Meet The Leader

Chapter 682: Get back!

Mo Tianlin was right, Xie Xiaolou seemed indifferent as a person, but in fact, as long as he was a friend who could be recognized by him, he would treat him sincerely.

Chu Xiu and Lu Fengxian were both his friends, so Xie Xiaolou, who seldom asked Chen Qingdi, finally opened his mouth.

For his apprentice's request, Chen Qingdi did not refuse. He just took Xie Xiaolou alone to the only way from Xichu to Guanzhong Punishment Hall, where he set up a shed and sat there drinking tea. After a few sips, it was not enough, so Xie Xiaolou went to a town more than ten miles away to buy two jars of wine.

After just two days, two groups of people collided on the road, one of them was from the Dong family of Gao Ling, and the other was from the Bashan Sword Sect.

The Dong family of Gaoling had a grudge with Chu Xiu and Lu Fengxian because of the opening ceremony, and the grudge between the Bashan Sword Sect and Chu Xiu was even greater. Last time, Chu Xiu had all hit the Bashan Sword Sect and almost killed him. Chen Jiankong.

So this time, hearing that Chu Xiu was in trouble, Gaoling Dong's family and the Bashan Sword Sect couldn't find a reason not to fall into the trap.

They had never communicated before, and this encounter was purely accidental.

However, since they met and communicated their intentions, the two were ready to take people to the Guanzhong execution hall together.

But before they were happy for long, they saw Chen Qingdi sitting in the middle of the road and drinking under the shed.

The moment they saw Emperor Chen Qing, whether it was Dong Qikun, the head of the Dong family in Gaoling, or Chen Jiankong from the Bashan Sword Sect, the expressions of the two people changed.

In the whole of Western Chu, no one is willing to deal with Chen Qingdi, because this is not a person who can deal with it at all!

Chen Qingdi held the wine bowl, glanced at them, sneered, pointed at Dong Qikun and said, "You, go back to Gaoling!"

He pointed at Chen Jiankong and said, "You, go back to Bashan!"

In front of many disciples of the Gao Ling Dong family and the Bashan Sword Sect, Chen Qingdi directly told them to go back. This insulting behavior made the two of them blushed and extremely angry, but they did not dare to attack.

They know what character Chen Qingdi is. Even if the two of them are added together, can they stop Chen Qingdi's punches?

Seeing that the two were not leaving, Chen Qingdi narrowed his eyes and said coldly: "I told you to get out, didn't you hear? I don't want to say the same thing a second time!"

Chen Qingdi stood up and stepped out one step. There was a loud roar on the ground, as if an earth dragon had turned over. The power made Dong Qikun and Chen Jiankong's expressions suddenly change.

Without saying a word, Dong Qikun immediately turned around and left.

During the opening of the mountain festival, Dong Qikun was threatened by Chen Qingdi's neck, and his fear of Chen Qingdi came from the heart.

Chen Qingdi, this unscrupulous lunatic, really dared to kill him!

Seeing that Dong Qikun was gone, Chen Jiankong didn't dare to face Chen Qingdi, whose prestige shook Western Chu by himself, and left in despair.

With a single sentence, two martial arts masters, two top forces ranked in the Jianghu Song Jue, the power of Chen Qingdi is already quite astonishing.

Xie Xiaolou said from the side: "Master, don't you go to the Guanzhong Punishment Hall and help Chu Xiu? Lu Fengxian is also there."

Chen Qingdi sat down again, poured a bowl of wine, and said lightly: "Chu Xiu has more hearts than you, he knows what he knows, and you don't need you to worry about him.

As for that boy Lu Fengxian, he is an honest man, but he has good luck and met friends like you, but he has never suffered a big loss. Going to help Chu Xiu is his own choice, and there is no need for you and me. He worries.

Helping Chu Xiu to block the people on Xi Chu's side, a certain person has already done his best. As for going to the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, it is absolutely impossible. It's not that I don't want to help, but that I can't help.

The relationship between the righteous and the devil is very delicate. My World Alliance has always maintained a neutral position. Now that I am going, which side do you think I stand on?

Besides, you have also seen that for so long, how many strong men have emerged from the two sides?

There is only one Wei Shuya and Xu Yun.

Wei Shuya took action only because he was Chu Xiu's backer, and I heard that he was also the one who supported Chu Xiu the most in the hidden demon lineage.

And Xuyun's shot was just because Chu Xiu blatantly attacked Beiyan, and Daguang Temple, as the largest sect in Beiyan, had to react.

If Chu Xiu stayed in the Guanzhong punishment hall honestly, Xu Yun would not take action.

Both the righteous and the devil are restraining, and control this matter to a certain extent, so as not to let it become a big problem. "

Chen Qingdi suddenly stretched out his hand and put his finger into the wine bowl. Immediately, a circle of ripples rose, and the vibration became bigger and bigger. Finally, with a bang, the wine bowl burst.

"Now the situation is like the wine in this wine bowl, no one stirs it, then the situation is calm, no matter how hard you fight, it will not overflow.

On the contrary, if there is a powerhouse beyond this level to intervene without authorization, then the biggest possibility is that the wine bowl will be blown up, and no one will drink. "

Xie Xiaolou nodded thoughtfully, and he suddenly said: "Master, you said that there are powerhouses beyond this level to interfere and disrupt the situation. Are you praising yourself as a powerhouse who is comparable to the real fire refining spirit realm?"

'Snapped! "

Chen Qingdi gave Xie Xiaolou a slap in the face and almost didn't slap him on the ground.

Looking up at the mid-air, Chen Qingdi said lightly: "What about the real fire refining God? If you can't kill with one punch, then two punches!

The real fire refining spirit realm is heaven for your junior, unattainable.

But what about the sky for someone? A certain hand picks up the stars! "


In the battlefield outside Guanzhong City, with Lu Fengxian and Luo Feihong bringing people to join, the situation finally stabilized.

This battle is different from the battle of Beiyan, Chu Xiu can still choose to raid, or use tricks and the like. In this battle, he really put all his strength and everyone's connections under pressure. Take the plunge.

In fact, Chu Xiu didn't know what happened to Xichu. He just passed the news to Xie Xiaolou and asked him for help. Because the time was too tight, Xie Xiaolou didn't even reply to him.

However, Chu Xiu believes that Xie Xiaolou will help him, and with the strength of Emperor Chen Qing, in the land of Western Chu, almost no one can stop him, so Chu Xiu can rest assured to fight without worrying about the West Chu side. thing.

With Fang Qishao, he constantly used the Heavenly Seeing Qi technique to test the counterattack, which was a great drain on Chu Xiu's mental power.

Every moment, the two sides are constantly changing their moves and constantly testing. It seems that the two sides are not fighting fiercely, but the dangers are all in the details.

With Bai Qianqian watching from the side, Fang Qishao really didn't keep his hand, and so did Chu Xiu.

Although they are friends, they are also the young generation powerhouses on the Dragon and Tiger Rankings. At this time, they are fighting hard, not for interests, just to verify their own martial arts.

Chu Xiu took a deep breath. After fighting for so long, both he and Fang Qishao were completely familiar with the other party's changes. It was time for this battle to end.

Holding the Heavenly Demon Dance tightly in his hand, the aura around Chu Xiu suddenly changed, the blade stance became misty and hazy, and a strange aura emanated, as if it was affecting the surrounding time and space. In an instant, Chu Xiu seemed to be away With the general control of this space, the aura is very strange, just a sword move that has already attracted everyone's attention!

The sword that Chu Xiu started with was exactly the misty slash of Dugu only me in the past!

This is a powerful martial skill that Chu Xiu couldn't even read in the past. Even if Chu Xiu temporarily imprinted them in his heart by consuming the power of Dao Yun, he can slowly understand it, but up to now, Chu Xiu is still He didn't fully grasp it, and even he couldn't even use the complete red dust misty slash.

So now, Chu Xiu's knife is just bluffing. If he uses this knife forcibly, he will actually hurt himself first.

But it is this starting gesture that shocked countless people, not to mention the martial artist of the unity of heaven and man, even the martial arts master, they are horrified by the breath and power emanating from this knife!

Fang Qishao knew that Chu Xiu had a lot of trump cards, but he didn't expect that Chu Xiu still had such a trump card hidden.

At this moment, Fang Qishao didn't even think about, but instead ran the Karma Kendo with all his strength and tried his best to dodge.

But at this moment, Fang Qishao suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood, and a look of astonishment appeared on his face.

What kind of knife is this? It was so powerful that he just used the way of karma to deduce it, and he directly attacked it!

But after seeing this scene, Chu Xiu immediately changed the stance of the blade, and Tianmowu used the power of the hatred blade to chop down, directly knocking Fang Qishao back more than ten steps.

Chu Xiu didn't continue to shoot, he just spread his hands and said, "I'm sorry Brother Fang."

In fact, strictly speaking, Chu Xiu was the one who made the fraud win.

Fang Qishao's karma swordsmanship is extremely difficult to deal with. Even if Chu Xiu uses absolute strength to crush him, in the end, although he can defeat Fang Qishao, how much energy does he have to consume? Shen Bai and the others are still staring at them.

So Chu Xiu can only use a small trick.

The Red Dust Misty Slash is a martial skill that even he can't fully control. As long as Fang Qishao habitually uses the causal kendo deduction, he will inevitably be attacked.

This is also where Chu Xiu's real confidence lies. The way of cause and effect is the only means for Fang Qishao. Although Chu Xiu also knows how to look at the qi of the emperor, it is not his trump card.

Fang Qishao smiled bitterly: "Don't be sorry, I'm not as good as others. It seems that God is fair. I am so handsome and handsome, I must be greatly discounted elsewhere."

Seeing that Fang Qishao was still here at this time, Chu Xiu didn't care.

With Fang Qishao's character, he won't be hit so easily.

But then Chu Xiu suddenly felt that something was wrong. You are less handsome and handsome. If I beat you, could it be that you look ugly?


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