Meet The Leader

Chapter 863: deceased

PS: Thanks to Shuyou Chen Qi for the reward of 10,000 starting coins

Sun Changming finally found a bosom friend. His attitude towards Ye Xiao was quite good, and others were jealous.

But at this moment, another team of warriors came in, and this team was from Gao Ping's Lu family.

The Gaoping Lu family and the Sun family have a good relationship, but for some unknown reason, when the two sides greet each other, there is always a feeling of guns and sticks, as if there is some contradiction and friction.

Especially at this time, a young man in a blue samurai uniform with two thunder-patterned spears on his back saw Sun Changming, he came over and said hello: "Brother Sun, long time no see, I heard that you have been here recently. Is it very comfortable to stay in the family?

This can't be done. As a martial artist, you always have to go through battles to grow up. Recently, brother, I have ranked ninth on the Dragon Tiger List, just above Brother Sun. Brother Sun, you have to work hard. "

"Who is this guy?" Chu Xiu asked Ye Xiao's voice transmission.

At the level of Chu Xiu, all he pays attention to are the figures above the Billboard, and the Dragon Tiger List has little to do with him.

Therefore, Chu Xiu really didn't know about the newly promoted people on the Dragon Tiger List.

As for young warriors like Ye Xiao, they are familiar with the characters on the Dragon Tiger Ranking.

Hearing this, he replied: "He is the most outstanding disciple of the younger generation of Gaoping Lu's family, 'Ben Lei Shuang Gun' Lu Guangling. In the past two years, he has been very famous in the arena and now ranks ninth on the Dragon Tiger List."

Chu Xiu nodded and shook his head slightly.

This generation of young people is really a bit unsatisfactory. It should be said that there are very few who are successful.

Like Chu Xiu's generation of warriors on the Dragon and Tiger Rankings, except for Ye Tianxie, who is more interested in fame and fortune rankings, the others actually don't care much about the so-called Dragon and Tiger rankings.

You put me first, I am this strength.

You put me at the bottom, I still have this strength.

Status and reputation are determined by playing, not by ranking.

For example, Lu Guangling was complacent when he ranked ninth, but the top ten warriors in Chu Xiu's generation did not have such virtue.

Even if it was Ye Tianxie, although he valued the ranking of reputation, his target was Zhang Chengzhen or Chu Xiu, not Lu Guangling, but the ninth was so happy.

"By the way, the Jiangdong Sun family should have a good relationship with the Gao Ping Lu family. The two sides seem to be related by marriage. Why are they falling out now?"

Ye Xiao thought for a while and said, "I don't know the specifics, but there is a legend in the rivers and lakes that they fell out because of something brought out from the Six Realms of Illusion six months ago.

It seems to be a practice method, because the ancestors of the Sun family and the ancestors of the Lu family competed, so they were divided into two.

In the past six months, the two parties have discussed the conflict many times, trying to solve this matter, but it seems that they have not reached a consensus, so the relationship has become worse and worse. "

Chu Xiu nodded knowingly, and a strange color appeared in his eyes.

The Sun family and the Gao family fell out? This is good news for him, there are more things that can be used.

At this time, Sun Changming and Lu Guangling had already sprayed each other.

One said that the other party was only relying on a few thieves to rise to the top, and the dragon and tiger rankings were all degenerate.

Seeing that the smell of gunpowder from the two of them was getting stronger and stronger, an elder of the Sun family immediately came over and pulled them away.

Today is the day of the ancestor's birthday. At this time, it is not the face of the Lu family that will be lost, but their own face.

After Lu Guangling left, Sun Changming said coldly: "The Gaoping Lu family has long since lost the glory of their ancestors, and now they dare to bark in front of me? Do you think you are amazing after killing a few thieves?"

At this time, Sun Changming suddenly turned his attention to Ye Xiao and asked, "What do you think of Lu Guangling? He is ranked above me on the Dragon Tiger List. Is he really better than me?"

Ye Xiao was stunned, Chu Xiu immediately said a lot in his mind, Ye Xiao paused and said, "I don't know much about Gaoping Lu's family, so I don't dare to talk nonsense.

However, Fengmanlou's reputation is still there. Since Fengmanlou ranks Lu Guangling above the son, it means that in Fengmanlou, Lu Guangling is indeed stronger than you, Sun Gongzi. "

Hearing this, Ye Ting and the rest of the Ye family wanted to strangle Ye Xiao to death.

At this time, if you don't follow Sun Changming's words, are you trying to kill the Ye family?

At this time, Sun Changming's complexion also sank slightly, but Ye Xiao changed the topic: "However, Feng Manlou's ranking is absolutely accurate, Feng Manlou is not ranked according to strength, but according to record. , Sun Gongzi, you are not necessarily inferior to Lu Guangling, but for the time being, you have not been able to overwhelm the opponent's record.

I think Lu Guangling's personality is a bit too arrogant, and he will suffer losses in the future. On the contrary, Master Sun, you are lurking and low-key to accumulate strength, and there will be a day of soaring in the future.

It doesn't matter if you win or lose in one day, the winner will be determined later. "

Sun Changming burst into laughter when he heard this, patted Ye Xiao on the shoulder and said, "That's right, that's right, I really didn't expect that the Ye family would have a talent like you. .

By the way, you just said that you are from a collateral line of the Ye family? "

Ye Xiao nodded and said, "Exactly."

Sun Changming shook his head slightly, a little pity.

There are very few people who have such an appetite for him. If the other party is a direct descendant of the Ye family, he can even support the other party to the position of the head of the Ye family.

But it is a pity that the other party is a collateral line, so he can't do too much.

Although the Ye family is a vassal of the Sun family, everything must be done according to the rules. If he forcibly interferes in the affairs of other families, it will attract the dissatisfaction of other vassal families of the Sun family, which is a bit of a loss.

At this moment, Sun Changming suddenly saw a person coming in at the door. His eyes lit up, and he waved to Ye Xiao and the others: "You go in first, this young master has other things to do."

Having said that, Sun Changming ran directly to the gate.

Chu Xiu looked at the door, and the person who came in turned out to be Luo Feihong, which surprised him for a moment.

How could Luo Feihong take the initiative to come to Sun's house?

After not seeing him for half a year, Luo Feihong's aura has been condensed to the extreme. Obviously, he is only one step away from the real core.

She is still carrying her blood gun red kite, although the person is still very bright, but with a suffocating aura, so that others subconsciously dare not approach.

With a smile on his face, Sun Changming walked over and said, "Miss Feihong, welcome to my Sun's house, come here, I will take you in personally."

Having said that, Sun Changming wanted to pull Luo Feihong over there.

But at this moment, the red kite in Luo Feihong's hand froze, and the icy edge was in front of Sun Changming, she said coldly: "Sun Changming, do you think you have settled for me?"

It is very unlucky to use weapons on someone's birthday, and the eyes of everyone present suddenly turned to look over.

The smile on Sun Changming's face gradually disappeared: "Luo Feihong, don't be ashamed! Marrying me is not a humiliation for you. The Jiufentang under your command is merged into the Jiangdong Sun Clan, and it can also achieve better development."

Luo Feihong sneered: "By suppressing Jiufentang to make me submit, Sun Changming, you are still as shameless.

If Chu Xiu was still there, would you dare to suppress Jiufentang? You don't even dare to move your mind!

Crouching in front of people, grinning in the back, Sun Changming, you are really a dog, but this dog is not brave, but very small! "

Luo Feihong scolded Sun Changming and his face turned red and white, and other people present were also discussing.

Now Luo Feihong ranks second on the Dragon Tiger list, and the first is to pick up Ye Tianxie cheaply.

In addition, the Jiufentang under her command is not a big force in Dongqi, but it is not small, and it is even bigger than the Wujun Luo family from Luo Feihong, so her reputation in Dongqi is still very large. .

Sun Changming relied on suppressing Jiufentang to let Luo Feihong marry him, delusional thinking of gaining both people and power. Many people know this, and they are a little disdainful of Sun Changming's practice.

Using this method to deal with other people is called ruthless, but if it is used to deal with a woman, it is called inferior, so there are many people who don't like this Sun Changming.

Looking at Luo Feihong, Sun Changming sneered: "You still dare to be arrogant at this point? You used to rely on Chu Xiu's power, but now that Chu Xiu is dead, not even the scum is left!

Without Chu Xiu as a backer, you still dare to be so arrogant in front of my Sun's house, who gave you the courage? "

"I don't know if the courage I gave is enough?"

As the voice came a middle-aged man wearing a white Confucian robe and a handsome appearance stepped into the door of Sun's house.

Seeing this person, everyone present greeted or saluted.

"I have seen Master Xiao!"

"President Xiao, stay safe?"

"I haven't seen it for many years, Xiao Jijiu's demeanor is the same as before."

This middle-aged man is Xiao Baiyu, the great sacrificial wine of Jixia Wuyuan in Dongqi.

More than half of the warriors from the entire Eastern Qi court, especially the younger generation and the **** generation, would call him a teacher or a dean.

Moreover, there are also many martial artists from Jixia Martial Arts Academy on the rivers and lakes, and their attitudes are extremely respectful.

When Xiao Baiyu served as the grand sacrificial wine, he didn't have any reservations about the disciples of Jixia Martial Arts Academy.

Seeing Xiao Baiyu's appearance, Sun Changming's expression suddenly became gloomy. At this time, he suddenly thought that Luo Feihong was not only from Wu Junluo's family, she was not only Chu Xiu's friend, but also Xiao Baiyu's disciple. Among the martial artists from Jijixia Martial Arts Academy, the most outstanding one.

It's just that there are too many disciples of Xiao Baiyu, so many that even Xiao Baiyu himself can't count them.

If Xiao Baiyu were all in charge of so many people, he really wouldn't be able to manage them.

Moreover, Xiao Baiyu was considered a member of the court before, and he interfered in the affairs of the arena without authorization. His identity was a bit embarrassing, and the Eastern Qi court would not like it.

So even when Luo Feihong betrayed the Luo family, he didn't intervene too much.

But now Xiao Baiyu has stepped into the realm of real fire refining, and his identity is very different from before. He also has more discourse power and status in the Eastern Qi court. At this time, standing up to support Luo Feihong is also more powerful. Much confidence.


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