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Chapter 821: shameless

Zong Ping's body was sent back to the Daguang Temple, or Luyou sent someone to send it back.

Xu Yan looked at Zong Ping's corpse with no sadness or joy on his face, but finally let out a deep sigh.

Zong Ping is a disciple of King Kong Academy, and he is also his most optimistic disciple.

Perhaps because of his background, Zong Ping worked harder than ordinary disciples, because he knew that only the Daguang Temple was his way out. Without the Daguang Temple, he would return to the intriguing environment of the Feng family.

When the news of the Feng family's annihilation came, Xu Yan personally persuaded him to let him temporarily let go of these hatreds.

Right now, the relationship between the righteous and the devil is sensitive, and it is impossible for the Daguang Temple to fight with Chu Xiu because of Zong Ping's personal grievances.

At that time, Zong Ping promised well, and Fu Yan thought he had put all this down. After all, the Feng family did not treat Zong Ping very well.

As a result, who would have thought that Zong Ping went down the mountain privately to take revenge.

During this period of time, the abbot Xuci has been in retreat since the battle between Zhengmo and Xuyun, and Xuyun also ran to retreat with Xujing. The two seem to be still working together to figure something out, so Chu Xiu's affairs were initially dismissed. Xuyun handed over to Xuyan to deal with.

Finally, I reached an agreement with Chu Xiu for three months. Fuyan still has to deal with other matters in Daguang Temple. , there are reasons for his negligence.

"Chu Xiu! I, Daguang Temple and you, vow not to give up!"

He uttered this sentence in a low voice, even with his cultivation, he couldn't suppress the anger in his heart at this time.

He had just reached a three-month agreement with Chu Xiu. He originally thought that the Daguang Temple would be quieter after three months, but whoever thought that Chu Xiu killed his disciple of the Daguang Temple again, he What exactly does this mean?

At this time, the disciple of the Diamond Academy on the side said weakly: "First seat, that, Senior Brother Zong Ping was not killed by Chu Xiu."

Xu Yan was stunned for a moment: "What? Didn't Chu Xiu kill him? Didn't he go down the mountain to find Chu Xiu for revenge? It wasn't killed by Chu Xiu, even if it was killed by Chu Xiu's subordinates, it was also killed by Chu Xiu. Same."

The disciple said, "Senior Brother Zong Ping died in the hands of Yuan Tianfang, the real fire refining spirit powerhouse of the hidden demon lineage, the 'Old Demon of the Ten Fangs'."

"Yuan Tianfang? Why did he want to kill Zong Ping?" Xu Yan had a puzzled look on his face.

The disciple explained: "It's like this, Senior Brother Zong Ping wanted to use poison to weaken Chu Xiu's power, but whoever thought that Chu Xiu was not poisoned was discovered by Yuan Tianfang, maybe Yuan Tianfang thought that Senior Brother Zong Ping was trying to kill him. He, in the end, he was killed by Yuan Tianfang before he had time to explain."

Xu Yan frowned and said, "Are you sure that Chu Xiu didn't spread this on purpose?"

The disciple said: "I have already gone to inquire about it. There were many people who witnessed this scene. It was Yuan Tianfang's hand, and it was not intentionally spread."

Xu Yan rubbed his head, feeling a little pain in his skull.

A Chu Xiu is already troublesome enough, but I didn't expect a Yuan Tianfang to come.

If it is just trouble to shoot Chu Xiu, then it is not trouble to shoot Yuan Tian, ​​it is simply courting death.

Right now, Zhang Xuci is in retreat, and Xu Yun and Xu Jing are also in retreat. If he bothers those few because of the personal grievances of a disciple of the Zongzi generation, he will not understand the priorities.

So the false words can only be a deep sigh, sitting cross-legged in front of Zong Ping's body, reciting the scriptures, and finally whispered: "Go, bury Zong Ping's body in the Bodhi Forest in the back mountain."

Several disciples had just carried Zong Ping's body away when a disciple came to report that Chu Xiu was visiting.

Hearing these two words, Fu Yan's brows furrowed even deeper.

"What is he doing here?"

Although Zong Ping did not die at the hands of Chu Xiu, his death was also inseparable from Chu Xiu.

If it wasn't for Chu Xiu's destruction of the Feng family, how could Zong Ping go down the mountain to take revenge?

And for Chu Xiu's ruthless practice, false words are also itchy.

Taking advantage of the Daguang Temple to deal with the worship of the moon, this Chu Xiu acted indiscriminately in the entire Beiyan, killing and slaughtering without any scruples.

After the incident at Daguang Temple was over, the losses on both sides of the demons became extremely large. Only one hidden demon lineage did not suffer any loss, and Chu Xiu also rose to fame in that battle, completely becoming the entire younger generation of demons. The first person, is not so active anymore.

What Chu Xiu said before was right. Daguang Temple does not have to rub the sand in his eyes, but to see if the sand is big enough.

The small sand was basically crushed by the Daguang Temple, but Chu Xiu was no longer sand, and the stone with edges and corners was almost the same.

Xu Yan thought for a while and said, "Bring Chu Xiu in."

In front of the mountain gate of Daguang Temple, Chu Xiu leisurely admired the scenery outside.

The Daguang Temple is very majestic and magnificent. From the top of the snow-capped mountain, you can see the great mountains and rivers.

Of course, there are also some inconsistencies, that is, there are some small dots around the Daguang Temple. These little points are those forces that were thrown by Chu Xiu to dig holes around the Daguang Temple before. They are still digging tirelessly at this time, etc. to dig out the last treasure trove.

Having said that, standing here, Chu Xiu can be considered to know the feelings of those warriors in Daguang Temple. It is really annoying to have these guys around.

Several young disciples of the Daguang Temple who were guarding the door all looked at Chu Xiu with disgust and vigilance, not knowing what this notorious demonic murderer was doing in their Daguang Temple.

However, when the news came from the door that Chu Xiu was allowed to enter, the disciples who guarded the door were even more stunned.

Such a devil with blood on his hands is actually qualified to enter the Daguang Temple?

But the teacher had his life, so they had to reluctantly bring Chu Xiu into it.

Along the way, Chu Xiu was also observing carefully. When Daguang Temple can inherit immortality for thousands of years, and it has not even declined, one is to prove that the inheritance of Daguang Temple is indeed strong, and the other is that Daguang Temple really has a set of training disciples.

Along the way, Chu Xiu met many young disciples from the Daguang Temple. Even if these disciples were just beginners and had not yet started to practice martial arts, their spirits and spirits were very high and full.

Even if such disciples have a slightly weaker potential, their future achievements will be stronger than those of the warriors who grew up in an environment of intrigue.

Take Chu Xiu into a Zen courtyard, where Xu Yan is waiting for him.

Seeing Chu Xiu come in, he frowned and said, "Chu Xiu, what are you doing here? Are you not afraid that you can enter the Daguang Temple, but can't get out?"

Chu Xiu said lightly: "Master Xuyan dares to come to see me in Piaoxue City in the extreme north, why don't I dare to come to Daguang Temple to see you?"

The false words said in a bad manner: "Tell me, what exactly are you coming to my Daguangming Temple for, but if you can't tell a child who is ugly, then if you want to go out, it will take a lot of effort."

Chu Xiu put away his joking tone and said solemnly: "I feel very sorry for the death of your disciples."

Xu Yan sneered: "Chu Xiu, those hypocritical words don't need to be said, you should know Zong Ping's identity, he came to kill you, what are you pity? Shouldn't you applaud?"

Chu Xiu shook his head and said: "It may be such a person to other people, but I, Chu Xiu, are not so imposing.

Jianghu is like this, if I don't kill people, people will kill me.

I destroyed the Feng family, and the goal was achieved, so I don't regret it.

Zong Ping dared to assassinate me for a family that didn't treat him very well. Although he was almost dead, he still dared to shoot. This is courage.

Such a courageous young man, even if he is my enemy, even if I kill him, I will still praise him, which is not contradictory.

Master of False Words, don’t make people’s minds as sinister as they think, people die like lights go out, respect your opponents, and at the same time respect yourself.

Those who insist on slashing the enemy with a thousand swords and smashing their bones into ashes are psychopaths. "

Chu Xiu's awe-inspiring words came out, and Lu Jianghe was about to go crazy with laughter.

This guy is too embarrassed to tell people that he has a lot of air? I don't know how Zong Ping was killed.

It is estimated that Zong Ping did not know until his death, and his death was not an accident.

In addition, Lu Jianghe also discovered that the biggest difference between Chu Xiu and Dugu is not his strength, but his Chu Xiu, but he is much more shameless than the sect leader. Without blinking.

Xu Yan glanced at Chu Xiu in surprise, as if he did not expect Chu Xiu to say such a thing.

However, false words are relatively enlightened. He also knows that the right way is the right way, and the devil's way is the devil's way. Although the two sides are hostile, they cannot deny a person because the other party is the devil's way.

For example, Wei Shuya, one of the five heavenly demons in the Nine Heavens Mountains, the jade-faced demon who fascinated thousands of girls in the Jianghu, and the courageous one who had gone to the world despite the fact that thousands of people had gone, is worthy of admiration, even though he wished that the other party would die sooner. , In that way, the hidden demon lineage will lose a strong person, and it is still a clear and rational strong person.

The tone of the false words eased a little: "Don't mention these anymore, what are you here for?"

Chu Xiu narrowed his eyes and said, "I'll help you to avenge Daguang Temple! Yuan Tianfang, do you want to kill!"

Xu Yan was shocked, he never thought that Chu Xiu would say such a thing.

But then he lied and snorted coldly: "Chu Xiu, talking nonsense in my Daguang Temple, you really don't want to leave?"

Chu Xiu said lightly: "I'm not talking nonsense. Yuan Tianfang and I have a hatred for murdering disciples, and they even robbed me of the martial arts hall. I want to kill him, it's normal, isn't it?"

Xu Yan frowned and said, "But Yuan Tianfang is one of your hidden demons."

Chu Xiu's mouth squeezed out a weird smile and said: "My own person? Master Xuyan, you are wrong, there are only those who can kill and those who cannot be killed, and there is never any one of my own.

Yuan Tian wounded my subordinates, seized my Zhenwu Hall, and humiliated me in public, then he was naturally the one who could kill. "


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