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Chapter 840: Pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger

Duguli was struggling to resist Bu Tiannan, while Chu Xiu was helping Fang Qishao to fight for the Slaying Red Dragon.

During the chaotic battle, it happened to be Chu Xiu's best place. The blood shadow Dafa was performed to the extreme by him. There were countless blood shadows flying around, and even Zhang Chengzhen or Zong Xuan did not have the lethality of Chu Xiu.

Fang Qishao was rushing through the crowd while complaining to Zhang Chengzhen: "I said Brother Zhang Dao, how can I say that you and I are both old acquaintances, you finally got a divine sword, you can't let me once?

You have already conquered evil, why are you arguing with me for this sword? How about giving my brother a face? "

Zhang Chengzhen's treatment can be said to be the best among the younger generation of warriors.

From birth, as long as he does not die prematurely, he will be the heir of Tianshifu in the future.

And from that time on, the divine weapon treasured by Tianshi Mansion, the tenth divine sword Shengxie in the famous swordsmanship, was sealed up and prepared to be used by Zhang Chengzhen in the future.

Compared with Zhang Chengzhen's treatment, whether it is Fang Qishao or Chu Xiu, they are basically the same as those raised by the stepmother.

But Zhang Chengzhen did not answer Fang Qishao at this time, but waved his hand casually, and the endless thunder was scattered, which could be regarded as giving Fang Qishao an answer.

At this moment, Chu Xiu suddenly said, "Stop making trouble, wait and see what I do, you must keep up.

For the sake of your ancestor helping me block Bu Tiannan, I will give you a great gift! "

Fang Qishao was stunned for a moment, and looked at Chu Xiu in surprise.

With so many people vying to slash the Chilong, Chu Xiu is so sure?

But before Fang Qishao thought about it, Chu Xiu had already made a move.

The surging and pure demonic energy condensed behind Chu Xiu, and the demonic energy arms turned out from behind Chu Xiu.

And as Chu Xiu's hands formed the seal, a terrifying aura condensed in Chu Xiu's hand, and a ferocious longbow of demonic energy emerged, holding a bow in one arm and a string in three arms, and the arrow of destroying Sanliancheng burst out. out!

Chu Xiu's arrow with almost all his strength did not shoot at Zhang Chengzhen, nor at Zong Xuan or someone, but shot straight at the Scarlet Dragon!

Wherever they passed, all things were silent, and the powerful force made people tremble in their hearts, and they couldn't help but avoid them.

Fang Qishao understood what Chu Xiu meant when Chu Xiu shot that arrow.

The arrow of Mie San Liancheng burst out, and the place where it passed directly formed a vacuum zone, the vitality of the heavens and the earth died out, and even the warriors who passed by were forced to retreat.

Fang Qishao's figure directly transformed into a sword light, almost following behind the Mie Sanliancheng arrow at the fastest speed.

Even the powerful sword qi bursting out from Zhan Chilong began to collapse under Chu Xiu's arrow, and the sword spirit let out a cry, and there was a hint of disbelief in that cry.

At the level of the sword spirit of Zhan Chilong, its intelligence is already quite high, and it even has the power to choose the master.

Just like Lu Fengxian's Divine Soldier Wushuang, when Lu Fengxian didn't get Lu Wenhou's Primordial Spirit Fragment, he couldn't get close to Divine Soldier Wushuang at all.

Only when he merged with Lu Wenhou's Primordial Soul Fragment, the Divine Soldier Wushuang voluntarily let Lu Fengxian master it.

The same is true of the current Zhan Chilong. After the world, Zhan Chilong also wants to choose a master who is worthy of him.

The existence of forging it is the top sword-making master in ancient times, and it is also used by contemporary heroes with the strength of slaying dragons.

Now if someone wants to own the divine sword that has been stained with the blood of the red dragon, ordinary people do not have this qualification.

Therefore, in Zhan Chilong's view, the surrounding warriors seem to be raising Gu, and let them kill each other first and kill the last person before they are qualified to control it.

As a result, who would have thought that now there is a person who does not play cards according to the routine, instead of killing others, but instead attacking yourself, you are not afraid of accidentally hurting this divine sword?

Chu Xiu didn't expect a sword spirit to have so many inner dramas.

Of course it doesn't matter if he knows that.

Whether it is a sword or any other blade, what is held in the hands of a warrior is the real blade.

The blade is for use, not for worship. If he is from the Tibetan Sword Villa, he will not be used to this stinky problem.

Seeing this scene, the Shengxie Sword in Zhang Chengzhen's hand had already been unsheathed.

In an instant, the sword light was cold and the thunder light flashed.

The sword light was like thunder in nine days, slashing seven times in a row, almost cutting off all the way for Fang Qishao.

In the past, Dugu Weiyi's sword of destroying Sanliancheng was so powerful that it could be said to be famous throughout the rivers and lakes.

Maybe it's because the time is too long, and other sects don't remember it, but the old celestial master told Zhang Chengzhen that in the past, Dugu was the only one who pierced through the Iron Emperor Castle with one arrow.

So Zhang Chengzhen didn't intercept the arrow, he only intercepted Fang Qishao.

But unexpectedly, the expression on Fang Qishao's face was a rare seriousness. A little starlight bloomed from the shocking salamander sword in his hand, and the seven swords also fell, and the seven sword lights seemed to be different. Eye-catching, but it seems to have traveled through time and space, and suddenly collided with Zhang Chengzhen's seven swords.

In an instant, the lightning bolts were annihilated in the void, as if they had never existed.

Zhang Chengzhen's always calm face finally showed a look of surprise. After a while, he showed a smile and murmured, "I underestimate you."

Zhang Chengzhen missed. He didn't miss Chu Xiu, but he missed Fang Qishao. He made a big taboo and underestimated the opponent.

In fact, with the virtue of Fang Qishao, everyone would underestimate him.

Even people who don't know him well can't imagine that this guy is Fang Qishao, the leader of the swordsman of the younger generation, according to rumors in the world of kendo? It's just the shame of kendo.

Although Zhang Chengzhen doesn't think that a person's character represents a person's strength like other people, but subconsciously, he does underestimate Fang Qishao.

Therefore, when he fought against Fang Qishao before, he didn't even use all his strength, until Chu Xiu came, he didn't even use his full strength.

As a result, Zhang Chengzhen realized that he was wrong now.

Fang Qishao's comprehension of Karma Kendo has already involved time and space, and the opponent's seven swords directly intercepted the origin of his own seven swords.

From the source, cut off his own offensive!

Fang Qishao did not use his full strength before, did he use his full strength?

Zhang Chengzhen thinks about it carefully. Over the years, some people have seen him Zhang Chengzhen take a shot with all his strength, and he has also seen Chu Xiu fight for his life, but when has anyone seen Fang Qishao use his full strength?

It's not scary to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger. What's scary is that someone is a tiger, but he is born with a pig's skin. No need to pretend to be the best disguise.


Extinguishing Three Liancheng Arrows slammed on the Scarlet Dragon, and countless sword qi dissipated, and even the sword light above the Scarlet Dragon dimmed a bit.

Fang Qishao followed closely, and as soon as he grasped it on the hilt of the sword, an extreme resistance burst out from the long sword, but Fang Qishao directly poured into it the powerful sword energy, which was completely absorbed into his arms. middle.

Fang Qishao breathed a sigh of relief when he got Zhan Chilong, but he still complained to Chu Xiu: "Hey, brother Chu, can you be more careful? This is the seventh-ranked **** in the famous swordsmanship. Jian, is this how you treat Divine Sword?"

Chu Xiu rolled his eyes at him, and said lightly, "You can be content, it's good to be able to get a sword, so why are there so many demands?"

There was a fierce battle with Bu Tiannan, to be precise, Duguli, who was unilaterally suppressed by Bu Tiannan, was relieved.

It was not in vain that he resisted Bu Tiannan for Chu Xiu for so long, but the Chilong Slashing finally fell into the hands of his Sword King City.

But at this time, Duguli suddenly reacted. Why did he help Chu Xiu to resist Duguli? Regardless of Chu Xiu, wouldn't it be the same if you went to take the Slashing Red Dragon?

But before Duguli said anything, there was a violent shaking sound from the top of the mountain, and a faint burst of brilliance bloomed, but it immediately died out.

A large area of ​​cracks on the top of the mountain revealed a passage, and there were faint traces of inscribed formations.

Fang Qishao was the closest to there, and the next moment everyone realized what was going on. The mountain had already been hollowed out, and there was another ruin inside!

It's just that the ruins were hidden so that everyone present stayed here for a while, but no one noticed that there was another world inside.

Just now, Chu Xiu attacked Zhan Chilong with the destroying three city arrows, and collided with the sword energy above Zhan Chilong. That powerful wave should have completely destroyed the formation that had been damaged before, which led to the The channel leaked out.

Fang Qishao thought for a while, and took two steps back, not thinking about taking the lead.

In fact, he is a very cautious person. When encountering unknown things, he would rather let others take two steps first.

At this moment, there were several breaths coming from the surroundings, and more than ten warriors went up the mountain one after another.

When the Scarlet Dragon was unsheathed before, the sword light shot straight into the sky, and it could be seen even from a hundred miles away, attracting a group of warriors long ago.

Of course, they came a little late, and the Divine Sword already belonged.

Most of the people who went up the mountain were martial arts masters. There were three people in the real fire refining spirit realm, and one of them was Wei Shuya. Chu Xiu was relieved and walked towards Wei Shuya.

There were two people left, one of them was Shen Baochen who was sitting in the Forgotten Sword Lodge, and the other was the general of Beiyan Dongshan Army, the 'Kang Tu' Bei Gong Baili.

Bei Gong Baili was a middle-aged man in a white Confucian shirt. He seemed to have a gentle temperament, but no one would have imagined that there would be hundreds of thousands of people who died indirectly at the hands of this great general.

Moreover, Chu Xiu also noticed that there were two brothers Sun Qili and Sun Qifan of the Sun family in Jiangdong among the people who came.

Chu Xiu's eyes couldn't help but turn to the two of them, with a hint of gloom.

He had noticed before that when Kuang Xieyue was chasing him, these people were all by Kuang Xieyue's side, obviously leading the way.


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