Meet The Leader

Chapter 688: Lunar worship

Half a day ago, Miao Jiang worshipped the moon and taught inside.

As the largest sect of the Ming Demon lineage, it can even be said that the first sect of the entire Demon Dao, the Moon Worship Cult, in the legends of the rivers and lakes, always appears in a negative image.

When it comes to the Moon Worship Cult, it must be eerie, with human bones and skeletons decorated everywhere. All the Moon Worship Cult disciples are described as ugly, or they are covered with disgusting Gu insects, or they are wearing black robes and hiding in Cursing you in circles in the corners with those shady occult spells.

But in fact, the worship of the moon is located in a huge valley, with beautiful scenery and pleasant scenery.

And most of the disciples of the Moon Worship Sect are handsome and upright men and beautiful women.

This is not because the Moon Worship Cult likes to accept handsome men and beautiful women as its disciples, but because the Moon Worship Cult has a kind of Gu worm called Yan Gu. After being raised, it enters the body and only needs a drop of blood to survive, while the Yan Gu can survive. It can change a person's appearance slightly.

Although for most warriors, they rely on their faces to eat, but no one wants to be ugly when they can be beautiful, so 90% of the disciples of the Moon Worship Cult will keep a harmless face Gu.

As for the ugly ones, they were either really ugly, so ugly that they couldn't bear to look directly at them after they changed their appearance a little, or they were disdainful of using this thing and wanted to preserve their own appearance.

At this time, in the deepest part of the Moon Worship Sect, there was a large lake. The surface of the lake was clear and transparent, like a mirror, but in the center there seemed to be a bottomless pit.

This lake is called Shenhu Lake, which is said to be the origin of the Moon Worship Cult. There are demons in the lake who worship the moon and become gods.

The Shenhu Lake is a holy place for the Moon Worship Cult, but at this time on the edge of the Shenhu Lake, a woman actually stretched her feet into the lake, rippling gently.

The woman was wearing Miaojiang's unique silver-colored clothes on the upper body, and the lower body was wearing a pleated skirt with gorgeous Miao embroidery, which was lifted up, revealing jade-like slender legs and a graceful figure.

The most surprising thing is her appearance, which is no longer a kind of beauty that can be described in words, and every inch seems to have been carefully crafted by God, and it is flawless.

At this time, the woman was kicking the water splashes, and at the same time murmured Miao Jiang's folk songs, and at a glance, she looked like an elves in the mountains.

At this moment, a man wearing a black gold-patterned robe and a golden jade dragon crown walked behind the woman and frowned: "Saint, you are wearing these Miaojiang barbarian clothes again, and you are like this. Blaspheming the Lake of the Gods and letting other disciples see it, what is the etiquette?"

This woman in Miaojiang costume is actually the saint of the Moon Worship Cult. When she is outside, she usually wears white clothes and a veil to cover her face. In front of him, she will take off her veil.

Hearing what the man said, the Holy Maiden of the Moon Worship Cult did not restrain herself, she just giggled and said, "Lord Dong Huangtai is wrong, I am not blaspheming the Lake of the Gods, but take the initiative to merge with the Lake of the Gods. , feel the power of Shenhu Lake.

And what clothes do I wear, does Mr. Dong Huangtai also care? My mother is a Miao girl. In this way, I also have half barbarian blood. Is there anything wrong with wearing Miao clothes? "

Before Donghuang Taiyi said anything, another old and gloomy voice had already come: "Why, does Master Donghuangtai look down on us barbarians in the Miao region? The Moon Worship Cult is located in the Miao region, and my disciple, Miao Ren, is in the Miao region. A lot, if you don’t like it, then go and tell the sect master, don’t accept Miao people as disciples in the future.”

On the other side, an old man in a gray robe walked over slowly.

The old man was hunched over, and the gray robe was covered with all kinds of strange runes.

His face was also tattooed with strange lines, and he was holding a bone crutch in his hand, which looked a little evil and terrifying.

This old man was the high priest of the Moon Worship Cult, and he was one of the top three powerhouses in the entire Moon Worship Cult.

He was born of Miao people, and when he heard the words of Donghuang Taiyi, he naturally had to stand up and sarcastically.

Donghuang Taiyi frowned and said, "If you join my Moon Worship Cult, you are naturally not considered a barbarian in the Miao region. Now that my Moon Worship Cult is the number one sect of the Demon Dao, there are still rules, and I always bring those barbarian habits into the Moon Worship Cult. , like what?"

Just when the high priest was about to say something, there was a violent wave at the end of the lake.

For a moment, the high priest and the East Emperor Taiyi didn't care about arguing, and turned their heads over there.

Even the Holy Maiden of the Moon Worship Cult took her legs out of the lake, stood up, and stared in that direction.

The fluctuations are getting bigger and bigger, and the power seems to be going straight to the sky, but it starts to shrink greatly at a certain point, and finally returns to calm.

At the end of the lake, the mountain wall cracked open, and a young man in a moon-white costume walked out.

Looking at his appearance, the young man seemed to be in his thirties. Although his appearance was considered square and handsome, he was not so outstanding.

What really attracts people is his gaze, which contains the sun, moon and stars, as if there is a sense of desolation in the wild.

This person is Ye Shaonan, the leader of the Moon Worship Sect, who is called the number one devil in the world after Dugu and only me!

Although Ye Shaonan looked at his appearance at this time, he didn't have any resemblance to the peerless devil who was immersed in blood and practiced exercises all day long.

"Congratulations to the sect leader, I will worship the moon and teach for thousands of years, and the sun and the moon will shine together!"

Donghuang Taiyi walked over first, bowed and saluted.

The high priest cast a disdainful glance at Dong Huangtai and sneered.

He also said that we are barbarians in the Miao Xinjiang, but you people from the Central Plains can beat horses.

The high priest is very senior, even older than Ye Shaonan. He is not as explicit as the East Huangtai, but he stooped lower and said solemnly: "Congratulations to the leader, the heart of repairing the sky has been completed."

Ye Shaonan nodded and said in a calm tone: "For thousands of years? The Kunlun Demon Sect was so powerful in the past, but it only dominated the rivers and lakes for a hundred years. After I worship the moon for ten thousand years, I may be qualified to say this. Let's talk."

Dong Huangtai said solemnly: "The sect leader is humble, and the Kunlun Demon Sect is too arrogant and domineering, which is why it has ended up like this. With the sect leader here, my Moon Worship Sect will definitely not be like the Kunlun Demon Sect, which is short-lived."

The saintess of the Moon Worship Cult smiled and said: "Sect Master, let them say good things, I will give you a gift, this is what I have waited for a long time to get."

Saying that, the Holy Maiden of the Moon Worship Cult waved her hand, and a dazzling white snow lotus flew to Ye Shaonan under the package of True Qi.

Ye Shaonan lightly tapped, the infuriating energy burst, and the snow lotus petals fluttered, unusually magnificent.

Ye Shaonan shook his head and said: "Okay, don't make trouble, let me know the news of my exit, and let the rest of the worshippers teach. I want to go out."

Dong Huangtai was stunned for a moment and said, "Where are you going?"

Ye Shaonan turned his eyes to the west and said lightly, "Longhu Mountain, Tianshifu."

Ye Shaonan was about to go to the Tianshi Mansion on Longhu Mountain just after the completion of the Heavenly Heart Sutra. The idiot knew what he wanted to do.

Dong Huangtai hesitated for a moment and said, "Are you in a hurry to start with the Zhengdao sect now? Moreover, the identity of the young Junjie cultivated by the hidden demon lineage was exposed, and his person turned out to be Chu Xiu, who is now number one on the Dragon and Tiger Ranking. Several forces in Dongqi have joined forces and are attacking the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. Cult Master, your actions at this time will cause too much turmoil, and it will definitely attract everyone's attention. "

Ye Shaonan looked at the air and said, "Worry? Ten thousand years is too long, people in my generation can't calculate that far, and can only fight for this day and night.

It's really a pity that I have been a neighbor with Lao Tianshi for so long, and I haven't asked for advice.

As for the hidden demon lineage, don't worry about them, without Dugu and me, they are just scattered sand, not a climate.

I worship the moon to teach things, why should I worry so much? It was their luck that helped them unintentionally. Harm them, they have to bear it. "

Ye Shaonan's voice was very light and indifferent, but the absolute strength and domineering between the words were even stronger than Luo Shenjun.

For example, Dong Huangtai and others still have to worry about the hidden demon lineage, but in fact, Ye Shaonan has already ignored the hidden demon lineage for a long time.

I will do whatever I want to do, without having to worry about Whether it helps them or harms them, it doesn't matter to Ye Shaonan.

After speaking, Ye Shaonan's figure moved and disappeared in an instant.

The saintess of the Moon Worship Cult raised her eyebrows and whistled, "Your Highness is just domineering."

Dong Huangtai glanced at her and frowned: "Image, pay attention to your image, after all, you are also the saint of my Moon Worship Cult. When others see your appearance, what does it look like?"

The Saintess of the Moon Worship Cult just chuckled twice, and didn't care about Dong Huang Taiyi, she turned around and left.

In the Moon Worship Cult, although the strength of the Holy Maiden of the Moon Worship Cult is far inferior to that of Donghuang Taiyi, who is the leader of the Nine Great Witch Sacrifices, the two sides are equal in status, and even the Holy Maiden is even higher than the Nine Great Witches. Offering half a chip.

The saintess of the Moon Worship Cult in all dynasties did not rely on hard work to improve their strength. Now, the power of the Moon Worship Cult saint is not as good as that of Donghuang Taiyi, but it may not be possible in the future.

Dong Huang Taiyi's face turned dark, and he said to the high priest: "Look at her, what she looks like!"

The high priest sneered and said: "We are all barbarians in the Miao border, and we are used to being free. Of course, there are no rules, just you people in the Central Plains have many messy rules."

After speaking, the high priest also turned and left.

Donghuang Taiyi snorted coldly, but instead of continuing to dwell on such trivial matters, he turned around to find someone to announce the news of Ye Shaonan's exit.

In the entire Moon Worship Cult, when Ye Shaonan was in retreat, he was the one who temporarily managed the Moon Worship Cult.

The qualifications and strength of the saintess are too low to be able to manage specific matters. The high priest hides in his hut all day to study those strange things, so the Moon Worship Cult can only be managed by the Eastern Emperor Taidai.


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