Meet The Leader

Chapter 691: promise

The Hidden Demon Lineage and the Ming Demon Lineage have been fighting openly and secretly for so long. In fact, the entire Hidden Demon Lineage has always believed that they are not much worse than the other party.

Even most of the people in the hidden demon lineage looked down on the clear demon lineage, thinking that they were all cowardly and that they were the orthodox Kunlun demon sect.

As a result, Ye Shaonan has become a veritable first person in the magic way, and the Moon Worship Sect also carries the attention of the righteous way of martial arts for the hidden demon lineage, which makes Wei Shuya's mood very complicated.

After chatting with Wei Shuya for a while, the Ghost Hand King suddenly knocked on the door and said, "Sir, someone is looking for you."

Chu Xiu raised his brows and said, "Who came to me? Brother Lu and the others?"

During the month that Lu Fengxian and others retreated in Chuxiu, they either returned to their respective sects, or stayed in the Guanzhong torture hall to practice for a while, such as Lu Fengxian and Luo Feihong.

They also fought against martial arts masters in this battle, and each had some gains, so they were prepared to retreat in Guanzhong execution hall for a while before leaving.

The Ghost Hand King shook his head and said, "No, Young Master Lu and the others are still in seclusion. They belong to the Beiyan court."

Chu Xiu nodded knowingly, and then he remembered that he seemed to have made an agreement with the Beiyan court.

Of course, Chu Xiu didn't plan to go back on this matter. Since Xiang Long helped him at a critical moment, Chu Xiu naturally had to be trustworthy.

Moreover, during the Northern Yan Alliance, although Nie Renlong died at the hands of Chu Xiu, Chu Xiu did not intend to let go of the grudges of others so easily.

Moreover, Chu Xiu did plan to go to Beiyan. Guanzhong was too small, and the resources in it could support several martial arts masters, but it was difficult for Chu Xiu to go further.

Now that Chu Xiu has just stepped into the True Core Realm, he could have done so without such a hurry.

However, something happened when he shot Luo Shenjun, which made Chu Xiu's heart suddenly feel a sense of crisis.

This feeling of being out of his control is very uncomfortable, so what Chu Xiu can do is to use the fastest speed to improve his strength. For this, he will do whatever he can!

Wei Shuya on the side said solemnly: "I have no objection to your cooperation with Xiang Long, Jianghu Temple is simple to say, but it has never really been separated.

However, Xiang Long is a hero of a generation. He is thoughtful and merciless. You must be careful when you cooperate with him.

You also know Yang Gongdu, although this person has a lot of problems, but he is also capable, otherwise he would not be called a poison dragon.

In the past, when Xiang Long and Beiyan Wulin attacked Eastern Qi, it was Yang Gongdu who helped Xiang Long to run around, lobbying in Beiyan Wulin, scheming and cooperating, and finally succeeded in making this happen. He was alone in this matter. Take at least half of the credit.

In the end, you also saw that Yang Gongdu was forced out of Beiyan just because he got involved in the struggle for succession, and even Xiang Long was already motivated to kill! It was only because Yang Gongdu had some trump cards that he survived.

This is a lesson from the past. Companion is like a tiger. If you touch Xiang Long's inverse scale, with his character, I am afraid that he will not be concerned about the hidden demon lineage. "

For most Jianghu people, most of them have no impression of the imperial court. After all, most of the time, they do not and do not want to deal with the imperial court.

But the existence of status and strength like Wei Shuya is very clear about the power of the court.

Except for Western Chu, which has always been weak, whether it is Eastern Qi or Northern Yan, the power of the imperial court cannot be shaken by one faction.

Chu Xiu nodded and said, "Thank you Senior Wei for your suggestion."

Wei Shuya waved his hand and didn't say anything more.

In his opinion, Chu Xiu is a smart person, although sometimes Chu Xiu acts a bit too aggressive and risky, but this is his way of doing things.

After leaving, Chu Xiu went straight to the conference hall. At this time, a middle-aged warrior in a black python robe was playing with a teacup, as if he was studying the patterns on it.

There was still hot tea in the teacup, but under his inner strength, no matter how he played with it, not a single drop of the tea in the teacup flowed out.

This person was Xiang Wu, the Marquis of Linping, who was sent by Xiang Long to intercept Huangfu's ancestor, the most gifted existence in the Xiang family.

Seeing Chu Xiu coming in at this time, Xiang Wu immediately put down the teacup and looked at Chu Xiu recklessly, as if he was looking at something strange.

Chu Xiu didn't say anything, he just looked at Xiang Wu and said lightly: "Why is Lord Hou looking at me like this? Do I have flowers on my face?"

Xiang Wu shook his head and said, "You are much more exotic than Huadu.

To be honest, I really didn't expect you to survive this disaster.

It seems that His Majesty has a long-term vision and has not done a loss-making business. "

After finishing speaking, Xiang Wu's expression suddenly became solemn: "Chu Xiu, the promise you made to Your Majesty in the past should also be fulfilled. Your Majesty asked me to remind you, so that you don't forget."

Chu Xiu smiled and said, "If I really forgot, what will your majesty do?"

Xiang Wu smiled and said, "What do you think Your Majesty sent me here? If you really forget, Your Majesty will let me remind you in my own way."

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows and said, "Don't worry, I, Chu Xiu, are very trustworthy in my work. I will not forget what I promised. This time I will take someone to Beiyan with Hou Ye, and of course I will give me a little bit. Time to make overall arrangements for the Guanzhong Punishment Hall."

Xiang Wu waved his hand casually and said, "It's good if you can remember it, you don't have to be in such a hurry, His Majesty has not set a date for you, so it just so happens that I can stay in the Guanzhong torture hall for one night, ready to taste the special food in the Guanzhong area. ."

Xiang Wu's hobby is very strange.

When other people reach his position and realm, they are basically greedy for power, power and other things, but Xiang Wu is better, his biggest hobby is eating.

However, his talent above martial arts is extremely amazing, which also makes people feel that God is a little unfair.

After sending Xiang Wu away, Chu Xiu called the Ghost Hand King to explain.

In fact, there is nothing to explain. Now that the Guanzhong punishment hall has been stabilized, the most important thing is that Wei Shuya is temporarily recovering from his injuries here.

So the next day, Chu Xiu took people and Xiang Wu to Beiyan.

This time Chu Xiu didn't bring too many people, he just brought Tang Ya and other elites from the Qinglong Club and some of his confidants in the Kansai region, all of whom were relatively strong.

There are also Luo Sancong and Zhao Chengping, a martial artist from the hidden demon lineage, Chu Xiu, who also brought it with him.

The strength of this group of people is stronger, but the character is a bit rebellious, and it is not as easy to use as Tang Ya and others.

And this time Mei Qinglian actually followed suit, which made Chu Xiu very strange.

Feeling Chu Xiu's strange gaze, Mei Qinglian just said lightly: "After so many years, I've been tired of staying in the Guanzhong torture hall, and now it's not bad to find a chance to go out and breathe.

Besides, I'm here to help you, don't forget that you have many enemies in Beiyan, so aren't you afraid that someone will plot against you in secret? "

Chu Xiu smiled, with a hint of coldness on the corner of his mouth: "It should be them who should be afraid."

Mei Qinglian didn't say anything, but Xiang Wu, who was on his way silently by the side, suddenly came over and said, "You are quite confident, but Beiyan Wulin is not so easy to solve. When you joined that alliance to strangle you, It's just part of it."

Chu Xiu glanced at him and said, "Your Majesty is in a hurry."

Xiang Wu was stunned and said, "What did you say?"

Chu Xiu said lightly: "Compared to me, the one who is really anxious should be Your Majesty.

The Beiyan Martial Arts Alliance killed me, and so many people gathered in just a few days. The Daguang Temple sent a person to say a word, which is more effective than His Majesty. If I were His Majesty, I would also be anxious.

Otherwise, with your Majesty's character, you would not have specially sent you to find me. It can be seen that for His Majesty, any force is very important. "

Xiang Wu was stunned for a while, hehe smiled and said: "Sometimes it's not good for people to understand too much, it's okay for you to say this in front of me, I don't like to make small reports, if you say it in front of Your Majesty, just wait. Unlucky."

After speaking, Xiang Wu also gave Chu Xiu a banana and said, "Eat more bananas and talk less."

After speaking, Xiang Wu rode his horse to the other side, and UU reading stopped talking to Chu Xiu.

Mei Qinglian raised her eyebrows and said, "Linping Hou Xiangwu has a great reputation in the Beiyan court. What is the origin of this guy, and which side is he on?"

Chu Xiu said lightly: "He doesn't stand on either side, he just stands on his side, this is a smart person, it seems absurd and confused, but he understands better than anyone who has ever lived, whether in the imperial court or in the arena Among them, Xiang Wu can mix well."

Mei Qinglian looked at Chu Xiu with a little surprise, she knew that Chu Xiu was still a little arrogant, and it was not easy for this martial arts to be evaluated like this by Chu Xiu.

After arriving at the capital of Beiyan, this time Chu Xiu did not enter through the small gate, but was led by Xiang Wu through the gate, and only Mei Qinglian was qualified to enter with Chu Xiu, the others were all arranged. outside.

It was still in the side hall where Chu Xiu met Xiang Long last time, but this time, besides Xiang Long, there was an old man who was full of shadows and wore an evil robe standing beside him.

"I have seen Your Majesty." Both Chu Xiu and Mei Qinglian just bowed their hands symbolically.

Xiang Long waved his hand and said: "Chu Xiu, you are finally here, this time you did not disappoint me, you survived this time, it means that my previous choice was correct.

I helped you at the beginning, and now it's time for you to help me. I won't say more nonsense. This is the national teacher of Beiyan, and also my humerus confidant. , Regarding the matter of Beiyan Wulin, I plan to leave it to the two of you. "

Chu Xiu didn't say anything yet, but when Mei Qinglian, who was standing behind him, heard the three words of Yinshan School, she looked at the five evil Taoists with a strange look of surprise in her eyes.


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