Meet The Leader

Chapter 680: crisis

Since Xiaofantian, Fang Qishao has not continued to wave on the rivers and lakes, but chose to return to the Sword King City to retreat.

Xiaofantian is an opportunity for a young generation of warriors like Chu Xiu, an opportunity to improve by leaps and bounds, not only Chu Xiu got great benefits in Xiaofantian, Fang Qishao also has a lot.

With the sword's strength at a low level, Fang Qishao's understanding of the way of cause and effect not only soared, but his most obvious growth was his control of power.

There was obviously no sword energy around, but as long as Chu Xiu moved, he would immediately fall into the boundless roar of sword energy.

Even Shen Bai watched Fang Qishao's shot without blinking, which was an unreachable area for him.

Although Shen Bai has learned Wanjian Guizong, he is only a small success. He can have this kind of strength now, most of which are brought to him by Wanjian Guizong, not like Fang Qishao. Kendo has the ultimate understanding.

Before Shen Bai came out and was abolished by Chu Xiu, Fang Qishao was already the strongest of the younger generation in Sword King City. Even among the younger generation in the entire Jianghu, he said that he was the only one in the line of swordsmanship. Second, no one dares to say that he is the first.

At this moment, in the kendo of the younger generation, there is still no one who can surpass him!

Chu Xiu stared at Fang Qishao, he suddenly showed a smile and said: "Brother Fang, don't blame me for not reminding you, if you really do it, my trump card has never been Tianzi Wangqi, you only want to teach me Tianziwang. Qishu, I'm afraid I'm going to be disappointed."

The words fell, and Chu Xiu's hand quickly stamped the knot, and the printing method of the speed and slow nine-character formula was formed by him in an instant, almost like an afterimage, and the speed was extremely fast.

The nine seals are united, and the boundless Buddha light blooms all over Chu Xiu. The brilliance is dazzling. The nine seals are like a roulette.

In an instant, countless sword qi burst out from the sky and the earth, but they were completely shattered by the power of the unity of the nine seals.

Fang Qishao's long sword lightly tapped, and each sword locked the most vulnerable part of Chu Xiu's own seal.

When the nine seals came out, Fang Qishao's karma kendo was used to the extreme by him, and the nine seals were shattered one after another, but his hand was shaking slightly.

Looking at Chu Xiu in horror, Fang Qishao said with a slightly depressed tone: "You learn from Zongxuan! No! You are more perverted than Zongxuan!"

In the past, Fang Qishao ranked third on the Dragon Tiger list, and he actually played against Zhang Chengzhen and Zong Xuan.

Zhang Chengzhen will not say it, that is the pervert in the metamorphosis, who can crack the karma kendo with extreme speed and skill. It is estimated that only Zhang Chengzhen can do it in the entire Jianghu.

On Zong Xuan's side, Fang Qishao was very helpless.

Fang Qishao's causal swordsmanship is indeed able to stab Zong Xuan, and even Zong Xuan is too lazy to resist the defense, but he is completely reckless with strength, even with injury for injury, Fang Qishao was beaten without temper.

He stabbed Zongxuan with a sword, maybe Zongxuan had nothing to do, but if he was hit by Zongxuan's Mingwang seal, I am afraid he would vomit blood on the spot.

At this time, when facing Chu Xiu, Fang Qishao had such a feeling that he felt like he was facing an enhanced version of Zong Xuan.

Not only is the defensive power extremely amazing, but even the explosive power is extremely powerful.

Chu Xiu smiled, but didn't speak. In an instant, the Buddha light turned into a monstrous demonic energy, and the demon dance in his hand was cut out, hatred to the sky, and the demon swallowed the world!

The power of the hatred knife has almost been completely controlled by Chu Xiu, except that it cannot be like the real hatred knife, it can affect the hatred in the opponent's heart extremely violently. The power is almost the same as the real hatred knife, but it does not require Chu Xiu to use mental power Suppressed, so consumption is low.

Fang Qishao's sword stabbed out, and instantly he and Chu Xiu's sword seemed to have an inexplicable connection, no matter where Chu Xiu's sword was, it seemed like it could be intercepted by Fang Qishao. .

But at this moment, Chu Xiu's eyes suddenly burst into a gleam of divine light, and the power of the emperor's qi technique was also exerted to the extreme. In an instant, Fang Qishao's long sword slammed. It has been completely disturbed by Chu Xiu!

Fighting causality with cause and effect is the best way to deal with it.

Fang Qishao's sword was the cause, and when it fell on Chu Xiu, it was the effect.

But now Chu Xiu forcibly sees through this cause and effect, and uses the Heavenly Son's Breathing Technique to change this cause and effect, directly forcing Fang Qishao to change his sword stance again, but he is also suppressed and seen through by Chu Xiu.

Although this feeling was extremely oppressive, it was of great benefit to both Chu Xiu and Fang Qishao.

The last time in the arena before the battle between the righteous and the demons in Fuyu Mountain, Chu Xiu and Fang Qishao had a contest with the method of cause and effect.

However, at that time, Chu Xiu was weaker than Fang Qi, so it was Chu Xiu who benefited in the end, but now, under the battle of cause and effect, it was both parties who benefited.

Bai Qian also saw this scene, he nodded slightly.

No matter what Fang Qishao came for this time, as long as he can improve in this battle, it will be a good thing.

But in the eyes of others, the battle between Chu Xiu and Fang Qishao was extremely awkward, and the changes in their moves made them incomprehensible, including Wang Shuangjun and Chi Jian, a martial arts master.

They also had to admit that the young generation of heroes like Chu Xiu and Fang Qishao possessed some things that ordinary martial arts masters never possessed.

Once such a talented person enters the realm of martial arts masters, his cultivation will surely soar to the sky!

Ying Bailu in the back was also watching the battle carefully, but after watching for a while, he sighed deeply.

In this generation of rivers and lakes, there are too many amazing talents, far exceeding other eras.

There is only one in a thousand years, Zhang Chengzhen, who has condensed the thundering golden elixir.

Chu Xiu, who stirred the situation of the rivers and lakes by himself.

With a single Ming Wang seal, he can evolve Zongxuan of all ways.

There is also Fang Qishao, the first kendo of the younger generation in front of him.

It is a blessing to be born in the same era as them, but it is also a misfortune.

Ying's old housekeeper Fu Bo stood behind Ying Bailu. He grew up watching Ying Bailu since he was a child. At this time, he naturally knew what Ying Bailu was thinking.

Uncle Fu smiled and said, "You don't need to be discouraged, Young Master, in the prosperous world of martial arts, everyone can shine. At this time, you see Chu Xiu and Fang Qishao, but you don't know that thousands of young warriors are watching. with you."

Ying Bailu smiled and didn't say a word. He just sighed. He won Bailu, but he was not so easily discouraged.

Just as Chu Xiu and Fang Qishao were fighting fiercely, the situation behind them changed.

Bai Qian can stop Wang Shuangjun and the other three, but he can't stop the others, and he can't control the whole battle situation.

Chu Wuji had already fallen into a disadvantage in the fight against Xiyunzi, not because his cultivation was inferior to that of Xiyunzi, but because the lethality of the Pure Yang Sword was simply too great.

After all, this is the saber of Lu Zu in the past. Chunyang, who ranks fifth in the world's famous swordsmanship, is driven by Yuyunzi's pure yang qi, and the power of suppressing evil and slaughtering demons is almost exerted by him. to the extreme.

However, Chu Wuji's side can still withstand it temporarily. Mr. Lu and Xu Yangzi are also evenly matched in the battle, while Liu Hongye's side is not so optimistic.

As the owner of Tibetan Sword Villa, Cheng Tingshan's own cultivation base, the weapons in his hand, and the time to break through the martial arts master far exceed Liu Hongye, so Liu Hongye can support more than ten moves in Cheng Tingshan's hands. It was easy. In the end, he was directly shattered by Cheng Tingshan's sword. He was severely injured by the sword energy and vomited blood and flew out.

But Cheng Tingshan did not choose to hunt down Liu Hongye, but turned around and attacked Chu Wuji.

He didn't know Liu Hongye, he just thought he was a new martial arts master from the hidden demon lineage, who was very weak.

Killing him will not have much effect in terms of reputation or actual influence, but if you kill Chu Wuji, a well-known figure in the hidden demon lineage, then the fame you can get will be even greater!

So Cheng Tingshan directly used his sword, killed Chu Wuji, and forced him into danger together with Xiyunzi.

For Cheng Tingshan's sudden intervention, Xiyunzi frowned He doesn't like to besiege a person, but Xiyunzi is not so idiot as to turn around and offend Cheng Tingshan for the sake of fairness , he just put the offensive in less hurry.

The only person present who could maintain an absolute advantage was Mei Qinglian.

Her concubine Dafa influences the spiritual primordial spirit. When fighting against Xiahou Zhen, Xiahouzhen was even affected by the concubine Dafa to the extent that she could not concentrate her spirit, and she was extremely aggrieved.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared behind Mei Qinglian, and the powerful qi condensed in the palm of his hand, and there was also a majestic power of qi and blood in it, restraining Mei Qinglian. Demonstration of the Dafa of the Concubine.

Mei Qinglian did not expect this sudden move. Although she felt the power, her whole body turned into a black mist, and she wanted to dodge, but she still couldn't dodge it all. The power of his palm was knocked back a few steps, and a mouthful of blood flowed out of his mouth.

Behind Mei Qinglian, it was Luo Jiunian, the ancestor of the Luo family with a gloomy face, who attacked her.

Luo Jiunian hated Chu Xiu deeply. He took Luo Feihong away, disrupted the marriage between the Luo family and the Ying family, and made the Luo family lose face.

It's just that Jiang is old and hot, and Luo Jiunian also knows that his strength is probably the weakest among these people. Although his seniority is high, his strength is really not very good, so he did not take action. And Mei Qinglian and others didn't pay attention.

Because there are actually quite a few warriors from the Eastern Qi Alliance, such as Yu Chi Feng from Baihu Hall, people from the Mo family, Qi Yuanli from Fengmanlou, etc., so everyone subconsciously ignored the ancestors of the Luo family, but they didn't reach him. He would suddenly make a sneak attack and successfully inflict heavy damage on Mei Qinglian.


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