Meet The Leader

Chapter 862: Flattering skills

PS: Thanks to the leader 0o Yu Xiaomo o0 for the reward of 10,000 starting coins

Jiangdong Sun's forbearance and forbearance, but forbearance does not mean that they are really low-key.

This time, the grandfather's birthday of the Jiangdong Sun Clan was quite luxurious, and it had invited most of the forces of the Eastern Qi martial arts and some well-known loose cultivators.

Moreover, in fact, small families like the Ye family were originally too lazy to invite the Jiangdong Sun family, even if they had a vassal relationship, but the strength of the other party was too weak. Inviting them was purely for the purpose of gathering people and increasing their power.

In fact, what Jiangdong Sun did has a lot to do with Chu Xiu.

The Jiangdong Sun Clan has endured for so long. In the past, everyone knew that the Jiangdong Sun Clan had goods in their stomachs. Although they forbeared and even bowed to the big forces, for some forces similar to their own strength, the Jiang Dong Sun Clan would not pretend to be a grandson. Will pretend to be uncle.

But in the six realms of illusion, the two mainstays of the Jiangdong Sun family were killed by Chu Xiu. This was a huge loss for a sect of the Jiangdong Sun family level, and it also attracted others. The temptation and peeping of power.

Therefore, Sun Zuchang, who has not held a birthday for decades, suddenly has a big birthday this time, and he made the scene so grand. But only the tiger has lost two teeth, and the claws are still there!

When other major forces entered the Jiangdong Sun Clan, they were all greeted by the Jiangdong Sun Clan's disciples or deacons in person.

But such an inconspicuous little family like the Ye family doesn't have this kind of treatment, but a servant led them in, and said arrogantly: "Be careful after entering, don't collide with any big man, You can't be blamed!"

Ye Ting, who was still aggressive in the family, immediately nodded and bowed, with a very respectful attitude.

Only Ye Xiao felt a little uncomfortable. They were obviously birthday guests, so how could they be inferior to the servants?

However, at this time, the other Ye family members did not have the mentality of Ye Xiao. Instead, they were still looking at the visiting guests and sighing.

At other times, they can't see so many powerful people from the big forces on the rivers and lakes.

Cangjian Villa, Shenbing Pavilion, Chunyang Daomen, Zhenwu Sect, Shangshuiying, Shangyang Mojia, Gaoping Lujia, Baihutang, etc., and even people from the Eastern Qi court, everyone is dizzying. .

When these people came, they were greeted respectfully by the disciples of Jiangdong Sun's clan, with extraordinary bearing, and Ye Xiao was actually a little envious.

"You envy these people?" Chu Xiu's voice suddenly sounded in Ye Xiao's ears.

Ye Xiao was stunned for a moment and said, "Of course I am envious. A man was born in the world, just like this, his reputation has shaken the rivers and lakes, and he must be treated with courtesy everywhere he goes."

Chu Xiu smiled and said: "Don't worry, when you have power and status, you will also be treated like this.

It's just that you don't look at their current beauty. If you encounter people who are stronger than them, and have more power than them, they will also treat them politely. "

Ye Xiao nodded, and he suddenly asked, "Then senior, were you like them before?"

Ye Xiao is not an idiot. This senior who only has Yuanshen is trapped in a small bead, but he can still retain Yuanshen. This kind of strength must only be achieved by the legendary powerhouses.

Moreover, the other party took out a few exercises at random to turn their Ye family's exercises into **** in seconds. The origin must be unusual.

He didn't dare to inquire about Chu Xiu's identity, but at this time he couldn't help but try.

Chu Xiu smiled strangely: "Something is different, if I appear in front of them now, there are those who hate me, those who are afraid of me, and there are those who want to kill me again, and there are those who really respect me, I'm afraid there are not many."

Ye Xiao shrank his neck slightly. Could this senior be one of those legendary monsters?

However, he didn't care that much, whether he was the devil or not, as long as the other party could give him strength, he would follow him all the way to the dark.

Ye Xiao couldn't let go of the benefits and dignity brought by strength.

At this time, Sun Changming from the Sun Clan in Jiangdong came over and saw the people from the Ye family. He came over with a smile on his face and said hello: "It turned out to be the brothers of the Ye family, who are guests from afar, so let's all go in and sit down. "

Seeing that Sun Changming came to say hello in person, Ye Ting and others were flattered, and quickly began to compliment Sun Changming.

After Chu Xiu's batch of heroes on the Dragon and Tiger Rankings all stepped into the True Pill Realm one after another, the entire Dragon and Tiger Ranking almost changed a group of people.

Sun Changming was very inconspicuous before, but in this batch of heroes on the Dragon and Tiger list, he is still not bad.

At this time, Sun Changming had reached the realm of the unity of heaven and man, and his ranking on the Dragon Tiger List had reached the tenth place. At least in the eyes of the Ye family, he was already a remarkable figure.

Of course, in the eyes of other people, this generation of Dragon Tiger List is not a good character. Compared with Chu Xiu's generation, all of them are evil spirits. It's too far behind.

At this time, Chu Xiu said in Ye Xiao's mind: "Go, say something nice to echo this Sun Changming, make him feel good about you, at least leave a deep impression in his heart."

Ye Xiao was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly: "Senior, I can't do this, how do I know how to compliment and please others?"

Ye Xiao really didn't refuse at this point. His temper was stubborn and stubborn. If he was willing to bow his head to please, he might also become one of Ye Ting's puppets. How could it be so miserable as before?

Chu Xiu said lightly: "I didn't ask you to compliment and please, I just asked you to go along with the other party. On the contrary, you can't be like Ye Ting and the others, and you should be neither humble nor arrogant.

It doesn't matter if you don't understand, I know Sun Changming's character, you just need to do as I say.

This person has some strength and some means, but he is arrogant and proud, he can't see himself clearly, and thinks that he is not inferior to others.

Simply put, for such a person, his ambitions are not worthy of his strength and means.

If you want to make him feel good, you only need to identify with him in this respect. Come on, I will teach you how to do it. "

In terms of pondering people's hearts, Chu Xiu hasn't lost anyone yet.

Although he had only been in contact with this Sun Changming a few times, and the rest of the things he had heard, he could almost understand Sun Changming's character.

At this time, Sun Changming was standing there being flattered by Ye Ting and others, and he was already a little tired.

As the most outstanding disciple of the younger generation of the Sun Clan in Jiangdong, what kind of flattery has he not heard of? These guys have already made him a little disgusted.

It's just that he knows that the Ye family is a vassal family of their Jiangdong Sun Clan, and they provide them with low-cost ore for the Jiangdong Sun Clan all the year round, so he, the future heir of the patriarch, should also show his demeanor as a corporal and let the other party. Return to heart.

At this moment, Sun Changming discovered that among the young people in the Ye family, there was one person who did not come around with disgusting compliments like the others. A look of excited reverence.

In this comparison, Sun Changming had some interest in this young man. He looked at Ye Xiao and asked, "Who is this?"

Ye Ting and the others were stunned for a moment, not knowing why Sun Changming suddenly asked about Ye Xiao.

Before waiting for them to answer, Ye Xiao said: "Ye Xiao is a disciple of the Ye family. I have heard the name of the grandson for a long time. When I see it today, it really does not live up to the name."

Hearing this, Ye Ting and the others' faces turned green, what's wrong with their name? Is this guy trying to kill them, kill the Ye family?

But Sun Changming was not angry. Instead, as if he was interested, he asked, "Tell me, why is this young master not worthy of the name?"

Ye Xiao said solemnly: "People in Jianghu say that this generation is not as good as the previous generation, and I thought so before, but now after meeting Sun Gongzi, I realize that I was wrong.

People in the world say that heroes make the times, but in my opinion, the times make heroes.

When the last generation of Dragon Tiger List Junjie stirred up the situation in the world, Sun Gongzi had to endure for a while because of the family rules, and he didn't catch up with the tide of the rivers and lakes, so he was slow.

But under this premise, Sun Gongzi was still able to buck the trend and become the top ten on the Dragon and Tiger list. How can it not be admired?

Therefore, from the following point of view, Sun Gongzi is not worthy of the name, because all the people in Jianghu look down on you Sun Gongzi too When Sun Changming heard this, he suddenly laughed out loud: "Yes, yes, your Ye family. It's hard to find anyone who understands.

But having said that, this young master doesn't feel wronged. After all, this is the way the family behaves, and stability is the main thing.

If you can't bear it, you will make a big plan. Compared with the family's reputation, what is this son's reputation? "

Ye Xiao's words can be said to be right in his heart.

Sun Changming knew that his strength was inferior to Zhang Chengzhen, Zong Xuan, Fang Qishao, and even Chu Xiu.

But they became famous in the rivers and lakes, participated in the battle of righteous demons in Fuyu Mountain, participated in the battle for Xiaofantian, and when they experienced all kinds of opportunities, where were they?

He was forced by the family to not allow him to mix in those messy things and cultivate within the family.

Therefore, Sun Changming always felt that if it wasn't for the order of the family, he could still be on par with Chu Xiu and others.

It's a pity that there is no if in this world, anyway, in the eyes of most people, Sun Changming's generation of dragon and tiger list warriors simply can't compare with those of the previous generation.

Now Ye Xiao has spoken out his innermost thoughts, which makes Sun Changming very proud, and Ye Xiao is even more pleasing to the eye.

At least the words Ye Xiao said, coupled with his neither humble nor arrogant attitude, looked like the truth, not the disgusting slapstick of Ye Ting and others.

"Okay, don't stand here, go in and wait for the birthday party to start."

Having said that, Sun Changming even dragged Ye Xiao into the hall himself. This kind of treatment made Ye Ting and others stunned and deeply jealous.

You know, even if Ye Kun, the head of their Ye family, went, there was no such treatment.


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