Meet The Leader

Chapter 903: plan

After the Chu Xiu accident, Wei Shuya's heart was really cold.

Originally, he thought that even if the hidden demon lineage was a mass of scattered sand, how could it be considered an alliance?

As a result, he learned later that the entire Hidden Demon lineage was not even an alliance.

Even if it is an alliance, as a well-recognized face of the alliance was killed, how can it be to take revenge with great fanfare and get face back.

In the end, Wei Shuya came forward and took out his own treasure in exchange for Ye Shaonan's shot, which saved some of the face of the hidden demon lineage.

And afterward, the group of people thought that Wei Shuya's line had no heirs, and they dared to attack him.

Chu Xiu was not surprised by this kind of thing, because he had already seen the essence of the hidden demon lineage, but due to the painstaking efforts of the old man Wei Shuya, he couldn't say much. Now Wei Shuya himself recognized, Chu Hugh has no scruples.

Chu Xiu said in a deep voice, "Old Wei, everyone has their own aspirations, the Kunlun Demon Sect has not been around for five hundred years, and for them, whether it is the Kunlun Demon Sect or the Hidden Demon lineage is more of a symbol.

They are unwilling to take action, and it is useless for you to force it. Now, how many people are willing to help us in the entire Hidden Demon lineage? "

Wei Shuya shook his head and said: "Not much, the Phaseless Demon Sect is one, and my two old friends, the rest are like the Chi-Lian Demon Sect, most of the time they are in the neutral range, Qin Chao was a character first, But his vision can only see the Chi Lian Mozong here.

The rest is like the last time you met Yu Moya, Wuma Sha and the others, they can only be said to regard the Hidden Demons as a temporary stronghold. Although they will not pit you, their minds are not with you.

As for the others, they don't need to think about helping you, it's not bad if they don't fall into the trap. "

As soon as this statement came out, everyone else present was silent.

Some people present, such as Duanmu Qianshan or Lu Fengxian, actually didn't know much about the hidden demon lineage.

They only know that Chu Xiu is the heir of the hidden demon lineage, and his identity should be very extraordinary, but who would have thought that the hidden demon lineage has already rotted into this appearance, and Chu Xiu is the heir. not easy.

Wei Shuya sighed and said, "It's all about offering benefits to trade, old man, I might as well give it to the Moon Worship Cult, at least they have more strength.

However, things are a little troublesome now. Ye Shaonan is currently in retreat. It is said that it is a very important retreat. In the past few months, the affairs of the Moon Worship Cult will be handled by Donghuang Taiyi and the high priest of the Moon Worship Cult. We are going to worship the moon at this time, I am afraid that we will not see Ye Shaonan. "

Chu Xiu shook his head and said: "The Moon Worship Cult is always an outsider. We are a bright demon and a hidden demon. Although it is possible to join forces, it would be unwise to pin all our hopes on the other party."

Wei Shuya frowned and said, "But the **** monk Rama is always a hidden danger. There is no supreme power in the hidden demon lineage. Once the **** monk Rama makes a move, who can stop it?"

For so many years, the Hidden Demon lineage has been a mass of scattered sand, but the power of this mass of scattered sand gathered together is still astonishing. There is no shortage of True Fire Refining God Realm and True Pill Realm. There are dozens of branches, even if they are like Yin The unfortunate sect of Mozong, who is only left with Mei Qinglian, also has the background of the practice.

But why has the Hidden Demon lineage never stood up as high-profile as the Moon Worship Cult for so many years?

Discord is one reason, and the most important reason is actually that the Hidden Demon lineage has not produced a supreme power in the realm of Heaven and Earth for hundreds of years.

Don't look at the existence of the Heaven and Earth Tongxuan realm rarely stepping out of the rivers and lakes, most of which only exist in legends, but the Supreme is the Supreme, with one's own strength can suppress the current world, no one dares to provoke.

There is no such person in the hidden demon lineage. Once they are united together, they are living targets, and they are easy to be directly destroyed by others.

Chu Xiu squinted his eyes and said, "I'll find a way to do this. I can't find anyone who can rival God Monk Rama, but I can find someone who can temporarily block God Monk Rama."

Wei Shuya glanced at Chu Xiu in surprise, but did not ask any further questions.

Next, Chu Xiu directly discussed the strategy with everyone present one by one, and worked out how to deploy the forces on his own side and how to deal with it if the Subhuti Temple and the others really called.

Before Chu Xiu was in the dark, the enemy was clear and we were dark, and he was the active party.

But now that Chu Xiu appeared in front of everyone's eyes, he became an extremely obvious target. He could only be blocked by soldiers and covered by water.

Sometimes the weak in strength is so helpless, and before the war starts, it has already lost the initiative.

The first thing Chu Xiu paid attention to was Zhenwutang. After all, it was the strongest force under his command and the one he cared the most.

Fortunately, Mei Qinglian and Pang Hu were already in Zhenwutang, plus Wei Shuya came forward, so during the time when Chu Xiu was away, although Zhenwutang was a little troublesome, it was not big. On the contrary, his own strength was still there. has risen.

Mei Qinglian told Chu Xiu all this in detail, and at this moment she suddenly showed a playful smile and said, "That little girl from Qinglonghui likes you."

Chu Xiu was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said, "Why did you get involved with this? What nonsense are you talking about, you are only meeting her for the first time."

Mei Qinglian stretched out her finger and shook it gently: "Women's intuition, didn't you realize that the little girl has been staring at me, and the hostility can be felt from far away, as if I robbed her The average man."

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows and said, "It's normal for her to be hostile to you. Most women will be hostile to you."

Mei Qinglian, who has practiced the Dafa of the Concubine, is very attractive to men. If the attraction of the flower ghost mother-in-law is only superficial sensuality, then Mei Qinglian is immersed in the charm of the bones.

This kind of feeling is attractive for men, but for women, of course, it does not feel very good, because the same **** is repelled.

Mei Qinglian snorted softly, "Luo Feihong's little girl has a good relationship with her."

Chu Xiu looked a little weird and said, "Luo Feihong? She can't even be considered a woman."

Chu Xiu knew that Luo Feihong, this woman, dared to go to the brothel to call a girl, and she was sneaking up on Mu Ziyi under his nose.

Therefore, Chu Xiu doubted whether she had completely changed her sexual orientation because she was forced to marry by the Luo family and had a psychological shadow.

"Forget it, let's not say these are useless, after returning to Zhenwutang, immediately shrink all the power, ready to shoot at any time.

Don't worry about him on Xiang Long's side, he's already turned his face anyway, as long as we don't oppose him for the time being, that His Majesty won't be able to say anything. "

Mei Qinglian nodded and stepped back.

At this time, seeing Mei Qinglian leaving, Mu Ziyi, who had been secretly observing Chu Xiu and Mei Qinglian, was relieved.

For some unknown reason, when she saw Mei Qinglian, who was so bright and beautiful, she subconsciously raised a hostility, a feeling that she wanted to push the opponent away from Chu Xiu completely.

Just then Luo Feihong came to Mu Ziyi's side again, and Mu Ziyi suddenly asked, "Sister Luo, this Mrs. Mei from Zhenwutang, has been with Young Master Chu for a long time?"

Luo Feihong was a little curious about why Mu Ziyi cared about this, but she still subconsciously said: "It seems quite a long time, Mei Qinglian used to be Guan Siyu's wife, of course, she was only a public identity. After Guan Siyu died, she followed Chu Xiu that. guy.

In fact, secretly, Mei Qinglian was the saintess of the Yin Demon Sect. She had a good relationship with Wei Shuya and Elder Wei, and was considered quite a status in the Yin Demon lineage. "

Hearing Luo Feihong say this, Mu Ziyi was still a little worried, but after thinking about it, although Mei Qinglian is the saint of Yin Demon Sect, she can also represent the Azure Dragon Society now, which makes Mu Ziyi suddenly balanced a lot. Of course, the most important thing is that she is younger than Mei Qinglian.

Of course, if Luo Feihong knew what she said in her heart, Luo Feihong would definitely laugh at her for being too innocent.

Some men like young men, but it is not ruled out that some men like mature charm.

At this time, after Chu Xiu had negotiated with Mei Qinglian, he went to tell Wei Shuya about asking Wuxiang Demon Sect to take action.

Although Phaseless Demon Sect has always been on the side of the orthodox Kunlun Demon, this does not mean that Chu Xiu can order Phaseless Demon Sect just as an heir.

As a high-ranking person, there must be rewards and punishments for doing things. Now Chu Xiu has not yet led the hidden demon lineage, so if he wants to let the Wuxiang Demon Sect willingly take action, he has to show some sincerity.

Chu Xiu's sincerity is to secretly help the Wuxiang Demon Sect establish some strongholds in the land of Beiyan.

Phaseless Demon Sect, as a deep-rooted power of hidden demons, in addition to jumping out to do things all year round, most of them are relatively hidden, and their sphere of influence is also concentrated in Dongqi, which is vast and rich.

Chu Xiu, as a local snake in Beiyan, if there is a Zhenwutang to open the door to the Wuxiang Demon Sect, the degree of concealment is even better than that in Dongqi.

After discussing this, Wei Shuya asked: "You said that you were sure to deal with the **** monk Rama before. What are you going to do? That is the supreme powerhouse in the realm of heaven and earth, and you must not underestimate it."

Chu Xiu said: "Of course I won't take a peek at a powerhouse of this level.

Mr. Wei, do you still remember what I said before, in that green space, some of them actually practiced to the realm of Heaven and Earth.

Although in that place, it is almost impossible to use true qi, let alone the power of heaven and earth, even the existence of heaven and earth Tongxuan realm can only keep on smashing the flesh.

You say if I bring people out of that place, can I stop Rama? "

This is not a whim of Chu Xiu, but when he found that he could use the Tongtian key in his body to traverse the Green Capital space at any time, he had such an idea.

The old man Shang Tianliang is a real powerhouse in the Heaven and Earth Profound Realm. Wouldn't it be a pity not to use it?


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