Meet The Leader

Chapter 698: Hikija Cave

Regarding the escape of Fang Datong's descendants, Shen Feiying was very frightened, Tang Ya was indifferent, only Zhao Chengping paid more attention to this matter.

He is an orthodox origin of the hidden demon lineage, and his work is relatively calm and strict.

The son of Fang Datong was just an ordinary young man, and his strength was not very strong. If he escaped, he would escape, but the problem was that his identity was very sensitive.

Right now, there is no Jianghu people from Beiyan to intervene in the Djinn Gang, but if the only son of Fang Datong falls into the hands of some caring people, they will use this to make a big fuss.

Chu Xiu just nodded casually. To be honest, he didn't take it to heart that an innocuous little person ran away.

Cutting grass and rooting also depends on the strength of the opponent. Fang Datong's only son is not well-known in the arena, he is just a nameless person, not killing him is actually no big deal.

At the beginning, Chu Xiu murdered Shen Bai because of the strength and talent like Shen Bai, the existence of luck and luck, once they were given time, they would bring him a lot of trouble in the future.

As for Fang Datong's only son, to put it arrogantly, even if Chu Xiu gave him time, he could only look up to himself, and he didn't even have a chance to block the car with his mantra.

Just when Chu Xiu was about to wave his hand at will and let them solve it by themselves, he suddenly thought of something and asked, "How is Fang Datong's popularity in Beiyan Wulin?"

Shen Feiying hesitated for a moment and said: "Popularity is still good, Fang Datong also knows that his strength is not good, and he wants to develop the Juling Gang, so he uses the financial resources of the Juling Gang to make friends with the martial arts forces in Beiyan and other places, but he has not What a real top pie.

After all, most of those top sects don't look down on the martial arts forces like my Djinn Gang, and they don't care about the money, so they are usually friends with Fang Datong, who are not as strong as my Djinn Gang. It is a third-rate force. "

Chu Xiu's eyes suddenly lit up and said: "It's just right, you can hunt down Fang Datong's only son, but remember, don't chase after death."

Before Shen Feiying and Zhao Chengping could react, Tang Ya suddenly said, "Your Excellency, do you want to lead the snake out of the hole?"

A trace of coldness flashed in Chu Xiu's eyes and said: "Almost, since I represent the court now, I must act according to the rules of the court, and at least I must be famous, right?

Any force that takes in Fang Datong's only son proves that they don't take my Zhenwutang seriously, and they are provoking the majesty of my Zhenwutang. Is it wrong for us to take action? "

When Shen Feiying listened to the conversation between the two, there was a hint of coldness in his heart.

Chu Xiu's group of people is really ruthless and sinister enough, what is this? Fishing Law Enforcement?

Zhao Chengping suddenly said from the side: "What about the forces that did not choose to take in Fang Datong's only son?"

Chu Xiu said lightly: "These people usually call Fang Datong brothers and sisters, but now Fang Datong is dead, and the only son of the family is begging to come, they can all turn a blind eye, which shows that these people are cold-hearted, greedy for life and fear of death. .

It is easier to deal with such a guy, just hit the door directly, surrender or die, I believe they will make a wise choice. "

Shen Feiying, who was beside him, was already chilling all over at this time, and until now he had the feeling that he was scheming with a tiger.

Chu Xiu's group is simply a group of hungry wolves who eat people and don't spit out bones. Whether you follow or not, they will swallow you all in one bite!

Chu Xiu looked at the three of them and said, "Shen Gang, you will take charge of this matter. After all, the people under my command are too strong. If they take action, it is estimated that you will have nothing to do.

Tang Ya and Zhao Chengping, the people on both sides of you are following behind, you don't have to shoot all the time, loosen when you need to be loose, and tighten when you need to be tight. "

"As ordered!"

On the small road on the border of Qishui County, a burly old man with a ferocious face was running fast with a young man in his early twenties.

The old man was Chen Hu, the elder of the Djinn Gang who deceived Shen Feiying, and the young man was Fang Yun, the only son of Fang Datong.

Fang Yun's own strength is not too strong. He only reached the innate realm in his early twenties, which can only be said to be average.

However, because his father is Fang Datong, and Fang Datong only has such a son, he is quite doting on him, so he did not force him to practice martial arts, etc., and he did not let Fang Yun participate in the affairs of the Djinn Gang, so Fang Yun has never seen the sinister rivers and lakes, but he is a little naive.

When he learned about his father's death, Fang Yun wanted to seek revenge from Chu Xiu almost like a madman. At the same time, he couldn't believe that his father's brother, his adoptive father, who had loved him immensely since he was a child. He would actually be a traitor and collude with outsiders to kill his own father!

But the fact is right in front of him. At the moment of Fang Datong's death, his mansion was blocked by Shen Feiying's people. Even if Fang Yun wanted to seek revenge for his death, he couldn't find anyone.

When Chen Hu brought someone to raid the house, Fang Yun was even ready to fight to the death, and even scolded Chen Hu directly, which was extremely ugly.

Fang Yun knew Chen Hu because Chen Hu was also one of the few veteran elders in the Djinn Gang, and his status was not much worse than Feng Tianyi.

It was this person who used to stand on Feng Tianyi's side against his father. When Fang Datong returned home, he often scolded these elders a lot. Chen Hu was one of the people who often appeared in his mouth.

Therefore, Fang Yun also subconsciously thought that Chen Hu was taking this opportunity to take revenge, but he did not expect Chen Hu to show his intentions, deceive everyone, and lead him to escape.

Along the way, Chen Hu tried his best to prepare the best for him, and even tried his best to block the chasing soldiers. In Fang Yun's view, the appearance of this fierce-looking old man has also become a lot more kind.

After leaving Qishui County, Chen Hu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He is an old man of the Djinn Gang, and naturally he also knows the strength of the Djinn Gang.

For example, Juyi Village in Yandong, Shenwumen in Yannan, and other sects, they all affected large areas, and the scope of the Dingtian Gang's influence was only Qishui County, and they escaped from Qishui County. In Shui County, they were much more relaxed.

At this time, Fang Yun couldn't help but ask Chen Hu: "Elder Chen, you and my father didn't get along at the time, so why are you taking a huge risk to save me out now?"

Along the way, Chen Hu took Fang Yun anxiously to escape, and the two sides rarely communicated. Now that he has just relaxed a little, Fang Yun can't wait to ask his doubts.

Chen Hu sighed and said: "Young gang leader, I know that the gang leader must have said a lot of bad things about us old men in the past, but the loyal words are hard to hear. I have been waiting for the Djinn Gang for half my life, so I still want to watch the Djinn Gang decline. No? We all want the Djinn to thrive.

The main conflict between me and the gang leader is the disagreement between the ideas of the two sides, which is why there are frequent quarrels. In fact, I also want the gang leader to make the Djinn Gang grow strong.

As a result, now the gang leader has been harmed by Shen Feiying, the traitor, together with Chu Xiu and other demonic murderers, occupying the Djinn Gang, how can I just sit back and ignore it? Even if I am willing to live, I am afraid that one day I will wait for me to go down. I am sorry for the kindness of the old gang leader!

Lao Feng's temper was too stubborn, and he fought against Chu Xiu in public, but was killed by Chu Xiu.

I can only pretend for the time being, so that I can save you, the young master. "

Fang Yun nodded with red eyes, he had really misunderstood Chen Hu before.

When Chen Hu just brought people to raid his house, he really thought that Chen Hu was bringing people to kill him.

"Then Elder Chen, what should we do now?" Fang Yun was a little flustered.

Under the protection of Fang Datong, he has never been exposed to the sinister rivers and lakes before, and he simply doesn't know how to deal with this situation.

Chen Hu said solemnly: "Don't worry, Shen Feiying is not in the right position, and there are many people in the Juling Gang who are not convinced by him."

Fang Yun said with a sad face: "But the one standing behind Shen Feiying is Chu Xiu! The Chu Xiu who fought against the Eastern Qi Beiyan Righteous Path Alliance by himself!"

Chen Hu said in a cold voice, "What about Chu Xiu? Even if he has a background in the hidden demon lineage, even if he is now colluding with the Beiyan court and being a But in this world, they are not able to reverse black and white at will. !

The gang leader had some connections in the rivers and lakes before. We asked them for help. It is best to use their connections to contact the North Piaoxuecheng or the Huangfu family, preferably the people from Daguang Temple, so that these factions can be strong. If the masters stand up and speak for my Djinn Gang, they will surely be able to take back my Djinn Gang from Chu Xiu! "

At this moment, a voice suddenly came: "Chen Hu, you are thinking too much. Do you really think you will be safe if you walk out of Qishui County? Ridiculous!"

More than a dozen warriors flanked from the surrounding paths, directly surrounding the two of them.

The leader is a Martial Artist of the Oneness of Heaven and Man with a mustache. He is not an elder of the Djinn Gang, but a helmsman of the Djinn Gang. After Shen Feiying took charge of the Djinn Gang, he was the first. Time has chosen to take refuge.

Chen Hu shouted angrily: "Zhou Tianyi! You were personally promoted by the gang leader to be the helmsman, but now you choose to take refuge with the traitor, and even his last son is not spared. Can you be worthy of the gang leader's promotion and training?"

Zhou Tianyi snorted coldly: "Good birds choose wood to live in, when Fang Datong was the leader, how could my Giant Spirit Gang develop? Now that the sinking leader succeeds, he has the help of Lord Chu Xiu of Zhenwu Hall. The time for the Spirit Gang to soar into the sky is just around the corner!

It's okay if you don't know the current affairs, and it's still a hindrance in secret, it's just abominable!

Let's go together, don't let Fang Yun go! "

As soon as the words fell, Zhou Tianyi and the others rushed up, but they didn't hold back at all.

Chu Xiu let these people play, but the play couldn't be too fake, so these people at the bottom of the Djinn Gang, they didn't know the truth of the matter, and every time they were ready to kill.


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