Meet The Leader

Chapter 841: maze

PS: Thanks to the book friend, the old monster, for the reward of 10,000 starting coins

After seeing Chu Xiu, Wei Shuya came over and asked, "Why are you fighting with people to run out of power? In the secret realm, it's not a good thing to do like this."

In such a secret realm where it is possible to encounter various enemies and crises, one's own strength is exhausted.

Chu Xiu smiled bitterly: "I don't want to, but I ran into Bu Tiannan first. If I don't think of a way, this lunatic really dares to kill me."

Wei Shuya shook his head lightly and said, "Did you still provoke Kuang Xieyue?"

Chu Xiu said, "It's really not that I messed with Kuang Xieyue this time, but Kuang Xieyue is messing with me, Mr. Wei, have you seen Kuang Xieyue?"

Wei Shuya said, "I haven't seen Kuang Xieyue, but Qin Chao first saw Kuang Xieyue before, and the other party is looking for you like a madman. Could it be that you severely injured Kuang Xieyue?"

Chu Xiu touched his nose and said, "It's not a serious injury, I can only say that I played him."

Before Chu Xiu used a blood shadow to lure Kuang Xieyue away, it is estimated that when the power of the blood shadow is exhausted, it will be caught up by Kuang Xieyue. At that time, Kuang Xieyue will naturally know that she has been tricked.

With Kuang Xieyue's character, after knowing that she was being tricked, her rage was certain, and Chu Xiu was not surprised.

Wei Shuya was also a little speechless at this time.

Chu Xiu's strength is really in direct proportion to his ability to cause trouble. It took him a long time to get into it, and he provokes two powerhouses who are in the realm of real fire, and these two are not easy to provoke. kind.

"You will follow me during this time, don't run around any more.

The signboard of the Hidden Demon lineage is not small, but it does not mean that everyone should be concerned about the face of the Hidden Demon lineage.

Chu Xiu nodded, in fact, Wei Shuya would have done it if he didn't say so.

It seems that he has done a bit too much to attract hatred during this time, and he needs to keep a low profile, although sometimes circumstances do not allow Chu Xiu to keep a low profile.

No one went down the passage below the mountain for the time being, but everyone present gathered to observe it.

The warriors who entered the ruins are of relatively high level, and they are all martial masters who have reached the true core realm. Even if some people are weaker, they are still very experienced in the rivers and lakes, and they will not be as frizzy as some junior warriors. Yes, they swarmed up when they saw the benefits, regardless of whether there was danger or not, they were very calm.

While replying to the infuriating energy that he had consumed, Chu Xiu also went to the entrance of the passage to observe, but after only one glance, Chu Xiu frowned slightly, and the expressions of others were similar.

The passage is a bottomless staircase that extends all the way down. There are some specious things in the passage with blood-colored lines, some like paintings, and some like words.

The most palpable thing is the breath coming from it.

It was an aura that was mixed with all kinds of negative emotions such as resentment, hatred, blood, and killing, and it could even vaguely stir up evil thoughts in the hearts of everyone, making it very evil.

But the problem is that it's not surprising that this kind of breath appears in other occasions, the real strange thing is that it appears here.

What is this place? This mountain should be one of the branches of the Sword Sect in the world in this space. It is used for training disciples, or for teaching them. There are also sword puppets on it that are specially designed to allow the disciples to pass the level and obtain the qualification to walk in the rivers and lakes.

However, the aura in this passage is very inconsistent with the positioning of the Sword Sect in the world. Chu Xiu feels that it will be normal when it appears in a devil's cave.

Everyone present glanced at each other and stepped into the passage one after another.

These people present may be cautious, or they may be mature and prudent, but they are not the kind of timid people who dare not start when the opportunity is right in front of them.

Looking at the surrounding stone walls, Chu Xiu suddenly felt that these words were familiar, mixed with some ancient ancestors' words, just like what Chu Xiu had seen in the palace before, but it was somewhat specious, even if he was proficient in these words. Lu Jianghe, who is also a bit incomprehensible, seems to be inscribed by someone in a state of extreme madness. The more you look at it, the more you feel chills.

Chu Xiu asked in a low voice, "What is this written?

why not us?

unfair! unfair! unfair!

The same is robbery, they are robbing, why are we responding to robbery?

revenge! revenge! revenge! "

Chu Xiu's whispering to himself immediately attracted the attention of others, Wei Shuya and Du Guli both glanced at Chu Xiu with a little surprise.

The words of the ancient ancestors are now seldom understood by warriors in the rivers and lakes, and only some masters of formation and divination often come into contact with these things, so they understand some of them.

Among these people present, some of them may have learned some of these words from ancient books, but the only ones who really know each other are Wei Shuya and Duguli.

After all, they are veterans of the rivers and lakes, and they have more time and experience than the martial artists present. While proficient in martial arts, they also read a lot of miscellaneous studies. This is the case with the writings of these ancient ancestors.

But a young man like Chu Xiu actually understands it, especially Chu Xiu has always given the impression that he is only good at killing and violence, but he was actually quite knowledgeable.

The further down we went, the more intense the bitter cold and resentment, and the passage seemed to have no end, and everyone gradually felt that something was wrong.

Even if the mountain was evacuated, everyone would almost be able to go to the ground at this time, but at this time the passage seemed to have no end.

At this moment, Wei Shuya suddenly said, "Wait."

Everyone present looked at him subconsciously, Wei Shuya said solemnly: "We are afraid that we have already fallen into the formation."

Duguli frowned and said, "The formation? The only formation has been destroyed. Where did the formation come from here?"

Wei Shuya pointed to the inscriptions on the surrounding walls and said: "These fonts are written by the ancient ancestors, and they carry the power to absorb the power of heaven and earth, plus the resentment that is raging here, after thousands of years, I am afraid that A natural formation has been formed, and its power is even more difficult than the artificial formation!"

Having said that, Wei Shuya's brows furrowed tightly.

If it was a man-made formation, it would actually be easier to solve.

Breaking the formation is nothing more than two means, technology flow and violence flow.

Those masters of the formation, such as Pu Yangyi from the Xuanwu Gate, usually solve the formation by cracking the formation patterns in it. In this way, the formation itself will not be hurt, and there will be no backlash.

As for the violent flow, it is much simpler. It is enough to directly destroy the pattern with strength, but it has to withstand the backlash of the formation.

But how to crack the natural formation formed between heaven and earth now? Even if the Grandmaster of Formation Dao comes, there is no good way.

If it is not man-made, then there is no way of thinking. If it is violently cracked, this is a natural grand formation accumulated over ten thousand years. How to break it?

Duguli sneered and said: "What kind of great formation of heaven and earth, the old man still doesn't believe it, there are still formations in this world that can't be cut!"

The voice fell, Duguli waved his hand, and the boundless sword qi burst out. The fiery sword qi directly illuminated the boundless passage, and there was a loud bang, and even those who really Pill realm warriors are hiding far away.

But after the sword qi erupted, the wall was still a wall, not even the slightest change.

At this time, Bu Tiannan, who had not spoken all the time, suddenly said: "Old Dugu, don't waste your efforts, we are afraid that we are really caught in the formation as Wei Lao said.

And this formation has already split the space, we are no longer in the mountain, nor underground, but in a separate space.

Unless your sword can cut through space, even if you cut out 10,000 swords, it is useless. "

Duguli glared at Bu Tiannan, but he did admit that Bu Tiannan was right.

Although this person is a moody lunatic, when Bu Tiannan is not crazy, he can see things fairly accurately.

At this time, Chu Xiu found something. It seems that Wei Shuya's reputation in the arena is really quite high. Others, regardless of whether he is righteous or demonic, as long as he does not have a life-and-death enmity with Wei Shuya, will honor him as Wei Lao.

This old Wei call is not only about Wei Shuya's seniority, but also the kind of feat of the five heavenly demons in the Nine Heavens Mountain.

Although the five heavenly demons in Jiutian Mountain only existed for a short time, they were annihilated by the righteous martial arts, even the people in the righteous martial arts who exterminated them have to admit that although their positions are different, these five people are all Can be called the hero of the world.

Wei Shuya said solemnly: "Several, now is not the time to quarrel, we are all trapped in such a formation space, although there is no crisis for the time being, but being trapped here and unable to get out is our biggest crisis.

After being trapped here for one more day, we will find nothing, and can only watch the people outside exploring and searching in the ruins to gain benefits.

Don't wait for the Rift to collapse, we're still hanging around here, and that's a joke. "

Everyone present nodded, and their faces were a little ugly.

What Wei Shuya said makes sense. Being trapped here is already the biggest trouble.

Zhang Chengzhen said in a deep voice, "Elder Wei, you are the oldest and the most experienced here. It's up to you to make up your mind."

Zhang Chengzhen's remarks basically represent the attitude of other true core warriors.

Let go of the views of righteousness and evil, and let's all work together to find a way out.

It is not Duguli or Shen Baochen who can best represent the righteous way of martial arts, but Zhang Chengzhen, who was born in Tianshifu.

Wei Shuya nodded and said solemnly: "Everyone, this space is bottomless right now, it should be said that we have been spinning around in place, and it is useless to go any further.

If you want to break this formation, you still have to solve it from the source.

As for the source of this, it is actually the things and specious words depicted in the surrounding murals.

This is the trial ground of the Sword Sect in the world, why there is such a channel of resentment, this is worth investigating. "


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