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Chapter 686: Zhendan

Shen Bai wanted to escape with all his heart, but Chu Xiu was relentless in pursuit, as if he wanted to kill Shen Bai.

Even though Shen Bai tried his best to escape for his life, he still couldn't get rid of Chu Xiu.

Although Wanjian Guizong did not say that Wanjian Guizong has an effect on defense, but for some reason, Shen Bai seemed to feel that his defense was stronger than before.

Cheng Tingshan would be seriously injured if he fought against Chu Xiu, but he could still bear it.

Chu Xiu frowned, although he still had the upper hand at this time, as if he wanted to kill Shen Bai on the spot at will, but at this time, he could not wait for Shen Bai to turn around and fight with him to help himself condense the indestructible magic pill.

At this moment, an extreme coercion descended in midair. Luo Shenjun wore a battle armor and walked in the air. Every step he fell, there would be ripples in the void. Smashed in general!

Chu Xiu's movements suddenly stopped, including the people who were fighting below, who also stopped fighting at this moment, looking at Luo Shenjun in horror.

Everyone present knew what was going on in the attack on the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. Logically speaking, there should be no powerhouses in the realm of real fire, but who is this person now?

Qi Yuanli, who was full of wind, looked at Luo Shenjun in horror and whispered: "Tianmen, Luo Shenjun!"

Although Qi Yuanli was seeing Luo Shenjun for the first time, with Feng Manlou's ability, it was not a problem to collect the information of Quantianmen martial artist.

Everyone present was from the great faction, and naturally there was a lot of knowledge.

After hearing Qi Yuanli say the word "Tianmen", they all gasped, and looked at Luo Shenjun in horror, just like Qi Yuanli.

The appearance of people from Tianmen in the arena is definitely a major event.

The strength of the Tianmen martial artist is too strong, even if the other party has no malicious intentions, it will cause a storm in the rivers and lakes.

Moreover, the root cause of this Guanzhong Xingtang battle was the death of Guan Siyu and the exposure of Chu Xiu's identity.

Guan Siyu, who was on the Billboard, was beheaded by Luo Shenjun in one move. What did he do at the Guanzhong Punishment Hall at this time? Did you come here to kill Chu Xiu?

If this is the case, then it is a good thing for everyone present, at least they don't have to do it.

Luo Shenjun looked at Chu Xiu with great interest and said, "It doesn't matter that you kidnapped the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, and now you have been besieged by so many big factions in the rivers and lakes. You are bold enough, interesting, very interesting."

After he finished speaking, Luo Shenjun didn't wait for Chu Xiu's reply, but pointed at Shen Bai casually and said, "I want this person. There is something on him that I'm very interested in."

Luo Shenjun's tone was very indifferent, as if Shen Bai was a cargo, and Chu Xiu was his servant. As long as he spoke, Chu Xiu had to stop and pack Shen Bai into his hands.

Chu Xiu frowned tightly, the pale complexion over there was also extremely pale, and the hand holding the sword was trembling slightly.

Shen Bai is not a person who likes fantasies, but when Luo Shenjun appeared, Shen Bai really thought that the powerhouse who suddenly appeared was here to save him.

But the reality is cruel, Luo Shenjun didn't come to save him, that tone just treated him as a thing, a piece of goods, choose at will.

As for why the other party asked Chu Xiu for him, Shen Bai vaguely had a guess that the other party came for Wanjian's return.

In fact, Shen Bai guessed right, Luo Shenjun was indeed going to Wanjian Guizong.

Shen Bai's talent is very strong, otherwise Liu Zongyuan would not have let the future of Canglan Sword Sect rest on him.

In the later period, after Shen Bai learned the ten thousand swords and returned to his ancestors, he was able to compete with the martial arts masters with the unity of nature and human beings, which was already comparable to the top ten existences on the Dragon Tiger List.

Generally speaking, it is possible for Tianmen to accept a person with such talent as a disciple, but Tianmen would not, because Shen Bai was too old.

In addition to talent, the disciples of Tianmen also depend on age.

Only disciples who have been cultivated by Tianmen from childhood to adulthood can guarantee their absolute loyalty to Tianmen. Even if other people are talented, Tianmen will not want them.

Originally, Luo Shenjun was just passing by Guanzhong Punishment Hall, and seeing that there were still people fighting here, Luo Shenjun took a look out of curiosity, but he did not expect that he would actually see a good thing.

The strong man who used to carry Wanjian Guizong has some relationship with Tianmen, but since his fall, there has been no news of him on the rivers and lakes.

And now, Wanjian Guizong has reappeared on the rivers and lakes again. If Luo Shenjun can find the place where the strong man fell, then the harvest of his trip this time will be beyond his imagination.

Seeing that Chu Xiu didn't say a word, Luo Shenjun frowned and said coldly, "I told you to stop and step back!"

Seeing this scene, Shen Bai gritted his teeth and ran in the direction of Luo Shenjun.

He knew that Luo Shenjun did not have any kindness towards him, but at least now Luo Shenjun would not kill him, and Chu Xiu had murderous intentions towards him.

Canglan Sword Sect is still alive, he can't die yet!

At this time, Wei Shuya's voice sounded in Chu Xiu's ear: "Chu Xiu boy, don't be impulsive! The power of Tianmen is unfathomable. If I hadn't been injured, I would have dared to fight Luo Shenjun, but if Luo Shenjun is right at this time You have murderous intentions, I can't stop you!"

Wei Shuya was also nervous in his heart, for fear that Chu Xiu would be red-eyed, and he didn't even pay attention to the powerhouses in the real fire refining spirit realm.

However, although Chu Xiu didn't kill the red eye at this time, under the stimulation of the demonic energy, he really wanted to make a move.

With the strength Shen Bai has shown now, he is definitely qualified to enter the top ten, or even the top five, on the Dragon Tiger list.

If Shen Bai is not dead this time, with his leadership, let's not say whether Canglan Sword Sect can prosper in the future, at least it will be stronger than now.

At that time, Chu Xiu will usher in a great enemy, a great enemy with ten thousand swords returning to his ancestry and infinite potential in the future!

For this kind of enemy, generally speaking, it is the safest to kill them before they grow up.

But when he thought of the scene when Luo Shenjun shot Guan Siyu before, Chu Xiu felt a chill in his heart.

Luo Shenjun at this level is no longer what manpower can handle.

But at this time, Chu Xiu suddenly thought of something, and a bold idea grew in his heart.

Dangerous, extremely dangerous, but if successful, Chu Xiu will be able to get more opportunities and benefits!

"Senior Wei, take Mr. Lu and others away immediately, don't fight!"

He sent a voice transmission to Wei Shuya, Chu Xiu didn't wait for Wei Shuya to react, and the Heavenly Demon Dance in his hand was already slashed towards Shen Bai!

The divine verve of this knife was just a starter, and it seemed to cut space, making everything in front of Chu Xiu's eyes out of tune with this world.

Red Dust Misty Slash!

This time, Chu Xiu was no longer bluffing. With the help of the powerful magic energy condensed by his own double magic gathering array, he forcibly drove the misty slash of the red dust. Although there was only one shape, he didn't get the meaning, but it was enough!

At the moment when Chu Xiu shot, Wei Shuya had no time to stop him, and Luo Shenjun's eyes also showed a touch of anger.

"court death!"

In the past in the Guanzhong torture hall, Guan Siyu dared to stand up and oppose him. After all, although Guan Siyu is also an ant, he is a relatively strong ant.

But right now this kid is not even as good as an ant, and even dares to ignore himself, where did he get the confidence?

Luo Shenjun lightly flicked his fingers, and there was a terrifying and terrifying fluctuation in the void, invisible and intangible, but wherever he passed, the void cracked, the vitality died, and the invisible and intangible power was more terrifying than the tangible!

Chu Xiu roared, and all the demonic energy around him that almost covered his body was integrated into this knife, ignoring the power of Luo Shenjun, and went straight to Shen Bai!

That knife cut off, as if time and space were cut open, everything in front of Chu Xiu's eyes was like a painting, cut into two halves.

The power of Luo Shenjun's finger was chopped in half, and Shen Bai's whole body was chopped in half. Even at that moment, his corpse that was chopped in half showed a strong sense of unwillingness. A look of disbelief and disbelief.


It wasn't a noise, but everyone had a strange feeling, as if something had fallen, and there was a light Everything was back to normal, Shen Bai's body fell to the ground, Luo Shenjun The power of that finger was chopped into two halves, and one of them generally slammed into the ground beside Chu Xiu, and the ground suddenly cracked, just like an earth dragon turning over. The huge crack stretched for several meters before it stopped.

But the other half of the power, Chu Xiu, couldn't stop it. Even if he used the Heavenly Son's Qi Technique, he couldn't see the details and route of that power.

Hearing a light sound, Chu Xiu's dantian was blasted directly out of a blood hole, but strangely, no blood flowed out.

Everyone present was stunned, dead, Shen Bai died, and Chu Xiu died like this?

But before everyone could react, in Chu Xiu's dantian, the magic energy circulated, and the magic energy swirled around like a vortex, and finally gathered into a strange real pill with a magic pattern on it, exuding an extremely powerful energy. strength.

The people present here are very familiar with this power, because many of them have reached this state.

Martial arts master, Chu Xiu actually stepped into the realm of martial arts master at this time!

Qi Yuanli murmured: "Indestructible Magic Pill! It is Indestructible Magic Pill! It turns out that all this was intentional by Chu Xiu!"

The reputation of the Indestructible Magic Pill in the arena is not very big, because no one has successfully condensed this thing except Dugu and I.

And after Dugu and I, the Kunlun Demon Sect was destroyed, and in the entire Hidden Demon lineage, no one has the courage to try this inextinguishable magic pill, which is similar to courting death.

Fengmanlou's information is inclusive of all things. Qi Yuanli is the deputy landlord, not to mention reading thousands of volumes. He naturally knows the information about the indestructible magic pill.

It was at this time that he suddenly realized that Chu Xiu's seemingly deadly actions had these calculations in it.


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