Meet The Leader

Chapter 699: Conscience or death

The rivers and lakes are sinister and unpredictable.

For the first time, Fang Yun knew the meaning of this sentence.

In the past, when Fang Datong was there, this Zhou Tianyi was bowing down to the other party, looking like he was willing to go through fire and water for the gang leader. He was also very polite to him, the young gang leader, and even often sent some things to flatter him.

And Chen Hu is the stubborn old immortal that his father often scolded.

The result is better now, the old immortal who was scolded by his father tried his best to save him, and Zhou Tianyi, who used to bow down to his father and son in the past, changed his face and wanted to kill him. This change made Fang Yun at a loss, and even more so. Feeling so sad.

During the war, Chen Hu kept Fang Yun behind him all the time. After a fierce battle, after beheading several people, he led Fang Yun to break out of the siege.

Although both are in the realm of the unity of heaven and man, Zhou Tianyi's strength can only be said to be ordinary, and it is not too long for him to break through the realm of the unity of heaven and man.

As for Chen Hu, the elder of the Djinn Gang, he is one generation older than Zhou Tianyi, and he has access to more martial arts. Zhou Tianyi was actually injured by Chen Hu, so Chen Hu led the people out of the siege.

Covering his blood-simmering chest, Zhou Tianyi said coldly, "I didn't expect this old guy to be so strong!"

Just when Zhou Tianyi wanted to lead someone to chase, Shen Feiying, Tang Ya and Zhao Chengping suddenly appeared with someone.

Zhou Tian was startled for a moment, and quickly said: "See the gang leader, and Master Tang and Master Zhao."

At this time, Zhou Tianyi was also wondering in his heart, these few are not far away, why didn't they make a move?

Shen Feiying waved his hand and said, "Okay, you won't be needed from now on, you can retire."

Hearing Shen Feiying say this, although Zhou Tianyi was puzzled, he could only say: "Yes, my subordinates obey."

After Zhou Tianyi left, Shen Feiying asked Tang Ya and Zhao Chengping, "You two, should we catch up a little tighter now? After leaving Qishui County, it's not the sphere of influence of my Djinn Gang. It's not that easy to find these two."

Tang Ya said lazily: "Don't worry, don't forget what my family's status is now, he is the governor of Zhenwutang, a member of the court, and has the right to let other people in the Beiyan court cooperate.

As long as these two people are still on the boundary of Beiyan, they will not be able to escape.

Lead the snake out of the hole, but I haven't seen the shadow of the snake yet, so don't be in a hurry. "

At this time, on Chen Hu's side, after breaking through, he actually suffered some minor injuries, but it was not serious.

But the crisis behind him made Chen Hu feel a sense of crisis. He didn't stop at all and took Fang Yun to Shenjiazhuang in Leping County, Yandong.

Shenjiazhuang is also a relatively well-known force in the land of Yandong. The head of the Shen family, Shen Changping, is kind and kind, and Shen Changping's strength is outstanding. It can be said that among the many small forces in Yandong, the most promising to step into the martial arts master. boundary people.

Although it is said that even if you become a martial arts master, if you don't have enough reputation and accumulation, you will not be able to become the top power in Jianghu Song Jue, but the forces with martial arts masters and those without martial arts masters are already two classes.

Fang Datong had contact with Shen Changping before his death. Some of the business of the Shen family was also transported through the trade routes of the Djinn Gang, so Chen Hu found Shenjiazhuang immediately.

At this time in the Shenjiazhuang, Shen Changping was dressed in fancy clothes and had a square appearance. Hearing Chen Hu's description below and Fang Yun's pitiful appearance, his square and peaceful appearance was gradually distorted by anger.

"Excessive! It's just too much! How arrogant Chu Xiu is, and Shen Feiying is a shameless villain who betrays his brother for power! Brother Fang's death is really wrong!"

Shen Changping is indeed a very kind person, and he also has some sense of justice in his heart.

So at this time, he was also very angry with Chu Xiu's ruthless means and Shen Feiying's shameless behavior.

Chen Hu sighed helplessly: "Then Chu Xiu was originally a fierce and mighty devil in the arena, and the Demon Execution Alliance failed to strangle him, but instead let him kill him. The fact that the gang leader has ended up like this is also the cause and effect of the past.

But Chu Xiu colluded with the traitor Shen Feiying to capture my Djinn Gang. This is something I can't bear. This old man tried his best to bring out the young gang leader. I also ask the owner of Shen Zhuang to look at the past relationship and save me for a while. Life! "

Shen Changping waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, don't say that Brother Fang and I are good friends, even if they are strangers, I can't sit back and watch Chu Xiu and the others make such unscrupulous chaos in my Beiyan Wulin.

You stay here for a while, I have some friendship with Huangfu Weiming of Huangfu, and then I will go to Huangfu to preside over justice. "

Shen Changping also knew that to deal with a demon like Chu Xiu, it was useless to have a righteousness, and he also needed strength.

His strength is definitely not good, but Huangfu, one of the nine great families, can.

When Chen Hu and the others left, the rest of the Shen family quickly stood up and persuaded them, "Patriarch, you can't take them in!

You are not ignorant of Chu Xiu's reputation. The other party was originally a man in the devil's way, and he was ruthless. Now he has set up a martial arts hall with the imperial court.

In this situation, we can't hide in time, and you are still recruiting the trouble at home, how can this be done! "

Shen Changping frowned and said, "How can you think like that? Today, the Giant Spirit Gang is in trouble, I don't care, he doesn't care, everyone just sits and ignores it.

Wouldn't it be the same when my Shen family was in trouble? If my righteous martial arts are all people who are greedy for life and fear of death, what is the righteous martial arts? "

The Shen family warriors present all looked helpless.

The head of their family is actually good in everything. He has strength and potential, and he is a kind person. It is fair to handle the affairs of the family, but this is not good, and he is a little bit stubborn.

It's okay for him to give up in other places, but at a time like this, he's still giving up, which can easily bring the entire Shen family into crisis.

Everyone wanted to persuade them again, and Shen Changping waved his hand directly and said, "You don't need to say any more, I have made up my mind!

If I don't care about this matter, I will not only be sorry for Brother Fang, but also my conscience! "

At this moment, a few angry shouts from the Shen family disciples suddenly came from outside the door, but then the gate was blasted open, several Shen family disciples vomited blood and flew away, and a group of warriors dressed in black broke into the hall. , it is Tang Ya et al.

With a smile on Tang Ya's face, he clapped his hands and said: "Shen Zhuangzhu said it well! This awareness is high!

But I also have a question that I would like to ask Zhuangzhu Shen, is life more important, or is conscience more important? "

Shen Changping stood up and shouted: "Who are you!?"

There was a faint guess in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it.

I just took in Fang Yun, how did they come so quickly.

Tang Ya said indifferently: "The subordinates of Zhenwutang, under the order of Lord Chu, search for the remnants of the traitorous party, Lord Shen, please hand them over."

Shen Changping was shocked, and said angrily: "Nonsense! When did the Djinn Gang become a traitor?"

Tang Ya said with a serious face: "It's just done."

Shen Changping pointed at Tang Ya, his whole body trembled with anger. He had seen arrogant people, but he had never seen such arrogant people. This was simply turning black and white.

Tang Ya said solemnly: "Master Chu is still waiting for news, we have no time to waste, Lord Shen, I will ask you one question, this person, do you want to pay or not.

I know that you are a good person, Lord Shen, so I will give you ten breaths of time to consider whether your conscience is more important or your life is more important. "

Speaking, Tang Ya began to stretch out his finger to check: "One, two..."

On the opposite side, Shen Changping was full of cold sweat, and his eyes flashed with tangled color, no longer firm before.

Now they are just the lackeys under Chu Xiu's command, and their own strength is not that strong.

But if he waited for Chu Xiu to come in person, he probably wouldn't even have a chance to speak.

It is said that within the Djinn Gang, Chu Xiu killed Fang Datong with just two moves. A martial arts master who was somewhat famous in Beiyan Land was as powerless as a baby in Chu Xiu's hands.

Just when Shen Changping was still struggling, Tang Ya suddenly increased his speed and said, "Three, four, five, six, seven, eight, ninety! Well, it seems that you have made a decision, Lord Shen, then, well, Let's do it!"

Shen Changping was stunned, and before he could say anything, a figure beside Tang Ya rushed out, holding a heavy sword, and slashed it down with a single sword, with monstrous momentum and incomparable fury, the giant sword even let him use it. It feels like a This person is the wild goose!

Zhao Chengping and others stood by Tang Ya's side, but they didn't make a move.

These warriors from the hidden demon lineage are actually stronger than Tang Ya and others.

It's just that Tang Ya and others are Chu Xiu's confidants, and they are old people who have followed Chu Xiu from the very beginning, so even if Tang Ya and others are not as strong as them, they don't want to offend Tang Ya and others.

At least they won't offend Tang Ya and others until their position under Chu Xiu is stable.

Yan Bugui is still only at the peak of the Yuan Dynasty of the Five Qi Dynasty, which is weaker than Shen Changping.

But when facing Shen Changping, Yan Bugui's aura was stronger than his, and even Shen Changping felt a faint pressure.

Shen Changping roared and slashed out with a sword, and the wind swept through the sword, but under the sword of Yan Bugui, it was all smashed!

Another sword fell, and Shen Changping was directly knocked back three steps, and he was already at a disadvantage.

The third sword fell, and the long sword in Shen Changping's hand was completely shattered.

The fourth sword fell, and Yan Bugui had already forced Shen Changping to burn his blood and start fighting to resist.

The fifth sword slammed down, and the powerful force poured into Shen Changping's body, causing his body to explode directly, instantly turning into a pile of minced meat!

To kill the unity of heaven and man with the five Qi Chaoyuan, Yan Bugui only used five swords, and even in the eyes of others, his five swords did not make any difference at all.

Zhao Chengping and others were convinced, and they finally knew why Master Chu valued these two people so much.

They have never seen Tang Ya's strength, but the potential of this geese not returning is really amazing, at least they can't be as fierce as the geese do not return when they are in the Yuan Dynasty of the Five Qi Dynasty.


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