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Chapter 822: join forces

It is possible for Chu Xiu to come to Daguang Temple to do anything, but Xu Yan never thought that Chu Xiu would come and join hands with him to kill one of his own people.

Anyway, in the eyes of false words, Yuan Tianfang is his own person of the hidden demon lineage.

It's as if the Daguang Temple and the Subhuti Temple are in conflict, but they will not kill each other, because everyone belongs to the Buddhist lineage.

But now Chu Xiu's behavior makes the false words incomprehensible.

Looking at Xuyan's expression, Chu Xiu said lightly: "Master Xuyan doesn't need to worry about why I want to kill my own people, you just need to think about it a little better, that is to kill Yuan Tianfang, which is good for Daguang Temple.

Yuan Tianfang killed the disciples of Daguangming Temple, and the feud had already been forged.

Moreover, Yuan Tianfang is a demon boss of the hidden demon lineage, a powerhouse in the realm of real fire refining the gods. Killing him will also help to weaken the strength of the hidden demon lineage. Anyway, no matter how you look at it, it is not harmful to Daguang Temple. , isn't it? "

Hearing this, his face became even more bizarre.

A person of the hidden demon lineage, standing in front of him and discussing with him how to weaken the strength of the hidden demon lineage, is there anything more bizarre than this?

Chu Xiu continued: "Actually, Master Xuyan, you should be happy, it is best that the entire Hidden Demon lineage is a selfish person like me who ignores the interests of the entire sect.

In that case, even if there is no suppression from the righteous sects, it is estimated that the hidden demons themselves will fight and die by themselves. "

Xu Yan took a deep breath and said, "Whether what you say is true or false, but being able to kill Yuan Tianfang is indeed no harm to my Daguang Temple, but now my Daguang Temple is unable to take action.

The war of righteousness and demons has just ended, and I, Daguang Temple, do not want to make a large-scale shot because of the disputes between the rivers and lakes.

If Yuan Tianfang is killed, the Daguang Temple will surely attract revenge from the entire Hidden Demon lineage.

Although I am not afraid of Daguangwang Temple, it is still a lose-lose scene in the fight, which is also what my Daguangming Temple does not want to see. "

Saying that, Fu Yan still cast a glance at Chu Xiu and said, "Otherwise you think that you are so violent in Beiyan, why do I rarely intervene in Daguang Temple?

One is that you have an agreement with Xudu, and the other is that I, Daguang Temple, really don't want to do anything more at this time.

The second one, that is, my Daguang Temple wants to make a move, but now I am powerless.

Senior Brother Abbot is in retreat, Senior Brother Xuyun and Senior Brother Xujing are also in retreat, and there is no real fire-refining powerhouse to take action, I don't want other disciples of Daguang Temple to die in vain. "

Chu Xiu stretched out his hand and said: "These two points are very simple, Master Xuyan, don't forget, in the hidden demon lineage, my status is no worse than Yuan Tianfang, don't worry, as long as you kill Yuan Tianfang, the hidden demon lineage is over there. Naturally, it is up to me to deal with it, and I will not let the Daguang Temple and the hidden demons fight fiercely."

Xu Yan frowned: "But what if you can't do it on purpose?"

Chu Xiu said alone: ​​"Don't worry, Master of False Words, I still have the credit of Chu Xiu.

Besides, I don't want the current Hidden Demon lineage to go against the Daguang Temple, so I don't think there will be much left of the family business that I have arranged in Beiyan.

As for the last one, it's simpler, this time I'm here, even if Master Xuyun doesn't retreat, I can't afford it, as long as one person from Daguang Temple is enough. "


Chu Xiu said solemnly: "The first seat of the Kongchi Meditation Hall, Master Xudu!"

Among the monks in the Daguang Temple, Chu Xiu played against Xu Xing of the Bodhidharma Institute.

The opponent's strength can only be regarded as the upper-middle level among warriors of the same rank. It is not weak, but it is definitely not strong.

But Xudu is different. Anyway, Chu Xiu can't see the depth of his strength. It's the kind of level that has reached the peak of the real Dan realm and is absolutely qualified to compete with the real fire refining spirit realm.

There is still some hesitation in the false words. He acts calmly and never likes to do things that are too risky.

In his opinion, the matter of Chu Xiu was a bit risky.

Anyway, a person from the Hidden Demon lineage came to the Daguang Temple to find him to join forces to kill the warriors who were also from the Hidden Demon lineage.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly came: "I have to take care of this matter, Yuan Tianfang, the old Buddha, I have long thought that he is not pleasing to the eye.

Some time ago, his apprentices even forced the Xicang Liu family who sold spirit wine to move out.

I have never seen a martial arts family that is more honest than the Liu family. In a family, they only rely on selling spirit wine for a living. He bullies such a family, beast! "

Xudu pulled the sleeve of the monk's robe and hung a wine gourd around his waist, and walked in aggressively, looking like he was full of righteous indignation.

Xuyan patted his head helplessly and said, "Senior Brother Xudu, how did you know about this? You know what happened to a small family like the Liu family. When did you care so much about the news of Jianghu?"

Xudu waved his hand casually and said: "Don't worry about how I know it first, I, Buddhism, take compassion as my heart, and I should take care of it when something happens.

Chu Xiu, you are responsible for leading the old guy out. Lord Buddha, I will vote for him halfway through. Let's join forces to kill this old guy! "

At this time, Xu Du's face was full of bandit anger, and it seemed that he had a revenge for killing his father with Yuan Tianfang.

Seeing that Xudu has already agreed, Fuyan is helpless at this time, in front of Chu Xiu, can he still lose face of Xudu?

In addition to the abbot, the Daguang Temple was originally the first of the three major meditation halls.

If it wasn't because Xudu itself was unreliable, or with Xudu's strength, when Abbot Xuci, Xuyun and Xujing were all in retreat, the Great Bright Temple should be in charge of Xudu.

Chu Xiu said with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Then I will let Master Xudu be notified when there is an exact plan to do it."

After speaking, Chu Xiu said goodbye and left.

After Chu Xiu left, Xu Yan complained: "Senior Brother Xudu, why did you agree so quickly? Chu Xiu rushed to join forces with me at Daguang Temple, there must be something hidden in it.

Besides, the other party is a real fire refining spirit powerhouse of the hidden demon lineage, so why should you think about it in the long run? You agreed with one sentence, is it too hasty? "

Xudu shook his head and said: "You, you just have too many concerns, so let me ask you, the hidden demon lineage lacks a real fire refining spirit powerhouse, and it is my Daguangming Temple, and even my righteous martial arts. Say, is there any benefit?"

Falsely said: "Of course there is, not to mention the lack of a real fire refining **** realm powerhouse, even if it is just a lack of an ordinary magic path martial artist, it will be beneficial to the right path martial arts.

When the magic is eliminated, the positive will increase by one. The magic does not suppress the positive. "

Xu Du spread out his hands and said, "Isn't that necessary, what's the use of thinking so much?

Brother Xuyan, I'm not talking about you, sometimes you really should be more decisive, Yuan Tianfang's old thing messed up the whole Beiyan too much.

Although Chu Xiu is not a good bird, at least he knows the rules. Otherwise, you wouldn't have a three-month contract with him, right?

Moreover, Yuan Tianfang's old thing is simply bad and stupid. His idiot apprentices have already tossed Beiyan Wulin into unspeakable misery.

I, the Daguang Temple, claim to be one of the leaders of the righteous martial arts, and the No. 1 sect in Beiyan. Could it be that I really let Yuan Tianfang's disciples and grandchildren make trouble? What does this make other forces think of my Daguang Temple?

If it is resolved one day later, it will be a heavy blow to the reputation of my Daguang Temple! "

Xu Yan looked at Xu Du in amazement, how could he be able to see the relationship of interests so clearly?

Now the false words are a little unclear, whether Xudu wants to kill Yuan Tianfang for the benefit of Daguang Temple, or just because he can't drink anymore, so he wants to kill Yuan Tianfang.

At this time, after Chu Xiu returned to Zhenwutang, he wanted to find a way to lead Yuan Tian out of Zhenwutang.

The other party always stayed in the city of Yanjing. One was that Chu Xiu didn't want to do anything here, the movement was too loud, and that Chu Xiu was also afraid that the Beiyan court would interfere at will.

For Xiang Long, Chu Xiu had no hope.

The cooperation between him and Xiang Long is now dead in name only, and the two sides are almost torn apart.

It was actually very simple to lead Yuan Tianfang. Chu Xiu asked Shui Wuxiang to help him, and asked a small family to cooperate to carve an ancient formation in his and then deceive Yuan Tianfang's disciples and grandchildren, saying that it was passed down from ancient times The treasure, but no one can open it.

Of course, the ancient formation that Shui Wuxiang is proficient in is not something that these cats and dogs can open at will, and even if they ask Duan Jiu'ao for help, even Duan Jiu'ao can't open it, so Yuan Tianfang can only go alone.

After leaving Yanjing City, Yuan Tianfang had a feeling of restlessness, but he couldn't find the source of this feeling.

The perception of warriors is extremely sharp, especially Yuan Tianfang.

In the past, when Yuan Tianfang was in his prime and he was at the peak of his prime, he wanted to kill and slaughter freely on the rivers and lakes.

But now with age, Yuan Tianfang's qi and blood power has not declined, but it has stopped growing.

As for perception, he has actually started to degenerate.

Therefore, Yuan Tianfang always thought that there were some murderous objects or traps buried in the ancient formation, some dangerous things, and he was still thinking about how to break the formation.

At this moment, Yuan Tianfang's footsteps suddenly stopped, and at the end of the road, there was a sloppy monk with a wine gourd on his waist, looking at him angrily, as if he had a revenge for killing his father.

Looking at the other's monk Yuan Tianfang, he knew that the other party should be a monk from Daguang Temple, and his strength was definitely not weak, and even he could faintly feel the terrifying power in the other party's body.

Yuan Tianfang thought that the other party came from the last time he killed Zong Ping, so he opened his mouth and said: "This Daguang Temple..."

But Xudu didn't give him a chance to speak at all, and rushed up with an angry shout: "Yuan Laomo, die!"


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