Meet The Leader

Chapter 873: perfect body

PS: This chapter is for the reward of Silver Cod, the noble concubine of the Silver Alliance.

Thanks for the reward of Jiu Ge 0v0 10,000 starting coins


Sun Changming stared at Chu Xiu, who was made up of fresh blood, as if he had seen a ghost.

In fact, he has indeed seen a ghost. A guy who was obviously bombarded in front of everyone with no scum, actually appeared in front of him in such a strange form. This is not a ghost, but what is it? ?

The dead are always more terrifying than the living, at least for Sun Changming now.

Before Sun Changming just didn't dare to provoke Chu Xiu, but now Sun Changming looked at Chu Xiu, but an extreme fear rose from his heart.

Sun Changming was trembling, just about to say something, but he found that his body was involuntarily being sucked towards Chu Xiu. Hugh's body.

In an instant, Sun Changming was sucked into a mummified corpse!

Several other Sun Changming's followers wanted to escape, but with a wave of Chu Xiu's hand, everyone's blood was drained instantly and their bodies fell to the ground.

Ye Xiao looked at Chu Xiu in front of him, and was also speechless in horror.

Although this generation of Dragon and Tiger Rankings have almost all been replaced by newcomers, there are many evildoers on the previous generation of Dragon and Tiger Rankings. How could someone like Chu Xiu be recognized?

Especially Ye Xiao, because he was often bullied by others, in the last generation of Dragon and Tiger List, the one he most admired was not the famous little Heavenly Master, nor the Zong Xuan from the great faction, but the one who was born in the little magic way. , Chu Xiu, who is ruthless and decisive.

He never thought that this character who only existed in the 'legend' would appear in front of his eyes in this way, and taught him those martial arts.

Ye Xiao was so excited that he didn't know what to say. Chu Xiu pointed to the back and said, "Boy, wait and stay away. It's not so fun to accidentally hurt you."

Before Ye Xiao could react, Chu Xiu waved his hand and sent Ye Xiao hundreds of feet away.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Chu Xiu squinted his eyes, and the blood all over his body instantly rose, and countless blood lines merged into his body even more frantically.

The place where Chu Xiu and the others are located is only a corner of the battlefield, so Chu Xiu's actions are not quite noticeable.

But at this time, a layer of flame was burning all over his body, like gold and silver, which made Chu Xiu's blood boil extremely.

His current body is completely made up of fresh blood. Once that layer of flame burns, Chu Xiu's whole body will quickly shrink in a circle, but more blood lines quickly pour into Chu Xiu's body, making up for his consumption. blood.

Seeing this scene, Lu Jianghe was shocked: "Fuck! Internal power is really hot!? What are you going to do, kid?"

The body condensed by the blood was also a part of Chu Xiu. At this time, Chu Xiu felt as if he was in an alchemy furnace, surrounded by the extreme burning pain, which made his nerves tense to the extreme.

"As I said, I wasted more than half a year. Of course, I can't just forget about it. After rebuilding my body, I don't want to just return to the previous appearance, but go further!"

Chu Xiu's words seemed to be squeezed out between his teeth, but at this time the strength around him became more and more solid, gradually revealing his fleshly body.

But inside that fleshly body is also burning the inner fire of gold and silver, just like forging a soldier and casting a sword, tempering his body more and more perfect.

"Real fire body refining!"

Lu Jianghe immediately thought of the path that the junior named Chen Qingdi had walked down was a shocking path.

Now Chu Xiu is taking the same path as Emperor Chen Qing, but to be precise, he has gathered all the paths together, and wants to take this opportunity to reshape a perfect body!

Taking the immortal magic pill as a guide, it can preserve its own origin, and at the same time, it can also refine various powers.

Then use the blood **** magic art to absorb endless qi and blood, refining it into the purest power to reshape the body.

In the end, Chu Xiu was even more like Chen Qingdi, using his inner strength to temper his body.

Because Chu Xiu is reshaping his body this time, Emperor Chen Qing has been on the road for more than ten years, and Chu Xiu can go from weak to strong in one step!

No wonder Chu Xiu said that this time he was going to play a big game. According to Chu Xiu, he may walk a path that has never been seen before and never followed.

His body has been tempered to a perfect level by the real fire of internal power, but he has not experienced the realm of real fire refining the gods. Therefore, Chu Xiu's future path is even wider than that of Chen Qingdi.

In the real fire of internal power, Chu Xiu was experiencing the torment like roasting on fire all the time, but he had to endure all the time, mobilize the power of real fire of internal power, and temper every meridian in his body.

After so long, he has provoked a life-and-death battle between two of the nine great families, and used the blood and energy of tens of thousands of people to rebuild his body. Even if Chu Xiu was given this opportunity again, he might not succeed. Therefore, during this time period, Chu Xiu Hugh can't tolerate any minor mistakes!

Chu Xiu already knew about Chen Qingdi's real fire body refining, and he naturally knew how much pain it was.

But he didn't expect that the pain could be so severe.

Chu Xiu only needs to pass this time to be successful, but Chen Qingdi has endured this kind of pain for more than ten years before he can finally reach the current state. No one can compare to Chen Qingdi.

The body full of ultimate strength was born in the inner strength real fire, and at the same time the inextinguishable magic pill was madly spinning in Chu Xiu's body, and the qi and blood were transformed into the purest qi, from innate to inner and outer, from Sanhua Gather to the unity of heaven and man.

In the end, a dazzling brilliance bloomed from the Indestructible Magic Pill, which directly penetrated the body, merged with the real fire of the internal power intertwined with gold and silver all over Chu Xiu's body, turned into a magical power that soared into the sky, and shot straight into the sky!

With a wave of his hand, a black robe shrouded Chu Xiu's body.

At this moment, he was truly remodeling his body. To be precise, this was not remodeling, but Chu Xiu created a more perfect body for himself.

Although there is no glazed golden silk Gu, Chu Xiu's body is flawless at the moment, and it can be called the appearance of heaven and man. Even if Chu Xiu has abandoned his martial arts now, and if he is allowed to practice it again, the speed of his cultivation will be a thousand miles a day. .

When Chu Xiu didn't make such a big move before, the people around didn't notice him.

After all, at that time, both sides were fighting for life and death, who would distract themselves to observe other places?

But the current scene of the demonic energy rushing into the sky has attracted all the attention, and in an instant, Chu Xiu has become the focus of the audience.

Raising his head, Chu Xiu stepped out in one step, and the magic energy like ink lingered around him.

Looking at Sun Zuchang and the ancestor of the Lu family, a smile appeared on the corner of Chu Xiu's mouth and said, "You two, stay safe? I'm here to collect debts today, to collect my life and debts!"

Sun Zuchang and the ancestors of the Lu family looked like they had seen a ghost. They couldn't believe that Chu Xiu was not dead. On that occasion, Jingchan Zhizang had already died and there was no scum left. Chu Xiu It's not dead yet!

Sun Zuchang and the ancestors of the Lu family are not the ignorant Sun Changming. They have naturally heard of some secret methods circulating in the rivers and lakes, which can bring people back to life after death, etc., but the conditions are extremely harsh.

They never thought that Chu Xiu would know such a secret technique, and in such a short period of time, he stood in front of them again.

Glancing at Sun Changming, who had become a mummified corpse over there, Sun Zuchang asked tremblingly, "You did all of this behind your back?"

"Oh? You found out all this? Isn't it old and confused?"

Chu Xiu looked at Sun Zuchang and the ancestors of the Lu family, and said with a show of hands: "My principle of doing things is very simple, if anyone wants to kill me, I will kill.

Of course, when no one provokes me, I'm still very good at talking.

You have successfully 'killed' me once, so you can't blame me if it hurts your family.

Having said so much, in fact, there is only one central idea, that is, all of you here must die! "

Sun Zuchang and the ancestor of the Lu family looked at each other and killed Chu Xiu at the same time without saying a word.

In the past in the Six Realms of Illusion, they all saw the fight between Chu Xiu and Jingchan Zhizang, and the strength was so powerful that it made people tremble!

One is in the realm of real pills, the other is in the realm of real fire refining the gods. As a result, the confrontation between the two people actually played the power of the heaven and earth open-profound This is simply terrifying.

What kind of grudges, what kind of exercises do you still care about right now? If they don't join forces, it will be as Chu Xiu said, they will all have to die!

The ancestors of the Lu family shone with thunder, and the power of the Nine Heavens Thunder in mid-air was integrated into his shot, and when the shot fell, the overwhelming force poured into it, as if it was about to shatter the mountains and rivers.

At the same time, Sun Zuchang threw a punch, but the extreme strength erupted from the old body. The layers of ice and infuriating air overlapped. Wherever he passed, it was obviously the summer season, but there were snowflakes falling, and those Under the blessing of Frigid's True Qi, the snowflakes shot out densely towards Chu Xiu like ice ridges!

Chu Xiu took one step, which seemed to be a gentle step, but it caused the entire earth to burst into a violent vibration, like an earth dragon turning over, and countless gravels rose into the sky!

Chu Xiu squeezed the colorless big handprint with one hand, and directly shot at the ancestor of the Lu family.

Even though it was blessed with the power of Jiuxiao Thunder, the power of the gun was completely strangled by the colorless Ding Mudra, and the head of the gun was directly held in Chu Xiu's hand. The Bing Lei Meteoric Spear was directly broken by Chu Xiu, and the ancestor of the Lu family was also blown away by this force.

At the same time, Chu Xiu landed a punch with his left hand. It was a simple punch, but it contained a powerful punch that was indomitable and shattered the world. This even gave Sun Zuchang an illusion that he was facing Chen Qingdi!

With one punch, the power fluctuation between the two exploded, and the layers of ice crystals shattered, and all melted under the fire of internal energy burning around Chu Xiu.

The powerful force completely turned the surrounding ground soil into powder, and Sun Zuchang was also directly collapsed by this punch, vomiting blood!


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