Meet The Leader

Chapter 685: rout

Chu Xiu's life-threatening style of play made everyone present stunned, and Cheng Tingshan was severely injured before he could even react.

Is this guy crazy? How many pads do you want to catch before you die?

But before they came back to their senses, Chu Xiu made an even more frantic shot. The magic energy around him was condensed to the extreme, and it was like an entity, attached to Chu Xiu's body.

Cheng Tingshan clutched the huge bloodstain on his chest, and his eyes flashed with horror.

The strength of this Chu Xiu is completely comparable to that of a martial arts master. With the same blow, he could clearly injure Chu Xiu, but in the end, Chu Xiu was completely fine, but he was stabbed.

Seeing Chu Xiu rushing towards him again, Cheng Tingshan waved his hand, and nine long swords appeared all over his body, and each long sword turned out to be a divine soldier!

There are a small number of famous swords in the famous swords in the world, but these famous swords are not used, but are worshiped and worshipped in the sect. This is also the secret of many martial arts sects. The reason for scolding Cangjian Villa for its tyranny.

So many treasures and famous swords are placed in the Tibetan Sword Villa and ashes, which is simply a waste.

This time, Cheng Tingshan took it seriously for his expedition to the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. He brought more than ten magic swords at one time.

The nine-handed magic sword turned into a sword formation, shrouding Chu Xiu's entire body and strangling him.

After all, Cheng Tingshan is the owner of Cangjian Villa, and he is also a well-known figure on the Billboard. It is impossible for him to have no trump cards.

When he was in the Eastern Qi Alliance before, if he used all his strength as soon as he came up, he would not be so humiliated and defeated by Shen Bai.

The sword qi slammed into Chu Xiu's body, but Chu Xiu had no defense at all. Instead, he took the initiative to introduce the sword qi into his body to help him smash the inextinguishable magic pill in his body.

And Chu Xiu also discovered one thing, that is, the more times the indestructible magic pill is destroyed, the stronger it is. Only with more than ten swords of Cheng Tingshan can defeat Chu Xiu's immortal magic pill.

Outside, Chu Xiu's demonic energy skyrocketed, and a ghost even appeared behind him, overlapping with his figure. That was the power of Jiuxiao's golden body.

Although this type of exercise is used for body training, it is, after all, a top-notch magic method, and it can also affect the magic energy.

Chu Xiu directly chose to use the most violent method, blasting several long swords, directly shaking the sword's energy with his flesh, and the majestic demonic giant hand shot one after another, forcing Cheng Tingshan to step back.

"What are you still waiting for? Are you waiting to be repelled by that Chu Xiu?" Cheng Tingshan roared at the crowd.

Chi Jian and the others all frowned, but they still shot it subconsciously.

In fact, they don't want to do it, because the current situation is a bit weird.

There is no one who cannot be beaten to death in this world, but Chu Xiu seems to have really fallen into a state of 'immortality' at this time.

Chi Jian and others are also well-informed, there will be no such unreasonable things in this world, so calm down and think carefully about countermeasures is the correct solution.

But it seems that Chu Xiu does not give them a chance to think now. If they delay, Cheng Tingshan will really be killed!

But at the moment when everyone rushed to Chu Xiu again and was about to rescue Cheng Tingshan, Chu Xiu suddenly turned around, pinched the seal, and the boundless demonic energy merged into the power of the primordial spirit, and the soul-destroying arrow arrived silently. The whistling shot towards Luo Jiunian, and at the same time, the Emperor's Wang Qi technique locked it, and almost instantly, it exploded in Luo Jiunian's mind, causing him to snort and bleed from his seven orifices.

Turning around and stepping, Chu Xiu came to Luo Jiunian's side almost instantly, ignoring the swords of Shen Bai and Wang Shuangjun, and pinched Luo Jiunian's neck, the magic energy gathered to the extreme, and it exploded in an instant!

There was a soft sound of 'bang', when Luo Jiunian was still in a state of chaos, before he could react, Chu Xiu had already pinched Luo Jiunian's head!

Everyone present was stunned, and their eyes flashed with disbelief.

There are not one or two martial arts masters that Chu Xiu killed, and Luo Jiunian still belongs to the kind of martial arts masters who are not very strong. Chu Xiu killed him. It would not have caused surprises.

But now Chu Xiu was killing Luo Jiunian in the siege of the four, which was a bit terrifying.

Even Cheng Tingshan himself didn't react, so Chu Xiu would do such a thing.

But they were stunned, but Chu Xiu was not stunned.

The incarnation of Hungry Ghost Dao was released by Chu Xiu, and at the same time, the Demon Blood Dafa was performed to the extreme by Chu Xiu, which aroused the boiling blood in Cheng Tingshan's body.

Originally as a martial arts master, Cheng Tingshan was still very resistant to martial arts such as Demon Blood Dafa.

But before, he was slashed by Chu Xiu, and his blood was exposed, so at this time he couldn't even fully grasp his own blood and blood, and the incarnation of the hungry ghost was constantly swallowing his power.

Tianmowu slashed one after another, and the powerful demonic energy with the sword light pushed Cheng Tingshan back step by step, and finally with a bang, a long sword of the magic weapon level in his hand even had cracks!

Cheng Tingshan gritted his teeth, but turned around and ran away!

This scene was even more shocking than before Chu Xiu killed Luo Jiunian with one enemy and five beheadings.

You must know that Cheng Tingshan is also the owner of the Tibetan Sword Villa, a well-known figure in the rivers and lakes, but he chose to escape at such a time. Is he shameless?

In fact, for Cheng Tingshan, face is important, but life is more important.

God knows what big grudge this Chu Xiu has with him, so he chose him to take the shot alone.

Cheng Tingshan has no doubt that if he continues to fight like this, he will follow in Luo Jiunian's footsteps!

He came to kill Chu Xiu, not for hatred, but only for his fame and fortune.

But when the way to gain this reputation is too dangerous, Cheng Tingshan will also choose.

However, when he escaped, he trapped Chi Jian and the other three.

Before, the three of them attacked Chu Xiu, and they called Cheng Tingshan and Luo Jiunian after they lost.

As a result, one died and the other escaped, but the three of them were suppressed by Chu Xiu in turn.

Chi Jian was continuously bombarded by Chu Xiu's several kinds of great compassion and martial arts, and the smiling Maitreya had turned into a pig liver color that wanted to cry without tears, which was caused by the upsurge of qi and blood.

Seeing that it had reached this point, Chi Jian couldn't hold on anymore, and he also turned around and fled.

But it was Wang Shuangjun who escaped faster than him.

This person is from a loose cultivator, and he has spent a lot of time hanging out on the rivers and lakes. Seeing that something is wrong, he also has the intention of withdrawing.

He is the prince's person, but it does not mean that he will sell his life to the prince.

So when he saw the person who was not intercepted, Chu Xiu pointed out that the radiance full of annihilation and death obscured the Buddha's light, and suddenly left a hole in Chi Jian's chest, causing him to vomit blood and flee in embarrassment. .

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows: "I missed it."

If that finger just hit his heart, it would directly kill his heart.

Of the five people who besieged Chu Xiu, one died and one escaped and two were seriously injured, leaving only one Shen Bai.

Looking at Chu Xiu, a look of unwillingness appeared on Shen Bai's face.

He has a grudge with Chu Xiu, a death grudge.

In the past, when he was abolished by Chu Xiu, the feeling of powerlessness and hatred was absolutely unimaginable for ordinary people. No one knew what it was like to comprehend the way of swordsmanship when he retreated in front of a pile of bones in the secret room in the back mountain all these years.

Dead silence, loneliness, and all kinds of negative emotions almost drove Shen Bai crazy.

So just after leaving the customs, Shen Bai was really ready to go to Chu Xiu desperately right away.

But in the end, perhaps it was Liu Zongyuan's death that made Shen Bai understand how much responsibility he had.

According to the original Shen Bai's character, even if everyone escaped, only Shen Bai would be left, and he would have to fight with Chu Xiu to the end, knowing that he would die and would not retreat.

The current Shen Bai is still not afraid of death, but he still has the entire Canglan Sword Sect on his back, but he cannot die!

Therefore, at this moment, Shen Bai's whole body was surrounded by sword energy, and the whole person seemed to be a sharp blade of a divine weapon, cutting through the air in front of him with sharp energy and fleeing into the distance.

However, seeing that Shen Bai had also escaped, Chu Xiu's expression suddenly changed, he chased Shen Bai directly, and laughed loudly: "I'm leaving now? Don't you want to take my head? Come on then. Ah, why are you running away now?"

Everyone else looked at Chu Xiu with a strange expression, it was time for this, UU reading www.uukanshu. com Chu Xiu is almost sure to win, but he even went to tease Shen Bai, are you really afraid that he will fight with you?

In fact, now Chu Xiu is eager for Shen Bai to fight for his life.

Because he found out a little embarrassingly just now, it seems that his shot was too violent, causing Wang Shuangjun and Chi Jian to flee one after another, and the external force he received was much smaller.

The inextinguishable magic pill is getting stronger and stronger, and this power simply cannot recast the immortal magic pill again. Even with Chu Xiu's current strength, he cannot actively kill the immortal magic pill in his body, and the number of times it needs to be recast, Just one more time!

Chu Xiu was only one step away from stepping into the realm of a true martial arts master, but even at this step, these people could not complete him.

Seeing Shen Bai flee, Chu Xiu shot one after another, and even severely injured Shen Bai, but Shen Bai still did not turn back and shot, which made Chu Xiu wonder if the Shen Bai in front of him was the one who fought against him before. The personality has changed a lot.

But if Shen Bai didn't take action, the immortal magic pill in Chu Xiu's body began to boil again. As long as he couldn't suppress this unformed immortal magic pill, he would be the next unlucky person.

There was a hint of coldness in Chu Xiu's eyes. It's a big deal to kill all these people now, and then let Chu Wuji and Mr. Lu attack him and help him complete this last step. There should be enough time.

But at this moment, not far from Guanzhong City, there was a warrior wearing a battle armor floating in the air with powerful internal strength, staring at the battle.

Seeing Shen Bai's figure, he couldn't help but rubbed his chin and said, "Wan Jian returns to the sect? Who is the inheritor? Interesting, who actually has inheritance?"

This warrior in battle armor is the Luo Shenjun of Tianmen!


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