Meet The Leader

Chapter 700: unruly

Wujian chopped a martial artist of the unity of heaven and man into a pile of minced meat, which can be called infinite ferocity.

Many of the disciples of the Shen family were silent, and Tang Ya said with a smile: "Everyone, I have never tried to force others to be difficult. Although your Shen family protects and rebels, Shen Changping has already been executed, so I will give you one more chance."

With that said, Tang Ya took out the agreement of Zhenwutang and handed it over to everyone in the Shen family: "This is an agreement that my Lord of Zhenwutang, Mr. Chu Xiu, personally drafted, and after signing him, you are considered to be people of my Zhenwutang.

Of course, I also know that you must be thinking in your hearts, I will definitely not cooperate with evil demons and heretics, right?

It doesn't matter, as I said, my Zhenwutang has never been difficult for others, so I will give you ten breaths of time to think, listen carefully, one, two..."

Hearing that Tang Ya started to count again, everyone in the Shen family was about to go crazy.

The pieces of Shen Changping's body were still lying on the ground, and they didn't know whether Tang Ya was really ignorant or intentional, so just after Tang Ya uttered two words, an elder of the Shen family shouted. : "Don't count! I'll sign! I'll sign! My Shen family is willing to surrender to Lord Chu. From now on, Zhenwutang will follow suit!"

The rest of the Shen family wanted to refute, but when he spoke, all Qi Qi breathed a sigh of relief.

The pressure just now was so great that they couldn't bear it.

Shen Changping has righteousness in his heart and his bones are hard, but it does not mean that other people's bones are also hard.

In fact, what Tang Ya didn't know was that Shen Changping's bones were not as hard as he thought.

Tang Ya said with a smile: "It seems that apart from the owner of Villa Shen, the rest of your Shen family are quite knowledgeable.

But now your Shen family has no leader, so it's not enough to sign one person's name. Everyone here, please sign your name. "

The people present had no choice but to sign the agreement one by one, but as it was written, they felt something was wrong.

Don't the people in Zhenwutang want the heirs of the other party to cut down the weeds? Why are they only targeting themselves and not chasing Fang Yun and others?

However, although everyone present was puzzled, no one dared to ask.

After the agreement was signed, Tang Ya waved his hand: "Go, keep chasing, don't let that boy Fang Yun run away!"

Everyone in the Shen family looked at each other in dismay. They only remembered to chase at this time. Why did they go earlier?

During the time spent by Tang Ya and others, Chen Hu had already fled with Fang Yun.

After arriving at Shenjiazhuang, they thought they could breathe a sigh of relief, but they didn't expect that the other side was chasing after them, and this time, it was not only the people from the Djinn Gang, but also the people from Zhenwutang.

"Elder Chen, what should we do now?" Fang Yun asked with a look of horror.

He was really panicked. He thought he had escaped, but he didn't expect a bigger danger to come.

Chen Hu gritted his teeth and said, "Young gang leader, don't worry, the contacts left by the former gang leader are not just the Shen family."

Having said that, Chen Hu immediately took Fang Yun on the road again and went to other forces for help, but this time he was not so lucky.

Han Feng, the head of the Qiandaomen in Yandong, is also a good friend of Fang Datong.

As a result, after Chen Hu came to the door, he didn't even see Han Feng's face, and was directly blocked by a disciple.

Chen Hu frowned and said, "What do you mean? Why don't you let me see Sect Master Han."

The disciple said lightly: "Sorry, the sect master is not here."

"Then I want to see the deputy sect master."

The disciple didn't even hesitate and said, "The deputy sect master isn't here either."

Chen Hu said angrily: "The Thousand Swords Gate is so big, the head and the deputy head are not there, and there is not even a person in charge. Can you think I'm an idiot?"

The disciple sneered and said, "Elder Chen, it's not that I treat you as an idiot, but now you are afraid that you will treat me as an idiot, right?

Don't you know what's going on with your Djinn Gang?

You went to Shenjiazhuang before, but then Shenjiazhuang was approached by people from Zhenwutang, and Shen Changping was killed directly.

I'm sorry, my Qiandaomen did not participate in any demon slaying alliance in the past, and I don't want to court death. I can't control where the two of you want to go, but please don't implicate our Qiandaomen! "

After finishing speaking, the disciple closed the door directly, leaving behind Chen Hu and Fang Yun who were angry.

Chen Hu scolded angrily: "Ingratitude! You Qiandaomen have offended several big clans in Yandong in the past, and were attacked by people together. If the gang leader didn't come forward to help mediate, your Qiandaomen would have been destroyed long ago!"

Although Chen Hu was scolding here, he was still unmoved in Qiandaomen. In desperation, Chen Hu had to turn around and leave.

At this time, in the Qiandaomen, the door owner Han Feng was drinking tea with the elders of the Qiandaomen, with a leisurely attitude.

Chen Hu scolded him for being ungrateful, which Han Feng didn't care about at all.

Fang Datong did help him, but in the arena, it is normal to owe each other favors, and Fang Datong's help was just a little effort.

If it's an ordinary trivial matter, Han Feng doesn't mind helping out and returning the favor.

But this is a terrible event, and Han Feng didn't want to lose his life inexplicably like Shen Changping.

At this moment, a disciple suddenly came in and reported: "Sect Master, there are people outside who claim to be from Zhenwu Hall and want to ask to see the Sect Master."

Han Feng and the others looked at each other in dismay.

He has already shut out Chen Hu and Fang Yun, don't they know?

Han Feng coughed and said, "Don't panic, we didn't take those two people in again. What are you afraid of? Bring people in."

After a while, Tang Ya walked in with someone and said with a smile, "I've seen Sect Master Han."

Han Feng also quickly stood up and cupped his hands: "You guys at Zhenwutang are very polite, I know you want to hunt down Chen Hu and Fang Yun, so I didn't take them in.

Now that they have just left, if a few adults want to chase, it is actually too late. "

Tang Ya smiled and said, "Don't worry, we actually want to find you, Sect Master Han."

An unpleasant feeling emerged in Han Feng's heart: "Why are you looking for me?"

Tang Ya took out the Zhenwutang agreement and threw it to Han Feng: "Sect Master Han, it will be beneficial to sign it."

Han Feng glanced at the contents of the agreement and almost vomited blood.

He obviously didn't go to take in Chen Hu and Fang Yun, why are there troubles coming?

After holding it for a long time, Han Feng finally said one sentence: "You are not following the rules!"

Tang Ya nodded naturally and said, "You're right, we didn't follow the rules."

Hearing this, Han Feng almost turned against Tang Ya on the spot.

But before he could say anything, Tang Ya said directly: "Sect Master Han, I know what you want to say.

It's nothing more than threatening me, saying that once we make things bigger and anger Beiyan Wulin, we will eventually be attacked in groups, etc., right?

You may be right, but what does it have to do with you when we are attacked in groups?

If you don't sign, my Zhenwutang will kill Qiandaomen. As for what happens after my Zhenwutang, you don't need to worry about it. The two are not related, right? "

Tang Ya's words made Han Feng speechless for a while. Thinking about it this way, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it, isn't it?

Zhao Chengping, who was on the side, looked at Tang Ya, who had been by Lord Chu Xiu's side for so long, and his ability to confuse black and white was a true biography of Lord Chu.

Although Han Feng's face was red with anger, he still humiliated and signed the agreement in the end.

Han Feng is not a hard-core person, otherwise he would not have done so much to Chen Hu and Fang Yun.

At this time, under the threat of life and death, he could only choose to surrender.

Tang Ya smiled and said: "Very good, the person who knows the current affairs is Junjie, walk and continue to chase and kill 'Fang Yun'."

Han Feng stood there with a gloomy expression on his face. At this time, he finally knew that all this was Chu Xiu's calculation!

Whether Fang Yun was taken in or not taken in, the results were the same.

In fact, what Chu Xiu expected was really good. His move almost assured all the forces that came to the door.

Fang Yun is like a touchstone, trying all the sects, at least the characters of their rulers.

Choosing to take in Fang Yun and Chu Xiu's resistance, that's a bit of backbone, but it's useless to just have being caught by Zhenwutang and killed.

As for those who confiscated Fang Yun, they are naturally the ones who are greedy for life and fear of death. Zhenwutang comes to the door, almost no need to kill them, and they can be surrendered just by threats.

Chu Xiu's method is very dirty. After so many times in a row, the martial arts forces around Yandong Land have slowed down. This Chu Xiu made it clear that he was playing with them!

But having said that, the power is stronger than people, and there is no other way.

So faced with this situation again, those forces will either go to the big forces they are familiar with for help, or they will really take the elites from the sect or the family to temporarily avoid it.

So in this case, Tang Ya and others also have no chance to do it.

Seeing that his plan seemed to have no effect, Chu Xiu was too lazy to act anymore, he directly ordered Shen Feiying, Tang Ya and others to hunt down Chen Hu and Fang Yun with all their strength!

At this time, in a dilapidated temple on Yandong Road, Chen Hu and Fang Yun were both miserable and dressed like beggars.

During this period of time, they have been fleeing almost every day, and they have no other care.

Moreover, Chen Hu and Fang Yun are not idiots. They could feel that several times in a row, the pursuers had been able to chase them, but they just didn't appear in front of them.

Coupled with the news from Jianghu, Chen Hu and Fang Yun both knew that they were used by Chu Xiu!

Those sects who did not take them in were fine, but for those sects who took them in, they were accomplices!

At this moment, there were footsteps around, but Chen Hu and Fang Yun were not even in the mood to resist.

Their surplus value was drained and the matter was finally over?


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