Meet The Leader

Chapter 693: Zhenwutang

Among the warriors under Chu Xiu's command, there are actually only two people that Chu Xiu is most optimistic about, one is Tang Ya, and the other is Yanbugui.

Although their strength is not the strongest, but the potential is the greatest.

At this time, Tang Ya was still half-stepped into the unity of man and nature, but the middle-aged Taoist who spoke before had already stepped into the realm of unity of man and man.

But when Tang Ya slashed with the knife, almost all of them were in front of him, he suddenly reacted, his body was twisted like a snake, and the gray death energy condensed into a demon in front of him, but But in an instant, it was torn apart by the sharp knife aura!

Relying on the dead energy to resist him for a short moment, the figure of the middle-aged Taoist was almost twisted into a twist shape, which was barely able to avoid Tang Ya's knife, but he touched his face, his own However, it had been torn apart by the sharp knife Qi, and a bloodstain appeared.

Chu Xiu glanced at Tang Ya in surprise. He didn't expect that Tang Ya had reached this point.

Tang Yahui seems to have a lot of things, such as light power, melee combat, swordsmanship, swordsmanship, etc., but he is most proficient in hidden weapons.

In the past, Tang Ya had asked Chu Xiu some things about hidden weapons, and he also wanted to learn Li Feilian's way of cause and effect.

At that time, Chu Xiu just mentioned Tang Ya, telling him that the way of cause and effect was not taught, and that there was also his future direction of martial arts.

It's just that Chu Xiu didn't expect Tang Ya's progress to be so fast. In just a few months, Tang Ya has been simplified into complicated, turning his previously dense and complicated hidden weapons into a knife with the ultimate speed and power.

Daoist Wushang slammed the table and shouted angrily: "Chu Xiu! What do you mean by your subordinates? Openly, is there any rules in this Zhenwutang?"

Chu Xiu knocked on the table and said coldly: "If Zhenwutang has rules, why did your disciple interrupt? You and I are qualified to interrupt?"

In the palace before, both Daoist Wuxian and Chu Xiu were restraining, and both parties could still pretend to be polite.

And now, once the conflict is detonated, neither side saves face for the other.

Chu Xiu said in a cold voice: "Five calamities Taoist, I know your identity, if your Yinshan faction insists on coming to trouble my hidden demon lineage, that's fine, I'll go ahead.

If you just want to get the status of some state religion, then I advise you to cooperate with me honestly.

If Zhenwutang develops well, it will be good for you and me. If it doesn't develop well, I will continue to go back to Guanzhong to hang out, and your Yinshan faction has no place to stand.

The state religion of the Eastern Qi is the true martial arts religion. You should know what the impression of your Yinshan faction is in the eyes of orthodox Taoist martial artists.

On the other side of the Western Chu, the Moon Worship Cult is the only one, you should try it and see if the Moon Worship Cult can accommodate you!

Your Majesty has already said, you and I are inside and outside, you do yours, I do mine, and do not interfere with each other.

If you insist on messing around here and meddling in my affairs, I want to see who is the unlucky one in the end! "

The Yinshan faction collectively voted for the Beiyan court. Chu Xiu could probably guess why, but it was just for a place to stand.

The Hidden Demons don't need such a place. Chu Xiu already has a connection to the punishment hall, and he doesn't need it either. It's really a fallout. He wants to see who has the greater loss.

Daoist Wushang looked at Chu Xiu with a hint of coldness in his eyes, but then he snorted coldly: "Okay! Just as you said, you are external and I am internal, if your people cross the line, then Don't blame the poor for being rude!"

After finishing speaking, Daoist Wuxian turned around and left without arguing with Chu Xiu about the opening date.

After walking out of the main hall, the middle-aged Taoist priest who was almost hit by Tang Ya just now said angrily: "Master, then Chu Xiu is too arrogant and arrogant. I have been waiting for Beiyan's layout for so long, and he will pose as soon as he arrives. With the attitude of being the master of the house, why..."

Before he could finish speaking, Daoist Wuxian slapped him in the face.

"Who told you to do it without authorization?" Daoist Wushang looked at the disciple coldly.

The middle-aged Taoist covered his face and defended his grievance: "Master, I'm looking at that Chu Xiu..."


Another slap in the face came over: "I ask you, who asked you to take action just now!"

This time, the middle-aged man didn't dare to speak any more, he just covered his face and lowered his head.

Daoist Wushang said coldly: "How many times have I warned you, since you have joined the imperial court, you must do things according to the imperial court's rules. Originally, I wanted to deal with that Chu Xiu, but when you made such a move, the two sides were torn apart. Shameless, then talk about a fart! When can you guys stop being so reckless?"

The middle-aged Taoist covered his face and gritted his teeth and said, "Master, this disciple knows that he is wrong, but this time His Majesty's actions are too unfair.

My Yinshan faction defected to His Majesty for several years, and how many things have I done for His Majesty?

In the end, although His Majesty promised to build Zhenwu Hall and make my Yinshan faction the state religion, but he still brought Chu Xiu, which is obviously not trusting me! "

Daoist Wushang said coldly, "Trust? If Your Majesty can trust me so credibly, he will not be a generational hero of Beiyan.

Zhenwutang is so important, if he only lets me manage it, even if my Yinshan faction really has no other thoughts, there will always be problems.

Chu Xiu appeared at the right time, even if there was no Chu Xiu, there would be others. "

Chu Xiu thought that Xiang Long sent the Daoist Wujin to check and balance himself, but now the Daoist Wujin thinks that Xiang Long did this to check and balance him.

Xiang Long's power and technique are extremely sophisticated, at least whether it is Chu Xiu or the Daoist Wuji, they can't really cooperate closely.

Mei Qinglian sat beside Chu Xiu, raised her eyebrows and said, "The Yinshan faction has changed their minds and left so soon?

Chu Xiu said lightly, "What if I don't leave? Zhenwutang had a falling out before the manor was opened. No one's face was good. The difference was that they lost more.

The Yinshan faction has been silenced for so many years, and it is conceivable that their life is not easy. After finally finding a place like Beiyan, they will not give up easily.

For the time being, regardless of them, or the same sentence, we do ours, they do theirs, and do not interfere with each other. If someone crosses the line, whichever hand is stretched, whichever hand will be chopped! "

Without the interference of the five evil Taoists, Chu Xiu directly determined the date of opening the mansion, and set it in three days.

At the same time, he also issued a large number of invitations, inviting people from the entire Beiyan Wulin to come to watch the ceremony.

As soon as this invitation was posted, the entire Beiyan Wulin fell into an uproar.

Chu Xiu, he is back!

In the old Beiyan Alliance, the only real loss was Juyi Village.

At that time, Chu Xiu only came to destroy the Northern Yan Alliance, and did not have the strength to slaughter the entire Northern Yan Alliance.

Therefore, those forces that participated in the alliance at that time were not worried about what happened to Chu Xiu. Even if Chu Xiu survived this disaster, he would definitely choose to keep a low profile and stabilize his current strength.

In the end, who would have thought that Xiang Long had recruited that Chu Xiu to be the governor of Zhenwutang. Listen to this name, Zhenwutang Zhenwutang, who is this aimed at?

In a villa at the junction of Beiyan and the east and west, here is the headquarters of the Djinn Gang.

Fang Datong frowned while holding the invitation sent by Chu Xiu.

There are also some warriors in the unity of nature and man below him, all of whom are high-level leaders of the Giant Spirit Gang.

At this time, an old man said with a heartache: "What am I talking about? Back then, my Djinn Gang shouldn't have been involved in those messy things. Now that it's alright, then Chu Xiu has returned to Beiyan, and he is still with Dongqi. If the court cooperates, then if Chu Xiu comes to deal with my Djinn Gang, what will my Djinn Gang do? Now that the post has been sent, should we go or not?"

Fang Datong glanced at him coldly and said, "Feng Tianyi, are you blaming me? Don't I think for the sake of the giant spirit?"

That Feng Tianyi's strength is not weak, he has reached the half-step of the unity of heaven and man, he is the elder of the Djinn Gang, and his seniority is even higher than Fang Datong, so in some matters of the Djinn Gang, he also often To raise objections, relying on his seniority, he speaks without paying attention to the majesty of Fang Datong, the gang leader.

Feng Tianyi snorted coldly and said, "I didn't say that, but you are the leader, and the future of the tens of thousands of my Djinn Gang is in your hands. It doesn't matter if one of your decisions goes wrong, but it will be implicated. The century-old foundation of my Djinn Gang has been destroyed in one fell swoop!"

Seeing that the smell of gunpowder on both sides is getting stronger and A middle-aged warrior wearing a brocade clothes and a square appearance immediately stood up and said: "The gang leader is also thinking about the help of my giant spirit, who knew that the emperor would actually follow that Chu Xiu cooperated, knowing that he was a person from the hidden demon lineage, but still let him take charge of Zhenwu Hall.

Xiang Long's actions are tantamount to seeking skin with a tiger. I think he is old and confused, and a generation of Ming masters is about to become a faint king.

And you look at the name he gave, Zhenwu Zhenwu, doesn't it mean to suppress my Beiyan Wulin? Even if there is no Chu Xiu, it is estimated that someone else will be in charge of this Zhenwutang. "

This middle-aged man, named Shen Feiying, was the deputy leader of the Djinn Gang, Fang Datong's sworn brother, and his first confidant.

The main reason for Feng Tianyi's dissatisfaction with Chase is that he is cronyism.

He is a great elder with a high level of seniority. He has no idea about the position of deputy gang leader, but he is dissatisfied with Fang Datong's promotion of his sworn brother to deputy gang leader as soon as he came to power.

Feng Tianyi said with a cold face: "Okay, okay, what you said is reasonable, then the Zhenwutang opens, should we go or not?"

Fang Datong snorted coldly and said, "Where are you going? Don't you understand what Chu Xiu means? He is here Liwei!

Tell the entire Beiyan Wulin that he, Chu Xiu, is back!

Don't worry, Zhenwutang is targeting the entire Beiyan martial arts. Once Chu Xiu dares to do it on a large scale, other Beiyan sects of the right way will not sit back and ignore him. "

The Jianghu and the imperial court have always been antagonistic existences, and the slaughter between the Jianghu people has to consider multiple reactions, let alone the imperial court.

If the imperial court punishes without teaching and does such excessive things, it will definitely arouse the hostility of the entire river and lake, and make things completely escalating.


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