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Chapter 874: must die!

PS: This chapter is for the reward of Silver Cod, the noble concubine of the Silver Alliance.

With one move, he shattered the divine weapon, repelled the ancestors of the Lu family, and severely injured Sun Zuchang with one punch. Chu Xiu's current strength was simply terrifying.

Looking at his hands, Chu Xiu wanted to sigh shamelessly at this moment, he is so strong!

Chu Xiu's internal strength has not improved much compared to before, and his understanding of heaven and earth has not improved too much. The only improvement is that in the past half a year, he has sorted out the martial arts and understood the martial arts.

However, the power contained in his body has grown exponentially, to the point where Chu Xiu himself is a little uncomfortable.

Now Chu Xiu knows why Xie Xiaolou is Chen Qingdi's direct disciple, but he did not fully inherit Chen Qingdi's world-beating boxing skills.

It's very simple, only a powerful body tempered with real fire can accommodate this unparalleled fist intent.

But I have to say that this feeling of mastering the ultimate power is really good.

At this time, in the outside world, the powerful force inspired by Chu Xiu burst out, just like an earth dragon turning over, and the movement could be detected more than ten miles away.

Qi Yuanli was so shocked that he couldn't care to lie there, looking at the direction where the two sides were fighting in surprise.

The Sun family and the Lu family played so much together, what did they use? Is this ready to die together?

Qi Yuanli really wanted to send someone to take a look, but in this situation, the people sent are too weak and easily hurt by the fight between the two sides.

But if the strength of the person sent is too strong, it is easy to cause misunderstanding, so Qi Yuanli was scratching his head and scratching his head, thinking of a way, but at this moment, there was a more violent fluctuation in the formation, and there was even a An extremely **** aura burst out, making Qi Yuanli feel cold all over.

At this time, inside the formation, Chu Xiu let out a long laugh. With a seal in his hand, countless blood shadows flew out behind him, rushing towards the warriors of the Sun and Lu families below.

As soon as the Blood Shadow Dafa came out, the entire battlefield was like a meat grinder. Those who touched it would surely die. Even a martial arts master could not resist a blood shadow, and Dingtian could entangle with it for a while.

The members of the Sun family and Lu family, who were still fighting to the death just now, were united to resist those blood shadows, but it was only in vain.

Seeing his disciple being slaughtered by Chu Xiu, the eyes of the ancestor of the Lu family suddenly turned red.

"Chu Xiu! This old man is fighting with you!"

As soon as the words fell, the ancestor of the Lu family bit off a piece of his index finger, and as the blood spilled, he drew a thunder talisman in the void.

Different from the thunder rune on Longhu Mountain, the thunder rune drawn by the ancestors of the Lu family is the pictographic rune inscribed when the human race first tried to record wind, rain, thunder and lightning in ancient times, which is similar to heaven and earth. There was a connection between them.

The rune is only a few simple strokes, but it outlines the most original thunder power between the world.

With the completion of the rune, the thunder light scattered in the sky in an instant, and the thunder roared in the air, and the thunder was overwhelming!

The patriarch of the Lu family grabbed with one hand and clasped his four fingers in the void. In the middle of the void, a thunder dragon shone with boundless thunderbolts was forcibly grasped by him, turned into a thunder dragon spear, with the unparalleled power of breaking the army, Stab towards Chu Xiu!

Using the power of man to control the power of heaven and earth forcefully, the ancestors of the Lu family are enduring the backlash of thunder every minute and every second.

It had to be said that this man was also a ruthless man who even practiced this taboo secret technique. Obviously, he really hated Chu Xiu to the extreme.

The blue-purple thunder spear came towards him, Chu Xiu raised his palm as a knife, and slashed forward with a bang, and the extremely pure demonic energy drifted. Some erratic feeling.

But it was this knife that seemed to freeze this space.

Wherever he passed, the space was like a picture scroll, and it was cut into two pieces. The spear, which was completely transformed by the power of thunder, was actually divided into two parts by this strange knife!

Red Dust Misty Slash!

The Heavenly Demon Dance has been abolished, and Chu Xiu raised his palm as a knife. Although he succeeded in using the Red Dust Misty Slash, when his fleshy palm collided with the power of thunder, he had to endure this force abruptly.

That's why Chu Xiu's right hand started to explode in the thunder, but the strange thing is that sometimes even though Chu Xiu's hand was blasted out of the bones, but after the blood flashed, it immediately recovered as before. .

This is not the power of the blood **** magic art, but the power of the real indestructible magic pill!

Indestructible Magic Pill Chu Xiu has already successfully cultivated, but in fact, Chu Xiu has not understood the function of Indestructible Magic Pill until he rebuilt his body, Chu Xiu thought that the effect of Indestructible Magic Pill was only equivalent to strengthening The board's Blood God Demon Art can keep its true spirit indestructible at critical moments.

But if the role of the Indestructible Magic Pill was really that simple, Chu Xiu would underestimate Dugu and I.

Immortality is immortal, and if you have not experienced true annihilation, how can you know what true immortality is?

Only by standing at the threshold between extinction and immortality can we realize the true meaning of the immortal magic pill and the real method of using it.

As it is now, as long as Chu Xiu's strength is enough, he is an immortal existence standing here!

On the entire battlefield, the power of qi and blood slaughtered by tens of thousands of people, they are the nourishment of Chu Xiu, the root of Chu Xiu's immortality!

Under the misty slash of the red dust, even though the ancestor of the Lu family fought with all his strength and put on his trump card, it was still useless under absolute power.

And at this moment, Yu Guang, the ancestor of the Lu family, swept over Sun Zuchang's side. At this critical moment, Sun Zuchang even fled first by himself, and at this time he was about to escape outside the formation.

The people of the Lu family are all dying, but their Sun family still has a chance of survival. After all, it is impossible for him to bring all the people of the Sun family to attack the Lu family.

As long as he can escape and tell others that Chu Xiu is still alive, at that time, the Blue Dragon Society, Subhuti Temple, and even Tianmen will definitely take action!

Therefore, at this critical moment, Sun Zuchang abandoned the Lu family ancestor without hesitation and fled first.

Leave the green hills, not afraid of running out of firewood, why do you have to work hard? Even if someone is desperate, that one person is enough.

"Don't worry, I'll send him to accompany you later."

Chu Xiu's voice fell, he had already come to the Lu family's ancestor, punched the Lu family's ancestor's head, and directly blew it up!

The headless corpse of the ancestor of the Lu family slipped, Chu Xiu didn't even look at it, his body turned into a **** glow, and he stepped on the ground. Suddenly, a cracking sound rang out, and the ground was actually stepped out by Chu Xiu. Zhang's giant pit came.

The power that a pure body possesses is extremely astonishing, Chen Qingdi has proved all this, and now Chu Xiu is the same.

The power of this step brought the physical strength to the extreme. Chu Xiu was almost like a cannonball that came out of the chamber. In an instant, he came to the back of the ancestor of the Sun family. out.

With a bow in one arm and a string in three arms, the magic arrow with the power of annihilation condensed in Chu Xiu's hand, and shot out with a bang, straight to the back of the ancestor of the Sun family!

Destroy Sanlian City Arrows!

The ancestor of the Sun family felt the aura coming from behind him, and a mysterious aura locked around him, making him invisible and unable to dodge at all.

This arrow forced the ancestors of the Sun family to turn back, squeeze the fist marks in his hands, and smash them crazily, almost smashing hundreds of marks in an instant, and the icy cold condenses in front of him. An iceberg lies ahead.

But under the arrow of Mie Sanliancheng, everything collapsed in silence. The black arrow, the power of Mie, eroded everything.

In the end, even one of Sun Zuchang's arms was completely eroded by the power of annihilation of the Sanliancheng Arrow, and it began to collapse.

Sun Zuchang clenched his teeth fiercely, and the cold ice in his left hand turned into a sword, and directly chopped off his right arm!

Chu Xiu said with a playful smile on his face: "Are you still thinking that when you return to the Sun family, you can still save the remaining Sun family disciples and leave a seed for your Sun family?

To tell you a very unfortunate news, you are wrong, very wrong!

Killing the heart, cutting the grass and eradicating the roots.

I killed the Lu family and you, so how could I still leave your Sun family alive?

Maybe the disciples of your Sun family are already ahead of you now, just in I will send your ancestor down to accompany them! "

Chu Xiu has a habit of doing things absolutely, and never leaves a shred of leeway.

The day before Sun Zuchang came to attack the Lu family, Chu Xiu asked Ye Xiao to inform Luo Feihong and Mu Ziyi of the Heavenly Killing helm, and asked them both to help and destroy the Sun family.

Some people in Luo Feihong's Jiufentang are her confidants, the kind that can definitely keep secrets.

The Heavenly Killing Branch where Mu Ziyi was located belonged directly to her adoptive father, and was absolutely obedient to her.

It is not difficult for the two to take action together and quietly destroy the Sun family.

But when Sun Zuchang heard this, his eyes turned red.

"The old man is fighting with you!"

Sun Zuchang spit out a mouthful of blood, turned into a blood mist, and fused with countless ice ridges in the air. In an instant, it was like a rain of blood in the sky, and it rushed towards Chu Xiu, but the blood rain was carried with it. The boundless cold air blade seemed to slash Chu Xiu with a thousand knives.

But Chu Xiu's whole body was burning with a scorching internal fire, and those blood energy icicles were completely melted by him as soon as they touched Chu Xiu's body.

Step by step, he came to Sun Zuchang, the powerful pressure made Sun Zuchang have a kind of fear of facing death.

But this fear also inspired his ferocity.

Just when Sun Zuchang was about to fight his life, but before he could make a move, behind Sun Zuchang, a **** figure holding a sword appeared behind him for some unknown reason. The sword directly broke through Sun Zuchang's body-protecting infuriating energy and penetrated him directly!

Sun Zuchang looked at Chu Xiu in disbelief. He wanted to turn his head and look back, but he had no chance, his vitality dissipated, and his body fell to the ground.


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