Meet The Leader

Chapter 817: Tolerate

ps: Thanks to the book friends for the reward of 10,000 starting coins.

People are so cheap sometimes. When someone is there, they grit their teeth with hatred, but when they change to another person and their situation gets worse, they start to miss that person.

This is the feeling of everyone present now.

Although Chu Xiu is brutal, there are rules, at least it will give you a way to survive, but Yuan Tianfang's disciples and grandchildren don't care about anything, they really force you to death.

Chu Xiu didn't care about them, and directly shook off the crowd and stepped into the Zhenwu Hall.

Inside Zhenwutang, even the gatekeepers were replaced by those disciples and grandchildren of Yuan Tianfang. Seeing that Chu Xiu was about to enter Zhenwutang, someone immediately came over to stop him.

"Presumptuous! Do you know where this is? Dare to come here?"

Yuan Tianfang's disciples and grandchildren can't be considered to be transferred home.

Yuan Tianfang came for Chu Xiu, but their little characters didn't even know what was going on, and they didn't even recognize Chu Xiu.

With a cold snort, a gleam of blood flashed across Chu Xiu's body. Even though the warrior seemed to be smashed out by a heavy hammer, he hit a wall and fell to the ground.

"Bold! Who dares to make trouble in my Zhenwu Hall?"

Duan Jiuao walked out of it, and when he saw Chu Xiu coming back, he couldn't help but be stunned.

Shouldn't this guy fight to the death with the Daguang Temple in the bitter cold of the extreme north now? Why come back so quickly now.

"Your Zhenwutang? Let me tell you again, who is Zhenwutang!"

Chu Xiu turned his gaze to Duan Jiu'ao, the aura around him seemed to condense into substance, like a black cloud pressing down on the city, almost making Duan Jiu'ao breathless.

In Duan Jiu'ao's eyes, there seemed to be a sea of ​​blood surging behind Chu Xiu, and that mighty coercion penetrated deep into his soul, making him tremble.

In Chu Xiu's mind, Lu Jianghe sneered: "It turns out that he is an underachiever who has learned the fur of my Gorefiend Hall. Boy Chu Xiu, if you kill him, three moves are enough."

Chu Xiu said lightly: "You look down on him too much. If he can survive with one move, he is considered to be very lucky."

At this time, Duan Jiu'ao's heart was already filled with fear. He wanted to be tough, but in the end he found that he didn't even have the courage to scold him.

Before seeing Chu Xiu, Duan Jiu'ao was still thinking about how he could help his master squeeze out this Chu Xiu so that he would have no place in Beiyan.

As soon as he met, he realized that he did not have such courage.

Similarly, with the existence of the True Core Realm, some people can be called Martial Dao Grandmasters, while some people can only be the Martial Artists of the True Core Realm.

Duan Jiu'ao is the latter. Although he is quite famous in Beiyan, he is far worse than Chu Xiu, who is famous all over the world and has even killed a real fire-refining powerhouse. .

Moreover, although he was jealous of his junior brother, he also had to admit that Xing Situ's martial arts talent was much better than his.

As a result, Xing Situ all died in the hands of this Chu Xiu, what about himself?

The fear grew in Duan Jiu'ao's heart. As Chu Xiu stepped out, Duan Jiu'ao was in a panic. He took a step back and almost fell to the ground.

In fact, Duan Jiu'ao was not so timid and useless.

After all, he has been in the arena for decades, and he has also been in the real alchemy realm. The blood on his hands is even more numerous, and there is a real fire refining **** realm as his master.

But when he met Chu Xiu, he happened to meet the nemesis.

The exercises he cultivated are just some of the corners of the blood **** and devil exercises of the past, and I don't know how they spread.

And what Chu Xiu cultivated was the Blood God Demon Art created by the authentic Lu Jianghe. This was an extremely powerful suppression for Duan Jiu'ao, and the fear in his heart was magnified a hundred times, as if he had seen a natural enemy.

"Trash! Useless stuff!"

Yuan Tianfang didn't know when he had come to Duan Jiu'ao's back, and kicked him directly with one foot.

"Chu Xiu, are you going to come to this old man's chassis to run wild?" Yuan Tianfang stared at Chu Xiu with undisguised murderous intent in his eyes.

"Your site? I've been operating Zhenwutang for so long, and as soon as you came, it became your site?" Chu Xiu said coldly.

Yuan Tianfang said with a sneer: "The identity of the Great Elder enshrined in Laoshizi Town Martial Hall was given by Emperor Beiyan, if you are not convinced, you can ask him to reason with him.

Organ computer, the result is not to be calculated by people in the end?

No matter whose territory is here, the old man is the biggest here now, so it is naturally the old man's territory! "

Yuan Tianfang's words were so blatant that he didn't even pay attention to Xiang Long, calling him Emperor Beiyan. Of course, he did not pay attention to Xiang Long.

At this time, Yuan Tianfang wished that Chu Xiu would do something with him in front of everyone, so that he would have a reason, he was not looking for trouble with Chu Xiu, but that Chu Xiu committed a crime and cleaned up the door himself.

Don't think that the demon lineage can recklessly kill everything, especially the hidden demon lineage. In order to avoid losses, everyone should try to avoid being hostile to the warriors of the same lineage, for fear of losing both.

Therefore, as long as Chu Xiu still wears the hat of the first person of the younger generation of Demon Dao, Yuan Tianfang cannot blatantly kill him, otherwise, it will attract Wei Shuya and other Dao Dao bosses to target.

But on the other hand, if Chu Xiu took the initiative to shoot him, it would be the following crime, and he did not understand the rules. Even if Yuan Tianfang killed him on the spot, he would have an excuse and an explanation.

At this point, whether it is the sect of the righteous way or the magic way, it is actually the same. If you do anything, you must first put up a high-sounding excuse, otherwise, wouldn't it be a mess?

Staring at Yuan Tianfang, Chu Xiu's mouth suddenly showed a smile.

"Yuan Tianfang, just because of your disciple, you don't go to Dongji Mountain, which is good, and you have to come to Beiyan to compete with me. Is it worth it for a dead person?"

Hearing Chu Xiu mentioning Xing Situ, Yuan Tianfang's eyes suddenly revealed a terrifying murderous intent: "This old man has been such a successor in his life, but now he was killed by you, do you think it's worth it?

Chu Xiu, you are protected by Wei Shuya, this old man will not kill you for the time being, but this Beiyan also has no place for you!

The old man now gives you a choice, to abolish your martial arts to atone for your sins, otherwise, forcing you out of Beiyan is only the first step, and the feeling of being targeted by a real fire refining spirit powerhouse is not good! "

Duan Jiuao, who was kicked away by Yuan Tianfang, felt resentment in his heart. Xing Situ is your descendant, so what is he?

Chu Xiu sneered and said, "When you're older, don't continue to mix in the rivers and lakes, just say some nonsense."

After speaking, Chu Xiu turned around and walked into the inner hall.

Yuan Tianfang frowned tightly, didn't he say that Chu Xiu acted arrogantly and impulsive? At this time, he was very calm, and he didn't do anything, which was somewhat beyond Yuan Tianfang's expectations.

In the inner hall, Mei Qinglian and others were all there, and Chu Xiu's previous subordinates were also concentrated here.

Under the restraint of Mei Qinglian, Yuan Tianfang's people wanted to take over Zhenwutang, and let them directly give it to them.

Yuan Tianfang didn't dare to kill Chu Xiu, but he didn't dare to kill the people in Zhenwutang.

Seeing Chu Xiu coming, Mei Qinglian said in surprise: "It's strange, you didn't do anything, I thought you were going to fight that old guy Yuan Tianfang as soon as you came back."

Chu Xiu squinted his eyes and shook his head: "The timing is not right, I'm not sure about doing it now.

After all, the real fire refining the gods is the real fire refining the gods, and Yuan Tianfang's strength is not comparable to Fang Jinwu.

Even if I give Yuan Tian the Heartbroken Gu, it is estimated that Yuan Tianfang's strength is comparable to Fang Jinwu's peak.

Besides, even if I could kill Yuan Tianfang, it would be a hassle.

The people from the Hidden Demon lineage can't do anything else, but meddling in their own affairs is a top two.

Yuan Tianfang is one of the leaders of the Hidden Demon lineage. If I kill him now, that is to commit the following and break the rules. "

Mei Qinglian frowned and said, "If you can't, please invite Senior Wei over."

Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "It's useless, Yuan Tianfang has received Xiang Long's confession, and if he has an excuse, what if Elder Wei comes?

At the end of the trouble, UU Reading will definitely end in a lose-lose situation, and we are the ones who suffer. After all, Zhenwutang is the force that I have run for so long, why would Yuan Tianfang feel distressed? Just destroying is enough.

There is a saying that Yuan Tianfang said is quite good, the feeling of being targeted by a real fire refining spirit powerhouse is not good. "

Mei Qinglian and the others also frowned, which seemed to be the case.

Sometimes, strength really can do everything.

As it is now, Yuan Tianfang just came to trouble Chu Xiu. He didn't even have a plan, let alone a plan. distressed.

"Then what are you going to do?" Mei Qinglian asked.

Chu Xiu's eyes flashed coldly and said: "Wait first, the time and place are favorable, and we don't occupy it now.

Of course, so did Yuan Tianfang. Most importantly, I found a problem. "

"what is the problem?"

Chu Xiu said with a trace of disdain: "Yuan Tianfang is old, afraid, afraid, and if he says something unpleasant, he is not even as good as his disciple, Xing Situ."

For a long time, Yuan Tianfang gave the impression of an extremely crazy demonic murderer. Except for the Tianshi Mansion, he killed one by one.

But I don't know when it started, Yuan Tianfang's heart was full of all kinds of scruples.

Just like now, if Yuan Tianfang is still so crazy, he has no scruples, and he wants to kill if he wants to kill, then he doesn't care about anything, he comes directly to Chu Xiu, gives up his face, and raids Chu Xiu, then even if Chu Xiu doesn't die, he can only do it. run away.

But since he has concerns and does not dare to blatantly kill Chu Xiu, there will be loopholes, and opportunities will always come.


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