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Chapter 816: Zhenwutang is in critical condition

Mei Qinglian knew Duan Jiu'ao, who was quite famous among Yuan Tianfang's disciples.

But no matter how famous, Duan Jiu'ao couldn't compare to Chu Xiu, let alone the entire Zhenwu Hall.

Duan Jiu'ao didn't even dare to show his face since Zhenwu Hall had been established throughout Beiyan for so long. Mei Qinglian knew very well what it meant by his sudden appearance here.

Just being Duan Jiu'ao, he was afraid that he would not have the courage to provoke Zhenwutang. What Mei Qinglian was really worried about was Yuan Tianfang behind Duan Jiu'ao!

At this time, Pang Hu had already fought with Duan Jiu'ao, and within a few tricks, Pang Hu had already gained the upper hand.

There are also strong and weak points between martial arts masters.

Even if some people become martial arts masters, they are still unknown, while some people are on the list, stirring up the situation in the world.

Although Duan Jiu'ao is a martial arts master, he has not received Yuan Tianfang's true inheritance, and his strength among the same-level martial artists can only be said to be unsatisfactory.

However, Pang Hu was the thirty-six giants in the North who had gone through countless pursuits and trials, and the strength of the two could not be compared at all.

Just when Duan Jiu'ao was already at a disadvantage, a cold snort suddenly came.

Clouds converged in mid-air, and a giant hand of demonic energy protruded directly from the vortex, shattering Pang Hu's saber stance, and directly threw him back with blood.

Mei Qinglian's complexion changed, and the magic mist surged in her hands, trying to catch Pang Hu, but she was also retreating step by step by the strong bang.

At this moment, Lu Fengxian did not know when he appeared by Mei Qinglian's side, and the two of them joined forces to catch Pang Hu, who had been vomited and seriously injured by the blast.

As Yuan Tianfang took many disciples into Zhenwu Hall, the expressions of many warriors in Zhenwu Hall suddenly changed.

This is the powerhouse of the real fire refining **** realm!

In the past, Zhenwutang was once visited by a powerhouse in the realm of real fire, and that person was Fang Jinwu.

But there was Chu Xiu at that time, but now Chu Xiu is not there, who can they find to bear?

I have to say that for Zhenwutang, although he has rarely taken action on weekdays, Chu Xiu doesn't even bother to care about some details.

But for Chu Xiu's position in Zhenwutang, it is definitely the same as the pillar.

Lu Fengxian frowned and rushed out with Fang Tianhua Halberd in hand.

Even in the face of a powerhouse in the realm of real fire, Lu Fengxian still has the courage to take action.

But Mei Qinglian stopped Lu Fengxian from doing stupid things.

Not everyone is Chu Xiu, who dares to kill the existence of the real fire refining spirit realm in the real core realm.

Mei Qinglian frowned and said, "Senior Yuan, what do you mean? Are you looking for trouble on purpose?

You are a senior of the hidden demon lineage, and you should naturally know what Zhenwutang represents, which is also the interests of my entire hidden demon lineage.

If you take personal revenge because of a little personal resentment, you still ignore the rules of the hidden demon lineage? "

Yuan Tianfang sneered and said, "The female dolls of the Yin Demon Sect are sharp and sharp, like your seniors.

Listen carefully, the old man is not here to take revenge, but to win more benefits for my hidden demons.

The old man has asked Xiang Long for a seat in the Zhenwu Hall to worship the Great Elder, which is not inferior to that of Chuxiu.

It just so happened that Chu Xiu wasn't there, so now, Zhenwutang is under the control of this old man!

The female doll of the Yin Demon Sect, this old man advises you, don't hang yourself on a tree, then Chu Xiu won't be stable for long! "

Yuan Tianfang was relatively polite to Mei Qinglian.

In the past, the Yin Demon Sect was definitely a major faction in the entire Hidden Demon lineage, and it was an extremely powerful branch.

If the Yin Demon Sect was still there, its power would not even be lost to the current Phaseless Demon Sect.

And even if the Yin Demon Sect is gone, the connections accumulated by the Yin Demon Sect are still there. These connections are not limited to Wei Shuya, so Yuan Tianfang would not touch Mei Qing without completely tearing his face. pitiful.

With a wave of his hand, Yuan Tianfang's disciples and grandchildren all entered the Zhenwu Hall.

Some of these people are his direct disciples, some are his disciples and grandchildren, but all of them are grotesque and hideous, and they don't look like good people.

"Chu Xiu is not here, now the Zhenwu Hall is under the care of the old man. The female doll of the Yin Demon Sect, please be acquainted, and take the others to retire."

At present, there are many martial arts masters in Zhenwutang, but Pang Hu has been severely injured. Liu Hongye's strength in the real alchemy realm can only be regarded as mediocre, and Lu Fengxian is left with her, what to fight?

So stopping the angry face of Lu Fengxian, Mei Qinglian said solemnly: "Okay, since Senior Yuan is willing to share the pressure of Zhenwutang, then we will give it to you."

After finishing speaking, Mei Qinglian directly waved her hand and led everyone back to Zhenwutang.

Seeing this scene, Duan Jiuao immediately came over and said with a smile: "Master is Master, and with one move and one word, those people will retire."

But this time Duan Jiu'ao's flattery was photographed on the horse's leg.

Yuan Tianfang slapped him and slapped him out, causing Duan Jiuao to stagger, and then he snorted coldly, "Look at your lax practice over the years, how far has your strength dropped?

That Pang Hu is just a loose cultivator from a bandit, but you don't have the slightest power to fight back, you're worthless! "

Duan Jiuao felt aggrieved for a while, but did not dare to refute.

That Pang Hu was the thirty-six giants in the North, and his strength was not weak in his early years.

Moreover, although Pang Hu was also born in a wild way, he has his own martial arts. Like him, he didn't even learn some of his master's housekeeping skills, and he was beaten as a result.

Yuan Tianfang snorted coldly and said, "Bring others to take over Zhenwutang in an all-round way. If you can't do such a trivial thing well, then why should I need you?"

Duan Jiu'ao nodded again and again, and immediately started to handle things with people.

Of course, the so-called handling is just taking it for granted, just randomly.

Although Duan Jiu'ao has a master, he has already left his apprenticeship and came to Beiyan. Although he has some strength, his ability is actually the same as that of a warrior from a loose cultivation background.

As for his brothers and apprentices, they are all virtues, and if they didn't cause trouble, that's not bad.

Lu Fengxian was pulled back into the room by Mei Qinglian, while Pang Hu was sent to be treated by the genius doctor Feng Jiping.

"Senior Mei, why did you pull me just now? Even if I lose to Yuan Tianfang, I can't watch him take Brother Lu's inheritance so easily, right?"

Mei Qinglian patted Lu Fengxian and snorted softly, "What's your name, senior, don't you know that women don't like being called senior? It's called elder sister."

After giving a lesson to Lu Fengxian's straight man's emotional intelligence, Mei Qinglian said: "Don't be impulsive, you think this old guy is a vegetarian? He left Pang Hu dead and didn't do anything with me, just because he was still worried about the hidden demon. A lineage of identity.

On the contrary, if you and I really irritated him, with the character of this old guy, what will you do if you don't know what to do? At that time, you and I will not even be able to stay in Zhenwutang except to escape.

To fight this old guy, we still have to rely on that guy Chu Xiu, and calling him back as soon as possible is the key. "

Lu Fengxian frowned and said, "Being in the same vein of hidden demons, Yuan Tianfang dares to do such an excessive thing, so he is not afraid of Senior Wei Shuya's anger?"

Mei Qinglian shook her head gently, Lu Fengxian was not from the Hidden Demon lineage, and he didn't know how serious the intrigue in the Hidden Demon lineage was.

If it was a normal matter, Wei Shuya could completely hold back.

But this time Chu Xiu slaughtered his most beloved disciple. Wei Shuya could hold it down for a while, but he couldn't hold it down for a lifetime.

No, now people are coming, and Yuan Tianfang's ability to endure for such a long time is beyond Mei Qinglian's expectations.

Lu Fengxian didn't ask too much about this matter, he just said: "If this is the case, then I will inform Brother Chu."

Mei Qinglian shook her head and said, "There's no need for you to make a trip, there are also many secret methods in the Hidden Demon lineage, and there is a contact formation in Piaoxuecheng in the extreme north, and just now I instructed Tang Ya to send it secretly. Now, Chu Xiu should have received the news."

Originally, Chu Xiu was planning to stay in Piao Xue City in the extreme north for a while, but it was only the second day that Bai Wuji hurried over and handed Chu Xiu the news from Zhenwu Hall.

After seeing what was said above, Chu Xiu's expression suddenly became gloomy.

"court death!"

Yuan Tianfang was courting death, and Xiang Long was also courting death.

It is normal for Yuan Tianfang to want revenge, but Xiang Long is also contributing to it. It seems that he is really going to play a trick of cooking a cunning rabbit and a dead running Zhenwutang is a waste of Chu Xiu's side. It took a lot of effort to develop the foundation, he would not just sit back and watch Yuan Tianfang destroy the Zhenwu Hall.

So after instructing Bai Wuji to let the others leave after three months, Chu Xiu immediately returned to Zhenwu Hall.

And in the few days that Chu Xiu hurried back to Zhenwutang, Yuan Tianfang's people have already made Zhenwutang unbelievable.

What is the responsibility of Zhenwutang? For Xiang Long, Zhenwutang was responsible for suppressing Beiyan Wulin, making it safe and stable, and not causing trouble to the court.

For Chu Xiu, Zhenwutang is to make Beiyan big and small martial arts forces surrender, and at the same time reduce losses, make offerings to Zhenwutang in exchange for shelter, so as to make profits.

And Yuan Tian let go of those who are doing? Indiscriminate actions, blackmailing the major forces, not following any rules, and acting according to their own preferences, a few days have already made those forces under the original Zhenwutang miserable.

Most of these forces are not so close to Zhenwutang, and they did not choose to surrender to Zhenwutang before, so they stayed here and did not go to the extreme north.

But now it seems that they might as well be sent to the extreme north to dig things, at least they are worse than they are now.

Therefore, after Chu Xiu returned to Shengjing City, before returning to Zhenwutang, a group of heads of large and small forces surrounded him and complained in various ways.

Looking at those people, Chu Xiu said lightly: "Everyone, when I was here before, you were unwilling to join the command of Zhenwutang, and you even clamored for me to be cruel.

Now you can see that I am cruel, and I want you to follow the rules, but the consequences of not following the rules, can you understand it? "


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