Meet The Leader

Chapter 681: reinforcements

As Mei Qinglian was severely injured, Chu Wuji fell into the danger of being besieged, and the people under Chu Xiu were also at a disadvantage. Xiahou Zhen couldn't help showing a smile on his face. All this was not much different from what he expected.

The strength of Chu Xiu's subordinates is so small, and his only backer Wei Shuya also fought against Xuyun in Beiyan. Judging from his appearance, he should have been severely injured and could not be shot.

As for the hidden demons hidden in the dark, Xiahou Zhen is not worried.

At this point, the Hidden Demons and the powerhouses in the righteous sects also have a tacit understanding, and neither side will use too much power, so as not to cause a large-scale war between the righteous and the demons.

You can see the whole leopard at a glance. Through the power displayed by Chu Xiu, everyone can see how strong the hidden demon lineage is now, and naturally there is no need to put all the power on it.

If the hidden demon lineage can't help but take action, it means that Chu Xiu can't survive this time, and it also means that the hidden demon lineage is actually still weak. In this case, then you should go back to the darkness and continue to live. The strong in martial arts will also take action.

At this moment, on Chu Xiu's side, Chu Xiu and Fang Qishao were still fighting each other in that awkward way, influencing each other's cause and effect and influencing each other's offensive.

Both Chu Xiu and Fang Qishao saw the movement on the other side, Fang Qishao couldn't help but said: "I said, Brother Chu, you should stop and take people out of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. As long as you hide in the dark, the right way to martial arts It will not completely kill you all, and if you drag it on, all your people will die."

In Fang Qishao's impression, although Chu Xiu is extremely ruthless, he is actually good to his own people.

As a result, Chu Xiu is now going his own way, which is a bit unwise in Fang Qishao's opinion.

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows and said, "Retire? It's already at this time, and I can't take it anymore. Besides, my people haven't arrived yet!"

Fang Qishao was stunned for a moment, but at this moment, the occupation below changed again.

Xiahou Zhen just wanted to join forces with Luo Jiunian to completely kill the demon girl Mei Qinglian, but suddenly a loud shout came, and a powerful aura came from behind him, with a powerful demonic aura that was tyrannical and rushed into the sky. , that power even shocked Xiahou Town.

Yu Shenshu affected the world with the power of the primordial spirit. In an instant, Xiahou Zhen was wrapped in astral wind, and the speed exploded to the extreme, dodging the blow.

There was a loud bang, and behind Xiahou Town, a huge Fangtian halberd shone with the demonic energy of the sky slammed into the ground. There were cracks all over the ground, and a huge pit of more than ten meters was blasted out. Come, you can imagine how terrifying the power of this blow is, and what it will look like when it hits a person.

"Lu Fengxian! It's actually you!?" Xiahou Zhen shouted in disbelief.

Just now, Lu Fengxian, who was officially holding the unparalleled magic weapon, has already climbed to the peak of the unity of heaven and man!

Moreover, there were four other people, Shui Wu, who came with Lu Fengxian. The four of them did not know what secret techniques they used during this time, and they even increased their strength to the level of the early days of the unity of nature and man.

Although there are only four of them, these four guys used to be the powerhouses in the ancient times. The battle group killed several warriors of the same rank in a row, which was very dazzling.

Carrying Fang Tianhua halberd, Lu Fengxian waved at Chu Xiu, indicating that she was not too late.

A smile appeared on Chu Xiu's mouth, and he knew that Lu Fengxian would definitely come, it was just a matter of time.

In Xiaofantian, Lu Fengxian fought against Zongxuan, and gained a lot of benefits in it, and his strength growth was also very obvious. At least at this time, he used the unparalleled magic weapon, and his own consumption was much smaller.

Xiahou Zhen looked at Lu Fengxian and shouted: "Lu Fengxian! You should know who Chu Xiu is, he lied to you! Although you are friends with him, but you are not a person in the devil's way, why should you help him in this muddy water? Do you know that today you are standing on Chu Xiu's side, and in the future, you are standing on the opposite side of the entire Jianghu Zhengdao martial arts!"

Lu Fengxian shook his head indifferently and said: "I have already guessed the identity of Brother Chu, as for the opposite of the righteous way of martial arts, I seem to have never stood on the side of the righteous way of martial arts, okay, don't talk nonsense, brother Chu The situation on the border is critical, but I can't let you go on arrogantly any longer, I would like to learn Xiahou's divine art for a long time now!"

As soon as the words fell, Lu Fengxian directly attacked Xiahou Town, and Fang Tianhuaji Wushuang in his hand slashed down with a monstrous demonic energy, which was extremely powerful.

For Lu Fengxian, Xiahou Zhen also had a headache.

Among the younger generation of Jianghu, Lu Fengxian is indeed inferior to Chu Xiu, Fang Qishao and others, but this does not mean that Lu Fengxian is weak.

He was also born in the grass. He broke into the Dragon and Tiger Ranking by his own strength, and obtained the inheritance of the demon **** Lu Wenhou. At this time, he was holding such an extremely fierce divine weapon. The power can be called extremely terrifying. It is not difficult to shake the master of martial arts.

Xiahou Clan's divine magic is amazing, but in the face of Lu Fengxian's existence, who is completely fighting against him with strength, he still feels a little more powerless.

And Lu Fengxian brought only four people this time. Although they were not weak, they could not affect the situation of the battle.

But it doesn't matter, there are many people in the back.

A woman wearing a white tight-fitting samurai uniform, showing a graceful figure and holding a blood-colored spear, rode a horse from a distance, but behind her was a large number of warriors, not to mention thousands, but hundreds of them.

Moreover, there are almost no weak people among these hundreds of people, and the outer realm is already the existence with the lowest strength.

This heroic woman in white is Luo Feihong.

In the previous life, Luo Feihong founded Fuji Palace after leaving the Luo family, and he still played well in the arena.

Now she is helping Chu Xiu in charge of the Jiufen Hall, with the support of Chu Xiu's reputation, and Mo Yezi secretly providing her with a lot of help, the Jiufen Hall has grown to the point where even Chu Xiu himself can't recognize it. the point.

Luo Feihong brought a lot of people, although the strength was not as strong as the four Shui Wuxiang brought by Lu Fengxian, but there were not enough people in Jiufentang.

With the participation of these people from Jiufentang, the battle situation has been reversed in an instant, and it has become them who are struggling to support!

Leaping off the horse, Luo Feihong pointed at Luo Jiunian with a blood gun and red kite, a gloomy smile appeared on his beautiful face, but his eyes were full of disgust and murder.

"Old Ancestor, long time no see, you are not staying in the Luo family's retreat, what are you doing here, you are tired of living, do you think you are not dying fast enough?"

Luo Jiunian also looked at Luo Feihong with the same eyes, he just spit out two words coldly: "Nie barrier!"

As a disciple of the Luo family, he turned out to be ignoring the interests of the Luo family at all, selfish, and even almost destroyed the ancestral land of the Luo family's ancestral hall and suffered heavy losses.

Luo Feihong sneered and said, "Badness? The Luo family has already decayed to such an extent, Luo Jiunian, as the ancestor of the Luo family, you deserve the greatest credit.

Although the Luo family is unjust to me, I can't be unkind to the Luo family. If I get rid of you, maybe I will save the Luo family! "

When the voice fell, Luo Feihong directly took the blood gun and the red kite to kill Luo Jiunian.

After Xiaofantian, Luo Feihong also stepped into the realm of the unity of heaven and man.

But just now he went to fight with the martial arts master. Apart from Chu Xiu, there are not many such arrogant people in this arena, and now there is one more Luo Feihong.

Although Luo Jiunian is already old, the martial arts master is still a martial arts master. Luo Feihong just stepped into the realm of the unity of heaven and man, and it was a little too dangerous to fight with him.

Lu Fengxian winked at Shui Wuxiang and Yan Chixiao, and secretly sent them a voice transmission, asking them to protect Luo Feihong.

Although these two people are only in the realm of the unity of heaven and man, but after all, the two of them were strong in the past and had countless secret techniques in their hands. It is not a problem to support Luo Feihong at a critical moment and save their lives.

In the crowd, Mo Tianlin was actually there, but he had no face to see Chu People like Lu Fengxian, Luo Feihong and others were helping Chu Xiu, but as a friend, he wanted to stand The opposite of Chu Xiu, he couldn't even change Bai Qian's plan like Fang Qishao did, which made Mo Tianlin a little ashamed.

Seeing this scene at this time, Mo Tianlin couldn't help but said to a tall and imposing old man beside him: "Old Ancestor, you have seen Brother Chu's strength, as long as he doesn't die this time, he will surely fly away. soaring!

My Mo family is already neutral, so why should I obey the orders of the Xiahou Clan and attack the Guanzhong Punishment Hall? Old Ancestor, if you go to help Chu Xiu now, it will definitely be a help in the snow, and you will definitely be able to gain the favor of the Hidden Demons! "

Mo Chengming, the ancestor of the Mo family, is actually not too old. Although he has passed his prime, his qi and blood have not yet begun to decline on a large scale, so he looks very young, only in his early fifties.

When he heard Mo Tianlin's words, he couldn't help shaking his head and said: "Tianlin, I know what you mean, you and Chu Xiu are friends, so you want my Mo family to help Chu Xiu, but some things are beyond your control. capricious.

People in the arena involuntarily. Everything has to be family-oriented. Things are not clear for the time being, and the best I can do is to stay out of trouble.

I also know that the benefits of sending charcoal in the snow are great, but if the charcoal in the snow freezes me to death, it is not worth it.

Learn from your friend Xie Xiaolou. He has a good relationship with Chu Xiu, but Chen Qingdi of the World Alliance also didn't make a move. "

Mo Tianlin shook his head and said: "Old Ancestor, you are wrong, Xie Xiaolou told me before that he would not sit back and ignore it, so Emperor Chen Qing will definitely take action, otherwise, why is it now in the land of Western Chu? , not even a single force came?"


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