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Chapter 839: Excalibur was born

What Chu Xiu thought was good, Ye Tianxie was just a little swollen, of course, it was also thanks to Chu Xiu.

Although during this period, Chu Xiu had almost never had a head-on conflict with Ye Tianxie, but because of Chu Xiu, Ye Tianxie was almost suffocated to death.

In the previous battle between the Moon Worship Cult and the Demons, Ye Tianxie also came to help the Moon Worship Cult on behalf of the Xie Ji Zong, but the saint of the Moon Worship Cult thought that she was not as powerful as an outsider like Chu Xiu, and was ridiculed for a while. .

Then, in the incident in the snow city in the extreme north, he was also a famous person on the Dragon Tiger List, but he was beaten by Bai Xiaotian who had just stepped into the True Core Realm.

I was just about to find someone to take revenge, but the Yan Liubing that I found was easily beaten away by Chu Xiu.

After being suffocated for so long, Ye Tianxie's luck was not bad. He got a chance just after entering the secret realm, allowing him to successfully step into the true core realm.

And because he practiced the Blood Flood Dragon Heart Sutra, which is a fierce beast technique, he didn't need to retreat and recuperate after stepping into the True Pill Realm like most martial artists.

At this time, seeing Chu Xiu, Zhang Chengzhen and Zongxuan fighting fiercely, he really did not dare to come up under normal circumstances.

But now Chu Xiu is obviously exhausted. If he doesn't make a move at this time, when will he wait?

Ye Tianxie's calculations were quite good, but unfortunately, he still overestimated himself, or underestimated Chu Xiu.

At the moment when Chu Xiu cut the knife, Ye Tianxie felt an irresistible force attacking him.

That power was so strong that even if he tried his best to resist it, he was still blasted away by that knife. If it wasn't for his cultivation of the Blood Flood Dragon Heart Sutra, his body was extremely strong, maybe he would be seriously injured by that knife. .

The others around looked at Ye Tianxie with a hint of playfulness in their eyes.

Among the younger generation, there are clearly several classes of strength.

Chu Xiu, Zhang Chengzhen and Zong Xuan are undoubtedly among the first class.

Ye Tianxie wasn't even in the second rank, but he still wanted to challenge Chu Xiu, which was simply uncomfortable.

But at this moment, Fang Qishao, who was fighting with the sword puppet above, suddenly shouted: "Fuck! What the **** is this?"

As his voice fell, a dazzling sword light rose from above, the cold light shone, and the sword energy scattered for a hundred miles!

At this moment, everyone's eyes were attracted, and on the top of the mountain, there was still a fragment of a sword puppet under Fang Qishao's feet. Obviously, the sword puppet had been smashed by Fang Qishao.

But in mid-air, it is a long sword of the levitating person, surrounded by a chilling sword energy.

The whole body of the long sword seemed to be made of bronze, exuding a quaint and desolate feeling.

But the front of the sword was scarlet, like blood and rust, but it was red like fire, bursting out with an extremely cold killing intent.

Seeing the appearance of this sword, Fang Qishao was the first to react and rushed towards the long sword, but before he could reach the front, he was bounced off by the powerful sword intent.

At this moment, the others also reacted and shouted: "It's Zhan Chilong! The seventh-ranked Zhan Chilong in the world's famous swordsmanship!"

This is a magical weapon that only exists in legends. It is said that in ancient times, there was a red dragon beast that caused disaster. Many warriors wanted to kill it, but they were swallowed by people.

The wife and daughter of a master swordsmith also died accidentally at the mouth of the red dragon, so in a rage, he forged a sword with his own blood and gave it to a friend to use it to kill the red dragon.

When the sword was completed, the master swordsmith also died because his blood was exhausted, and the friend of the master swordsmith killed Chilong with this sword, and buried him with the master swordsmith. , has since disappeared.

Everyone thought that this was a legend, but they did not expect that this magical weapon that only existed in legends actually appeared in front of their eyes.

At this time, Fang Qishao even regretted his bowels.

Knowing that there is still a top ten sword in the sword puppet, he just left some strength and did not directly destroy the sword puppet.

What the **** is the Sword Sect doing in this world? Isn't this the sword puppet used by the disciples for trials? Even if you want to give the testers some life-saving trump cards, you won't be able to throw out all these magical weapons. Is this a trump card or a big gift bag?

When Zhan Chilong appeared, the eyes of those warriors who were still onlookers lit up one after another, and rushed directly to the top of the mountain.

Before they were watching here just because they didn't see anything good, it was equivalent to watching the fun, and they didn't want to interfere in the battle between the younger generation.

But now that the Divine Soldier Treasure is born, they don't care about whether they are young or not. Even if they are warriors who don't use swords, they can't help the temptation of the seventh sword of the famous sword.

A group of people rushed up, Fang Qishao and Lu Fengxian were simply unable to resist.

However, the kendo edge above the Slashing Red Dragon was a momentary prosperity, making it impossible for the people around him to succeed for a while.

The magic weapon has a spirit, and it is not so easy to become the master of the magic weapon.

Just when Chu Xiu also wanted to go up to fight for the slashing red dragon, an angry shout with hatred suddenly came: "Chu Xiu!"

Chu Xiu turned his head, and two people climbed up at the foot of the mountain. One of them was extremely pale, even pale enough to be bloodless. It was Duan Tianlang who had been chased by Chu Xiu and used a secret technique to escape.

Now Duan Tianlang has the courage to appear in front of him, naturally because Bu Tiannan is standing beside him.

Looking at Chu Xiu, Bu Tiannan sneered: "Boy, you really dare to shoot, this is the five dragon heads of my Azure Dragon Society, what am I saying? If you kill him, I will kill you!"

Chu Xiu frowned. Bu Tiannan, a madman, came here too, which was a bit tricky.

What he dislikes the most is dealing with a lunatic guy like Bu Tiannan, because the other party will not have any scruples at all.

But at this moment, Chu Xiu suddenly saw something, and his figure retreated straight back.

Bu Tiannan sneered and said, "A few old guys from your hidden demon lineage are here? Except for Wei Lao, there are only a few local chickens and **** dogs, I really didn't pay attention to them!"

What Chu Xiu discovered was not someone from the Hidden Demon lineage, but Duguli, the 'King of Jiannan' in Sword King City.

Seeing Chu Xiu running in his direction, Du Guli's brows suddenly wrinkled.

He thought that Chu Xiu wanted to use his relationship with Fang Qishao to let himself save him.

Although Sword King City is not an extreme sect of the right way like the Daguang Temple, it will also draw a clear line with the magic way.

Fang Qishao and Chu Xiu are not clear, that's all, Duguli can't control too much, but if he wants to save him by himself, Chu Xiu is just wishful thinking!

Just when Duguli was about to say no, Chu Xiu suddenly said, "Senior Dugu, how about making a deal? Go and help me block Bu Tiannan, I will help Brother Fang fight for the Chilong Slaying, and Brother Lu Fengxian will also do it. Brother Fang.

As you know about my friendship with Brother Fang, Brother Lu and I don’t use swords either. As long as you agree, the seventh sword in the world’s famous swordsmanship will belong to Seventh Young Master Fang! "

Duguli was stunned for a moment, he thought that Chu Xiu was here to ask for help, but he didn't expect Chu Xiu to talk about a deal first.

However, the temptation of the famous sword Slashing Red Dragon, the seventh famous sword in the world, is indeed so great that he can completely ignore the identity of Chu Xiu.

So Duguli just thought about it for a few breaths of time, and then opened his mouth and said, "Okay!"

With that said, Duguli stopped directly in front of Bu Tiannan at the back.

Fang Qishao, who was competing with a group of warriors to slash the red dragon, couldn't help but pat his head.

The uncle of his own family is also a real person, so he was given a routine by Chu Xiu.

He hadn't found out yet that Bu Tiannan's first goal was Chu Xiu, and his second goal was to slay the Chilong.

So even if Duguli didn't help Chu Xiu to stop Bu Tiannan, he could still compete for the Chilong Slaying as soon as possible.

It's just that right now there are only two of them, he and Bu Tiannan, who are in the realm of real fire refining, so he subconsciously regarded Bu Tiannan as the biggest threat.

And when Chu Xiu came up, he secretly changed a concept and regarded himself as the key to slaying the red dragon. Before Duguli could react, he subconsciously agreed.

Of course, if Fang Qishao saw through him, he wouldn't reveal it, and he even wanted to ask his ancestors to help Chu Xiu just now.

Seeing Duguli standing in front of him, Bu Tiannan raised his eyebrows and said, "Old Dugu, when did you become so busy in Sword King City? Are you sure you dare to take action against me?"

Duguli is definitely a veteran among the many warriors in the real fire refinement At the same time, he is also hot-tempered enough. Hearing this, he immediately exploded.

"Bu Tiannan, other people are afraid of your Azure Dragon Society, do you think my Sword King City is also afraid of you? You really have the ability, why don't you spread the helm of the Azure Dragon Society in the Western Regions?"

Bu Tiannan showed a stern smile. As soon as his voice fell, his figure had completely turned into a cyan streamer. His body was like a dragon, and when a claw fell, the cyan gas turned into a dragon claw and slammed out. The murderous intent merged into that grab, making the surrounding world instantly chill!

Duguli snorted coldly, and released the Burning Heaven Sword Art. The sword shadows in the sky burst with fiery flames. One hot and one cold, the two forces collided and merged.

The two just fought each other, and Duguli groaned, a look of disbelief flashing in his eyes.

Bu Tiannan's strength was truly terrifying to such an extent.

In the past, Duguli was defeated in the hands of the East Emperor Taiyi of the Moon Worship Cult. Right now, among all the real fire refining gods on the rivers and lakes, the East Emperor Taiyi definitely belongs to the strongest wave.

But now facing Bu Tiannan, Duguli actually had a feeling of facing Donghuang Taiyi. Even if this person's strength is not as good as Donghuang Taiyi, I'm afraid it won't be too different.

It seems that I have a bit of a disadvantage in agreeing to Chu Xiu's conditions.

But now there is no room for Duguli to go back and regret. Once Bu Tiannan fights, he will be like a lunatic. His murderous intent is overflowing, there is no temptation, etc. Out of breath.


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