Meet The Leader

Chapter 888: Fuyang Royal Family

What Ye Xiao said was indeed a bit shocking, but it was also reasonable.

People don't disappear out of thin air, even if they disappear out of thin air, they still have to leave a trace.

Only entering another dimension, this explanation is quite reasonable.

Chu Xiu asked, "What happened after that? Why didn't the Wang family and the Zhou family go to explore that place? Why are they turning their faces now?"

Ye Xiao said: "According to my inquiry, the person from the Zhou family said that although the space is weak, it is a complete space, and it was only because Ning Xuanji and Dugu Wei I were too strong that they were forced into it. Torn apart and replaced by other people, even the Heaven and Earth Tong Xuan Realm can't do it.

So after they recorded the fluctuation of that space, the weakest position, etc. about the formation, they went back to study how to break the space of that place.

Originally, the two sides joined forces, but they have been studying for a lifetime without success.

Their descendants also kept their secrets and continued to specialize in research, but the power of the two sides was still out of balance. The Wang family even had a number of formation masters, and they became stronger and stronger, while the Zhou family became weaker and weaker.

Up to now, the Zhou family has successfully researched the key to break the space, and the Zhou family believes that if they can research it, the Wang family will certainly be able to.

But the Wang family did not come to them to join forces for so long, but it was obviously because the Wang family wanted to kill them and monopolize the secret.

In fact, the Zhou family guessed well. The Wang family invited me to kill the Zhou family. After I arrived at the Zhou family, the Zhou family confided everything to me, and also gave me the key to break the space. I. "

With that said, Ye Xiao handed Chu Xiu a round stone and half a map.

"This was given to me by someone from the Zhou family. He said that everyone is innocent and guilty. The Zhou family should have thought of this long ago, because the Zhou family was not qualified to keep this kind of secret from the very beginning.

Now that they have finally refined the key that can break open that space, it can be regarded as fulfilling the wish of the ancestors, and they can completely hand over these things.

This half of the map is where they found the weakest spot in the space, half of the Zhou family and half of the Wang family. "

Chu Xiu took the so-called key and looked at it. It was ridiculously round, and there were circles of patterns on it that looked like annual rings, but upon closer inspection, it turned out to be carved with tiny patterns.

Chu Xiu didn't know much about the formation method, but this thing didn't seem to be ordinary, and the Zhou family should not lie to Ye Xiao at such a time.

Speaking of which, the Zhou family can be considered open this week. Treasures of this level are actually taken out.

Of course, in Chu Xiu's view, the Zhou family should be completely desperate in the end.

The Zhou family had a glimmer of hope about this matter before, but after seeing that the Wang family had sent killers to kill them all, the Zhou family realized that it was not a treasure, but a scourge.

"You go back to Heaven to kill the rudder first... No, go directly to the Qinglong Association to find Duanmu Qianshan, the head of Erlong, and ask him to arrange a place for you in the Qinglong Association headquarters. After you recover from your injuries, you will work in the Qinglong Association headquarters. That's it."

"Yes, thank you Lord Chu!"

With the excited look on Ye Xiao's face, he knew that doing things in front of Chu Xiu would be rewarded as long as he did it well.

In the Azure Dragon Club, the treatment of the Heavenly Killing Branch and the headquarters is of course not the same level, especially Chu Xiu also sent Duanmu Qianshan, the second dragon head, to take care of him.

This time Ye Xiao did a really good job. Of course, his goodness is not only because he brought such a big news to Chu Xiu, but also because his style of doing things is in line with Chu Xiu's heart. He knows what to do and what not to do. .

The rules of the Qinglong Association are important, but this news is obviously more important than the rules of the Qinglong Association. This is called understanding and flexibility.

Moreover, Ye Xiao didn't tell the truth to the other party when he accidentally found out that he had met someone from Jiufentang, but just asked him to ask for help, which is also enough to prove Ye Xiao's cautiousness.

Luo Feihong can definitely be trusted, but other people in Jiufentang are not necessarily so, even Chu Xiu sees it this way.

So Ye Xiao's cautiousness also avoided a lot of trouble.

Some of the potentials he showed this time already had reasons for Chu Xiu to focus on cultivating them.

At this time, in the Wang Family of Fuyang County, Wang Daozong and several leaders of the Wang Family sat in the hall with sad faces, waiting for news.

Wang Daozong's appearance is that of an old man of about sixty or seventy years old. His appearance is correct, and he looks like a fairy.

In Dongqi, and even among the Taoist formation masters in the entire Jianghu, he is considered relatively famous, because the Wang family has an inheritance.

The ancestor of the Wang family is a great master of the formation path. Although he is not as good as his own ancestor, the master who has studied the formation path in the rivers and lakes is extremely precious, especially for those schools that are not top forces, they do not have The ability to support some masters of formation, so the formations in the sect can only ask the masters of formations like Wang Daozong to help.

Of course, please ask Wang Daozong to make a shot, but the price is not cheap.

And even if some top factions are setting up some big formations, usually a formation master is too busy and will ask him to help.

At this time, Wang Daozong no longer had the calmness and calmness of the past, and he was even a little anxious.

He knew how important that secret was to the Wang family.

In case they find the bodies of Dugu Weiwei and Ning Xuanji, and obtain the inheritance of those two, their Wang family will be more than just an aristocratic family who can only arrange formations in the future. He can't imagine that scene.

After a long while, Wang Daozong sighed and said: "If I knew this earlier, I shouldn't have gone to the killer of the Azure Dragon Society to do this.

I thought that the killers of the Azure Dragon Society were all disciplined, but I didn't expect these people to have no professional ethics at all. "

A middle-aged man stood up and said, "That's right, I said at the beginning that this idea from eldest brother is not reliable, and he has to find some outsider.

In normal times, the killers of the Azure Dragon Society may abide by the rules, but in front of Chongbao, who cares about this? Better than we did it ourselves. "

A slightly older martial artist said coldly: "It's easy to say, you didn't object to this at the beginning.

Do we do it ourselves? What you say is simple!

Who does not know the relationship between us and the Zhou family in Fuyang County? Our two families are aristocratic families, and rash action will not only damage the reputation of our royal family, but also cause suspicion.

Besides, in our Wang family, apart from the formation, who is proficient in all kinds of killing methods, what should we do if we don't get it right and let someone run away and spread the news? "

Just when the two were about to quarrel, a warrior suddenly broke in and said loudly: "Patriarch! Not good! All the spiritual blood left by the third master and the others turned black, and everyone died in an instant. !"

Upon hearing this, Wang Daozong suddenly swayed, fell on the chair, and muttered: "Something has happened! Something has happened!"

The so-called spiritual blood is a formation method discovered by the Wang family from the ancient books. As long as someone leaves a drop of blood in the formation, within a month, if the person dies, the blood in the formation will turn black.

Normally, this effect should last a lifetime, but the Wang family's level is limited, and it is impossible to copy the complete array, and this time becomes a month.

But no matter how long it is, now everyone is dead at the same moment, it is conceivable to know what kind of enemy they have encountered. There is a 99% certainty that the person who shot is the Qinglonghui, and the news has been known by the Qinglonghui. !

Whether their Wang family has a map of the final battle between Dugu Yume and Ning Xuanji, or they have the key to break the space, these things are enough to arouse the peeping of the Azure Dragon Society.

In addition, they also used ruthless hands to hunt down the members of the Azure Dragon Society, so it is conceivable what they will encounter.

Everyone in the Wang family suddenly panicked, and now they really have no idea.

The horror of the Azure Dragon Society is directly related to the word murder. Their royal family, which is based on the formation, has provoked a behemoth like the Azure Dragon Society, even if they take out all the formations at the bottom of the box~www is also useless.

Wang Daozong sighed and said: "The organization is exhausted, but I didn't expect it to fail. It seems that such treasures are not destined to be owned by my Wang family.

Boss, find out the roster of all the employers of my Wang family, as long as they can be notified in a short time, tell them all the cause and effect of this incident! "

Wang Daozong is a master of formation, although their Wang family is inconspicuous, but there are many great factions or masters who have cooperated with him.

There may not be any friendship between them, but they can still be in contact with just a simple connection, not to mention that Wang Daozong has to give them such a big news.

The eldest of the Wang family suddenly stood up and said, "Father! If you do this, won't you give away all the efforts of my royal family for so many generations? From the ancestors to the present, isn't our royal family a total emptiness?"

Wang Daozong showed a wry smile and said: "Otherwise, what else do you want? With the power of my royal family, what can I do to stop the Qinglonghui? I can only call everyone. When the time comes, my royal family will voluntarily donate those things, not only can In exchange for the protection of these great factions, maybe I can win a little favor, so that I can support my royal family in the future."

At the age of Wang Daozong, he has seen a lot of things. Although he is cautious in doing things, he is also much more secure. At least his idea is much better than just carrying it.

At the same time, the people of the royal family are also regretting.

If they didn't choose to swallow this secret and kill the Zhou family who were also allies in the past, it is estimated that they would have already joined forces to explore that space.

At that time, the inheritance of Dugu only me, and the inheritance of Ning Xuanji, the two groups of people will be divided equally.

But one word of greed eventually ruined everything.


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