Meet The Leader

Chapter 701: nosy

Tang Ya, Shen Feiying and others have completely surrounded the broken temple.

Looking at Fang Yun in the ruined temple, Shen Feiying felt a little emotional at this time.

Fang Yun has called him his foster father since he was born, and has called him for 20 years, but now he wants to kill him himself.

In fact, Shen Feiying didn't have any regrets for betraying Fang Datong, but Fang Datong really felt a little guilty in the face of Fang Yun.

But no matter how guilty Shen Feiying is, he knows that killing Fang Yun or not will depend on his future.

Now that he has killed his eldest brother and colluded with Zhenwutang to capture the Djinn Gang, he will never be able to look back.

Pushing open the door of the broken temple, Shen Feiying said coldly: "Chen Hu, I didn't find out before, your acting skills are quite good."

There was a hint of sadness on Chen Hu's face and said: "What's the use of acting no matter how good it is? In the end, it was not played by you and became a tool for you to suppress Beiyan Martial Arts?

I, Chen Hu, are worthy of the Djinn Gang, but I am worthy of the entire Beiyan Wulin! "

Shen Feiying sneered, but Tang Ya said quietly from the side: "You are stupid, who is to blame?"

As soon as Chen Hu heard this, his anger and blood attacked his heart, and he was actually spit out a mouthful of blood.

Tang Ya raised his eyebrows and said, "Yo, you have such a small amount of air, tsk tsk, what kind of acting school do you still learn from others with such a heart? Gang Master Shen, this is a family affair for your Djinn Gang, so I won't follow suit. ."

Shen Feiying looked at Fang Yun and sighed: "Fang Yun, don't blame me, if you want to blame, you can only blame you for being Fang Datong's son, if you want to blame you, you can only blame Chen Hu, if you want to take you away.

If you stayed in the Djinn gang honestly, how could I have saved your life, but now, I have left you unbearably. "

Fang Yun gritted his teeth and looked at Shen Feiying, and said bitterly, "No need for hypocrisy, Shen Feiying, I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost!"

Shen Feiying shook his head, the qi burst out in his palm, and fell directly at Fang Yun.

But at this moment, a breeze blew, and it actually canceled all the power of Shen Feiying's palm, and even made him back a few steps, but he was not injured.

An old Taoist priest wearing a gray-white Yin-Yang Taoist robe, carrying a sword behind him, and holding a whisk in his right hand did not know when he had already stood in front of Fang Yun and the others, and sighed: "Everyone, you have killed so many people and persecuted so many people. It's time to surrender to Zhenwutang's forces, right? It's time to stop."

Seeing this old Taoist priest, Chen Hu's eyes suddenly lit up, and he said in surprise, "It's Daoist Fuyun! Thank you Fuyundao for saving me!"

This old Taoist priest is not well-known in the outside world, but he has a great reputation in Beiyan Wulin. The biggest reason is that the other party is a martial arts master who came from a loose cultivator, and the second one is because the other party is a Taoist priest.

Among the sects in the world, the power of the Daomen in Beiyan is actually not large. There are three Daomen, two in Eastern Qi and one in Western Chu.

As for the two major Buddhist sects, one is in Nanman and the other is in Beiyan. Although the bitter cold land in the extreme north is not the territory of Beiyan, it is next to Beiyan, and there is no country there, so it is regarded as Beiyan. The land is also normal.

Therefore, in this way, the current general perception of martial arts is that the Daomen in the Eastern Qi are powerful, while the Northern Yan is the prosperity of the Buddhist sect.

It is not easy for this Floating Cloud Daoist to become a Daoist Martial Dao master in the land of Beiyan.

And this Daoist Floating Cloud has a very good reputation. He has almost no enemies, and he is just like his Dao name. He is idle and Floating Cloud. He never complains, nor does he take the initiative to meddle in his own business.

Fang Datong had nothing to do with Daoist Master Fuyun, the master of Taoism, so Chen Hu never thought of asking for this help. Who would have thought that the other party would make an exception and take the initiative this time.

Shen Feiying squinted his eyes and said with a look of horror: "Daoist Fuyun, you have always been an idle cloud and wild crane. It's not your style to meddle in this kind of thing."

Daoist Fuyun shook his head with a wry smile and said, "With so many people begging to come to my door, I'm afraid I won't be able to do it.

I said, you have killed enough people, and what Zhenwutang has done is majestic enough, should it stop?

It's convenient for you and me, isn't that bad? "

Daoist Master Fu Yun is really not a nosy person. In the past, when the Demon Slayer Alliance, Nie Renlong even invited him in person, but he still rejected him.

That's why he's standing up now not simply to meddle in his own business, but because he was annoyed by what those people said. Besides, Chu Xiu's actions this time were a bit too big, and even Daoist Floating Cloud, who was like Xianyun Yehe, felt threatened. .

If Chu Xiu really wanted to stir up the entire Beiyan Martial Arts Forest, could he continue to be like this?

So no matter what, he is going to come.

Tang Ya stood up and said with a smile: "Daoist Master Fuyun, right? You are a senior in Jianghu. Since you have stood up, we have to give you a face.

In this way, originally we were only going to kill two people, but now it is enough to kill only one.

It's up to the two of them to decide who dies and who lives, how about that, enough face for you? "

Upon hearing this, Daoist Master Fuyun immediately shook his head and said helplessly: "Chen Hu and Fang Yun have gone through hardships, so don't use such a measure to play with people's hearts.

Everyone, go back, with me here, you can't kill them either.

Go back and tell you, Lord Chu, stop it, in case the monks from the Daguang Temple are led out, things will be completely troubled by then. "

At this moment, Yan Bugui, who was beside Tang Ya, rushed out with a heavy sword, and slashed at Taoist Fuyun with a sword!

Tang Ya's complexion suddenly changed, he wanted to pull, but he didn't pull it, which made him scolded in his heart that Yanbugui was crazy again.

He has known Yan Bugui for so long, but he knows his strength better than anyone else.

With Yan Bugui's current strength, it's not a problem for him to kill some ordinary warriors of the unity of heaven and man, but the problem is that now his opponent is a martial arts master, and this guy's madness also depends on the target.

After having known each other for so many years, Yan Bugui is a bit eccentric, but he is also a friend of Tang Ya. Of course, he can't just watch Yan Bugui die.

Therefore, at the moment when Yan Bugui shot, a flying knife in Tang Ya's hand was also cut out, and the last one came first, and the whistling knife energy instantly came to the eyes of Taoist Fuyun!

Seeing that Tang Ya and Yanbugui had already shot, Zhao Chengping also gritted his teeth, holding a spear and killing the Taoist Fuyun, and Luo Sancong behind him also fell with a knife.

Although they don't really have a deep friendship with Tang Ya and Yanbugui, but now they are all working under Chu Xiu's hands, naturally they can't just watch Tang Ya and the others go to their deaths.

There was only one Shen Feiying that didn't move.

In the face of martial arts masters, these guys dare to do it, are they crazy? Even if Shen Feiying wanted to perform well, facing the martial arts master, he still did not have the courage to take action.

Daoist Fuyun sighed, and he threw the whisk in his hand directly, and a majestic qi swept in like a vast river, and the momentum was amazing.

Moreover, there is also a harmonious atmosphere in this majestic qi, and under the turbulence, the offensive of several people is instantly consumed.

Tang Ya's flying knife fell to the ground, Yan Bugui was blown away with his sword, and Zhao Chengping and Luo Sancong were also repelled.

Fortunately, Daoist Fuyun didn't want to kill, otherwise, several of them would end up with serious injuries.

With a flick of the dust, Daoist Fuyun said solemnly: "Everyone, I don't want to make things bigger, I still say that, if you all retreat, this matter will be over."

At this moment, a cold voice said: "Daoist Master Fuyun, you have been practicing Dao for so many years, do you know what the secret of longevity is? Then don't mind your own business!

Xianyun Yehe has been working for so many years, but now he has broken his practice, is it worth it? "

As the voice sounded, Chu Xiu's figure stepped into the broken temple, and instantly a powerful demonic energy lingered in the entire broken temple, and the atmosphere was depressed and stagnant, as if water could drip.

The expressions of Tang Ya and the others did not change, because they knew that Chu Xiu would definitely follow behind them.

On the other side, Fang Yun and Chen Hu showed extreme hatred on their faces!

Chu Xiu!

He is the culprit behind the transformation of the entire Djinn Gang!

Without Chu Xiu, with just one Shen Feiying, even if he has two hearts, he can't help Fang Datong.

As long as Shen Feiying hadn't reached the realm of a martial arts master for a day, he could only bow his head in front of Fang Datong.

Daoist Fuyun looked at Chu with a solemn expression on his face, living up to his previous ease.

When facing Tang Ya and others, Daoist Fuyun can also put on the posture of a senior.

But facing Chu Xiu at this time, under the extremely strong pressure and dignified aura, Daoist Fuyun did not dare to relax.

He had never dealt with Chu Xiu, but it was a coincidence that among those killed by Chu Xiu, he had dealt with many people.

For example, Nie Renlong, Fang Datong, and Zhenyangzi of Chunyang Daomen.

These people all died in the hands of Chu Xiu, one can imagine how terrifying this young man is and how powerful the magic power is.

Daoist Fu Yun sighed and said, "Master Chu, Fang Datong participated in the Demon Slayer Alliance in the past and was killed by you, this is karma.

But the people you have killed along the way, and the sects you have forced to surrender, are quite a lot. Is it not enough now? "

Chu Xiu stood with his hands behind his back, and said indifferently, "Does Daoist want to stand up for them? Just now you asked my men to retreat, they are not opponents, so now I am here.

I will also give you a choice, hand over Chen Hu and Fang Yun, and then retreat, I will promise you to stop.

If not, then there will be a battle, and my Zhenwutang will continue to suppress Beiyan Wulin, and more people will die by then.

Daoist Floating Cloud, whether two people die or a group of people die, it's up to you to choose. "

Daoist Floating Cloud's complexion suddenly changed.

He is a person who is not willing to kill innocent people indiscriminately. He is not a good person, but he is definitely a good person.

How should the life of two people and the life of a group of people be chosen? Sacrifice Chen Hu and Fang Yun to save others? Is that fair to these two?

Once this question is not chosen, it will affect his mood!


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