Meet The Leader

Chapter 882: extreme ego

PS: Thanks to the book friend utomarket's leader for the reward, congratulations on becoming the 20th leader of this book ^_^

Duanmu Qianshan's sudden opening gave way to Tiannan's complexion.

As for Duanmu Qianshan, Bu Tiannan really wanted to save his life.

Although Bu Tiannan was mad, madness did not mean an idiot. He knew how much prestige Duanmu Qianshan had in the Azure Dragon Society.

Therefore, if he really killed Duanmu Qianshan, he would definitely attract opposition from a large number of people in the Azure Dragon Society, and even become detached.

But there is a premise for this matter, then Duanmu Qianshan honestly pretends to be dead, don't come to provoke him!

Bu Tiannan stood up abruptly, stared at Duanmu Qianshan, and said in a cold voice, "Not right? But this seat thinks it's quite right!"

Duan Tianlang on the side immediately stood up and shouted: "Bold! Presumptuous! Duanmu Qianshan, how dare you talk to the dragon head like this?"

Seeing that Duanmu Qianshan actually jumped out to do something, Duan Tianlang was even slightly excited.

In the entire Azure Dragon Society, Duan Tianlang is not afraid of anyone, and the one he is most afraid of is the old man Duanmu Qianshan.

The other party's qualifications are too old, and the credit to the Qinglong Association is too great, and even Bu Tiannan is afraid of the prestige.

Therefore, as long as Duanmu Qianshan is in one day, even if he has to pay attention to Bu Tiannan, the position of these two dragon heads will not be his turn.

On the contrary, as long as Duanmu Qianshan is dead, then as long as Bu Tiannan agrees with him to be the second dragon head, the other dragon heads will not have the strength to stop him at all.

Duanmu Qianshan didn't pay any attention to Duan Tianlang at all, he just looked at Bu Tiannan and said solemnly: "Dalongshou, I know you want to kill me, and I know you have been disliked by this old man for a long time, but in Before this, do you want to hear a few words from my old man?"

The other dragon heads and the rudder master of Tiangang's thirty-six-point rudder below were all silent, looking at the two above with a look of astonishment.

Before, they just turned their faces, but now, they have completely torn their faces.

Bu Tiannan looked at Duanmu Qianshan and said coldly, "Let's talk."

Duanmu Qianshan sighed: "The big dragon head, from the previous generation of Qinglonghui, there are only you and me, you should still remember what the previous generation of Qinglonghui looked like.

At that time, the seven dragon heads were ranked according to their seniority, and their strength was not the first.

But I think this model makes the operation of the entire Blue Dragon Club headquarters extremely bloated. Only by vesting the power with one person can the Blue Dragon Club be able to maximize its efficiency.

But that person is not me. Although I have enough qualifications, my strength cannot suppress others. Therefore, I gave you the position of the dragon head. Only your strength can overwhelm the entire Azure Dragon Society. "

Bu Tiannan said expressionlessly: "So what do you mean, you gave me the position of the dragon head of the Azure Dragon Society. Now, are you going to take it back?"

Duanmu Qianshan closed his eyes and said, "No, I don't have the strength to get it, nor the qualifications to get it."

Having said this, Duanmu Qianshan suddenly opened his eyes and said loudly: "I just want to ask Dalongshou, have I ever had any objections over the years?

Everything I do is for the sake of Qinglong Club!

As a result, Dalongshou, you acted recklessly and did not listen to persuasion, which made Qinglonghui full of cause and effect.

What was the purpose of the rudder of crime being destroyed the day before yesterday, don't you know the dragon head yourself?

In the end, you went to Daguang Temple to seek revenge yourself, but you have forged a deeper cause and effect!

Big Dragon Head, I still remember that when you first took over the Blue Dragon Club, although you had a weird personality, you were not like this back then! "

Bu Tiannan looked gloomy and said: "You ask me why I am like this, then I will tell you why! Because I am the big dragon head of the Azure Dragon Society!

The good or bad of the Qinglong Club is my own business. I will bear the cause and effect that I have forged, and I will solve it. As long as I am there for one day, there will be no problems with the Qinglong.

But I can't stand the voice of someone speaking in the Azure Dragon Society, louder than me! "

Duanmu Qianshan gave a wry smile, understood, he understood.

It should be said that he was wrong from the beginning.

Bu Tiannan is an extremely egoistic person, always has been.

When Bu Tiannan was a killer in the past, no one told him to use some tricks to perform tasks that were much simpler and less labor-intensive.

But Bu Tiannan never did much.

Because this is someone else's method, why did he need someone to teach him when he did things in Tiannan?

Now that he has become a big dragon head, it is the same. No matter whether what he has done is good or bad, why did he ever need Duanmu Qianshan to tell him what to do?

Even if what he did was wrong, he would be wrong in the end!

A person who is very persistent in some places has the potential to become a strong person, and this is the case with Bu Tiannan, but it is obviously not a good thing for the Qinglong Association.

Duanmu Qianshan let out a long sigh: "Da Long Shou, you are not wrong, but I am not wrong, and the entire Azure Dragon Society is even more right.

It's just that you have forgotten one thing, that is, the Azure Dragon Society is not your own Azure Dragon Society, but everyone's Azure Dragon Society!

Bu Tiannan said lightly: "You're done? When you're done, find a decent way to die. I'll give you a chance to choose."

When everyone present heard this, their expressions suddenly changed.

Everything Duanmu Qianshan has done for the Qinglong Association over the years is in everyone's eyes, and even most of the people present were promoted by Duanmu Qianshan.

When Duanmu Qianshan promoted these people, it was not their relationship, etc., but their strength.

If Duanmu Qianshan dies, Qinglong will not only lose the existence of a real fire refining spirit, but also lose his brain.

Bu Tiannan valued people like Duan Tianlang. In fact, Duan Tianlang was also the helmsman of Tiangang 36-point rudder before. Why did he replace Duanmu Qianshan?

Therefore, everyone present made a sound, and let Bu Tiannan calm down and so on.

"Shut up for this seat!"

A powerful murderous intent burst into bloom, making the entire hall instantly silent.

But at this moment, a figure wearing a blood-clothed figure came out calmly under the murderous intent, and said lightly as he walked: "Bu Tiannan, you are a top killer, a top martial artist, But you are not suitable to be the leader of this Azure Dragon Society.

Senior Duanmu is right, the Qinglong Association is not a Qinglong Association for you alone. If you can't do well in this position, then someone else will do it! "

Everyone present turned their attention to Chu Xiu, and Bu Tiannan even frowned and said coldly, "Who are you? Duanmu Qianshan trained you to send you to die?"

He could clearly feel that the person in front of him was only in the true core realm, but his whole body gave Bu Tiannan an extremely uncomfortable feeling, and there was even a hint of familiarity.

"Who am I? I'm a debt collector! Bu Tiannan, didn't you say that the karma you forged, you will solve it, and you will bear it? Now, let's settle the karma between you and me! "

As Chu Xiu took off the mask on his face, everyone present took a deep breath.

Although it has been more than half a year, as a person who has stirred up the situation in the arena, who does not recognize Chu Xiu?

However, there were several dragon heads present who were very calm. Obviously, they had known the news long ago, and they were all people who would definitely stand on the side of Duanmu Qianshan.

Bu Tiannan looked at Chu Xiu in front of him, and with his concentration, he couldn't help being terrified at this moment.

"Chu Xiu, you are not dead!"

Although this kind of resurrection sounds a bit incredible, there are still some secret methods on the rivers and lakes that can be done.

But even if it can be done, the conditions are very harsh, and some things must be preserved.

But in that battle, the power of Bu Tiannan was seen with his own eyes, and he directly played the power of the Heaven and Earth Tongxuan Realm. Everything was completely destroyed. Jingchan Zhizang and Chu Xiu were both dead. There's nothing left, how did he come back to life?

Of course, now is not the time to struggle with this. Bu Tiannan turned his gaze to Duanmu Qianshan, and a trace of coldness appeared in his eyes: "Duanmu Qianshan! You actually colluded with outsiders to kill me!"

Duanmu Qianshan said indifferently: "Master Chu Xiu is not an outsider, he was originally from my Azure Dragon Society.

But it is precisely because of your decision, Dalongshou, that the headquarters has neglected the management of Tiangang's thirty-sixth rudder, and let the villains like Duan Tianlang do things to deceive him, and forcefully force Lord Chu Xiu away. , forced away the first person of a young generation!

Dalongshou, you have done too many wrong things, I don't want to kill you, but for the sake of the Qinglonghui, I have to kill you! "

As Duanmu Qianshan's voice fell, in the entire hall of the Azure Dragon Society, the brilliance of the formations flowed, and the sound of dragon roars and roars The gate of the hall was completely closed, trapping everyone in it. .

Bu Tiannan fiercely looked at Duan Tianlang: "What's going on here!?"

This kind of thing must be in the hands of one's own confidants.

In the past, Duanmu Qianshan was in charge of the key to the Great Array of Protecting the Sect, but now it was taken away by Bu Tiannan and given to Duan Tianlang.

Duan Tianlang said in a panic, "I don't know either, the key is in my hand, and without the key, how did they activate the formation?"

Duanmu Qianshan said indifferently: "You have only been in charge of the affairs of the Qinglong Association for a few years? I have been in charge of it all my life. Who said that the guardian formation cannot be activated without a formation?"

Bu Tiannan turned his attention to the remaining four dragon heads.

These four were all top killers in the True Core Realm, and within the Azure Dragon Society, their status was second only to Duanmu Qianshan and Bu Tiannan.

"You guys, are you going to betray me too?"

Among the four, three stood firmly beside Duanmu Qianshan, only one was overwhelmed, and it seemed that he had not recovered from the shock.

One of them sighed and said, "Big Dragon Head, it's not that I'm going to betray you, but Qinglong will continue to develop like this, and sooner or later something big will happen.

After all, I am also a member of the Azure Dragon Society, and I really can’t bear to watch the Azure Dragon Society collapse and decline. "

Bu Tiannan sneered, looked around for a week, and said in a cold voice, "Heaven and Earth, ambush from all sides, made so many preparations, it seems that you really plan to eat me today?

Chu Xiu, you can fight to death that old monk Jingchan Zhizang, do you think that you can continue to fight to death for me now! ? "

As Bu Tiannan's voice fell, the murderous intent around him burst into the sky, and there was a faint sound of Qinglong's roaring.


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