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Chapter 846: Ling Xiaozong

The black space that imprisoned everyone completely dissipated, and what appeared in front of them was a huge cave, surrounded by white bone skeletons, and the shape was very terrifying. Obviously, these things were the corpses of the abandoned people of the Sword Sect in the past.

Wei Shuya asked in surprise, "How did you untie that great formation and kill that ghost?"

What Wei Shuya wanted to ask was exactly what others wanted to ask before. Chu Xiu's success was simply too inexplicable. Could it be because of that formation?

Chu Xiu smiled and said: "I just added something to it, in fact, its flaws were exposed by himself.

This thing is not a person, nor is it a simple ghost, but the resentment and death of these warriors in the past, plus this special environment created a fierce spirit.

Therefore, it is actually a being with half a spirit. He can think and know everything, but its existence is only for revenge.

This thing is pure and incomparable. Its roots are here. If it does not destroy its roots, we cannot get away unless it lets us go.

I just killed those two guys just now, they must be full of grievances, so I used their blood to draw a killing formation, and use the artificial killing formation to integrate into the formation of heaven and earth.

This ghost was born from the grievances of the people of the sword sect in the world in the past. They all have the same object of grievance, so they can gather such a powerful grievance to form this wise ghost.

But the two of the Sun family, they hated me, and the object of their grievances was different. It was as if two drops of ink had been dropped into the clear water, and the final result was to muddy everything up. "

Everyone present was stunned. Is it that simple?

Of course, it can't be blamed that they didn't think of it. Even if they did, who would have the guts of Chu Xiu to try to kill someone directly?

Killing two people and letting a group out of trouble, Chu Xiu's method is also unusual, at least compared to the former Sect Master of the Sword Sect who buried 90% of his own disciples, this one is also ruthless.

Of course, the luckier one was Lu Fengxian.

He simply slept for a while, and then unknowingly got the spiritual power that the resentful spirit transformed into.

Even though Lu Fengxian didn't know the Yuan Mystery Technique, there was no harm in having a strong mental power, and it could also play a certain defensive role in the face of other warriors' mental power attacks.

At this time, Lu Fengxian was still asking what was going on just now, Fang Qishao was quick to tell him the scene just now, and finally he smacked his lips, and said with some heartache: "You said that the resentful spirit is also true. , why didn't you choose me? At least I also use swords, right? Shouldn't I be more worthy of them?

Brother Lu, it's a waste of you to get these spiritual powers. With your martial arts style, you can only use these spiritual powers as defense. My Sword King City also has a secret technique of using spiritual power to transform swords.

It's not my brother, I'm unrighteous. The secrets of Sword King City cannot be passed on, but Brother Chu has a lot of Yuan secrets. You should learn from him? "

Lu Fengxian smiled and said, "No need, in the legacy of Marquis Lu Wen in the past, there were not only the golden body of Jiuxiao Refining the Demon and the Demon God's Wushuang Halberd, but also some scattered martial arts secrets.

But Shui Wuxiang said that these things were robbed by Lu Wenhou in the past, or they were researched and played out of boredom.

After the Demon God Wushuangji and the Jiuxiao Refining Demon Golden Body have been cultivated to the extreme, they will not be able to use these messy things, so I don't waste time practicing.

Now that I have ready-made mental power, I only need to practice for a few days, and those secret methods will naturally be completed. "

Fang Qishao suddenly widened his eyes, turned around and left, not wanting to talk to Lu Fengxian anymore.

This kind of luck is really a bit too self-respecting, it is just what you want.

At this time, the people around were still searching in the burrow, but they didn't get much useful things.

When the Underworld Sword Sect left, it had taken away 90% of the entire Underworld Sword Sect, and the rest of the people were killed here. Wait.

And the quality of these things is not too strong, occasionally there are a few magic weapons, but because of time, the sword spirit has completely dissipated.

Although it is said that there is still the foundation of the magic weapon, but no one is going to take it.

Everyone has not forgotten the strange scene just now. Although Chu Xiu said that the resentment has completely dissipated, these things have been in this environment for tens of thousands of years, and they have long been riddled with resentment. Take it back and use it. , somewhat unlucky.

So after the search was fruitless, everyone left the burrow directly.

However, when everyone just returned to the ground, a huge wave suddenly came, and everyone was shocked to look in that direction. The next moment, everyone immediately galloped in the direction of the wave.

No matter what the fluctuations erupted, it was unusual to see this posture, and there was definitely a treasure born.

At this time, hundreds of miles away from everyone, in front of a huge and magnificent palace, a powerful array of radiance rose into the sky, and the momentum was simply terrifying.

In front of the palace, more than a dozen warriors stood there frowning, both in the realm of real fire refining the gods, and in the realm of real pills.

After they discovered this well-preserved palace ruins, they had to open it first.

Originally, they thought that ten thousand years had passed, and this formation must have decayed or been destroyed, but they did not expect the formation to retain such a powerful force. Skyrim, I am afraid that even people in the entire secret realm can see it, and they have lost the opportunity.

And under the impact of the formation, the palace plaque that was originally shrouded in dust was also exposed.

There are three big characters on it: Ling Xiaozong!

And there is a line of small characters under the three big characters: Illusory Six Realms Branch Hall.

Lu Changliu, the headmaster of Zhenwu Sect, stroked his beard and said, "It turned out to be a branch of the High Heaven Sect, tsk tsk, I don't know if it's lucky or unfortunate.

Next, even if you crack the formation and enter it, you have to be careful. This High Heaven Sect is not easy to match. "

Chen Qingdi stood aside with his arms folded, and when he heard the words, he said in surprise, "Is this High Heaven Sect an ancient Demon Dao Sect?"

Chen Qingdi was born in a loose cultivator, and he defeated the World Alliance with a pair of iron fists. Although his power was powerful, he was obviously not as good as Lu Changliu and others from the great faction in terms of knowledge.

Lu Changliu has a good temper, and when he heard Chen Qingdi ask, he explained carefully: "Ling Xiaozong is not a magic way, but it is the top sect in the arena in ancient times.

And according to the rumors, this High Heaven Sect is domineering and ruthless, and all those who obey me will prosper and those who oppose me will perish.

Therefore, the things left by Ling Xiaozong will definitely not allow outsiders to meddle. Just look at this domineering formation. I just want to find out what the formation is, and it touches the operation of the entire formation. One can imagine what else might be involved. "

Chen Qingdi laughed and said, "Those who obey me will perish if they go against me? Yes, this High Heaven Sect is very good."

Lu Changliu sighed and shook his head helplessly, not wanting to talk to someone like Chen Qingdi who had obvious problems with his three views.

The evil king Sheng Beixuan, the sect master of the Xieji Sect, was also there. He was dressed in black robes, had a gentle smile, and had an extraordinary bearing.

"Headmaster Lu, the formation has been touched now, and it is estimated that it will not take long before others will come.

Even if there is any dangerous crisis, we have to break this formation first.

Why don't we join forces now, let go of the door, and break this formation together, what do you think? "

Lu Changliu hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

Everyone in the world thinks that the true martial arts religion is the one who truly hates evil and hates the Kunlun magic religion, because in the past it was Ning Xuanji, the ancestor of the true martial arts religion, who fought against Dugu and only me, which made the whole world break away from the Kunlun magic religion. shadow.

But in fact, what Zhenwu Sect advocates is the true purity and inaction of the Taoist lineage. When it comes to the attitude of the Taoist martial artist, it cannot be compared with the paranoid pure Yang Taoist.

In the past, Ning Xuanji fought against Dugu and I. In the eyes of Jianghu people, it must be for the sake of the world, and it must be for the sake of eliminating But only the headmaster Lu Changliu knows that the reason for Ning Xuanji's action is very simple , There are not so many reasons, just because he and Dugu Yui have already stood at the peak of this arena at the same time, and the two must have a battle.

The Zhenwu Sect has the protection of Ning Xuanji, so there is no need to worry about the Kunlun Demon Sect, but whether it is Ning Xuanji or Dugu, both of them have reached the limit of the world in martial arts, and everyone wants to see it, the peak On top, will there be other scenery.

So this battle is imperative.

It's just that people in this world always like to put various labels on some legendary characters. Those who can fight against such a heinous world-shattering monster as Dugu Yume must be people who have the world in their hearts, or even just me. Lian Ning Xuanji's title of 'immortal' was also added after he fought against Dugu and I.

However, only a few senior officials of the Zhenwu Sect knew that Ning Xuanji was also a human being, not an immortal.

They wouldn't tell others. According to the records in the secret records of the Zhenwu Sect, when Ning Xuanji was there, his favorite food was dog meat, and although he didn't use corporal punishment when teaching his disciples, his words were extremely mean, and he could scold him. You are ashamed.

Legend has it that Ning Xuanji, who has the appearance of an immortal and fought against the great devil Dugu Weiwei, turned out to be an old Taoist who likes to eat dog meat and speaks harshly. Even if he fights against Dugu Weiwei, it is not for the so-called righteousness of the rivers and lakes. This kind of thing Saying it out is quite damaging.

That's why the Zhenwu Sect sealed all the ancient books that recorded Ning Xuanji's words and deeds in the past, and only the headmaster and some senior officials of the Zhenwu Sect were qualified to view it.

What Jianghu people need, even what Zhenwu Sect needs, is a perfect 'immortal Ning Xuanji' that is not stained with dust.


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