Meet The Leader

Chapter 690: aftermath

In the martial arts of the right way, the old Tianshi is a legend, a living legend, but now this legend was defeated by Ye Shaonan's door, and this incident is enough to set off waves in the world.

And this is not over yet. After going to Longhu Mountain to challenge the old master, Ye Shaonan moved to the land of the southern barbarians and challenged the abbot Rama of the Subhuti Temple. It is impossible to step out of the land of Nanman within a year. After the two wars, the world was shocked. Ye Shaonan was also ranked fifth in the supreme list, becoming the first person in the real world of magic.

After the battle at Guanzhong City, Chu Xiu was indeed victorious, but the fact that the major factions retreated so neatly was also due to Ye Shaonan.

And in the follow-up, no one came to trouble Chu Xiu, which was also due to Ye Shaonan.

Chu Xiu's talent and strength are indeed amazing, and the momentum he made this time is not small, but compared with Ye Shaonan, it is purely insignificant.

This time, when Chu Xiu stepped into the realm of martial arts masters, he naturally left the Dragon and Tiger Ranking, but because of his performance in this battle, Feng Manlou also placed Chu Xiu on the ranking, ranking thirty-fifth. Just after Zhang Chengzhen.

In fact, even the current Feng Manlou can't tell whether Chu Xiu and Zhang Chengzhen are stronger or weaker.

Chu Xiu challenged four masters, and there was one Shen Bai who was no weaker than the master.

However, although Zhang Chengzhen's opponents who stepped into the true core realm were only five people in one, each of them was not weaker than the martial arts master.

The thundering golden pill condensed by Zhang Chengzhen has been condensed by no one for thousands of years, and only Dugu and I have successfully condensed the immortal magic pill of Chu Xiu.

The two did not fight, and no one could tell who was stronger or weaker.

Therefore, the ranking of Fengmanlou is only based on the first order. Zhang Chengzhen first stepped into the real alchemy realm, and he was ranked in front of Chu Xiu.

Of course, this ranking doesn't mean much to Chu Xiu, because now all Jianghu people are focusing on Ye Shaonan. As for Chu Xiu himself, he is also happy to keep a low profile. After all, for the current Chu Xiu In other words, he has just stepped into the Martial Dao True Core Realm, and all he needs is time.

After the war, the entire Guanzhong Punishment Hall can be regarded as a complete heart. Those who wanted to run ran away, and those who didn't run, their status in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall was upgraded by one level, and Chu Xiu was handed over to the Ghost Hand King to take care of them for the time being. , He has just stepped into the real core realm and needs to temporarily retreat to stabilize the restless real core.

After everything was arranged, Wei Shuya looked at Chu Xiu and shook his head and said: "Your behavior this time is like gambling your life, only the leader of the indestructible magic pill has successfully condensed, whether it is really indestructible, no one dares. 100% sure.

Chu Xiu said solemnly: "At that time, apart from gambling my life, I would just sit and wait. I don't want to sit still, so I can only take a risk. Fortunately, God still favors me."

Wei Shuya shook his head. It might be because he was old. He might have done such a dangerous act as Chu Xiu when he was young, but now, he will not do it again.

At this time, Wei Shuya suddenly thought of something, and he wondered: "Why did Luo Shenjun escape in the end? Could it be that when he saw you performing the Mist of the World, he thought that the leader of Dugu was still alive?"

Chu Xiu hesitated for a moment, and said, "It's possible, after all, Senior Wei, you have said that the former leader of the Dugu sect attacked Tianmen and almost destroyed the entire Tianmen with one person's power. Therefore, it is also possible that the people of Tianmen fear Senior Dugu."

Chu Xiu didn't plan to tell Wei Shuya about his anomaly. It seemed to be related to his deepest secret, not to mention Wei Shuya, Chu Xiu didn't plan to tell anyone.

Wei Shuya nodded hesitantly, but obviously, he didn't believe it.

The prestige of the leader of Dugu is indeed great, but it is not so big that he can scare people away by seeing one of his previous moves.

But in that battle, only he and Chu Xiu knew what Luo Shenjun saw. In Wei Shuya and others' view, Chu Xiu only made a knife, and Luo Shenjun was inexplicably scared away.

Wei Shuya didn't bother too much, he just said to Chu Xiu: "You have just stepped into the real core realm and need to temporarily retreat for a while, so I won't disturb you.

By the way, Luo Sancong and Zhao Chengping will stay under your command. There is no future for an old man like me. "

Luo Sancong and Zhao Chengping are not weak warriors of the hidden demon lineage. In the past, they followed Wei Shuya and they could only hide in the dark most of the time, but now the hidden demon lineage can re-establish itself in the rivers and lakes, at least under Chu Xiu. People can walk in the Guanzhong land with integrity, which is already a great progress.

After explaining all this, Chu Xiu directly entered the retreat.

If you just stepped into the real core realm, you must let the martial arts and real core stabilize completely. If you make a rash move, although it will not break the real core, it is always bad.

After a month of retreat, Chu Xiu had stabilized the restless Zhendan in his body.

On the way of martial arts, the True Core Realm is a threshold. Once you pass it, it will be another world. Now Chu Xiu finally has such a feeling.

When he was in the unity of heaven and man, Chu Xiu's explosive power was equally astonishing, but at that time, Chu Xiu was only able to show this power by relying on his own strength and powerful martial skills.

But in the real core realm, with the existence of martial arts and real core in the body, Chu Xiu seems to have some connection with this world, and he can control this world with a wave of his hand.

Of course, it is a bit exaggerated to say that it is completely in control, but at least within the control of Chu Xiu, the power of this world, Chu Xiu, can be used.

Reaching out his hand, Chu Xiu swiped lightly in front of his eyes, and a trace of true energy was revealed, but it was such a trace of true energy, but it was the power of vitality that affected the world and turned into a sharp knife to slash at the wall. There was a deep knife mark on it.

One is passively borrowing the power of this world, while the other is in complete control.

This is also the most straightforward gap between the True Core Realm and the Heaven and Human Unity Realm.

Stepping into the True Core Realm should have been a gratifying event, but Chu Xiu didn't have much excitement, instead his heart was shrouded in a haze.

The abnormality that happened when he stepped into the real core realm and Luo Shenjun's performance can prove that some strange changes have taken place in himself.

It's just that Chu Xiu still has no clue about this matter. The only thing he is sure about is that he and Dugu Weiyi seem to have a strange connection. He seems to be living in the shadow of the other party, which is not good. .

After a bit of activity, Chu Xiu pushed open the door of the closed room, and asked the King of Ghost Hands to inquire about what happened in the punishment hall in Guanzhong during this time.

The Ghost Hand King smiled and said: "Since the last battle, the land of Guanzhong has become more prosperous than before, and there are even several times more traders.

Most of the warriors in Guanzhong Punishment Hall are also convinced. Although these guys say they want to be loyal to Guanzhong Punishment Hall, in fact, for them, as long as they have the benefits and the protection of the strong, everything is fine. All good to say.

Even those who had chosen to flee before wanted to come back, but they were all rejected by me.

It's just the first and second generation of the rat, and it's useless to ask them. "

Chu Xiu nodded, the Ghost Hand King did the right thing.

Before the war started, some people chose to flee, while others chose to stay in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

It doesn't matter whether the disciples who chose to stick to the punishment hall in Guanzhong at the beginning chose to stick to it because they were loyal to him, Chu Xiu. Since they made the right choice, they should be rewarded.

It would be really unfair for the warriors who chose to stay in the punishment hall in Guanzhong if they let those who did wrong come back again.

"By the way, just now you said that there are more traders going to and from the Guanzhong Land. What's going on?"

The ghost hand king said: "Isn't it because of your reputation, lord? Those traders who travel to and from the Guanzhong land don't care if you are a righteous or a devil, as long as you can bring them benefits, that is enough.

Before Guan Siyu was there, he strictly investigated the smuggling of contraband between the three countries. Although there were some fish that slipped through the net under the unspoken rules, after all, he could not do so blatantly.

Right now, the punishment hall in this pass is up to you, the master. Naturally, there are not so many rules. Just charging some tolls can exchange for such a convenient and fast trade and your strength is also good. Of course they wouldn't refuse if they could cover the punishment hall in Guanzhong. "

Chu Xiu nodded indifferently. At his level now, he no longer cares about petty profits. Almost all the proceeds from Guanzhong Punishment Hall were distributed to the warriors in Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

This is normal for some major factions. They occupy some income and business. In fact, the strong in their sect may not need these things, but their disciples still need them.

After explaining a few words to the Ghost Hand King, Chu Xiu went straight to Wei Shuya's house.

During this period of time, Wei Shuya did not leave, he was protecting the law for Chu Xiu.

After all, when he was in the True Core Realm, he couldn't take any action casually, otherwise, it would affect his future martial arts practice.

"Thank you, Senior Wei," Chu Xiu said in a deep voice.

Wei Shuya waved his hand casually and said, "There's nothing to be thankful for, it's you who strives for yourself, old man, I'm just icing on the cake."

"By the way, Senior Wei, after this incident, did my Hidden Demons make any moves? Has there been any change in the rivers and lakes?" Chu Xiu asked.

Wei Shuya shook his head with a wry smile and said, "This time I was supposed to be the protagonist from my hidden demon lineage, but I was completely stole the limelight by the teaching of the moon.

Ye Shaonan is now the number one person in the magic way. He has a strong attitude towards worshipping the moon and conquering Western Chu.

The major sects are now vigilant against the Moon Worship Cult, but they don't have much time to take care of us.

Speaking of which, Ye Shaonan helped us once this time and helped us share a lot of pressure. "

Wei Shuya was a little bitter when he said this, and he didn't know if he should be happy or depressed.


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