Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 144 The breakup between mother and son and the clown music box

After listening to Levi's words, Edgar suddenly fell into silence, sitting on the sofa by the window, quietly looking at his mother on the bed.

And this sitting turned out to be a whole day!

The setting sun set, and the last rays of the sun fell on Edgar's body, casting a shadow that gradually enveloped his biological mother on the bed.

"Dr. Bruce, you are a professional. Can I ask you a question?" When the sun completely set, the sculpture-like Edgar suddenly spoke, his voice a little hoarse.

"I'm happy to answer it for you!" Levi, who had also been sitting with him all day and seemed restless, nodded quickly.

"Is there any way that can allow people to leave without leaving traces and without pain, and it cannot be detected through technical means?"

"Huh?" Levi's face was stunned at first, and then he seemed to understand what Edgar meant, and turned to look at him with horrified eyes.

The expression management and emotional changes on the face made Levi couldn't help but secretly praise the White Queen. This acting skill can even win a Best Actress!

"Doctor Bruce, after this is done, you can choose to receive a large sum of money, enough for you to live a luxurious life in Hawaii. At the same time, you will also gain the friendship of our Knox family!" Edgar, who had already made up his mind, No more procrastination and cover-up, and directly promised Li Wei a huge profit!

"Gudong!" Levi's throat surged, his eyes kept turning, and he fell into silence. Although he didn't agree immediately, sometimes silence is an attitude!

"Haha!" Just as Edgar stared at Levi with burning eyes, a hoarse and low laughter suddenly sounded in the room.

Edgar's expression changed suddenly when he heard the sound, and he turned his head suddenly as if he had seen a ghost. He saw Mrs. Marsdale, who was lying on the bed like a corpse, now opened her eyes and stared at Edgar with a gloomy sneer. .

"Mother, mother!" Edgar felt dizzy in his head. He was like a child who had done something wrong and was caught by his parents. An uncontrollable panic suddenly surged in his heart!

"He is indeed my good son! He is indeed the heir to our Knox family!" Mrs. Marsdale stared at Edgar with her eyes fixed on him, making a gnashing sound in her mouth.

"I've reached that point, aren't you even willing to wait for the last few days?" Marsdale's eyes were full of disappointment and pain.

She never thought that her son, who had been obedient since childhood, would actually think about how to kill her at the last moment!

"When I die, this title will eventually be yours. Edgar, why did you choose to do this? You let me down so much!" Mrs. Marsdale sat up slowly from the bed, "I will write to The House of Nobles will completely deprive you of your right to inherit the title!”

"That's enough!" The extreme fear turned into anger. Edgar suddenly roared at Masdar. Looking at Masdar's shocked expression, Edgar shouted hysterically, "Do you think I don't know anything? You didn’t even think about passing on the title to me!”

"Do you really think I don't know what was written in the letter you sent to my brother?" Edgar took a breath, straightened his tie that was a little messy due to excitement, and once again fell into a sense of approaching. The calm before the explosion.

"You actually asked him to come to accept your will, tsk tsk!" Edgar gracefully sat beside Marsdale's bed, his voice was smooth and gentle, "I really don't understand, how can I be inferior to him?" Andre, he’s just a loser who only knows about alcohol and mating!”

"Edgar, he is your brother after all!" Looking at the strange son in front of her, Marsdale suddenly felt that her life was a failure.

"I left the title to your brother just to ensure that he will be safe and worry-free throughout his life!" Mrs. Masdar shook her head, "But Edgar, you are different. You have strong blood in your body. Your future should be in Dragon Castle, and It’s not like my wings are bound by a little baron!”

"Haha! Do you know, mother, what I hate most about you is that you are always self-righteous and planning a life that clearly belongs to me!" Edgar's eyes became colder, "Of course I will not fall behind in practice, but I must get the title too!”

"Tell me where you put your will, and I will let you go without any pain!" Edgar stood up and walked to Levi, and gently patted Levi's shoulder, "Of course, even if you don't tell me It doesn’t matter, you can also choose to return to the embrace of the Dragon God with that secret!”

Although he didn't know why his mother suddenly improved, the radiation level in her body was almost 0. She was an ordinary person at this time, and everything was still under Edgar's control.

"Haha! Hahahaha!" Masdar looked at his son who wanted to kill him, and laughed hoarsely. "Edgar, have I ever taught you that the closer you are to success, the more difficult it is to succeed?" Be careful and pay more attention to your enemies!"

"Mother, do you have any tricks that can turn defeat into victory?" Edgar shrugged indifferently upon hearing this, "The entire castle is under my control, and your life and death depend on my thoughts!"

"Tomorrow, news of your death will be sent to the House of Lords, and I will become the new Baron Knox!" Edgar turned to Levi and said, "Doctor Bruce, I will leave the next thing to you!"

"Bang!" But at this moment, a brass box with strange patterns suddenly appeared beside Mrs. Marsdale's bed.

Levi discovered that after killing Barak, the pattern on the box became more complicated again, and there was also a clown's smiling face on the left box.

"Huh?" Edgar was slightly startled by this scene that appeared out of thin air, but the next moment he seemed to have thought of something, and a look of ecstasy appeared on his face, "Strange object?"

"Yes, my son, the name of this strange object is the Clown Music Box. Some people also call it the Demon Box!" Mrs. Masdar stretched out her skinny arm and gently stroked the Clown Music Box. "Are you just Aren’t you curious, why did I suddenly get better when I was about to die due to blood backlash?”

"The clown music box, this is a strange thing that can make wishes come true!" Before Edgar could answer, Mrs. Masdar continued on by herself, "You just need to make a wish to the clown music box, and then make a wish to the clown music box." The clown in the box sacrifices 6 human lives, and the clown can realize his wish!"

"Crack!" As soon as Mrs. Masdar finished speaking, a hand suddenly stretched out from the right side of the demon box to crank the wooden handle, and then it turned on its own. A burst of light but weird music came from the box, "Ding ding ding. ~"

"Not good!" Edgar was shocked when he saw this, and immediately planned to rush forward and kill Marsdale directly.

But the lid of the box suddenly opened, and an invisible energy field spread suddenly, covering the entire room and freezing Edgar for a moment!

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