Meet The Leader

Chapter 689: old master

ps: Thanks to the leader 0o Yu Xiaomo o0 for the reward of 10,000 starting coins

The scenery of Longhu Mountain is majestic and magnificent. As the current leader of the Taoist sect, there are many people who usually come to Tianshifu.

Among them, there are pilgrims who come to offer incense, and there are also loose cultivators who come to pay their respects.

For these people, the Tianshi Mansion is also open to receive them. Of course, the people who receive them are only ordinary Taoist priests. The real disciples of the Tianshi Mansion are all cultivating in the inner sect.

Ye Shaonan climbed the Tianshi Mansion, not from the normal mountain road, but along the cliffs around the mountain road, stepping into the sky step by step, climbing up step by step, very miraculous.

And this is because Ye Shaonan wanted to take a look at the scenery of Tianshi Mansion, otherwise it would not be difficult for Ye Shaonan to travel in the sky.

At this time, some warriors on the mountain road couldn't help but startled when they saw Ye Shaonan's figure.

For these ordinary people and some low-level warriors, Ye Shaonan's behavior at this time is no different from that of a god.

They didn't know Ye Shaonan, but some of the Tianshi Mansion warriors who were guarding the mountain road were not the kind of short-sighted people. They immediately began to evacuate the crowd on Longhu Mountain and sent someone to inform the old Tianshi.

At this time, Ye Shaonan didn't care about the disciples of Longhu Mountain. To be precise, he didn't pay attention to them at all.

For the current Ye Shaonan, he only cares about two things, one is the beautiful scenery of Longhu Mountain, and the other is the old celestial master.

In terms of legends, the old Celestial Master in Tianshi Mansion is a living legend.

It is said that the old Tianshi lived for a long time, so long that he even saw Dugu only me.

It has been so long that he has handed over the position of Tianshi several times, but the new Tianshi died earlier than him. He could only take over the position of Tianshi again and train another Tianshi heir.

In the past, when Dugu Yume led the Kunlun Demon Sect to dominate the world, Laotianshi was probably just a fledgling Taoist priest in Tianshifu, but he did see Dugu Yume, and even exaggerated to say, Laotianshi and Dugu Yume are the same. There is nothing wrong with people of an era.

Of course, the old Tianshi himself has never admitted this. In the words of the old Tianshi, he is indeed in the same era as Dugu and I, but he is not a human being, and he is similar to an ant.

At that time, he was indeed not much better than the ants in front of Dugu and me.

But five hundred years later, Dugu and I have disappeared, and can only become a legend and spread in the rivers and lakes, but this old master is still strong, and even when he is bored, he will come out to teach disciples and so on. , Zhang Chengzhen has been instructed by the heavenly master for a long time.

In the past five hundred years, the old celestial master has never stood at the top of the rivers and lakes. There are Dugu and I in the distance, and there are Tianmen lord Wushen and Zizai lord Zhong Shenxiu. There are countless amazing talents in the middle. Brilliant generation.

But for five hundred years, the old masters have always been qualified to stand with them at the top of the rivers and lakes. As a result, five hundred years have passed, and there are talented people who are qualified to stand at the top of the rivers and lakes. There are endless occurrences, but the only one who has been standing here without moving is the old Tianshi.

Ye Shaonan is a neighbor to the old Tianshi, but he has never dealt with the old Tianshi.

When they reach their realm, there is no absolute certainty, and generally they will not do it.

Of course, this is only for Ye Shaonan. In the eyes of the old Tianshi, he has already reached this age. It is better to leave it to young people to do things like eliminating demons and defending Dao. He is only responsible for raising flowers and teaching The disciple is fine.

All the way to the front of the Tianshifu's mountain gate, at this time the originally lively Tianshifu's mountain gate has been completely closed, and no one is to be seen.

Ye Shaonan stood with his hands behind his back, and said lightly, "Worship the moon, Ye Shaonan, a junior, I want to ask the old master to teach me."

Although Ye Shaonan said that he was a junior and wanted to give advice, there was nothing in his tone that meant he wanted to ask someone for advice.

And at the moment when his voice fell, in front of the entire Tianshi Mansion, a burst of thunder and divine light suddenly flashed, affecting the thunder cloud in the air, causing the entire Tianshi Mansion to be immediately wrapped by the power of thunder.

Inside the Tianshi Mansion, where several martial arts masters gathered, one of the middle-aged Taoist priests had a solemn expression. He wore a black-gray Taoist robe and had three long beards under his jaw, which made him look extremely majestic.

This person is Zhang Daoling, the 'Real Master Yuxiao' who temporarily took over the Tianshi Mansion in place of the old Tianshi.

But facing Ye Shaonan at this time, Zhang Daoling was still at a loss.

"Senior brother, can the Nine Heavens Divine Xiao Yulei Great Array be able to stop Shaonan this night? Let's go to the Heavenly Master quickly." A martial arts master said worriedly.

Zhang Daoling glanced at him and said: "If you can't stop it, you have to stop it! If you go to trouble the old master, what is the use of the master's house that day?"

The martial artist was suddenly silenced by Zhang Daoling.

But at this moment, Ye Shaonan suddenly moved.

He stepped out in one step, without the slightest defense, and actually took the initiative to step into the nine-day Shenxiao Yulei Great Array.

In an instant, countless gods and thunders thundered towards Ye Shaonan.

However, Ye Shaonan just stretched out a finger, and with a slight tap, countless thunderbolts broke apart in the air, and the thunderclouds began to disintegrate, as if they had never appeared, and dissipated directly.

Everyone in the Tianshi Mansion suddenly took a breath of cold air.

That was the Heavenly Master's Mansion's Great Array of Protecting the Mountains, Nine Heavens Divine Clouds and Thundering Great Arrays. Even the ordinary real fire-refining gods were able to stop them, but in front of Ye Shaonan, they didn't even hold a finger.

"Is this the power of the Heart Sutra?" Zhang Daoling's eyes showed a look of astonishment.

Ye Shaonan was in retreat to comprehend the Heart Sutra, which everyone in the whole world knows, and even everyone has a good understanding of this type of exercise.

The Moon Worship Cult is the number one sect of the devil's way, but the practice method is called the Heart Sutra. This name is very similar to the orthodox sect, but in fact, this is an out-and-out orthodox magic practice.

Nothing in this world is perfect, just like the way of heaven.

The number of the Dao of Heaven, Dayan forty-nine.

This escaping one itself represents the incompleteness of the Heavenly Dao. What the Moon Worship Sect's Heart Sutra to mend is not the real Heaven, but the missing Heavenly Dao!

With the power of man, the power of stealing the sky and the earth, after mending the sky, I will become a god!

Of course, for the rules of the whole world, whether you become a **** or not does not have much impact on the world, but the power of stealing the sky is to go against the sky, and those who do not respect the way of heaven are demons!

With one finger, Ye Shaonan had already taken control of this world, and easily broke the mountain protection formation of Tianshifu.

Just when Zhang Daoling and others were still thinking about countermeasures, an old voice came faintly: "Okay, let's go, it's time for the old man to appear."

The crowd was separated, and an old man came over.

The old man's beard and hair were all white, and his face was full of wrinkles, and he even looked kindly.

Although he was old, he was straight, without the slightest stoop, and there was no death in his body.

"Lao Tianshi!" Everyone present immediately stepped back and saluted.

The old Tianshi waved his hand casually and asked everyone present to move away, but he pushed open the door and walked out to face Ye Shaonan.

"Heavenly Master's Mansion has come to visit the leader of the worship of the moon, and it is full of brilliance, and the old man is already too old, so I only rely on the name of an old senior to support the facade, I'm afraid I can't advise you, the leader of the night. already."

Ye Shaonan said expressionlessly: "Lao Tianshi is humble. Over the years, there have been countless opponents with you. Those who lost to you died. Those who defeated you also died.

Others think that it's just because you can endure it, and you've endured everyone to death, but they forget that someone can survive a defeat without dying. That's actually a very difficult thing. "

The old Tianshi smiled bitterly and said, "Does Master Ye have to fight with me?"

Ye Shaonan nodded expressionlessly.

The old Tianshi sighed, can he still beat this old bone? Even if he can fight, can he still be stronger than Ye Shaonan, who has completed the Heart Sutra of Repairing Heaven?

"Forget it, just fight, go to the air battle in the back mountain, so as not to smash the temples of my Tianshifu.

Those monks are very shrewd, and they are not worried about incense and money, but we are. "

Hearing what the old Tianshi said, Ye Shaonan stepped out of the air and followed the old Tianshi to the back mountain.

Seeing this, Zhang Daoling and others also rushed to the back mountain to watch, but they found that the entire back mountain was shrouded in an extremely powerful aura, and it was blurred They were just watching Nothing.

But they can't see it, but they can feel it.

The entire back mountain was shrouded in the power of thunder, and the aura was incomparable, and the power of thunder seemed to destroy the world.

At the same time, the vitality of the entire back mountain began to surge wildly, as if the world had been stripped away and was about to be scattered, which was very terrifying.

In less than a hundred breaths, everything was calm, and the vague aura dissipated, revealing Ye Shaonan and Lao Tianshi.

Ye Shaonan's expression remained unchanged, and the old Tianshi didn't seem to have changed, but his face was slightly pale.

With a wry smile, the old master said, "I lost."

Ye Shaonan said solemnly, "It's just that I lost one and a half moves."

The old master slapped his waist and said, "I only lost one and a half moves in ten moves. If I fight again, I will lose even more. I am old and useless. It's time to take a break."

Having said that, the old Tianshi said to Zhang Daoling and others: "Starting today, I will close Longhu Mountain for a year, and give me a good retreat. No one will allow Tianshifu to take a step!"

After Lao Tianshi finished speaking, he looked at Ye Shaonan.

He said this to Ye Shaonan.

He lost this battle, so as a price, Tianshifu will close the mountain for a year, leaving you alone to worship the moon.

If you, Ye Shaonan, retire, that's fine. If you still want to make further progress, even if the old master loses one and a half moves, he still has the strength to fight for his life.

Ye Shaonan nodded, turned around and left without saying a word.

After Ye Shaonan left, everyone gathered around, but before they could speak, the old master waved his hand, his face became even paler, and his hands were even trembling slightly.


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