Meet The Leader

Chapter 697: Take control of the Djinn

Sitting in the original position of Fang Datong, Shen Feiying still feels a little confused.

Did you become the leader of the Djinn Gang?

At this time, Feng Tianyi, the elder of the Djinn Gang who had been in shock, stood up and pointed at Shen Feiying and shouted angrily: "What qualifications do you have to be the leader of my Djinn Gang? Shen Feiying, you colluded. Foreign enemies, killing the gang leader, how can I have the face to meet the ancestors of my giant spirit gang?"

Chu Xiu looked at Feng Tianyi in surprise. He could see that Feng Tianyi was very scared.

The hand he pointed at Shen Feiying was shaking, half of it was angry, the other half was afraid.

Fang Datong died so easily in Chu Xiu's hands, but now he is standing up against Shen Feiying, fearing that it will be just as bad.

But even knowing this, Feng Tianyi still stood up.

Perhaps it was because of the training of the previous gang leader that he could not sit back and watch the Giant Spirit Gang fall into the hands of traitors at this juncture, or perhaps it was also because he was unwilling to bow his head under the lewd power of Chu Xiu and others.

Before Shen Feiying spoke, Chu Xiu looked at Feng Tianyi and said lightly, "Elder Feng, I will give you a chance to reorganize your language and take back your words.

Fang Datong is already dead, but the Djinn Gang is still there. You were at odds with Fang Datong before, so why are you courting death for him now? "

Feng Tianyi said coldly, "Even if you ask me to say it a hundred times, I will say the same thing!

Even if the gang leader Fang Datong failed, he was the heir chosen by the previous gang leader himself.

And he, Shen Feiying, was not in the right position, and wanted me to admit that he was the leader of the gang, impossible! "

To be honest, Chu Xiu was very surprised by Feng Tianyi's attitude at this time.

Shen Feiying was Fang Datong's sworn brother, but he secretly wanted to let Fang Datong die quickly.

However, Feng Tianyi, the great elder who had always been against Fang Datong, still stubbornly did not want to admit Shen Feiying's status after Fang Datong's death.

If Fang Datong could see this scene at this time, I don't know what he would think.

There were not many people like Feng Tianyi who could stick to their principles even under the threat of death, and Chu Xiu admired him very much.

So Chu Xiu said indifferently: "Since this is the case, then I will send you to see Fang Datong. I believe Fang Datong will be very happy to see that there are still people in the Djinn Gang who are willing to accompany him."

The voice fell, and a dark light suddenly burst out in Chu Xiu's eyes. The power of the Heaven and Earth Destroying Soul Dafa was exerted to the extreme by him, and he invaded Feng Tianyi with his domineering mental power almost in an instant. His body completely shattered his primordial spirit.

In an instant, Feng Tianyi bleeds from his seven orifices, and his body fell to the ground, twitching constantly, and finally he was completely dead.

Appreciation is for appreciation, but now the Giant Spirit Gang doesn't need a backbone like Feng Tianyi, what Chu Xiu needs is an obedient dog.

Seeing this scene, Elder Zhang in the other houses was shocked, and he quickly bowed and said, "My subordinates see Master Chu, see the gang leader!"

People with backbone are always in the minority. Under the threat of life and death, being a dog is actually a good choice.

Chu Xiu patted Shen Feiying on the shoulder and said, "I believe you will handle the next thing well. You know no less than Fang Datong about the Djinn Gang."

Having said that, Chu Xiu threw a roll of paper to Shen Feiying and said, "On behalf of the Djinn Gang, I signed this thing."

Shen Feiying took the thing curiously and looked at it carefully, but the more he looked, the more ugly his face became.

Mei Qinglian also glanced curiously and said, "What is this?"

Chu Xiu said: "The Zhenwutang agreement, signing this thing is equivalent to agreeing to the Zhenwutang's control, everything must be done in accordance with the Zhenwutang's rules, but in the same way, the Zhenwutang will also enforce it. sheltered."

Looking at Shen Feiying's extremely ugly face, Mei Qinglian was sure that the content of this thing was definitely not as simple as what Chu Xiu said.

In fact, this is indeed the case. The things in Chu Xiu's treaty are not harsh, it can be regarded as excessive.

In fact, the so-called treaty is a combination of two words, that is, obedient, listen to Zhen Wutang, and listen to Chu Xiu.

After signing this contract, the Giant Spirit Gang had to report all the big and small matters to Zhenwutang before they could do it. It could no longer be the same as before.

But in the same way, Zhenwutang will also shelter these forces who have signed the agreement and ensure their safety.

Whether the promise behind it is true or not is unknown for the time being, but after signing it, the Djinn Gang is almost equivalent to a puppet of Zhenwutang, a lackey under its command.

But in the end Shen Feiying still wrote.

Because he didn't sign, he was just a puppet of Chu Xiu. As Chu Xiu said before, since he took the position of this gang leader, there was no turning back.

Chu Xiu patted Shen Feiying on the shoulder and said with satisfaction: "Yes, I am someone who likes to keep track of current affairs.

During this time, I will stay in the Djinn Gang to sit for you, and Tang Ya and Zhao Chengping will be by your side to help you eliminate some disobedient guys.

By the way, there is also the trade route of the Djinn Gang, and 80% of it will be given to Xiang Wu, the general of the Xiling Army, and he will send someone to receive it.

Don't feel wronged, your giant spirit gang has no shortage of those gold and silver things, take out the trade route and hand it over to Xiang Wu, he will leak a little cultivation resource, and it will be enough for you. "

Shen Feiying nodded helplessly, and now he can only do what Chu Xiu said.

However, when the real control of the Djinn Gang began, Shen Feiying's dissatisfaction with Chu Xiu gradually disappeared, and turned into excitement, the excitement of truly becoming the leader of the gang!

The process of Shen Feiying mastering the Djinn Gang was actually very smooth.

Although Fang Datong was the gang leader before, in fact, Fang Datong was too lazy to take care of those little things. Most of the big and small affairs of the entire Djinn Gang were handled by Shen Feiying.

Therefore, he is even more familiar with the Djinn Gang than Fang Datong.

Moreover, as the gang leader, Fang Datong needed a strong and dignified impression, while Shen Feiying needed to win over people's hearts, so the impression he gave to most people was extremely kind, and it was easy to make people feel good.

Although some people still criticized Shen Feiying for colluding with outsiders to win the position of gang leader, most people did not resist much.

And it's no use resisting.

Shen Feiying's confidants were not very strong, so Chu Xiu sent Zhao Chengping and Tang Ya to help him.

Zhao Chengping works calmly, Tang Ya is agile, and the two of them are enough to help Shen Feiying stabilize the situation in a short period of time.

And a few days later, the story of the Djinn Gang got out.

Although the Djinn Gang is one of the six gangs of human beings, in fact, the Djinn Gang does not seem to have much advantage except for the large number of people, so the sense of existence is slightly lower.

And this time Chu Xiu didn't destroy the Djinn Gang, he just killed a Fang Datong. The Djinn Gang was still in Shen Feiying's control, although nominally, the Djinn Gang had become Chu Xiu's lackey.

As soon as this matter came out, the entire Beiyan River and Lake suddenly became turbulent, Chu Xiu, in the end, still shot!

It's just that Beiyan's righteous martial arts are also a little tangled about this matter.

Chu Xiu didn't break down the Djinn gang with great fanfare. Strictly speaking, this matter was a power struggle within the Djinn gang. Even if they wanted to intervene, they couldn't find a good reason.

Of course, the most important thing is that at the moment, there is no one leader in Beiyan Wulin, and Chu Xiu has not touched their bottom line, and they can't make a big splash for this matter. .

Of course, given the current situation of Beiyan Wulin, they can't form a big alliance, and even the Daguang Temple side did not put their eyes on Beiyan Wulin.

I have to say that Ye Shaonan did share a lot of attention and pressure for Chu Xiu, or the hidden demons.

For a sect of the level of the Daguang Temple, the worship of the moon and Ye Shaonan are the enemies of the magic way. Now, Chu Xiu, Dingtian is the disease of ringworm and scabies.

Although in the eyes of some insightful people, Chu Xiu has infinite potential in the future, and if he is allowed to continue to be so arrogant, the hidden demons will develop into a great enemy of the righteous way in the future, but such people are always in the minority, and the eyes of the entire righteous martial arts are still Put it on top of the Moon Worship Cult.

However, having said that, there are still many aristocratic sect families who are on guard after learning about the Djinn, carefully examining and testing their confidants and even their brothers.

After all, no one wants to be stabbed twice by their own people at a critical moment.

In the main hall of the Djinn Gang, Chu Xiu was leisurely checking the recent movements on the rivers and lakes.

As he expected, most of the Northern Yanzongmen did not stand up to take care of the Djinn Gang.

Each family swept the snow in front of their own doors, and even the Daguang Temple, which liked to meddle the most, did not come forward, and the other forces were too lazy to do it.

At this moment, Shen Feiying, Zhao Chengping and Tang Ya knocked on the door and came in, and Shen Feiying's face was still full of fear.

Seeing his expression, Chu Xiu frowned and said, "What happened?"

Shen Feiying said with a look of remorse: "Sir, Fang Datong's only son was taken away by an elder of the Djinn Gang, and his subordinates didn't check it for a while and didn't stop him."

Chu Xiu turned his inquiring eyes to Zhao Chengping and Tang Ya, Tang Ya spread his hands and said, "I can't blame Gang Master Shen for this matter, it's really that old boy's acting is so good that he even lied to me. .

When Gang Master Shen took over the Djinn Gang, that old boy was the first to stand up for support, and even I couldn't stand his kneeling and licking appearance.

When Gang Master Shen was preparing for the other party's search for Datong's house, he was also the first to stand up and take the initiative to ask Ying, as if he and Fang Datong hated his wife.

In the end, who would have thought that the guy had lied to everyone, and fled with Fang Datong's savings and his only son. By the time we doubted that he had not returned, several hours had passed, and the guy probably had already fled. Out of Qishui County. "

Zhao Chengping said solemnly: "We are negligent about this matter, and please give an order to arrest these two people with all their strength, lest they be acquired by other sects, and use the topic to play!"


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