Meet The Leader

Chapter 815: you are me, i am you

Dark, scarlet, silent, sinking.

The surroundings of Chu Xiu were such an environment, dark and depressing, scarlet to make people feel ferocious, silent to make people feel strange, and finally sinking.

At this moment, everything around him suddenly lit up.

But after the light came on, Chu Xiu suddenly took a deep breath.

It wasn't that Chu Xiu was making a fuss, but the world in front of him was so frightening that even Chu Xiu was refreshed.

At this time, he seemed to be on the boundless sea, but what flowed under his feet was turbid yellow sewage, emitting a pungent stench.

There are three full moons in the sky. Although there are three moons, their brightness is extremely thin. The most strange thing is that these three moons are actually scarlet.

Of course, what was even more bizarre was that Chu Xiu was standing on the back of a huge skeleton.

The skeleton was human-shaped, more than ten feet high, and it had already been corrupted into a skeleton.

But what is it? Giant or Ancient Demon God?

At this moment, the turbid yellow water surface began to churn, and countless ferocious evil spirits hid under the water surface, constantly churning and wailing.

The scarlet color rose from under the turbid yellow water, and the white bone throne shining with evil brilliance was held up by the sea of ​​​​blood. On the white bone throne sat a figure, obviously wearing a black robe, but it shone dazzlingly. The **** light came.

The moment he saw this person, Chu Xiu's complexion suddenly changed.

I am alone!

This person's appearance is exactly the same as the Dugu and only me that Chu Xiu saw in the fantasy world.

Chu Xiu wanted to write down his appearance, so that he could ask Lu Jianghe after he went out, but for some reason, although this person was right in front of him, Chu Xiu still couldn't describe his appearance completely, and he couldn't even remember it in his heart.

"You are resisting."

Dugu Wei I, who was sitting on the throne of white bones, suddenly spoke, and under the turbid yellow water, countless evil ghosts and resentful spirits suddenly disappeared, as if they were afraid of this person.

Chu Xiu's expression changed slightly.

Although it is not the first time he has seen Dugu Yume, but the first few times, it should be the projection left by Dugu Yume, but this time, the other party seems to be really thinking.

"When you learn that your existence is a mystery, won't you resist? I just want to ask, who am I?"

Chu Xiu stared at Dugu and I, and said the biggest question in his heart.

Anyone who can ask 'who am I' is either a lunatic or a fool.

Chu Xiu is neither crazy nor stupid, he is just a person in the game, unable to see the fog in front of him.

"You are me, I am you. I am us."

Chu Xiu frowned and said, "What do you mean? Am I your reincarnation or your body?"

There was a smile on Dugu Weiwei's face: "The destiny is not defeated, and the devil will not die. If you do not die, I will not be defeated.

If he didn't die, how could he be reincarnated? I'm not going to take myself away.

Don't resist, when you reach the peak, you will naturally see me, I am here waiting for you. "

Dugu Wei's words made Chu Xiu frown. It wasn't a reincarnation, it wasn't a sack, so what was he?

Chu Xiu raised his head sharply and said coldly, "If I don't die, you won't be defeated. What if I die now?"

Dugu Wei I suddenly laughed: "Death? You are reluctant to die, I said, you are me, threatening yourself with your own life, I won't do this kind of stupid thing, and you won't do it either. "

After laughing, Dugu only me restrained smile: "Time is running out, there are only so many things I can leave in this drop of blood, this is a seed, a seed for you."

Chu Xiu's expression changed slightly: "You are sure that Lu Jianghe will be in my hands in five hundred years? Can you know what will happen in five hundred years?"

Dugu Wei I said lightly: "The emperor looks at his anger and kills people while talking and laughing.

You only use the Heavenly Seeing Qi to see people, but the real Heavenly Seeing Qi is to see this world!

Heaven and earth can be seen at a glance, I only use it to see Lu Jianghe alone, can’t I see through him?

Otherwise, do you think Lu Jianghe could get this drop of my blood five hundred years ago? "

At this moment, Chu Xiu suddenly wanted to understand a lot of things.

Is everything that you foresee after crossing over really the future?

Relying on his own foresight, Chu Xiu got a lot of things, got the glazed golden silk Gu, and got the emperor's qi technique.

But the more later, the more blurred his memory of the future becomes.

Now Chu Xiu seems to understand that the so-called future is not necessarily true, not necessarily all will happen.

The future that he sees is only the future that someone has calculated, making him think that this is the real 'future'!

Chu Xiu still wanted to say something, but at this time Dugu was the only one who said: "The time is up, I am waiting for you here."

The voice fell, and three blood moons fell in the sky. In the turbid yellow river and sea, the raging waves were raging to the sky, tearing apart countless evil spirits and ghosts, and the entire space collapsed in an instant!

When Chu Xiu's spirit returned to the underground palace again, Lu Jianghe shrank in the blood soul bead and looked at Chu Xiu vigilantly: "Who is your kid? Are you really the reincarnation of the Dugu leader?"

The power that burst out at that moment was definitely the power of the Indestructible Heavenly Demon Tome, the power exclusively reserved for the leader of Dugu.

Thinking that this kid's appearance is exactly the same as the incarnation of the earth soul of the leader of Dugu, Lu Jianghe is also somewhat suspicious of Chu Xiu's identity.

Chu Xiu was also looking at Lu Jianghe at this time. To be honest, he still felt pity for this guy.

This fellow has been trapped for five hundred years. Maybe from the beginning, Dugu and I did it on purpose.

The value of his existence is that he thought he was smart to get a drop of blood from Dugu Yume, and then did a stupid thing. He was banned for 500 years. Now, he gave Chu Xiu a drop of blood, or what Dugu Yume said, it was a piece of blood. seed.

At the beginning, Chu Xiu was still puzzled, and Dugu Wei I seemed to have a big temper, but now it seems that all this is a game.

I remember that the ancestor of the Yinshan Sect of the Five Misfortunes was once a member of the Kunlun Demon Sect. After the other party betrayed the Kunlun Demon Sect, he was not completely eradicated by Dugu only me.

Although Lu Jianghe was a little stupid and said things he shouldn't have said, it was too strict to be banned because of his physical destruction. It turned out that all this was calculated.

Looking at Lu Jianghe, Chu Xiu said lightly: "Okay, I admit it, I am the only reincarnation of Dugu and I. Seeing the leader here, don't kneel down and tell me all your secrets?"

Lu Jianghe choked suddenly, with a strange expression on his face.

If Chu Xiu continued to keep secrets, he might have doubts, but now that Chu Xiu said it, he didn't believe it.

Of course, there are doubts, but if Chu Xiu doesn't say it, there is nothing he can do.

After going out, Chu Xiu directly cultivated and retreated in the snow city in the extreme north. He wanted to be familiar with the Blood Shadow Dafa, and Dugu only I said that a seed was left in his body. Chu Xiu did not know what the so-called seed was. What is it, he didn't feel any changes in his body anyway.

However, just when Chu Xiu started to retreat, there was already a change in Zhenwutang.

Yuan Tianfang's personality was almost the same as that of his disciple Xing Situ who died in Chu Xiu's hands.

The only difference from Xing Situ is that Yuan Tianfang is, after all, a leader of the hidden demon lineage, and he still has some overall vision and vision.

At the beginning, Xing Situ would have a whim to frame Chu Xiu at a critical moment like the battle between the righteous and the devil, and secretly use those small tricks, which Yuan Tianfang would not have done.

Of course, this does not mean that Yuan Tianfang will be soft-hearted. After receiving Xiang Long's order, Yuan Tianfang immediately asked his disciples to take over Zhenwu Hall.

In the Moya Cave of Dongji Mountain, Yuan Tianfang took in a lot of disciples, but in fact, most of his disciples were idle and bored, and there were very few who could inherit his true heritage.

Xing Situ was one, and this time the disciple Duan Jiu'ao he was looking for in Beiyan was also the same.

Don't look at Duan Jiu'ao's appearance, he looks like a thief in the rivers and lakes. He is very wretched, but in fact he is one of Yuan Tianfang's disciples. The name of the magic Yuan Tianfang has practiced countless magic arts in his life. Duan Jiu'ao did not inherit all of Yuan Tianfang's exercises, but only inherited a martial arts that can extract popular blood and spirits. It can be traced back to the strongest Tangkou Blood Demon Hall under the command of the Kunlun Demon Sect in the past, and it is very powerful.

This time, Yuan Tianfang came to Beiyan to avenge the criminals, and Duan Jiu'ao could be said to be the most active one.

He has no control over whose hands Xing Situ died, and even he is a little jealous of Xing Situ.

Obviously it was Yuan Tianfang who first apprenticed to him, but among Yuan Tianfang's many disciples, the most favored one was Xing Situ, why?

Therefore, Duan Jiu'ao had no interest at all in avenging the criminals.

He spent many years hanging out in Beiyan, but after learning that Xing Situ died at the hands of Chu Xiu, he didn't even show his face, which was enough to show his position.

This time Duan Jiu'ao was so active just because Xing Situ died, so he can be said to be the most outstanding one of Yuan Tianfang's many disciples. As long as Yuan Tianfang is served, then Yuan Tianfang's inheritance of the exercises, and even all kinds of secret treasures. , isn't it all his?

With this thought in mind, Duan Jiuao strode directly into Zhenwu Hall and shouted loudly, "Is there anyone in charge of Zhenwu Hall? Why don't you come out to greet me?"

Just as a few gatekeepers were about to intercept, they were blasted to the side by that Duan Jiuao.

At this time, Pang Hu came out with the long knife in his hand, and snorted coldly, "Which one who doesn't have long eyes dares to come to my Zhenwu Hall to ask for trouble?"

Mei Qinglian followed Pang Hu out, and when she saw Duan Jiu'ao, her expression changed slightly, she wanted to intercept Pang Hu, but it was too late.

With Pang Hu's violent temper, he was already in a fierce battle with Duan Jiu'ao.


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