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Chapter 889: one after another

Chu Xiu was going to the Wang family to get the other half of the map. Of course, he also wanted to destroy the Wang family, so he told Ye Xiao that when he returned to the headquarters of the Qinglong Association, he also asked Han Kusong, Song Xiao and others to bring them along.

If you go out, you will destroy the door. This is not Chu Xiu's brutality, but the Qinglong Association must ensure its own strong deterrence.

Right now, the Qinglonghui had just experienced an infighting, and Bu Tiannan had died, and the whole world was watching when he was the new head of the dragon.

I have to say that his reputation as a trumpeter is still not as good as that of Bu Tiannan, so it is inevitable that some people will compare him to Bu Tiannan.

Now that Chu Xiu doesn't want to show his identity, he can only show strength. If you touch me alone, I will destroy you all!

After Han Kusong, Song Xiao and others arrived, Chu Xiu immediately took them to King Fuyang's house.

At this time, in the Wang family, Wang Daozong looked at this old Taoist with a seemingly friendly face in disbelief, but the other party turned out to be the head teacher of Zhenwu Sect, Xuanchen real person Lu Changliu.

In fact, Wang Daozong didn't know Lu Changliu, even if he was a master of formation, he was not qualified to strengthen such a person as Lu Changliu.

The one who knew Wang Daozong was the real Guangning of Zhenwu Sect. The other party was also good at formation. In the past, when Zhenwu Sect was revising the formation, he once invited Wang Daozong to help.

This time, Wang Daozong also passed the news to the real person of Guangning. Unexpectedly, Lu Changliu came in person.

"Patriarch Wang, what you said in the news is true? Do you really know where the Patriarch and Dugu Wei and I went in the last battle?"

Lu Changliu usually seemed to be warm, but at this time he was a little excited.

Wang Daozong still underestimated the secret held by the two of them, especially for Zhenwu Sect.

For so many years, the Zhenwu Sect has never given up looking for news of their ancestors. They want to meet people, even if they die, they have to bring back the body. Of course, the inheritance within the body is also very important.

Ning Xuanji didn't take away the exercises in Zhenwu Sect, but his cultivation base was already sky-high, and he didn't accept a direct disciple in Zhenwu Sect, so Ning Xuanji's own inheritance was very embarrassing. Not passed down.

For so many years, the Zhenwu Sect had no clue. Now that he finally got such a news, it was worth his visit in person.

Wang Daozong hurriedly said: "How dare I lie to you? The news is 100% true, but this news should have been known by the Qinglong Club. Our Wang family has formed some grudges with the Qinglong Club, and we also asked Lu Zhang to save him. My royal family is dead, whether it is the map or the key to enter that space, my royal family will give it with both hands."

Lu Changliu frowned, he didn't expect that this matter was actually related to Qinglonghui.

But it's normal to think about it. Lu Changliu has been in the world all his life, and he hasn't seen anything?

If the Wang family was in trouble, would he be willing to tell him this kind of secret?

For so many years, the Wang family has always kept this secret in their hearts, and now they are taking it out, I am afraid that thanks to the threat of the Azure Dragon Society, they are just a shield.

However, Lu Changliu was kind, he didn't pierce the Wang family's careful thoughts, and he didn't blame the other party for using him, he just said lightly: "Don't worry, since the poor Daoist took your things, he should naturally block this for your Wang family. A catastrophe."

After Wang Daozong heard it, he immediately took out half the map and the box containing the key, took out a key that was almost identical to the Zhou family, and gave it to Lu Changliu.

Lu Changliu said in surprise, "You still made so many keys?"

Wang Daozong laughed dryly and said: "One key can only allow one person to enter, so I have done more, but when other strong people come, just give them to them."

Lu Changliu's expression changed suddenly: "What!? You also told the news to others?"

Lu Changliu could have imagined that if other people also discovered the inheritance of Dugu Yume and Ning Xuanji, they would not care whether it belonged to the Zhenwu Sect, and they would definitely swarm up and start rushing to grab it.

Before Wang Daozong could say anything more, a murderous aura suddenly descended from outside, which made Wang Daozong's eyes suddenly show a look of horror, and said in awe: "The people of the Qinglonghui, here we come!"

At this time, outside the Wang family, just as Chu Xiu approached the Wang family's mansion, a line of formations lit up, obviously sensing the murderous aura of Chu Xiu and others, and began to defend.

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows and said, "Oh, this formation is quite sensitive."

Song Xiao said on the side: "After all, this Wang Daozong started with the formation method, and he still has the ability. It is said that his accomplishments in the formation road are only one step behind the great master."

Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "That's not good. An array mage can honestly study the formation method? You have to covet the inheritance of martial arts. Put the cart before the horse."

As Chu Xiu's voice fell, the Heavenly Dao battle box in his hand turned into a big Yi battle halberd, slammed down, and the powerful Qi burst out. I saw that the formation in front of the Wang family began to shatter layer by layer. In Chu Xiu's hands, he couldn't even hold on to a single move.

At this moment, a whisker swept across, with a strong qi, blocking the power of Chu Xiu's halberd.

Lu Changliu's figure appeared at the door, and he said solemnly: "Everyone, you have to spare people and forgive them. You have the news, do you still want to kill them all?"

"True martial arts, Lu Changliu?"

Chu Xiu squinted at Lu Changliu, and then glanced at Wang Daozong who was hiding behind Lu Changliu. He immediately understood what was going on.

Although this Wang family has done stupid things out of greed, they are not all stupid.

They also know that they can't stop the Qinglonghui by themselves. It seems that they disclosed the news in exchange for others to help.

"You recognize me?"

Lu Changliu was also looking at Chu Xiu at this time with a puzzled look on his face.

This should be Lin Xueyi, the new head of the Qinglong Association who had just killed Bu Tiannan.

But the problem is that he did not perceive the aura of the real fire refining spirit realm from Lin Xueyi, and the other party was only in the real Dan realm.

In this case, how did Lin Xueyi kill Bu Tiannan with the cultivation of the True Core Realm?

Chu Xiu said in a fluctuating hoarse voice, "Who does not know the true martial arts sect headmaster in Jianghu?

If it was just the news about Dugu Weiwei and Ning Xuanji, I wouldn't kill anyone.

But this Wang family is so bold that they want to kill the people of my Azure Dragon Society and keep them, what is the majesty of my Azure Dragon Society? "

Lu Changliu frowned and glanced at Wang Daozong, the Wang family never told him about this.

At this moment, there were another aura coming from the surroundings, each of which was extremely powerful.

The first is two people, a real fire refining **** and a martial arts real pill.

One of them is an acquaintance of Chu Xiu Ying Bailu, while the other is a middle-aged warrior who looks a little strange, but his appearance is somewhat similar to Ying Bailu. Although he is middle-aged, he still looks elegant. elegant.

Chu Xiu also roughly guessed the identity of the other party. This person should be Ying Zhao, the head of the Shang Shui Ying clan.

Regarding the news about Dugu Wei and Ning Xuanji, the winners also take it seriously.

They had originally planned to send Ying Sanshu over, but Ying Sanshu was in retreat recently, so Ying Zhao came in person.

As for Ying Bailu, he is now ready to take over as the head of the family, so once the winner has a big or small matter, no matter who handles it, he will bring him with him and provide him with experience.

After the winner, there is also a real fire-refining **** realm warrior wearing a battle armor, a red cloak, a fierce appearance, and a huge sword on his back.

After seeing Chu Xiu, there was a strange expression on his face, and he sneered: "That fellow Bu Tiannan was killed by a true core warrior, he's a waste."

Chu Xiu can also recognize the identity of this warrior from his dress and tone.

This person is the head of the White Tiger Hall, the mortal enemy of the Qinglong Club, the 'Blood Edge Heavenly Saber' Helian Changfeng.

Speaking of which, this one was unlucky.

The strength of Baihutang is not weak, and each of them is belligerent, and they are born warriors.

But this Helian Changfeng didn't happen to meet Bu Tiannan at his peak, and he was beaten by Bu Tiannan.

Chu Xiu heard what Duanmu Qianshan Bu Tiannan was in a rare state of madness after merging the blood of the Qinglong. He chased and killed him all the way from Dongqi to Xichu, and forcefully took Helian. Chang Feng was knocked down from the real fire refining spirit realm to the real core realm, and he also broke half of the bones of his whole body, which was a miserable one.

However, Helian Changfeng is also very fateful. The blood of the blue dragon that was dragged abruptly to Bu Tiannan was exhausted, and he even started to backlash. Just like Chu Xiu before, he pumped out the blood of Bu Tiannan himself, leaving only the blood of the blue dragon. The uncontrollable state of blood.

If he continued to fight, Bu Tiannan himself was in danger, so Helian Changfeng was able to escape.

However, this kind of injury is not light. Since then, Baihutang has joined the Eastern Qi court and cooperated with it, and Helian Changfeng has been recovering from his injuries.

Now that he has returned to the arena, he does not know whether it is because his injury has recovered, he has returned to his peak, or because he heard the news that Bu Tiannan is dead.

After Helian Changfeng, a few people came from the Eastern Qi court.

The leader was an old man wearing a dragon robe of the Splendid Group.

Chu Xiu didn't recognize this person, but Song Xiao recognized it and told Chu Xiu that this person was a master of the Eastern Qi royal family. 'King of Gaoping' Lu Zhanlu, a close relative of the royal family, has guarded three generations of the royal family. Several warriors in the True Core Realm are all experts in the Eastern Qi Imperial Family's worship hall.

They were all from Dongqi, but Baihutang and the Dongqi royal family were divided into two groups. It is conceivable that the relationship between them did not seem to be so harmonious.

Immediately following the Dongqi royal family, another person came, and when he saw this person, Chu Xiu's eyes showed a hint of coldness that was difficult to detect.

This person is the real fire refining spirit powerhouse of Chunyang Daomen, Chang Yunzi, the leader of the six real people of the temple, and one of the people who fell down on Chu Xiu in the past!


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