Meet The Leader

Chapter 869: make plans

PS: Thanks to book friends, you should have a reward of 10,000 starting coins

Sun Changming was only slightly fond of Ye Xiao. In his opinion, the disciples of this small family fit his heart very well, and it would be good to stay by his side as a follower.

But now Ye Xiao actually said that he has a way to solve this matter, which is a little too arrogant.

Sun Changming thought that Ye Xiao was eager to make meritorious deeds after joining his command, which made Sun Changming a little unhappy.

So Sun Changming frowned and said, "Do you have a solution?"

Ye Xiao nodded and said, "Sir, those so-called vassal families are actually not that close to the Lu family. Some of them can be bought with money."

Sun Changming snorted coldly: "You still need to say that? I also know that some families can be bought with money, but such families are only a few. Most families know how to stand in line."

Ye Xiao said solemnly: "They know, but the Lu family may not trust them.

Young Master, you sent people to those vassal families of the Lu family, those families that you feel will not betray, only send people over, and also let the people of the Lu family see us going, but the people we sent don't have to say anything Recruit, stay for a while and then leave.

And those families that you can definitely buy with money, and then use money to buy them, I can guarantee that without us taking action, the entire Lu family will be in chaos! "

Sun Changming is not stupid either. When Ye Xiao finished speaking, he immediately understood the core of the plan that Ye Xiao said, only two words: Suspicion!

For those vassal families, the Lu family will definitely not fully believe it, because their Sun family is the same.

After the people from the Sun family left, the Lu family would go to the vassal families to inquire one by one, and the families that didn't defect at that time would definitely say that the people from the Sun family didn't say anything.

Families who are ready to defect after receiving the money will also say the same.

In this way, the real and the fake, the fake and the real, these things are mixed together, the seeds of suspicion have been planted, and they will mess up themselves without Sun's action.

The more Sun Changming thought about it, the more subtle he felt. He laughed and patted Ye Xiao on the shoulder and said, "Yes, yes, I'll go tell my father about this, don't worry, your credit is indispensable!"

Ye Xiao shook his head and said, "No, son, this is your credit. These strategies are all yours, and your subordinates only do business."

Sun Changming's face showed a faint smile, but he looked at Ye Xiao and said, "Are you going to give me this credit? You know, at this time, you have helped my Sun family so much, even if You are not from the Sun family, so there will be no shortage of rewards."

Ye Xiao said with a serious face: "The last time my subordinates said that, the one that subordinates admire most is you, son.

The subordinates know that there are still some people in the Sun family who are not convinced by you, the son. This struggle with the Lu family is a good opportunity for you to emerge as a young master. These credits belong to you, the son, and are much more useful to your subordinates. .

It is not the entire Sun family who is under the pressure of the subordinates, but you, the son. As long as the son can become the head of the family in the future, I believe that the son will not treat his subordinates badly.

Although the subordinates dare not say that they have a long-term vision, at least they will not be so short-sighted. "

At this time, Sun Changming was simply more pleasing to the eye the more he looked at Ye Xiao.

As the immediate heir of the Sun family, he actually has a lot of people under his command, but most of them can only be subordinates, and they can't even handle affairs, let alone help him make plans.

And this Ye Xiao, in addition to being weaker in strength, has a smart mind, understands strategies, and can be a man. Where can he find such a subordinate?

"Okay! Ye Xiao, this young master will not disappoint you. What you want will be realized by this young master in the future!"

After encouraging Ye Xiao a few words, Sun Changming directly called someone to arrange Ye Xiao's residence, and after stuffing him with a lot of medicinal pills, he left contentedly and reported the situation to his father.

Among the blood soul beads, Chu Xiu shook his head.

He still thinks highly of this Sun Changming. Although the other party's strength and talent are okay, but he does things for others with great ambition and talent.

In the past, on the Dragon and Tiger List, not to mention Zhang Chengzhen Zongxuan's amazing talent, even Xie Xiaolou and Yan Feiyan, they have no rivals in their respective sects, so there is no need to worry about being there. Compete with people in the sect.

As a result, after so many years, Sun Changming didn't even get his own affairs in order. He was a waste.

After Sun Changming reported the strategy, he immediately got the attention of Sun Qifang, the current head of the Sun family and also Sun Changming's father.

Right now, the Sun family and the Lu family have not met directly, and the two sides are only engaged in a small-scale friction, but the struggle between the vassal family masters below is bloody, and the Sun family is all at a loss.

Now that Sun Changming offered such a strategy, it can be said that it solved the urgent needs of the Sun family, and immediately made the Sun family overjoyed, and immediately followed Sun Changming's strategy.

As a result, in less than a month, the Lu family became suspicious of these vassal families under him. The back-and-forth inspection and conflict led to the separation of their own vassal families, and many simply went to the Sun family on their own initiative. Immediately, the attack and defense reversed.

And after Chu Xiu came to the Sun family, he gave the Sun family a lot of ideas, and all of them were desperate.

To put it badly, in Chu Xiu's opinion, Jiangdong Sun's and Gao Ping's Lu family are a bit too wasteful.

It's not that their strength is trash, but that Jiangdong Sun's and Gao Ping's Lu family have been too comfortable these years.

These two families are in the same position among the nine great families.

There is Shang Shui Ying's standing on the top, and its strength is so powerful that they dare not even think about it.

The following families such as the Dong family and the Luo family are too weak to pose a threat to them.

As a result, the Sun family and the Lu family had not officially fought with anyone for a long time, so in Chu Xiu's view, this method was too gentle and too unpredictable.

Therefore, after Chu Xiu came to the Sun Clan in Jiangdong, he told Ye Xiao a lot of conspiracy methods, and asked Sun Changming to tell the Sun Clan, and then use it to deal with the Lu Clan.

For example, cutting off the trade routes around the Lu family, causing a huge shortage of some resources and materials needed by the Lu family.

Otherwise, they will send people to provoke those forces that have a grudge against the Lu family and let them make trouble behind the Lu family.

Even Chu Xiu gave Sun Changming an idea to use force or inducement to gather most of the bandits in the Eastern Qi around the Lu family, making the entire Gaoping County a mess, forcing the huge Gaoping County to have more than ten The forces really couldn't stand the struggle between the two families, so they had no choice but to move away, which indirectly caused the loss of Gao Ping's Lu family.

After all, these forces can be around the Gaoping Lu family, either the other party is a vassal family of the Gaoping Lu family, or they choose to submit to the Gaoping Lu family.

Although these methods would not hurt the Gaoping Lu family, they made the Gaoping Lu family in trouble.

Before the Sun family faced off against the Lu family, it was actually the Lu family who had Wei Wei's advantage. After all, the Sun family had just lost two true core warriors, but now, the offensive and defensive relationship between the two sides has already dropped.

Although Chu Xiu asked Ye Xiao to give all these credits to Sun Changming, Sun Changming was not an idiot, and would make something as high as the Ye family's father and son did.

Sun Changming directly took Ye Xiao by his side all the time, regarded him as his first confidant, and admired him so much that he almost swore to him.

However, Chu Xiu was still a little dissatisfied.

The Sun family and the Lu family are cowardly. Even after they came out of the Six Realms of Illusion, the two sides have been in direct conflict and friction for more than half a year. As a result, they still don't want to really start a fight, and they haven't come up with a result. Too grumpy.

Chu Xiu is already thinking, do you need to add another fire to both parties by himself?

At this moment, Sun Changming was preparing to take Chu Xiu and Nanliang City to the Eastern Qi.

Sun Changming now regards Ye Xiao as a confidant, and has already told him everything, asking him to help him for reference.

This time, Sun Changming went to Nanliang City to find Fengmanlou to buy information about the Lu family.

At present, the two sides are at war with each other, and the ordinary Jianghu wind media must not dare to sell the information to the Sun family, so the Sun family can only go to Fengmanlou to buy it in person.

As for why the Sun family did this, the reason is very simple. Now the Sun family is still struggling, whether they should fight or not.

The Sun family has become accustomed to keeping a low profile and forbearance over the years, and it is impossible for them to act decisively.

But they always felt that things were a little too smooth, and somehow their Sun family had the upper hand.

Switching to other aristocratic families, they must be taking advantage of their efforts to defeat their opponents, but this is not the case with the Sun family. After they have the upper hand, they are still a little unsteady, so they want to get detailed information about the Lu family, and then analyze it. In the end should not be shot.

After coming to Nanliang City, Sun Changming took Ye Xiao directly to Fengmanlou, but he didn't expect it to be sullen.

Feng Manlou and the rivers and lakes wind media are very slick in their Although they are watching the battle between the Lu family and the Sun family all the time, they are not ready to intervene in it.

For Feng Manlou, they only need to be a witness. At this critical moment, they will not stand in line.

Even if the Sun family buys information, they are not planning to attack the Lu family immediately, but just want to confirm the strength of both parties, that is not enough.

Sun Changming tried to rub his tongue without success, so he had to go back to the inn angrily for a while, ready to think about it for a while to see if there was any other way.

After nightfall, Ye Xiaopan sat on the bed of the inn and continued to practice.

He knows that strength is hard-won, and even if there is a ready-made technique, it cannot escape the hardship.

After following Sun Changming, his various medicinal herbs are also not lacking, so he began to cultivate as soon as he had time, and now he has been promoted to the Inner Astral Realm, which is extremely fast.

At this moment, the window of the inn seemed to have been weathered, strangely turning into powder.

A woman wrapped in black clothes did not know when she had appeared out of the window, the long knife in her hand flashed a cold light, and the next moment she came to Ye Xiao.

With such a quick knife, the strength gap between the two sides was too large. When Ye Xiao reacted, he could already feel the cold light on the blade.

Just as all kinds of thoughts flashed in Ye Xiao's mind, and when he was unwilling to wait for his death, Chu Xiu suddenly shouted in his mind: "Call Mu Ziyi!"

Ye Xiao couldn't care less, and subconsciously shouted: "Mu Ziyi!"

The figure of the black-clothed woman was shocked, and the blade that was already close to Ye Xiao's neck suddenly retracted.

PS: The old rule is that Jiagen is at night. As for why it is at night, because the lonely night is the best match for Jiagen.  ̄?? ̄


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