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Chapter 883: Blood of the Blue Dragon

Just like what Bu Tiannan said to Duan Tianlang before, he knew that Duanmu Qianshan would probably do something, and he would not be caught off guard.

Although Chu Xiu's appearance was beyond his expectations, Bu Tiannan was not afraid.

For Bu Tiannan, his way of handling things has always been extremely simple and rude.

No matter what his conspiracy and scheming, all of them will be killed and they will be quiet.

The strong murderous intent was condensed like a substance, and Bu Tiannan suddenly grabbed the nearest Duanmu Qianshan and fell, the sound of a sonic boom came in mid-air, and the blue dragon claws were lifelike, and in an instant, Duanmu Qianshan was locked. All the dodging places around you.

Although Duanmu Qianshan is old, he still has the strength to fight.

A gilt-coiled dragon stick appeared in his hand, facing Bu Tiannan's grab and smashed it. With a bang, a wave of extreme fluctuations erupted, causing everyone around to dodge quickly.

Chu Xiu did not expect that the old man Duanmu Qianshan looked very gentle and elegant, but his own martial arts was so fierce.

Especially those who choose to use a stick as a weapon, the martial arts they follow are all open and close, and they are extremely fierce. It seems that Duanmu Qianshan was also very violent when he was young.

With just one move, Duanmu Qianshan was blown away by Bu Tiannan, and the hand holding the gilded dragon stick began to tremble slightly.

Duanmu Qianshan gave a wry smile, he was still old, and since he had not made a move for many years, his current strength was not even half of his peak period.

Moreover, in other words, even when he was at his peak, he was no match for Bu Tiannan, which is why he gave up the position of this great dragon head when he had more seniority and prestige than Bu Tiannan. The reason for him is because he believes that Bu Tiannan's strength can bring enough benefits to Qinglong.

As a result, I didn't expect that, I didn't see the benefits, but the troubles continued.

Following Bu Tiannan's shot, Chu Xiu also stepped out, and in an instant, he came to Bu Tiannan's body, and he fell with a punch, the momentum was like turning over the river and the sea, the fist intent rose, and he went forward.

Shanhai Quanjing!

When Bu Tiannan turned around, he also threw a punch, and the killing intent was so intense that it almost overflowed, tearing everything apart like a sharp blade.

The fists intersected, and the power of the two exploded, and the radiance of the formations in the entire hall was circulating frantically. Obviously, the power of the two men had threatened the formations in these halls in the Azure Dragon Society.

Bu Tiannan originally thought that no matter how strong Chu Xiu was, he was only in the real dan realm, and he was simply seeking death to fight for his strength.

But who would have thought that under this punch, both sides took a few steps back at the same time, but in terms of pure strength, the two sides turned out to be in a rivalry situation.

Looking at the thin layer of gold and silver flames around Chu Xiu's body, Bu Tiannan narrowed his eyes and said, "Real fire? You actually walked the same path as Emperor Chen Qing!"

After the end of the Six Realms of Illusion, in addition to the fact that Chu Xiu and Jingchan Zhizang perished together, Chen Qingdi also shook the rivers and lakes.

The one who actually walked a unique path, the name of the unparalleled master in the world, is well-deserved.

Of course, after that time, there were also people who tried to temper their bodies with the True Fire of Internal Power, but in the end they found that it was useless at all.

To be precise, it's not that it's useless, but that it's not worth the candle.

The real fire body refining is different from the spiritual refining. The latter only needs to accumulate his own understanding of the world and can complete it in a short time.

However, the former needs to use real fire for a long time to temper the body, and it has been tempered to the extent that every strand of flesh and blood and every meridian is like a weapon.

This kind of pain needs to be endured for more than ten years or even decades, and it is simply not something that ordinary people can endure.

Besides, even if you can bear it, can you precisely control the real fire to temper every strand of flesh and blood in your body in the midst of such pain? If something goes wrong, you will hurt yourself.

And even if you can do these two things, after decades, people with savvy have already stepped into the realm of real fire, so why go through such a difficult road thankfully?

Therefore, among the rivers and lakes, only Chen Qingdi is still walking this road.

Only Chu Xiu took advantage of the opportunity to reshape his body and cheated in a short period of time and completely walked the road that others had taken for decades.

Although Bu Tiannan was also surprised that Chu Xiu was able to come this far, but then he sneered: "What about the real fire? If Chen Qingdi came in person, this seat may be afraid, but even if you have cultivated to become Real fire refining your body, you are not Chen Qingdi!"

Behind Bu Tiannan, the azure brilliance circulated, and the powerful and majestic aura was like a beast descending.

A lifelike blue dragon dharma was lying behind him, as if the ancient beast blue dragon had really descended.

The azure dragon did not directly attack Chu Xiu and Duanmu Qianshan, but instead attached himself to Bu Tiannan. In an instant, the aura around Bu Tiannan became extremely fierce, and the azure azure dragon qi condensed on him. Around his body, there are vaguely the appearance of dragon claws and dragon tails, and even his eyes have turned golden, like the pupils of snakes.

Chu Xiu had seen this kind of change from Ye Tianxie, the guy who refined the blood dragon inner pill. What was the situation in Tiannan?

Duanmu Qianshan came over and said in a low voice: "Be careful, Bu Tiannan once got a drop of the ancient Qinglong blood, of course, whether that thing is the blood of the Qinglong or the blood of some powerful flooded beast has no one. Can be determined.

But this thing did cause some changes in his practice with the Azure Dragon Society. Once he entered this state of becoming a dragon, not only did his strength skyrocket, but his personality also became insane, bloodthirsty and warlike.

I even doubt that his personality has become like this, whether it has anything to do with the blood of the blue dragon. "

As Duanmu Qianshan's voice fell, Bu Tiannan was already rushing towards Chu Xiu and Duanmu Qianshan. He grabbed it casually, and the azure qi condensed a lifelike Qinglong Yanyue Saber, its blade was even more murderous. The blood color condensed by the evil spirit.

It has to be said that in this state, Bu Tiannan's control of his own power has almost condensed to the extreme.

The ability to condensate gas is generally possible as long as the martial artist who can release Astral Qi can do it, the difference is only how much you can do it.

For example, it is also sword qi, and the sword qi released by the martial artist who has just reached the gang qi is not called sword qi at all, it can only be said to be a qi qi.

The stronger the strength, the more realistic and powerful the things that Gang Qi can condense.

On the Azure Dragon Yanyue Sword that Bu Tiannan had condensed, its qi had already condensed to an unimaginable level, and it was slashed down, and the space in front of him seemed to be forcibly torn apart by him.

The Heavenly Dao battle box appeared in Chu Xiu's hand, and with a flick of his hand, the Heavenly Dao battle box turned into a huge sword.

The unique swordsmanship in Xuanwu's true art was displayed, and the swordsmanship opened and closed, and the power was inexhaustible.

But when he was fighting against Bu Tiannan, Chu Xiu was slammed by that force step by step.

Especially now that Bu Tiannan has entered this state of being transformed into a dragon, although he himself has fallen into a certain degree of madness, and even the swordsmanship he uses cannot be called a swordsmanship, but every move he uses Reaching the limit of his own combat power, he exerted his strength to the extreme, and precisely slashed at the weakest part of every sword technique of Chu Xiu.

Bu Tiannan can be said to be the strongest existence that Chu Xiu has encountered so far.

The strength of the top ten on the Billboard is not blown out, but killed.

Although the old monk Jingchan Zhizang was also very strong, he couldn't compare with Bu Tiannan.

The gap between the two sides in terms of strength is even more different.

Duanmu Qianshan took advantage of Bu Tiannan's mad attack on Chu Xiu, and the gilt-coiled dragon stick in his hand burst out with a touch of extreme brilliance.

This stick is almost the point where Duanmu Qianshan has stimulated his current strength to the peak, which is almost the same as when he was young.

However, when Bu Tiannan moved, the divine dragon swung its tail, and the cyan dragon's tail instantly soared by more than ten feet, pulling Bu Tiannan with a stick and flying directly out.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Chu Xiu slashed the sea with a slashing sword. The sword was like a raging wave, tearing everything in front of him. The powerful sword even seemed to completely divide the hall~www.wuxiaspot. com~ Let the other disciples of the Azure Dragon Society immediately flash to the edge.

The power of breaking the sea almost brought the power of Chu Xiu to the extreme. With one slash, Bu Tiannan's figure was knocked back a few steps, and his Yanyue Saber, which was completely condensed by Qinglong Astral Qi, also appeared. A slight crack.

However, after this knife, Chu Xiu's hands that held the knife were also trembling slightly, and some machines were even shaken by the force of these backlashes, and made a sound. The whistling sound of metal rubbing.

Chu Xiu sighed, he now understood what Mo Yezi meant when he said that the Heavenly Dao battle box was defective.

No matter what kind of weapon it has, what kind of strange power it has, but the most important point of any weapon is that it is strong and sharp, capable of withstanding strong force and able to cause enough damage.

The Heavenly Dao War Box is now changing, and its power is insufficient, so it is still relatively disadvantaged in this kind of hard shaking.

However, Duanmu Qianshan tried his best to strike, and finally created an opportunity for him. Chu Xiu would not give up so easily.

The Heavenly Dao battle box in his hand changed, forming a long spear, ask the Heavenly Ba Gun!

Wentian's spear execution was launched, the spear was as powerful as a forest, and its power was inexorable, stronger than the ancestors of the Lu family in the past.

In an instant, the Wentian Ba ​​spear turned into the Great Yi Zhanji, and the Great Yi Ji spectrum of Xuanwu Zhen Gong was displayed. Although they are two concepts with Lu Fengxian's Demon God Wushuang Ji, they are still the kind of martial arts that open up and close together. .

Several kinds of martial arts changed in a row. As long as Bu Tiannan just got used to this martial arts and found his weakness, Chu Xiu immediately changed his martial arts.

This is the real use of Xuanwu Zhen Gong, so that the enemy will never know where your boundaries are.


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