Meet The Leader

Chapter 823: Besieging Yuan Tianfang

ps: Thanks to the book friend gluttonous de Tie for the reward of 20,000 starting coins.

In fact, Xudu's strength has always been a mystery, and even some people inside the Daguang Temple don't understand how strong the first seat of this somewhat out of place Kongzhi Meditation Hall is.

In the past, Chu Wuji once played against Xudu, and even Chu Wuji was somewhat uncertain about Xudu's strength.

But the only thing that is certain is that Xudu has definitely reached the pinnacle of the True Pill Realm, and the combat power is amazing. It is definitely the kind of existence that can compete with the Real Fire Refining God Realm.

At this moment, the Buddha's light all over Xudu's body shone, and behind him an angry-eyed vajra dharma flashed out. As he fell with a punch, the angry-eyed vajra roared into the sky, and the surrounding Buddha's light turned into angry flames and crashed down.

Yuan Tianfang snorted coldly, he stepped out, and the boundless demonic energy around him had already surged into the sky, stirring up the wind and clouds. In an instant, the sky was densely covered with clouds, and even more than ten miles apart, someone could sense this powerful force.

True Fire Refining God Realm shot, the power could not be concealed even if it wanted to be concealed. Some warriors nearby were shivering. They were curious and wanted to check, but they didn't have the guts.

Watching the fun also requires strength, and if they want to watch the fun just by virtue of their strength, it will kill people.

At this time, in the field, eight giant demonic hands in midair were placed in eight directions, and at the same time, they smashed towards Xudu. With a loud bang, the Buddha's light died out, and the angry-eyed vajra dharma was directly smashed to pieces.

Yuan Tianfang clasped his hands together to form a seal, and the eight giant hands of demonic energy condensed the eight poles, instantly turning into a huge cage, trapping Xudu in it.

Yuan Tianfang also saw that, although this monk's strength was astonishing, he was only a master of martial arts.

After all, not everyone on the rivers and lakes belonged to Emperor Chen Qing, who had the strength to be able to smash the real fire and refine the realm with one punch in the real alchemy realm.

Yuan Tianfang did not continue to shoot, he just asked: "I don't seem to have any grudge against Daguang Temple with you, right? What do you mean by shooting at me?"

Xu Du sneered: "Old man, you killed my disciple of Daguangming Temple, and said there was no hatred? Of course, the most hateful thing about you is that you made me not drink wine!"

Yuan Tianfang's brows suddenly wrinkled, you don't drink, what does it have to do with me?

But before Yuan Tianfang could continue to say anything, another Avalokitesvara image emerged from the Buddha's light all over his body. With thousands of hands and thousands of eyes, the endless Buddha's light bloomed and melted. In an instant, Yuan Tianfang's giant demonic hand was completely eroded and melted.

As Xudu squeezed the Buddha's seal in his hand, the dharma behind him quickly transformed into the dharma of the immovable King Ming, with arms in all directions, following the attack of Xudu, it slammed down towards Yuan Tianfang!

Yuan Tianfang frowned, who is this monk? This martial arts is too exaggerated.

The warriors of the ordinary Daguang Temple are all majoring in one. For example, Zongxuan mainly cultivates the Ming Wangyin, and the monks of the King Kong Temple naturally practice the Heart Sutra of Angry Eyes and the Power of King Kong.

And this virtual crossing is good, his martial arts are almost ever-changing, he cultivates the power of the vajra, and he also cultivates the bodhisattva view, and now he even has the seal of the king of Ming.

Worshiping Buddha and worshipping one Buddha, Xudu is integrating the power of Buddhism with different attributes. Is this guy sincere and thinks that all Buddhas are equal, or does he not take these Buddhas seriously at all?

Yuan Tianfang hasn't come to the Central Plains for a long time, and Xudu is relatively low-key on weekdays, so he did not recognize Xudu, but he is sure that the weakest person with this kind of strength is the first in the first courtyard of the Great Bright Temple.

So when he started, Yuan Tianfang snorted coldly while he started: "What do you mean by Daguang Temple? Don't think that this old man really dare not kill!"

He didn't think that the other party came to kill him just because of a disciple. If the Daguang Temple was so reckless, it is estimated that it would not survive now.

Xudu didn't answer, and still attacked wildly.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Tianfang snorted coldly: "Okay! Since you want to fight, don't blame the old man for not showing mercy to you at Daguang Temple!"

For so many years, Yuan Tianfang has always been chasing after others to fight like a madman. Has there ever been a time when others were chasing him and fighting?

The voice fell, Yuan Tianfang was surrounded by countless demonic energy, and the demonic energy vortex in the air stirred. As Yuan Tian let go and squeezed the fist mark, it crashed down. He grinned.

In the past, Yuan Tianfang was able to kill the real fire refining spirit powerhouses of Chunyang Daomen and Zhenwu Sect. In terms of strength, Yuan Tianfang was definitely not weak.

And what other people don't know is that Yuan Tianfang's real inheritance, he didn't give it to anyone, including Xing Situ.

Yuan Tianfang's "Ten Fang Wuji Heaven Shaking Demon Art" is a magic art created by himself. It integrates the countless ancient magic art that Yuan Tianfang has collected over the years, as well as some magic art secrets of the Kunlun Demon Sect. Really powerful.

Of course, he chose the name himself. In Yuan Tianfang's opinion, the longer the name, the stronger the technique. His magic technique is worthy of the name.

The magic power is magnificent and the atmosphere is majestic, and there is no way to crush this kind of power. After all, he is not in the realm of real fire refining.

At this moment, Yuan Tianfang suddenly felt an extreme crisis coming, his heart began to beat wildly, and a chill rushed to his heart.

At this moment, Yuan Tianfang immediately changed his target, pulled away and retreated, ten huge arms condensed in the vortex of demonic energy, which was already Yuan Tianfang's full-strength shot.

As Yuan Tianfang made a seal with both hands, the ten giant hands of demonic energy also pinched the seal at the same time, the ten-direction demon seal!

Just as Yuan Tianfang made the seal, a jet-black arrow burst out, and wherever it passed, the vitality of the heavens and the earth was completely extinguished!

The pitch-black arrow slammed into the Ten Fangtian Demon Seal, and the demonic energy was black, but the black above the arrow was the ultimate black, it was destruction, it was the power of annihilation.

With a broken face, in an instant, the magic seal of Shifang Tian began to collapse, and the ten giant hands of magic energy began to collapse. Yuan Tianfang stirred the magic energy all over his body, and a huge vortex of magic energy strangled, wrapping the power of the arrow in it. , but the next moment is a crash!

But fortunately, the moment the magic vortex shattered, the power of the arrow was finally dissolved.

"Chu Xiu!"

Yuan Tianfang gritted his teeth and spat out these two words, with a strong murderous intent on his face, looking at Chu Xiu behind him.

Destroy Sanlian City Arrows!

In the past, Dugu was the only one who destroyed the Iron Emperor's stunt. Although few outsiders knew about it, they could not hide it from the people inside the hidden demon lineage. They had long known that Chu Xiu obtained Dugu in the secret realm left by the hidden demon lineage. Only part of my heritage.

Yuan Tianfang never thought that Chu Xiu would dare to kill him. Where did he get such courage?

He is one of the leaders of the hidden demon lineage, and one of the leaders of the entire hidden demon lineage. No matter how beautiful he is, Chu Xiu is still a junior. Has he ever thought of the consequences of the following crimes?

At the same time, Yuan Tianfang was also heartbroken.

The martial arts of the former leader of Dugu were so powerful that it made people tremble.

At the beginning, Fang Jinwu was killed by Chu Xiu's destroying Sanliancheng arrow. Although his strength was much stronger than Fang Jinwu, he shot with all his strength, and this stopped the arrow.

And under the sneak attack, if he was so slow just now, it is estimated that he will be seriously injured if he does not die.

Just when Yuan Tianfang wanted to say something, Xudu behind him had already made his move.

Behind Xudu, King Kongming, Bodhisattva Buddha, countless phantoms shine behind him.

Thousands of Buddhas and ten thousand dharmas, only one thought in the heart is eternal!

Suddenly, countless phantoms of the Buddha condensed in it, and the Buddha's light shined, completely shrouding Yuan Tian!

At this time, Chu Xiu also moved.

Although the use of the Sanliancheng Arrow just now was extremely expensive, the current Chu Xiu is not the Chu Xiu who killed Fang Jinwu, and he can be emptied with one arrow.

The Heavenly Demon Dance was slashed down, with the roaring demonic energy and the evil devouring power, and there was even a faint shadow of a hungry ghost in it, roaring constantly.

"You are courting death!"

Yuan Tianfang's eyes were red. He never thought that Chu Xiu would be so bold as to join forces with the monks of Daguang Temple to kill him. What did he want to do? Have you cut yourself off from the hidden demons?

At this time, neither Xudu nor Chu Xiu responded to Yuan Tianfang. They came to kill people. What did they say so much useless?

Even the vain dude who usually talks nonstop all the is only shooting at this time without saying a word.

The demonic energy rushing into the sky is like a volcano erupting. Yuan Tianfang's strength accumulated over the years by practicing several kinds of demonic arts is simply amazing.

The magic power rushed into the sky, and instantly broke through the confinement of the Buddha's light.

At the same time, Yuan Tianfang stretched out his hand, and the demonic giant hand that was transformed into it was directly held on Chu Xiu's blade.

However, the power of the hungry ghost erupted in an instant, and the giant hand of demonic energy was directly swallowed by half.

But at this time, the eight giant hands of demonic energy fell at the same time, either fists, palms, or fingerings.

Every demonic giant hand contains a kind of martial arts change.

For example, Yuan Tianfang, a loose cultivator of the magic path that has risen from the middle of the world, although their inheritance of exercises may not be stronger than that of Chu Xiu, the number of exercises he controls is not inferior to that of Chu Xiu.

At the moment when the giant hands of demonic energy fell, blood shadows flashed across Chu Xiu's body, the blood shadow Dafa was cast out, and the blood shadows in the sky greeted the eight giant hands. There was even a blood-colored thunder crashing down.

Five hundred years ago, the martial arts of these powerhouses reached their peak at this moment, directly strangling and smashing the eight giant demonic hands!

Behind Yuan Tianfang, Xudu changed his hippie and smiling face from before. The dharma was solemn. Among the Buddha's light, countless Buddha shadows merged into one body. As his palm fell, all Buddhas became one!

Yuan Tianfang's whole body's powerful demonic energy was directly penetrated, and he was hit by that palm, and his face was instantly pale.

At this time, the boundless blood shadows around it also merged into one, attached to Chu Xiu's Tianmo Dance, and the blood-colored blade slammed down, leaving a huge wound directly on Yuan Tianfang's chest, and blood spurted out immediately!


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