Meet The Leader

Chapter 694: Target

The establishment of Zhenwu Hall not only made the Djinn Gang feel uneasy, but actually all the sects that received news were like this. Of course, some major factions still have some confidence.

For example, old-fashioned top forces like Piaoxuecheng and Huangfu Clan have some ancestors who are cultivating in the clan. When it really comes to a crisis, their cards are definitely more terrifying than what outsiders see.

For example, when the Daguang Temple received the invitation, it did not send it to the abbot at all, and just discarded it.

For the current Daguang Temple, they are looking at the entire river and lake, and they are not in the mood to continue to mess with Chu Xiu and others in Beiyan. As long as Chu Xiu does not provoke their Daguang Temple, Daguang Temple is too lazy to take care of Chu Xiu.

Therefore, the entire Beiyan Wulin is under this strange atmosphere, and everyone is choosing to respond in silence.

Three days later, Zhenwutang officially opened, but it was deserted, not to mention the sects on the rivers and lakes, and even the Daoists of the Five Misfortunes did not come.

He and Chu Xiu have already fallen out. From now on, he will only be responsible for internal affairs. He has no intention of intervening in the affairs that Chu Xiu is responsible for. At least for the time being, he will not have any violent conflict with Chu Xiu, and of course he will not come to Chu Xiu. Hugh cheers.

At this moment, Xiang Wu walked into the lobby of Zhenwu Hall, carrying a fruit basket full of bananas.

Xiang Wu casually handed the banana fruit basket to Tang Ya, who was approaching him, and said while looking around: "The gift of opening the house for you, a great tonic for impotence.

It is said that your martial arts hall is not good for you to be a teacher. The opening of the house is so deserted, and you don't even have a support? Your Majesty too, why not use the power of the Beiyan court to sue the world? "

Chu Xiu's face is a little weird, just give a basket of bananas as a gift? And bananas can aphrodisiac? Xiang Wu, where did this conclusion come from?

In fact, Xiang Wu is really not stingy. This thing can only grow in the southern barbarian land and a small part of Western Chu. It is not easy to eat fresh bananas in Beiyan, and this thing is quite expensive.

Chu Xiu asked Xiang Wu to serve him a cup of tea and said, "Today the front door is deserted, maybe it will be like a market in the future? Thank you Lord Hou for coming to join us. I don't know if Lord Hou has any advice?"

Xiang Wu and Chu Xiu didn't have much friendship. Although the two sides had chatted, they could only be regarded as nodding acquaintances. Dingtian just didn't have any bad feelings for each other.

As a result, Xiang Wu came to support him in person and presented him with a basket of 'precious' bananas. He probably wasn't as simple as just wanting to befriend Chu Xiu.

Xiang Wu snorted and said: "I can't talk about advice, I just want you to do a little favor."

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows and said, "What's the little busy?"

Xiang Wudao: "The last time you participated in the siege of the Demon Slayer Alliance, there was the old boy Fang Datong from the giant spirit gang.

To tell the truth, this old boy is not very strong. He looks like a big guy, but he is a good businessman.

The trade route from Beiyan to Dongqi was well organized by him. The Djinn Gang was very rich, and the inner gang members alone raised tens of thousands, spanning the two places of Beiyan and Dongqi.

If you help the giants, you will take away the income from the help, and help me keep the trade route, so don't destroy it. "

Chu Xiu said in surprise: "Master Hou is very short of money? However, with the strength of the Djinn Gang, it seems that you can't stop you, Master Hou. It is very simple to destroy the Djinn Gang and win the other party's business."

At the level of Xiang Wu, ordinary money should be nothing but vain for him, and some precious cultivation resources are the most important.

Xiang Wu sighed helplessly: "Of course there is a shortage of money. As one of the five armies of the township, the Xiling Army has enough daily expenses, but you also have a lot of people under you. Convince yourself, at least you have to be able to come up with the real thing.

You want people to work hard for you when you feed your subordinates with bran and pharynx, how can there be such a simple thing?

As a general, I have a lot of places to spend money. I don't need to spend money on bananas? Reward your soldiers without spending money? If the soldiers under my command are killed in battle, apart from the pension given to them by the imperial court, don't I need to express this as a general? "

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows, this martial arts is really not that simple, it looks lazy, but in fact his ability is not weak.

According to what Chu Xiu knew, the Xiling Army should be the weakest among the five armies of Zhenguo, but since Xiang Wu became the general, it took only a few years to develop the entire Xiling Army to be no less than the other four armies. At this point, this is not easy.

Xiang Wu suddenly whispered: "As for why I didn't do it myself, you should be able to guess that the place where the Djinn Gang is located is not under my jurisdiction, and as the general of Beiyan, I will destroy it for my own selfish desires. One of the six major gangs, the Djinn Gang, the monks from the Daguang Temple will not be able to come to chirp, although I am not afraid of them, but I do not want to be punished by Your Majesty."

Chu Xiu nodded knowingly.

The Beiyan court was not monolithic, at least among the five armies of the state.

Otherwise, Xiang Wu would not come to him, and he would just speak directly to the general in charge of the Djinn Gang area.

"Master Hou believes in me like this, and thinks that my Zhenwutang can gain a firm foothold in Beiyan?" Chu Xiu suddenly asked.

Xiang Wu stood up and said with a smile: "To be honest, I don't believe it, it's just a game.

If you win the bet, I have made a deal with you as a friend. In the future, in the Beiyan court, if you need to come to me, if you lose the bet, I just lose a basket of bananas. "

After speaking, Xiang Wu turned around and left.

Mei Qinglian squinted her eyes and said, "This martial arts is a very interesting guy."

Chu Xiu nodded and said: "It's very interesting, and the utilitarian is upright."

Xiang Wu's words were very direct. He was investing in advance. If Chu Xiu could gain a firm foothold and help him get the trade route of the Djinn Gang, he would return the favor and help Chu Xiu. said.

Tang Ya carried a basket of bananas and said, "Sir, what should I do with these bananas?"

Chu Xiu waved his hand and said, "Let's divide it up. After eating, it's time to work."

As he said that, a cold glow appeared in Chu Xiu's eyes.

Tang Ya nodded, and just about to go out with a banana, Mei Qinglian waved: "Give me one."

Tang Ya gave Mei Qinglian a strange look, didn't Xiang Wu just say that this thing is for aphrodisiac? Women also need aphrodisiac?


On the border of Yandong, in Qishui County, Chu Xiu just brought Mei Qinglian and Tang Ya and other more than ten people lurking here.

In fact, Chu Xiu didn't plan to go to the Djinn Gang so quickly. After all, the other party is one of the six major gangs, and his identity is somewhat special. Chu Xiu is going to come from the bottom up, one by one.

But because of Xiang Wu's visit, and the fact that Fang Datong really shot him on top of the Demon Slayer Alliance, and Chu Xiu also gave him a chance, he didn't cherish it. In this way, put the primary goal on On him, it can.

But seeing that Chu Xiu only brought more than ten people, Mei Qinglian was very puzzled.

"It's just a gang of giant spirits. They went straight to the door and killed Fang Datong. The rest of the rabble are vulnerable. What are you still lurking here?"

In the inn, Mei Qinglian asked Chu Xiu puzzledly.

Chu Xiu poured himself a cup of tea and said, "It's easy to kill Fang Datong, and it's easy to destroy the Giant Spirit Gang, but what's next? Go to destroy Shenwumen? Shenwumen can also be destroyed, but what about it again? Provoking Huangfu Patriarch, There is also the old ancestor who was a hermit in the snow city in the extreme north, and then he was hostile to the entire Beiyan martial arts, and then provoked the Daguang Temple, and finally the matter was so big that Xiang Long pushed us out as scapegoats?"

Mei Qinglian rubbed her head. In fact, she is not good at these things above the overall situation. Otherwise, she would not be the saint of the Yin Demon Sect, but the suzerain.

"Then what are you going to do?"

Chu Xiu said lightly: "Fighting and killing is not a good way to solve the problem. Killing Fang Datong and controlling the Giant Spirit Gang are actually not in conflict."

Just when Mei Qinglian wanted to ask in detail, Tang Ya suddenly walked in and put a pile of documents in front of Chu Xiu and said, "Sir, all the information about the top management of the Djinn Gang is here."

During the time that Chu Xiu and others were secretly lurking in Qishui County, they were actually collecting information about the Djinn Gang.

The Djinn Gang dominates Qishui County, and more than half of the gang members are among them. There are many people talking about it. It is not too difficult to find out these

Mei Qinglian said suddenly: "You want to go to the top of the Djinn Gang and let them kill each other?"

Chu Xiu put down the information in his hand and threw it to Mei Qinglian: "The Giant Spirit Gang doesn't need to divide us, all I need to do is to help someone."

Mei Qinglian looked at the information, and after a while said, "Is it Feng Tianyi, the elder of the Djinn Gang? This person is okay. He is very qualified in the Djinn Gang, and he is not compatible with Fang Datong. He often contradicts Fang Datong, but he is okay. Use it."

Chu Xiu smiled and said, "I'm not talking about Feng Tianyi, but him, Fang Datong's sworn brother and deputy leader Shen Feiying."

Mei Qinglian frowned and said, "Why did you choose him? Shen Feiyan is Fang Datong's sworn brother. In the past, when Fang Datong first became the leader of the gang, he promoted Shen Feiying, who was still an incense owner of the Giant Spirit Gang, to the helm. It is to let him serve as the deputy leader, and the trust is added.

And in the later stage, Shen Feiying is even more grateful, and the other party is obedient to Datong. As long as it is Fang Datong's order, he will execute it unconditionally. I'm afraid that in the end, I still have to be tough. "

Chu Xiu shook his head and said: "You are wrong, sometimes the brother who seems to be stabbed at both sides of you, actually wants to stab you twice in his heart.

Knowing the person knows the face but not the heart, there is a devil living in everyone's heart.

Holy Maiden, your concubine Dafa has insight into people's hearts, but in fact you are just forcibly using exercises to change people's hearts. The real people's hearts are more complicated than you think. "

Mei Qinglian nodded thoughtfully, but then she reacted abruptly, she seemed to be older than Chu Xiu, how could this Chu Xiu look like she could see through the world?


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