Meet The Leader

Chapter 683: Gather magic

The battle between Chu Xiu and Fang Qishao had just ended, when Chi Jian suddenly confronted Bai Qian and said, "Amitabha, Hall Master Bai, since you have finished the comparison, should it be my turn to wait? If you block again, does that mean that , you Sword King City, are you ready to join the line of hidden demons?"

Bai Qian snorted coldly: "If you want to do it, you can do it, but the great monk, you can eat the rice indiscriminately, and you can't talk nonsense, I know that you have a good relationship with the Daguang Temple and the Subhuti Temple, but you can Not from these two factions!"

Chi Jian didn't continue to talk nonsense with Bai Qian. Since Bai Qian didn't want to continue to block, he held a sword with Wang Shuangjun, and Shen Bai, and the three immediately killed Chu Xiu without any delay.

Just now Chu Xiu fought against Fang Qishao. Although he defeated Fang Qishao with a trick, he also consumed a lot of strength. At this time, they did not intend to give Chu Xiu any time to rest and regain his strength.

Fang Qishao frowned. The three of them were obviously aiming to kill people, and they could no longer follow any rules.

Bai Qianqian said lightly: "If you don't let me kill Chu Xiu, then Chu Xiu can't escape this game either.

Seven young masters, let's go, since things have come to this point, it's useless for you to wait here. "

Fang Qishao shook his head and said, "Not necessarily, I feel Brother Chu can survive this disaster."

Bai Qian raised his eyebrows and said, "Why?"

Fang Qishao said with a serious face: "Intuition, a man's intuition!"

Bai Qian smiled, but did not speak.

He doesn't trust his intuition, he only trusts what he sees in front of him.

Since Fang Qishao doesn't want to leave, he just doesn't want to leave, as long as he doesn't interfere.

But at this moment, a burst of brilliance suddenly rose from the ground, countless warriors on the ground fought each other, and the suffocating demonic energy gathered during the killing all poured into Chu Xiu's body, making his whole body instantly Then a black-red demonic flame rushing into the sky ignited!

Chi Jian frowned and said, "It's a demon gathering formation from the Kunlun Demon Sect. Is this Chu Xiu planning to work hard?"

The Kunlun Demon Sect used to dominate the arena, and some martial arts and formations were actually very conspicuous, such as this Demon Gathering Formation.

It's just that this thing is not a powerful formation, but a thing that Kunlun Demon Sect disciples only use when they are fighting for their lives.

In the killing field, set up a gathering magic formation, and condense the demonic energy and blood evil energy in the killing field.

Moreover, although the formation is engraved on the ground, the eyes of the formation are on the warrior, so as long as the warrior does not die, the gathering magic formation will not be destroyed.

The reason why this kind of formation is said to be something that is only used when fighting for life is that the fundamental reason is that the demonic energy and the **** energy condensed by the magic-gathering formation cannot be controlled at all.

In the early stage, it can indeed bring the user extremely strong power, but in the later stage, the magic energy gathers more and more, making it impossible to control it at all, and finally even directly burst the formation!

In the past, when the Kunlun Demon Sect was breached by many sects of the right way, there was a hall entrance. Several demon warriors set up a gathering magic formation to resist the attack of the sects of the right way. They blocked hundreds of people with the strength of several people, and forcibly supported half of them. For an hour, but in the end, because he couldn't control the powerful demonic energy, he finally exploded and died.

Now that Chu Xiu actually got such a thing as a trump card, it is obviously too poor.

So the three of them looked at each other and immediately started to attack.

The more ferocious they attacked, the more demonic energy Chu Xiu would absorb, but this act was like drinking poison to quench thirst. Maybe before they killed Chu Xiu, Chu Xiu would be overwhelmed by the powerful demonic energy and demonic energy. destroyed.

Seeing that he was pinching the Buddha's seal in his hand, dazzling golden light flashed all over his body, and the shadow of the Buddha behind him was hazy, and a seal fell towards Chu Xiu.

Wang Shuangjun followed behind the sword-wielding sword, and slashed down two long swords with scorching hot qi in his hands. The sword qi seemed to burn the space, and wherever he passed, the devil qi was ignited.

The momentum of Shen Bai's whole body has also climbed to the extreme. Whether it is the people under Chu Xiu or the warriors from the Eastern Qi Alliance, as long as they are warriors with swords, the long swords in their hands are trembling slightly. The warriors who couldn't hold the long sword in their hands could only watch the long swords in their hands fly into the air, circling and dancing around Shen Bai, mixed with boundless sword energy, staring at Chu Xiu!

The three of them have already made their full shots, just to push Chu Xiu to the extreme.

The harder they forced, the more Chu Xiu would absorb this demonic energy crazily, which was equivalent to drinking poison to quench his thirst, and the faster he would die.

But at the next moment, the expressions of the three of them changed in unison, which was a little different from what they expected.

The demonic energy lingered behind Chu Xiu, and the power of the primordial spirit actually condensed a hazy shadow. The boundless suffocating energy and demonic energy merged into the shadow, making the shadow incomparably agile, as if a demon had descended.

Facing the three of them, the shadowy roared up to the sky and uttered eight sounds in succession, each of which shocked Chi Jian and the other three, their heads seemed to be struck with a heavy hammer, and the whistling sound was constantly echoed. Voice.

After the eight beeps, Chi Jian and Wang Shuangjun's eyes were red, all the offensive was affected and dissipated, and even a strand of blood flowed from their mouths.

Only Shen Bai was able to persevere in his offensive and forcibly use his willpower to resist the magic sound that kept recalling in his mind.

This move is the one that consumes the most mental power among the nine types of Soul Destroyer.

If it wasn't for Chu Xiu's gathering magic array to gather such a powerful magic energy, which could offset part of the consumed mental power, Chu Xiu would not dare to use this kind of consuming martial arts.

Stepping out one step, the Heavenly Demon Dance in Chu Xiu's hand slashed towards Wang Shuangjun with extreme hatred.

This extremely hateful knife, coupled with the powerful force condensed by the Demon Gathering Formation, actually directly defeated Wang Shuangjun's knife and slashed him out.

At the same time, the human puppet appeared beside Chi Jian, opened his mouth wide, and released the incarnation of the evil hungry ghost to devour Chi Jian.

Although the incarnation of the Hungry Ghost Dao cannot share the power brought by the Demon Gathering Array, it is not a problem to temporarily entangle the crazy view.

At this moment, Shen Bai's Wanjian Guizong had already fallen, and the boundless long sword and the sword energy hidden in the void rushed towards Chu Xiu. When Shen Bai used all his strength to repel Cheng Tingshan, he was even stronger!

He started with Cheng Tingshan just to make a name for himself, but now facing Chu Xiu, he is fighting for his life!

Facing the dense whistling sword qi, Chu Xiu just lightly stretched out a finger. In an instant, countless magical qi was absorbed into this finger, and it seemed to be lightly pointed out, but it was like ink falling. Into the glass of general, black began to spread.

Destroy the Immortal Slaughtering Divine Finger!

The power of this finger was originally just a dead aura of annihilation, but under the blessing of the boundless demonic energy, almost all the negative forces were condensed into one.

With a broken face, the black in the void spreads like a halo. Wherever it passes, whether it is sword energy or long sword, everything is melted and silenced. In the end, there is only one sword on Shen Bai's body. That is the white rainbow that his master left him.

While Chi Jian was fighting with the incarnation of Hungry Ghost Dao, he felt that something was wrong, and the development of things seemed to be beyond his expectations.

Chu Xiu's explosive power is simply too amazing, so amazing that such a majestic demonic energy enters his body, he can still control it and find a way to consume it.

If it goes on like this, before they can exhaust Chu Xiu, Chu Xiu will first use the magic gathering array to kill them, and finally take the initiative to disperse the formation. Although it will suffer a certain degree of backlash, it can definitely save their lives.

Chi Jian shouted to the bottom: "Don't entangle with other people, do your best to deal with Chu Xiu!"

Originally, what they planned was for some people to stop Chu Xiu, and the other part to deal with the gang of Chu Xiu's subordinates, strive to kill all of Chu Xiu's subordinates, and finally gather their strength to solve Chu Xiu together.

But now it seems that things have changed. The three of them can't stop Chu Xiu!

They naturally saw the situation over there, Cheng Tingshan no longer went to besiege Chu Wuji with Xi and immediately killed Chu Xiu with the sword.

When Luo Jiunian of the Luo family saw this scene, he immediately used all his strength to repel Luo Feihong. If it wasn't for the protection of Shui Wuxiang and Yan Chixiao, she would even be severely injured by the ancestors of the Luo family.

After all, Luo Jiunian is a master of martial arts, and Luo Feihong has just stepped into this realm. No matter how strong she is, there is still a gap between Luo Jiunian and Luo Jiunian.

The most important thing is that Luo Jiunian is the ancestor of the Luo family. He has practiced the martial arts of the Luo family all his life. When it comes to familiarity, he must be higher than Luo Feihong, which can just suppress her.

Seeing that Luo Jiunian was going to besiege Chu Xiu together, Luo Feihong gritted his teeth and was about to rush up again, but at this moment, Chu Xiu's voice came from her ear: "Don't do it, I'm sure."

Luo Feihong looked hesitantly at Chu Xiu, who was being besieged by four martial arts masters and Shen Bai, who was no less than a martial arts master. It's all like this, are you sure?

But since Chu Xiu said so, Luo Feihong did not continue to shoot, but turned to attack other warriors.

Luo Feihong is much worse than the martial arts master, but among the martial artists of the same level, unless they are the top ten in the Dragon and Tiger Ranking, Luo Feihong is really not afraid of anyone.

And when Lu Fengxian saw this scene, he also wanted to get rid of Xiahou Town immediately to support Chu Xiu, but he was tightly entangled by Xiahou Town and could not escape.

Lu Fengxian's strength is strong enough, and he still has a magical weapon in his body, so ordinary martial arts masters are probably not his opponents.

But now his opponent is Xiahou Town, who is on the list. It is basically impossible for Lu Fengxian to defeat Xiahou Town in a short time, so he can only watch Chu Xiu fall into the siege.


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