Meet The Leader

Chapter 890: must kill

PS: Thanks to book friend Li Wangqiang for the reward of 10,000 starting coins

The moment he saw Chang Yunzi, Chu Xiu's mind instantly popped up several ways to kill.

It's not that Chu Xiu has a sinister mind, he is just such a person.

If you lose, you will hold grudges, and if you win, you will kill your whole family.

That time in the Six Realms of Fantasy and Illusory, he really suffered a suffocation. He was killed by the old monk Jingchan Zhizang, and he was thrown into stone by a group of people.

Trapped in the Blood Soul Orb for more than half a year, in addition to sorting out his own martial arts, the most thing Chu Xiu did was to figure out **** this group of people, and he even made a lot of plans for everyone.

Among them, the ancestors of the Sun family and the ancestors of the Lu family are the easiest, and their loopholes are also the biggest, but Chang Yunzi is a bit difficult.

The other party is the head of the six real people of Chunyang Daomen's guardian hall. He spends most of his time meditating in the Tiangang Palace. He rarely comes out. He didn't expect the other party to come to the door so quickly. Of course, this is not a murder to reveal his identity. Good place.

Lu Changliu looked at these people and whispered to Wang Daozong: "You brought these people?"

Wang Daozong nodded, but with Lu Changliu's cultivation, he couldn't help strangling this fellow at this time. This was simply adding to the chaos.

But at this time, Wang Daozong saw that so many people had come, but he let out a sigh of relief. At the same time, he was glad that the contacts he had formed over the years were all the top forces in Dongqi.

With so many True Pill Realm, and the powerhouse of True Fire Refining Spirit Realm, Wang Daozong also seems to have the confidence.

"Everyone, my royal family is willing to take out all the keys. I only ask you to protect my royal family once today, and half of the map of the weak point in space is in the hands of the Azure Dragon Society!"

Upon hearing this, everyone present immediately turned their attention to Chu Xiu, with different expressions in their eyes.

At this moment, a charming and boring voice suddenly sounded: "What key? What map? You are all gathered here, is there something good that was born? How about bringing one from the slave family?"

A greasy fragrant wind blew, and a woman wearing a veil slowly fell from the air.

She was wearing a purple translucent gauze dress, and the gauze skirt of the lower body began to fork from both sides of the waist, revealing two long white and greasy legs with a slight movement.

Although her upper body was tightly wrapped, the gauze was hazy, and she could even see two red beans standing up from her towering chest.

The most bizarre thing is that she also wears a mask on her face. The mask is a very abstract goddess. It seems that she always has a charming smile, which makes people unable to move their eyes.

The winner's Ying Zhao frowned and said, "Granny Flower, why are you here?"

The woman rolled her eyes at Yingzhao and said, "I hate it, I'm called Mrs. Huagui.

In the western polar desert, the sun is too strong, and people are afraid that the skin will be damaged by the sun, so I just came to the Central Plains to see if there is a good-looking Xiaoxianggong who is willing to spend the spring night with them.

The one next to you is the one who wins the white deer, right? Sure enough, he is a handsome little man, why don't you go back with your sister? My sister promises to make you rejoice. "

Ying Zhao's eyes suddenly became gloomy: "You and my ancestors are people of the same generation, what are you pretending to be? Dare to attack my Shang Shui Ying Clan's idea, believe it or not I demolished your Rakshasa Sect?"

Hearing what Ying Zhao said, Chu Xiu also knew who was in front of him.

One of the eight factions, one of the eight sects of Rakshasa, is one of the masters of the real fire refining spirit, and the flower ghost mother-in-law.

Chu Xiu, a person from the Rakshasa sect, has not had much contact with them. Because the other party is far away in the western extreme desert, Fang Qishao should have had a lot of dealings with them. Chu Xiu only saw one during the battle between the demons in Fuyu Mountain. A warrior known as Rakshasa.

This flower ghost mother-in-law has a very high seniority, just as Ying Zhao said, she is of the same seniority as their ancestor Yingsi, but her reputation is very bad.

This flower ghost mother-in-law is lewd by nature, and she also cultivates a kind of evil art of double cultivation and nourishing. She absorbs the Yuan Yang of young warriors to nourish herself, so that she can maintain her youth and at the same time increase her lifespan.

In the past, there were many young warriors of the great faction who were accidentally tempted by the other party, and as a result, the whole person was replaced by supplementation.

This kind of behavior aroused the anger of many major factions back then, and even went to the western extreme desert to go to the Rakshasa to teach them the truth, which made the flower ghost mother-in-law restrain a little.

"Yoyoyo, the slave family is so afraid."

Granny Huagui patted her chest, and a turbulent wave suddenly erupted, but except for some disciples of the Wang family who lacked concentration and couldn't help staring at him, everyone else seemed to think he was air.

Chang Yunzi and others are so old and weak, and they know the details of the flower ghost, of course, they are not interested in an old woman like her.

Of course, a person who is like a saint who wins Bailu will not be tempted by this.

As for Chu Xiu, this lowest-level sensual temptation didn't affect him at all. Mei Qinglian's concubine Dafa was a hundred times stronger than that of Hua Gui's mother-in-law.

Chu Xiu glanced around at the people around him, took out his half of the map, and said lightly: "Since you all already know what happened, I won't say anything more, I'm willing to take out the map and share it with you all. , let's explore that space together.

But, the Wang family, I must destroy it! No one can still be intact after touching the people of my Azure Dragon Society. "

Lu Changliu sighed and said, "Dragon Head, as far as I know, the members of your Azure Dragon Society did not die, but a large number of people from the Wang family died, and they have to be spared and spared. The lessons the Wang family has received is enough. That's it."

Chu Xiu said lightly: "Have mercy on others and forgive others? This is not the style of my Azure Dragon Society. Over the years, only my Azure Dragon can kill people. When will it be other people's turn to kill my Azure Dragon Society?"

Before Lu Changliu said anything, Chang Yunzi snorted coldly and said, "Master Lu, you are giving this guy too much face, you thought that your Qinglong would be the same as the old Kunlun Demon Sect, and you will kill whoever you want?

With me waiting here today, you still want to kill innocents indiscriminately, which is against you! "

As the head of the six sages of the Tiangang Temple, Chang Yunzi's qualifications in Chunyang Daomen can be said to be quite old, and he is also very concerned about qualifications.

If Bu Tiannan was here today, he might not be so aggressive, but Lin Xueyi was only a nameless person before, and he was only in the real dan realm.

A true alchemy realm martial artist brazenly said in front of him that he wanted to kill someone.

Chu Xiu showed a sneer at Chang Yunzi, because no one could see his smile because of the mask, but he could feel the killing intent in his eyes.

Stepping out one step, Chu Xiu's feet suddenly made a loud noise, and the earthquake cracked, but his figure appeared in front of Chang Yunzi in an instant, and a punch fell, like breaking the sea, mountains and seas Boxing!

Chang Yunzi did not expect Chu Xiu's speed to be so fast, and the power of this punch to be so strong.

Unprepared, he suddenly pulled out the long sword with hot pure yang qi in front of him, and the pure yang qi burst out like a scorching sun, but it was directly shattered by Chu Xiu's punch.

The fist and the long sword slammed hard, and the whole body of Chu Xiu burst out with a real fire of gold and silver.

That punch was like regretting a mountain and breaking a mountain. The booming Chang Yunzi retreated step by step, and the hand holding the sword began to tremble.

"Real fire!"

The expressions of everyone present changed suddenly.

Having experienced what happened to Emperor Chen Qing in the Six Realms of Illusion and Illusory, who doesn't know the horror of real fire refining? That is simply to exert the physical strength to the extreme.

They did not expect that other than Chen Qingdi, there are people who have already walked this road and have also succeeded.

This group of people never thought that something like a real fire body refining could be accomplished in a short period of time like cheating.

Now they know, why this Lin Xueyi can kill Bu Tiannan with only the real Dan realm. The other party, like Chen Qingdi, is an existence that cannot be measured by realm.

Thinking of this, everyone's expressions became solemn.

Before, they thought that Lin Xueyi was only in the real dan realm. Killing Bu Tiannan was probably using some kind of infighting tactics. Obviously, the Qinglong Club had a more troublesome existence than Bu Tiannan. .

At this time Chang Yunzi was a little stunned by Chu Xiu's sudden punch. He really did not expect that the opponent was actually a character like Chen Qingdi.

After reacting, Chang Yunzi squeezed the Daoyin and wanted to fight back, but in the next moment, Chu Xiu turned his fist into claws, and the oracle bone dragon claws in Xuanwu Zhen Gong were displayed. In an instant, Chang Yunzi's Dao Seal was crushed, and then a palm fell, Xuanwu God's palm sank vigorously, and directly blasted Chang Yunzi's whole body.

This series of attacks directly stunned Chang Yunzi. Every time he came up with an attack to deal with Chu Xiu, Chu Xiu immediately switched to another martial art, which caught the opponent by surprise.

It seems that different types of martial arts are in the hands of Chu Xiu, but they are very harmonious, which is simply dizzying.

Gao Ping Wang Lu Zhanlu asked Helian Changfeng, "You Baihutang have been dealing with Qinglonghui for so long, can you possibly see the details of this Lin Xueyi?"

Helian Changfeng shook his head and said: "I can't see it, the real fire body refining was originally created by Chen Qingdi, and now there is a second one, and I don't understand it either.

And his martial arts, I can be sure, it is definitely not the martial arts of the Azure Dragon Society, but the connection between several martial arts is extremely harmonious, there is no conflict, and the power is not inferior to some of the inheritance exercises of the Azure Dragon Society. "

Helian Changfeng subconsciously touched his chest.

Baihutang and the Azure Dragon Society have been enemies from generation to generation, and he even fought with Bu Tiannan in the past. He knows the Azure Dragon Society even better than some of his own.

Because of this, he would be surprised. How did a guy who didn't have the inheritance of martial arts of the Azure Dragon Society and seemed to jump out of a crack in the stone, how did he become the dragon head of the Azure Dragon Society? Simply strange.


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