Meet The Leader

Chapter 904: trade

When Wei Shuya heard Chu Xiu's plan, he frowned slightly and said solemnly, "Although your plan is fine, I still have to say one more thing, old man, the most difficult thing to control in this world is people.

You can use him, and he can use you. In short, all existences that are not within the control of your own power must be careful. "

Wei Shuya has lived his whole life, what has he not seen? He was also worried that Chu Xiu would suffer in this kind of thing.

Chu Xiu nodded and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Wei, I know what I know. If I don't have absolute certainty, I won't take any risks."

Hearing what Chu Xiu said, Wei Shuya didn't say anything more.

Chu Xiu is not an ordinary junior, and his achievements even made some demonic giants feel ashamed.

He Wei Shuya is old, and he is a little too steady in his work, not decisive enough.

Therefore, he hardly intervenes in these matters, but only mentions it when it is time to make a point to prevent Chu Xiu from being too aggressive at times.

After arranging everything here, Chu Xiu immediately went to the weak place and entered the Green Capital.

He didn't know when Subhuti Temple or Chunyang Daomen would start, and whether they would join forces. Anyway, he had to prepare everything as quickly as possible, and he could not delay for a moment.

Stepping into the world full of yellow sand again, Chu Xiu felt extremely uncomfortable.

Although the outside world is also full of slaughter, it seems extremely cruel, but it is still stronger than this kind of death.

In this area full of yellow sand, Chu Xiu has no sense of direction, even if this is the second time he has entered it.

However, Chu Xiu had left a mark here before. Although a period of time passed, the breath of the mark could still be detected.

According to the breath of the mark, Chu Xiu walked all the way to the direction of the mall.

At this time, most of the people in the mall were digging and building underground secret rooms one by one, and the deepest part was even dozens of feet, which was used to prevent black storms.

Don't look at the current shopping malls, which are made of stones. They seem to be extremely strong, but they can't even hold on for a day under the black storm, and they will be razed to the ground.

Only within a few dozen feet of the ground can we resist the powerful power of the black storm. After the black storm is over, we can go back to rebuild the mall. This is a surefire way for the people in the Green City to spend generations of their lives in exchange for it.

Of course, the premise is that you must have enough savings to withstand the black storm. In the harsh environment of several dozen feet underground, the consumption is dozens of times that on the ground. Often a black storm passes, and many people are suffocated underground. .

But this time, there were rare smiles on the faces of the people in the mall.

Thanks to Chu Xiu's blood-returning pills, the people in the mall this time have the absolute certainty to survive this black storm.

Although the people in the Green City are numb to death, no one is willing to die if they can live.

Shang Qi and Shang Tianliang stood on the city gate, Shang Tianliang sighed: "I haven't seen such a scene for a long time.

Qi'er, grandpa is old, and the time to shelter the mall is limited. The mall will be handed over to you next.

Originally, these were your father's burdens, but now they are on your shoulders. "

Shang Tianliang was actually not too old, he was just over a hundred years old.

In the outside world, existences like the old Celestial Master have lived for more than five hundred years and are still tough, but in the Green Capital, everyone's lifespan will be greatly reduced.

The warriors here cannot condense a lot of infuriating energy to cleanse their bodies. On the contrary, they have to greatly overdraw the power of their bodies, so warriors of the same realm have a lot less lifespan than the outside world.

In Shang Tianliang's state, let alone five hundred years old, it is not easy for him to live to two hundred years old.

Shang Qi's eyes also showed a touch of sadness. If her father hadn't died, she could now help her grandfather to support the mall together.

At this time, Shang Qi suddenly said: "It's all my fault that the person is not trustworthy, Grandpa, you helped him kill people, but he left with those medicine pills.

If he gave us all those medicinal pills, let alone this black storm, we could endure it next time. "

At this moment, a voice suddenly came: "Little girl, don't speak ill of people behind your back, I, Chu Xiu, are notorious for keeping my word. Since I promised you things, I won't go back on it, it's just a matter of early. Just give it and give it late."

Shang Tianliang and Shang Qi turned around abruptly, and standing in front of the mall was Chu Xiu.

The moment he saw Chu Xiu, even Shang Tianliang couldn't calm down.

"You can still enter the Green Capital? So, do you have a secret treasure on your body that can go to and from the Green Capital at any time, or a teleportation formation?"

For people like Shang Tianliang who were born in the green capital, their biggest dream is to leave this ghost place.

Before Shang Tianliang guessed that Chu Xiu and these outsiders should have one-time treasures, which could temporarily break the space, but now that Chu Xiu appeared here, it overturned his previous guess and gave him hope at the same time !

Chu Xiu said lightly: "The owner of the store, don't get excited, I'm here to fulfill my promise and give you the other half of the medicinal herbs, and I will make another transaction with you, the owner of the store. It's not appropriate to talk about it here. How about going in and talking?"

Shang Tianliang suppressed his slightly excited mood, made a gesture of invitation to Chu Xiu, and led him into the city lord's mansion.

Chu Xiu poured out the other half of the blood-returning pills, and said solemnly: "The store owner should have guessed it. I am different from the others. Others only rely on a secret treasure that can temporarily break the space. I can enter this space repeatedly, and even taking people out is no problem.”

Although Shang Tianliang had guessed before, when he heard what Chu Xiu said at this time, both he and Shang Qi had a monstrous wave in their hearts.

This kind of thing is just normal for other people, but for these people in the green capital, it is about their future, the expectations of their ancestors for dozens of generations.

But after the excitement, Shang Tianliang calmed down and said solemnly, "Take us out, what conditions do you have?"

Shang Tianliang has lived in this cruel environment for hundreds of years, fighting with heaven and earth, fighting with people, and his mind is definitely a lot.

If they are useless, then Chu Xiu will never appear here again and say what he says.

Now that Chu Xiu is back, it proves that they are actually useful, and Chu Xiu needs them.

Chu Xiu knocked on the stone table in front of him and said, "I have enemies in the outside world, and there are many enemies. There are countless people who want to kill me."

Shang Tianliang nodded and said, "I see."

Although he had not been in contact with Chu Xiu for a long time, he could find that Chu Xiu was a ruthless man and a lot of tricks. Such a person must be a hero and a devil outside, in short, he is not a kind of good.

It would be strange if such a person had few enemies.

"You have also seen the old Taoist priest I killed last time. The power behind him is very strong, and the power behind my other enemies is also very strong, and there is even the existence of the Heaven and Earth Tongxuan Realm. So I want to take you out, the store owner, and help me block them."

Shang Tianliang's eyes narrowed, and even though he wanted to make a condition, he was interrupted directly by Chu Xiu.

"Mall owner, there is something that needs to be said in advance. Although I am here to trade with you, in fact, I have a choice, but you have no choice. If you don't agree to me, you will never be able to get out. .

I only need you, the owner of the store, and I don't need the others, so I will only take you out.

But don't worry, I also brought more medicinal pills and other supplies. The people in the mall can not only survive this black storm, but don't even have to worry about it in the future. "

Shang Tianliang squinted his eyes and said with a fierce look in his eyes: "You are threatening me with the lives of the entire mall!"

Chu Xiu nodded and admitted generously: "Yes, this is a threat.

Shop owner, you already exist in the realm of Heaven and Earth Tongxuan. You should know how terrifying this realm is. Now your realm is even the same as your ancestors ten thousand years ago.

It's just because you are here in the Green Capital, so you can't exert the power you deserve in this If I take all of you out, in case you turn against me in the future, what will I do? To deal with an existence in the realm of Heaven and Earth Tongxuan?

I have always been very accurate in looking at people. Although you seem to be strict in your work, the owner of the mall, you care about everyone in this mall.

Only when these people are still in the green capital can I use you with confidence. "

Shang Tianliang wanted to say something, but Chu Xiu took the lead and said, "I know what you want to say, the owner of the store, nothing more than saying that you will definitely speak credit and other things.

But sorry, I don't believe it.

I will not put my life on the integrity of the other party. I can only rest assured when I hold the handle in my hand.

But you don't have to worry about the store owner. When I arrive at the Heaven and Earth Tongxuan Realm in the future, I will take everyone out of your store. Even as long as the store owner helps me stop this disaster first, I will also take it out. Some people from the mall took them out.

Now the choice is up to you, the store owner, whether to agree or not.

Shop owner, you better not choose to be hard, you have seen my strength, you can't kill me.

Besides, even if you kill me, you won't be able to find a way to travel through this space. "

After Chu Xiu finished speaking, Shang Tianliang pondered with gloomy eyes, but Lu Jianghe pouted in the blood soul bead.

He knew that Chu Xiu was such a virtuous person that he would not easily trust other people, otherwise Lu Jianghe would not continue to be **** here.

Now Shang Tianliang is the same. Chu Xiu gave him restrictions and hope, but he didn't even give him a chance to turn his face.

As Chu Xiu himself said, it is he who has the initiative now. He has a choice, but Shang Tianliang has no choice.


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