Meet The Leader

Chapter 818: revenge

In Chu Xiu's eyes, Yuan Tianfang is old, afraid, and has concerns in his heart, but in Yuan Tianfang's eyes, is this Chu Xiu not like this?

After returning to Zhenwu Hall, Chu Xiu directly huddled inside, not even daring to show his face. This also made Yuan Tianfang and his subordinates even more arrogant. It could be called unscrupulous.

Although there were complaints all over the rivers and lakes, and even the Beiyan court was quite critical, but Xiang Long did not intervene, and to Xiang Long's expectations, Chu Xiu did not come forward to look for him.

This made Xiang Long feel very strange, but he wanted to see how long this Chu Xiu could last.

However, Xiang Long didn't arrive, but the others came first, but they were Taoists.

Seeing that Chu Xiu was still in seclusion in the Zhenwu Hall, Daoist Wuxian couldn't help but say: "I said, Master Chu, Yuan Tianfang is making such a fuss, you don't plan to take care of it?"

When Chu Xiu was in charge of Zhenwu Hall before, although the Daoist Wuxian had very little power, at least his pitiful strength was not taken away by Chu Xiu.

As a result, Yuan Tianfang is doing well now that he is in charge of Zhenwutang. His disciples and grandchildren have no scruples, and even the power that originally belonged to the Daoist Wuxian was directly taken away.

The Daoist Duan Jiu'ao Five Disasters did not pay attention to it at all, and he was also afraid of Yuan Tianfang.

Chu Xiu said lightly: "That's a powerhouse in the realm of real fire refining the gods, and the opponent's position in the hidden demon lineage is even higher than mine, what do you want me to do?

If you can't beat it, then just keep a low profile, you are a sensible person, you don't need to agitate me here, now I won't take action. "

Daoist Wushang gave Chu Xiu a suspicious look.

As far as he knows, this is not Chu Xiu's character. Would he be the kind of forbearer?

And Chu Xiu said that he would not take action now, does that mean that Chu Xiu will take action in the future?

But it was obvious that Chu Xiu didn't want to say anything now, and the Daoist Wuxian had to leave temporarily.

After the Daoist Wuxian left, there was a hint of coldness in Chu Xiu's eyes.

It's not that he can't bear it, but it depends on whether it has the value of forbearance.

Now that the opportunity has not come, he will of course have to endure it temporarily. If there is a chance, Chu Xiu will not be like Yuan Tianfang, who cares about this and that. In terms of madness, Chu Xiu is actually not inferior to Yuan Tianfang when he was young.

At this time in Yanjing City, a gray-robed monk in his thirties walked silently into the city along with the crowd.

This gray-robed monk has the strength of the unity of heaven and man, and he is not weak at this age. He wears a bamboo hat, like a wandering monk, and covers his face, but at this time in the hat Underneath, it was a face that implied hatred and murderous intent.

The monk's name was Zongping, and he was a disciple of the King Kong Institute of Daguang Temple.

Of course, he also had a layman name, Feng Changfeng, and his father was the head of the Feng family who was killed by Chu Xiu in public and then directly exterminated.

The Daguang Temple selected disciples in the entire Northland, and Zong Ping was able to enter the Daguang Temple, and the head of the Feng family could be said to be ecstatic.

Although the Daguang Temple will not take the initiative to help a small family like the Feng family, but with Zong Ping, everyone knows that his son is a disciple of the Daguang Temple, and even a junior disciple of Zongxuan. He will definitely be able to borrow some light in the future. Therefore, the major forces are very polite to the Feng family.

Not long ago, Zong Ping received news that their Feng family was destroyed!

To be honest, Zong Ping didn't like the Feng family, nor did he like his father.

His mother was only one of his father's dozen concubines, and was frail and sickly. His mother died of dystocia when he was born, so he was also regarded as unknown. Since he was born, he saw his father. When Guangming Temple was selected to be a disciple, he spent more time with his father.

And he didn't like his utilitarian father, who, although not big, had a lot of intrigue with the Feng family.

But no matter what, it was also his home, the Feng family where he was born!

After learning this news, Zong Ping did not eat or drink for three days, and the elders of the division had persuaded him to let him look away.

Kindness and resentment, right and wrong when will it be possible?

But unfortunately, Zong Ping's Buddhist practice is not at home.

He understands the reasoning. Once he enters the empty door, he is completely cut off from the mundane world. It is impossible for Daguang Temple to fight Chu Xiu to the death for the family of one of his disciples.

And Zong Ping's life experience can also get the sympathy of the teachers of Daguang Temple, and take more care.

But reason is reason, choice is choice.

Destroy the family and destroy the door, the hatred is as deep as the sea!

Zong Ping can't let go of this hatred!

Even if he knew that the other party was a big devil who was famous in the world, and he was a little monk in Daguang Temple, Zong Ping still came.

Holding a porcelain vase in his arms is the key to Zong Ping's confidence to take revenge.

Although the two sides are only one realm apart, this big realm is a world of difference. Zong Ping dare not even dream of killing Chu Xiu by his own strength.

So if you want to kill Chu Xiu, you can only rely on external force.

In the vase was the Qiye Qiye Heart-devouring Powder of the Five Poisons Religion, and even if a martial arts master got on it, as long as there was no antidote within seven days, he would surely die.

Speaking of which, Zong Ping has something to do with Chu Xiu.

Originally, all kinds of Gu worms, poisoning and other methods were very disdainful in Jianghu, thinking that it was only a small way, and it was difficult to become a great tool.

But since the last time Chu Xiu used Heartbroken Gu to kill Fang Jinwu, this kind of underhand thing has only been recognized by people.

As long as you have a certain amount of strength, plus this kind of foreign object, once you play well, it is not difficult to defeat the strong with the weak.

So since that time, many people in the rivers and lakes have been collecting these things, and the Daguang Temple is collecting such sinister things.

This Qiye Heart Devouring Powder was obtained from Zong Ping after beheading a bandit from Western Chu. He must have wanted to sell it to Beiyan and make a fortune.

Before the result was handed in, Zong Ping learned that even his entire family had been wiped out. In Zong Ping's opinion, it was the cycle of heaven, and the retribution was unhappy.

This is Chu Xiu's retribution!

Looking at the huge Yanjing City, Zong Ping frowned fiercely.

He has been to Yanjing City before, but he is not very familiar with it.

Most importantly, he was not familiar with Chu Xiu either.

Even if you want to poison, you have to get the news of Chu Xiu clear first, and then mix with Chu Xiu.

Looking around, Zong Ping walked into a random restaurant in Yanjing City.

Zong Ping is not a fledgling newcomer in the arena. He is also one of the most powerful among the Daguang Temple sects, so he has long been in the arena. He is also familiar with all kinds of secrets and methods in the arena. very.

He doesn't understand Chu Xiu's news habits, some people do, such as Feng Manlou.

The most favorite thing for the wind-filled rivers and lakes is to stay in the restaurant, because it is well-connected and the news is the most well-informed.

Sure enough, on the top floor of the restaurant, there was a man in his thirties who was wearing fancy clothes, but rolled up his sleeves, with two folding fans behind him, and a mustache on the corners of his mouth. He looked like a nondescript warrior in his thirties. What is the martial artist bragging about?

Zong Ping walked up to him and said in a low voice, "There is a big business coming."

As soon as the Jianghu wind media heard the words "big business", they immediately became excited and waved their hands: "I'll tell you about the war of righteousness and demons later, I'm here for business!"

For Jianghu wind media, the most exciting thing is to discover big news, and the other is to sell big news.

Taking Zong Ping to the private room, the Jianghu wind media asked, "What kind of news does this master want to buy?"

Zong Ping said lightly: "How do you know that I am a master? Does a monk wearing a monk's robe must be a monk?"

The Jianghu wind media said with a smile: "Of course the one who wears a monk is not necessarily a monk, but I am sure that you must be a monk, and you are a monk from the Daguang Temple.

Master, you have a certain regularity in your actions and actions. Only the disciples of the Daguang Temple will be so strict when entering the door, and they will exercise their perseverance and patience through various exercises to strengthen their muscles and bones.

And Master, your right hand is always subconsciously placed three points below the heart, which is obviously the action of twisting the beads from time to time. If these add up, if you are not a monk, then you can't guess that there are other possibilities. "

Zong Ping nodded and said: "The wind media that is full of wind is indeed well-deserved."

The Jianghu wind media smiled and said: "Master is laughing, dare to ask Master what news he is going to buy?"

Zong Ping said solemnly: "The news about Chu Xiu! Everything about Chu Xiu, Chu Xiu's work and rest, etc.!"

The Jianghu wind media shivered for a while, and quickly said: "This master, it's not that I won't sell it to but you know the identity of Chu Xiu, it's too sensitive, I'm true Don't dare to sell it!

If you really want it, go to Fengmanlou Headquarters to find the owner and the deputy owner to buy it. Only they dare to take out this kind of news. "

Zong Ping frowned. In order to buy news, does he have to go so far to Dongqi? And the news that I got back from Dongqi was outdated.

"What are you afraid of? Are you afraid of Chu Xiu?"

The wind-filled media said with a wry smile: "In the entire Beiyan, can you find a few who are not afraid of Chu Xiu?"

Zong Ping said coldly: "You are afraid of Chu Xiu, aren't you afraid of me? Do you really think that monks dare not kill people?"

Zong Ping's body showed a murderous intent. He also killed people, and he killed a lot of them. Of course, most of them were demon murderers or robbers.

This time, he was also forced to be helpless, and he could only do such coercive things.

"Don't! Master, please calm down, I will sell the information... No! I will give it to you for nothing, I just ask that you don't tell me about it."

Hearing the Jianghu wind media say this, Zong Ping said lightly: "Don't worry, I know your rules, and I won't reveal half of the plan.

However, during this period of time, you must also send me news all the time, otherwise, you will know the consequences. "

After taking away the news of Chu Xiu during this period, Zong Ping left the restaurant.

But behind him, the Jianghu wind media changed his terrified expression before, and said with a sigh of disdain: "The monk of Daguang Temple also came to fight fiercely? No matter how ruthless you are, can you beat that lord?

This is because you don't follow the rules first, so don't blame me for being quick, after all, I'm still acquainted with that adult. "


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