.

Bai Qian frowned, "What do you mean?"

Fang Qishao said solemnly: "I will go to fight with Brother Chu alone, no matter whether we win or lose, this matter is completely over!"

Bai Qian frowned and said, "Do you want to release water?"

Fang Qishao said with a serious face: "Don't worry about the first seat, I won't let water in on this kind of thing. If I have a shred of hand, can't you see the first seat?"

Seeing Fang Qishao's appearance, Bai Qian had to nod his head and said, "Okay, then it's up to you."

In fact, Bai Qian was more willing to shoot directly and kill Chu Xiu.

It's not that he doesn't care about the reputation of bullying the small, but in this case, no one will regard Chu Xiu as a junior martial artist.

But looking at what Fang Qishao is saying now, if he insists on taking the shot, he might cause something to happen, so he just depends on him.

In Sword King City, Bai Qian watched Fang Qishao grow up, and he knew what kind of character Fang Qishao was.

Although on the surface, Fang Qishao was laughing and joking all day, he had no formality, and he did not even have the majesty of a big brother in the Sword King City, but once he became serious, he was so stubborn that even nine cows couldn't pull him back.

Wang Shuangjun and the others frowned, Fang Qishao wants to go one-on-one with Chu Xiu? But that doesn't matter. Their goal is to kill Chu Xiu and destroy the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. If Chu Xiu can't be killed for the time being, then it's fine to kill others.

So Wang Shuangjun and others subconsciously looked in the direction of Chu Wuji and others, ready to help.

But at this time, Fang Qishao suddenly said: "First seat, help me stop a few of them.

If you want to be fair, you must be fair. I am here to hold Brother Chu one-on-one. If they deal with others again and cause Brother Chu to be distracted, am I not an accomplice? That would be unfair. "

Bai Qian nodded indifferently.

Sword King City's stance is not that firm. From the very beginning, Sword King City was not for killing demons. This kind of thing came purely to resolve personal grievances.

Sword King City doesn't care about the life and death of other people in the hidden demon lineage, and whether the Guanzhong Punishment Hall exists.

Wang Shuangjun said angrily: "Your Sword King City is too overbearing. If you don't kill Chu Xiu, don't you allow us to kill other demonic murderers?"

Bai Qian sneered and said: "I am domineering in Sword King City, did you only know about it on the first day? If you think you have the strength to challenge Sword King City, that's fine, I will accompany you.

Just now, Chu Xiu fought one against three, but I also want to try what it feels like to fight one against three! "

Wang Shuangjun and Chi Jian both turned red with anger.

Bai Qian is the first of the Sword King City, and his strength is naturally not weak, but they are not unknown may not be able to beat them.

But the other party carried Sword King City out to press people, which would be a little too shameless, but they really didn't dare to challenge Sword King City.

Turning around, Fang Qishao looked at Chu Xiu and sighed, but then a smile appeared on his face: "Brother Chu, do you know that I actually wanted to fight you a long time ago, after all, Jianghu There are actually only a few who have cultivated the way of karma and have reached the realm of you and me.

I'm not familiar with that guy Li Feilian, and his flying knife is out of the scabbard to kill people.

But as for me and you, I'm a little too familiar with it, and I'm usually embarrassed to do it, but now I finally have a chance. "

Fang Qishao pulled out his long sword, looked at Chu Xiu seriously and said, "Brother Chu, this time, I won't let it go."

Tianmowu was held by Chu Xiu, and he said solemnly, "Me too."

Everyone has a competitive spirit. Chu Xiu and Fang Qishao are indeed friends, but it does not mean that there is no such competitive spirit between friends.

Friends like Mo Tianlin, Xie Xiaolou, whose strength is far from Chu Xiu's, were really convinced by Chu Xiu, but Fang Qishao was different.

Fang Qishao is happy for Chu Xiu to have the current strength, but at the same time, Fang Qishao does not think that he is weaker than Chu Xiu.

The long sword stabbed out, Fang Qishao's sword stance seemed to be light, but every time it trembled, it seemed to conform to a certain law between the world.

The long sword lightly tapped, and in an instant, Chu Xiu felt that his entire body was locked. Between heaven and earth, everything was a sword. No matter which direction he shot from, the sword would definitely fall like a torrential rain.

After not seeing him for such a long time, Fang Qishao's swordsmanship has gone one step further!


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