Meet The Leader

Chapter 870: Mu Ziyi

PS: This chapter is for the reward of Silver Cod, the noble concubine of the Silver Alliance.

Thanks to book friend Zang Feng Shouzhuo_XK for the reward of ten thousand starting coins


The blade was only a few inches away from Ye Xiao's neck, which made him feel the taste of death for the first time.

At this time, the woman in black asked with a vibrato, "Who are you? How did you know my name?"

This name was used by her a long time ago. In the Azure Dragon Society, only a few people know it, at least the person in front of her is absolutely impossible to know.

Ye Xiao was in a cold sweat, and he didn't know what to say at this time.

This name was given to him by the mysterious senior, how did he know what was going on?

At this time, Chu Xiu's voice sounded in Ye Xiao's ear: "Give her the blood soul bead."

Ye Xiao immediately took out the blood soul orb and handed it to Mu Ziyi. Mu Ziyi took it hesitantly. The next moment, her mental power was already pulled into the blood soul bead.

Mu Ziyi vigilantly held the willow leaf eyebrow knife in front of her, but the next moment, when she saw Chu Xiu in it, her eyes immediately turned red.

"Young Master Chu, I knew that you wouldn't die, I knew!"

Mu Ziyi was excited, the expression on her face was like crying or laughing, and she couldn't even control her emotions.

Chu Xiu didn't expect that the girl would care so much about him.

In fact, what Chu Xiu didn't know was that after learning of his death, Mu Ziyi really wanted to secretly poison Bu Tiannan and avenge him.

Her strength is not enough, and there is only so much she can do for Chu Xiu.

For Chu Xiu, Mu Ziyi was only a young girl who he had rescued at random, and even after the incident, Chu Xiu didn't care whether Mu Ziyi was dead or alive.

Although to outsiders, Chu Xiu's performance at that time can be said to be extremely indifferent, but that is Chu Xiu's character.

I find you pleasing to the eye, and I can spend some saliva to enlighten you, but if you are really trying to kill yourself, I don't bother to care about it.

But for Mu Ziyi, Chu Xiu's position in her heart is completely different, which is equivalent to giving her a second new life.

When the Mu family was destroyed, the only belief that supported Mu Ziyi's survival was revenge.

Later, Chu Xiu helped her avenge her revenge, and she said something when she decided to seek death, making her let go of her death and regain her new life. Chu Xiu's position in her heart was beyond description.

It can even be said that Chu Xiu's status is even more important than that of her adoptive father, the one who took care of her and helped her to this point.

Lu Jianghe stood aside with a depressed look on his face. The girl thought he was a transparent person from the moment she came in. Lu Jianghe couldn't help but murmur a little: "I said, boy Chu Xiu, you really have a lot of luck, the Yin Demon Sect. Girl baby, and the girl from the Luo family, tell me carefully, how many women do you have that the deity doesn't know?"

"To shut up!"

Chu Xiu sneered at Lu Jianghe, turned his head and said, "Although I'm not dead, I'm not much better now, as you can see, I can only stay here temporarily, temporarily in the blood soul bead, relying on That kid outside moves."

Mu Ziyi immediately said: "It doesn't matter, Young Master Chu, I will immediately take the blood soul beads to find my adoptive father. Even if I pay any price, I will help you rebuild your body!"

Chu Xiu waved his hand and said: "No, I have a way to reshape my body, but why are you here? I remember you were not exiled to Beiyan by Butiannan? And why did you kill Ye Xiao? ?"

The last time Chu Xiu saw Mu Ziyi, Mu Ziyi was exiled from the headquarters of the Qinglong Association to Beiyan because of the conflict between his adoptive father Duanmu Qianshan and Bu Tiannan. Why is she back now?

Mu Ziyi smiled bitterly and said, "This is a bit complicated, and it has something to do with you, Young Master Chu."

"It's about me?"

Mu Ziyi nodded and said, "When the adoptive father found out that Young Master Chu had an accident with you, Bu Tiannan had fallen into trouble, so he quarreled with Bu Tiannan, thinking that this was extremely stupid. Pulse knot this great hatred, especially unwise.

But Butian South Africa didn't listen, and even scolded his adoptive father for not being qualified to do anything with him. In addition, Duan Tianlang, a despicable villain, was there to add fuel to the fire and fell into trouble. The righteous father was directly deprived of his power by the dragon head, and he reflected on the headquarters of the Qinglong Association. .

My adopted father had an accident, so I wanted to come back and have a look. Maybe Bu Tiannan thought that a woman could not cause any trouble, so he recalled me to Dongqi.

As for killing Ye Xiao this time, it was my mission. After all, I was still in the Azure Dragon Society, and I couldn't reject all the missions given above. "

Chu Xiu nodded knowingly and asked, "Do you know who asked you to kill Ye Xiao?"

"It's Lu Guangling of the Gaoping Lu family, because the Gaoping Lu family has suffered a lot these days, so I want to ask Qinglonghui to take action, kill some of the Sun family, and save some face.

The Lu family didn't seem to want to fight the Sun family to the death, so the Lu family's targets were all those who were not directly related to the Sun family.

This Ye Xiao was Sun Changming's direct confidant and seemed to be valued by him, so he naturally became the target of being killed. "

The Qinglong Club does have rules and cannot reveal the employer's information.

But for Mu Ziyi now, at least in front of Chu Xiu, this rule is not the same.

After pondering for a while, Chu Xiu asked Mu Ziyi, "So, now Lu Guangling is also in Nanliang City?"

Mu Ziyi nodded and said, "He said he wanted to see the scene of Sun Changming when he learned that his confidant was killed, so he came to Nanliang City on purpose."

Chu Xiu pondered: "In this way, Ye Xiao, you can't kill him, he is still of great use to me, for the Lu family, you can just perfunctory for the time being.

I would like to ask you a question now. You are aware of my grudge with Bu Tiannan. What is the attitude of your adoptive father, Duanmu Qianshan? "

In the future, Chu Xiu will find those who fell into the trap one by one, but the Qinglong Club is not so easy to solve.

Not to mention Bu Tiannan, as the strongest among the four spirits, the assassins of the Azure Dragon Society have spread all over the world for so many years.

So Chu Xiu wanted to know what the Qinglonghui's attitude towards Bu Tiannan was.

Mu Ziyi said in a deep voice, "The adopted father has always been loyal to the Azure Dragon Society, not Bu Tiannan alone.

Even the adoptive father had the opportunity to compete for the position of the dragon head, but he gave up because Bu Tiannan's martial arts talent was stronger.

But now the adoptive father regrets, not that he didn't get the position of the dragon head, but that he was entrusted with inhumans.

If Bu Tiannan acts like this again, sooner or later the entire Azure Dragon Club will be trapped! "

Mu Ziyi could vaguely guess what Chu Xiu meant, so she didn't wait for Chu Xiu to continue to ask, she said directly: "Young Master Chu, if you want to kill Bu Tiannan, not only will the adoptive father not stop him, he will even Joining hands with you, the existence of Bu Tiannan has already endangered the future of the entire Azure Dragon Society.

As long as you don't anger the Qinglong Association and only kill Bu Tiannan, the foster father will definitely have no opinion. "

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows and said, "Oh? Join forces? Isn't your adoptive father already imprisoned by Bu Tiannan? How can you join forces?"

Mu Ziyi said: "After all, the adoptive father is the second dragon head of the Qinglong Association. He has spent more time in the Qinglong Association than Bu Tiannan, and everything big and small is handled by the adoptive father, so over the years, the adoptive father's Prestige is higher than Bu Tiannan.

Right now, the adoptive father was imprisoned by Bu Tiannan without any resistance, but he was just not allowed to leave the Azure Dragon Society, so it was okay to see other people.

In the entire Qinglong Association, half of the dragon capital is on the side of the foster father, and the Tiangang thirty-six rudders, half of the foster father can fully control, and only a few of the remaining half will be completely loyal to Bu Tiannan, and the rest will be completely loyal to Bu Tiannan. All are unclear. "

After listening, Chu Xiu also shook his head slightly.

He also did not expect that Duanmu Qianshan, the second dragon head, would have such a large amount of energy.

To be honest, if he was Bu Tiannan, he would definitely not tolerate such a subordinate.

But the difference is that when the other party does not show any objection, Chu Xiu will only find ways to make himself stronger, while Bu Tiannan will only violently seize power or even kill people. backlash.

Chu Xiu thought for a while and said, "Go back to the headquarters of the Azure Dragon Society first, and ask your foster father if he is willing to join hands with me, and give me an accurate message. Of course, you need to hide my current situation for a while."

Without thinking, Mu Ziyi responded was extremely neat.

After speaking, Chu Xiu was also afraid that other Sun family members would hear the news, so he asked Mu Ziyi to leave for the time being.

However, before leaving, Mu Ziyi also gave Chu Xiu a password and a token, which could order the Qinglong meeting, which was around the Sun family, to split the rudder.

At the moment, the leaders of the Heavenly Killing Branch are Duanmu Qianshan's confidants, Han Kui and Song Xiao. These two are one of the four major blood-killers of the Azure Dragon Society. They are absolutely reliable figures. If Chu Xiu needs it, he can do it. With these two things, he can command the gods to divide the rudder at any time.

After leaving these things, Mu Ziyi returned the blood soul beads to Ye Xiao and left.

Ye Xiao is actually quite strange. There seem to be quite a few Jianghu people known by his senior, and they are all women?

He didn't dare to think too much, just now Mu Ziyi's knife really made him feel a sense of death, and that feeling was something he never wanted to try in his life, which also let him know that his own cultivation was too poor. Far.

Blood Soul Pearl, Lu Jianghe looked at Chu Xiu in surprise and said, "You just believe that little girl? In case he deceives you, turn around and tell Bu Tiannan about your situation, you are not afraid of Bu Tiannan. Come over now and pull you out of the Blood Soul Orb?"

Chu Xiu said lightly: "I believe in her, but I believe in myself more.

When she told Duanmu Qianshan about these things and came back to pass the news, I guess she had already successfully reshaped her body.

At that time, even if I faced Bu Tiannan, I dared to fight against him! "

Lu Jianghe looked at Chu Xiu in surprise. He never knew what Chu Xiu was going to do. This kid seemed to be going to play with a big one.

But after rebuilding his body, Chu Xiu Dingtian was able to recover to his peak. He even broke his weapon. Where did he get the courage to step into Tiannan?


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