Meet The Leader

Chapter 845: catastrophe

The Sun brothers were cornered and cursed at Chu Xiu.

But at the moment, all they can do is cursing. With so many people present, they are even more afraid to intervene when they see that there are two powerhouses who are in the realm of real fire refining and are standing on Chu Xiu's side.

However, just when Chu Xiu was about to completely solve the two people, a thunder light suddenly appeared in front of him, but it was Zhang Chengzhen who intercepted it.

Holding the knife, Chu Xiu frowned slightly and said, "You want to protect them? As far as I know, you are not a person who likes to meddle in business?"

Zhang Chengzhen said lightly: "I really don't like to be nosy, but this is not a nosy.

That ghost provoked me to wait to kill Brother Lu Fengxian Lu, his heart was vicious and sinister, even if he could really use his life in exchange for me to wait out, I would not agree.

But now, in order to confuse the sight, you are trying to kill the two of them to protect Lu Fengxian, and exchange the lives of two people for the life of one person. What is the difference between you and that ghost? "

"The difference? The difference is that as long as I kill them, we really have a chance to get out.

Gratitude and personal hatred, Zhang Chengzhen, are you sure you want to take care of these? "

Zhang Chengzhen also took one step and said solemnly, "It's not that I want to take care of it, but I have to take care of this matter.

The righteous way of martial arts has the rules of the righteous way of martial arts, and the Tianshifu also has the rules of the Tianshifu. "

In fact, there are only a handful of forces in the lineage of Zhengdao martial arts that are qualified to represent the entire Zhengdao.

The Great Light Temple is one, and so is the Subhuti Temple.

But what Tianshifu does is different from Daguang Temple and Subhuti Temple. Taoism is pure and inaction, and Tianshifu also knows that evil in this world is inexhaustible, so everything Tianshifu does, It is not so much to say that it is to eliminate evil, but to say that it is to suppress evil.

As long as people in the magic way don't do too much, such as doing things that destroy their homes under their noses, they generally don't bother to care.

Similarly, the cannibalism between some martial arts forces, as long as the conflict is controlled to a certain extent, the Tianshi Palace will not care.

It is precisely because of this behavior of Tianshifu that the entire Western Chu martial arts forest is even more prosperous than that of Beiyan.

Whether it is positive or demonic, they control their own destructive power to a certain extent, reducing a lot of internal friction.

Now Zhang Chengzhen is intervening because of this. If Chu Xiu really killed because of personal grudges between the two sides, he might not care.

But now it seems that Chu Xiu clearly wants to use the opportunity of killing the Sun brothers to disturb the audio-visual, and indirectly save Lu Fengxian.

It is absolutely intolerable for Zhang Chengzhen to save one person and kill two people.

Chu Xiu looked at Zhang Chengzhen with a little surprise, maybe he wanted to get to know this little Celestial Master again.

He always thought that Zhang Chengzhen was the kind of person with an extremely indifferent nature. In fact, it was indeed the case. Zhang Chengzhen, a famous little heavenly master, was actually not the kind of chivalrous person with a righteous heart.

But he has a steel scale and a rule in his heart.

This steelyard was given to him by the old Tianshi. Although he does not know what chivalry is or what is righteousness, as long as he can keep the steelyard in his heart, the reputation and status of Tianshifu will last forever. .

Sure enough, after he said these words, the Sun brothers looked at Zhang Chengzhen with deep gratitude.

When they fell into despair, only Zhang Chengzhen came forward to save them, even if the Sun brothers were utilitarian, they couldn't help feeling grateful to Zhang Chengzhen at this time.

"The Tianshifu has the rules of the Tianshifu, but I, Chu Xiu, also have the rules of my Chu Xiu."

Zhang Chengzhen said, "Oh? What are the rules?"

Chu Xiu stepped forward and said coldly, "That is, no one can stop the person I want to kill!"

As Chu Xiu's voice fell, boundless blood radiated from his body, and strands of blood were extending, which was very strange and terrifying.

Chu Xiu was too lazy to explain to Zhang Chengzhen that the Sun brothers were leading the way before, which led to Kuang Xieyue chasing and killing him.

No matter how long he wants to kill anyone he wants to kill, no one has ever been able to stop him!

Zhang Chengzhen frowned, the Shengxie sword in his hand surged with lightning, and when the sword was unsheathed, it was cut down by lightning patterns, and those blood lines were torn apart by the lightning of sword energy.

But at this time, Chu Xiu also faced Zhang Chengzhen with the Heavenly Demon Dance in hand, and started to fight with him.

It is not easy to defeat Zhang Chengzhen, but it is equally difficult for Zhang Chengzhen to stop Chu Xiu from killing.

Zhang Chengzhen had chopped up the blood lines that Chu Xiu had extended before, but those blood lines did not really dissipate, but turned into blood mist that filled the space, especially the Sun brothers, who had been completely destroyed. Wrapped in this blood mist.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of vibration in the blood mist, as if the heart was beating, and the hearts of the Sun brothers were suddenly shaken.

After that, the frequency of the vibration became faster and faster, and the hearts of the Sun brothers were beating wildly, and they were not under their own control at all!

At this time, Zhang Chengzhen also found out that something was wrong. He wanted to stop it, but he found that in the face of this bizarre method, unless he could kill Chu Xiu, he could not stop it at all!

The frequency of the beating was getting faster and faster, making the already pale-looking brothers of the Sun family turn as red as blood.

In the end, with a loud bang, the chest cavity of the two people burst directly, and blood immediately splattered on the spot.

Everyone present felt a chill in their hearts, and looked at Chu Xiu with a look of fear.

Although it was said that the Sun brothers had used all their strength to resist Chu Xiu and hurt their vitality, they were killed by Chu Xiu so easily.

But this kind of bizarre means of dying without knowing how to die still made them feel chills.

At this time, Lu Jianghe smiled proudly in Chu Xiu's mind: "This deity's Blood God and Demon Art has already carefully controlled qi and blood, and it's just a few small tricks to make them look like this, it's just a bastard. "

Chu Xiu snorted softly: "Don't worry, take out the formation of your former Blood Devil Hall."

Lu Jianghe said in surprise: "What do you want me to do with the formation of the Gorefiend Hall?"

Chu Xiu said lightly: "Don't pretend to be stupid, I don't believe that with your eyesight, you can't see the flaws of this resentful ghost.

Help me this time, it will be beneficial in the future, and I will never forget you. "

Lu Jianghe pouted and said, "If you really have a conscience, you should let this deity go out, so that you can support it with blood and essence, and let this respect shape your body."

Although Lu Jianghe said so, but he also knew that he and Chu Xiu were one body of honor and disgrace, so after a few words of nonsense, he gave Chu Xiu a killing formation in the Gorefiend Hall.

How could Lu Jianghe say that he was also the head of the Gorefiend Hall in the past, and that was one of the strongest halls in the entire Kunlun Demon Sect.

In the old Kunlun Demon Sect, there were quite a few loose cultivators in the realm of real fire, but they all belonged directly to Dugu Yume.

An existence like Lu Jianghe, who is in charge of a hall by one person, is not a simple person, and his eyesight ability and knowledge are quite outstanding.

Shen Baochen didn't see the things here, neither did Wei Shuya, but after Chu Xiu said it, he understood.

At this time in the outside world, with the death of the Sun brothers, Zhang Chengzhen did not continue to attack, because it was meaningless.

But Zhang Chengzhen's complexion was a little unsightly.

In the end, he still failed to stop Chu Xiu from killing, and he suffered another loss in Chu Xiu's hands.

But at this time, Chu Xiu waved his hand, and the Blood God Demon Art controlled the blood on the Sun brothers' corpses to float in the air. Because of the lack of blood, the Sun brothers' bodies were turned into mummified corpses.

Everyone present frowned.

Killing is no more than nodding, Chu Xiu's doing this is a bit too much.

Whether he was trying to save Lu Fengxian or avenge his previous grievances, everyone else understood that, and it was none of their business anyway, so they didn't interfere.

But now that Chu Xiu killed people, he even started to insult the corpse, which was a bit too much.

Shen Baochen had already stopped fighting with Duguli at this time, he frowned and said, "Chu Xiu, you don't even let go of the body when someone dies, you are going too far."

Chu Xiu said lightly: "I'm here to save you. As I said, both of them were possessed by that ghost. If I kill both of them, I will naturally have a way to take everyone out."

With a wave of Chu Xiu's hand, the blood actually gathered into a formation, and scarlet formations loomed on the Seeing this scene, the ghosts formed by countless resentful spirits roared. With a bang, he rushed towards Chu Xiu frantically.

Seeing this ghost being so nervous, everyone present was stunned. Does this Chu Xiu really have a solution?

Dugu Li flicked his sword fingers, and a scorching sword energy with the power of burning the sky burst out, smashing the ghost into pieces.

Although the ghost can immediately recover in this space, it has never been able to cross Dugu to deal with Chu Xiu.

When Chu Xiu's formation was completely successful, a hot blood-colored brilliance burst into bloom, and a ferocious and evil aura burst out, but it caused the ghost to make a roar in an instant.

In the body that was originally composed of black mist, countless fuzzy heads appeared, as if it was composed of these things.

And the most bizarre thing is that everyone with sharp eyes can even see the heads of the Sun brothers.

But at this moment, the heads of the Sun brothers were constantly wandering in the black mist, as if they were merging, and at the same time, they seemed to be repelling.

At the end, those heads began to bite each other, and the scene was extremely evil, but everyone found that the black space around them began to melt, revealing the appearance of the surrounding potholes.

In the end, the ghost wailed, and the black mist dissipated, leaving only the pure mental energy that was poured into the body of Lu Fengxian, who had been in a coma below.

Lu Fengxian was suddenly poured into his mind by such a huge mental power, and suddenly woke up and looked around in confusion.

Chu Xiu couldn't help but sigh at this time, Brother Lu was lucky, and he got such a powerful mental power after a sleep, which was equivalent to the Yuan Mystic Law he had been practicing for more than ten years.


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